How to sum two columns in sql without group by - sql

I have columns such as pagecount, convertedpages and changedpages in a table along with many other columns.
pagecount is the sum of convertedpages and changedpages.
I need to select all rows along with pagecount and i cant group them. I am wondering if there is any way to do it?
This select is part of view. so can i use another sql statement to bring just the sum and then somehow make it part of the main sql query?
Thank you.

(ConvertedPages + ChangedPages) as PageCount
FROM Table

If I'm understanding your question correctly, while I'm not sure why you can't use group by, another option would be to use a correlated subquery:
select distinct id,
(select sum(field) from yourtable y2 where = summedresult
from yourtable y
This assumes you have data such as:
id | field
1 | 10
1 | 15
2 | 10
And would be equivalent to:
select id, sum(field)
from yourtable
group by id

Not 100% on what you're after here, but if you want a total across rows without grouping, you can use OVER() with an aggregate in SQL Server:
SELECT *, SUM(convertedpages) OVER() AS convertedpages
, SUM(changedpages) OVER() AS changedpages
, SUM(changedpages + convertedpages) OVER() as PageCount
FROM Table
This repeats the total for every row, you can use PARTITION BY inside OVER() if you'd like to have the aggregate to be grouped by some fields while still displaying the full detail of all rows.


how to sum result of count in sql query from one table and one column

I need to sum the result of count of a column in one query.
Is it possible to have like this query?
SELECT sum(count(pro_id)) from jalasat group by pro_id
You have not mentioned which SQL database you are using so you may modify this slightly to fit it to what you are using:
SELECT SUM(cnt) FROM (SELECT COUNT(pro_id) as cnt
FROM jalasat
GROUP BY continent) as t1

PostgreSQL using sum in where clause

I have a table which has a numeric column named 'capacity'. I want to select first rows which the total sum of their capacity is no greater than X, Sth like this query
select * from table where sum(capacity )<X
But I know I can not use aggregation functions in where part.So what other ways exists for this problem?
Here is some sample data
id| capacity
1 | 12
2 | 13.5
3 | 15
I want to list rows which their sum is less than 26 with the order of id, so a query like this
select * from table where sum(capacity )<26 order by id
and it must give me
id| capacity
1 | 12
2 | 13.5
because 12+13.5<26
A bit late to the party, but for future reference, the following should work for a similar problem as the OP's:
SELECT id, sum(capacity)
FROM table
HAVING sum(capacity) < 26
ORDER by id ASC;
Use the PostgreSQL docs for reference to aggregate functions:
Use Having clause
select * from table order by id having sum(capacity)<X
You can use the window variant of sum to produce a cumulative sum, and then use it in the where clause. Note that window functions can't be placed directly in the where clause, so you'd need a subquery:
SELECT id, capacity
FROM (SELECT id, capacity, SUM(capacity) OVER (ORDER BY id ASC) AS cum_sum
FROM mytable) t
WHERE cum_sum < 26

Adding count in select query

I am trying to find a query that would give me a count of another table in the query. The problem is that I have no idea what to set where in the count part to. As it is now it will just give back a count of all the values in that table.
ID as Num,
(select Count(*) from TASK where ID=ID(Also tried Num)) as Total
from ORDER
The goal is to have a result that reads like
Num Total
1 13
2 5
3 22
You need table aliases. So I think you want:
Select ID as Num,
(select Count(*) from TASK t where t.ID = o.ID) as Total
from ORDER o;
By the way, ORDER is a terrible name for a table because it is a reserved work in SQL.
You can do it as a sub query or a join (or an OVER statement.)
I think the join is clearest when you are first learning SQL
ID as Num, count(TASK.ID) AS Total
from ORDER

SQL Server: How can I use the COUNT clause without GROUPing?

I'm looking get two things from a query, given a set of contraints:
The first match
The total number of matches
I can get the first match by:
FROM Table
ORDER BY ... //I can put in here which one I want to take
And then I can get the match count if I use
... ,
COUNT(*) as MatchCount
FROM Table
??? // I don't really want any grouping
I really want to avoid both grouping and using an aggregate function on all my results. This question SQL Server Select COUNT without using aggregate function or group by suggests the answer would be
... ,
##ROWCOUNT as MatchCount
FROM Table
This works without the TOP 1, but when it's in there, ##ROWCOUNT = number of rows returned, which is 1. How can I get essentially the output of COUNT(*) (whatever's left after the where clause) without any grouping or need to aggregate all the columns?
What I don't want to do is repeat each of these twice, once for the first row and then again for the ##ROWCOUNT. I'm not finding a way I can properly use GROUP BY, because I strictly want the number of items that match my criteria, and I want columns that if I GROUPed them would throw this number off - unless I'm misunderstanding GROUP BY.
Assuming you are using a newish version of SQL Server (2008+ from memory) then you can use analytic functions.
Simplifying things somewhat, they are a way of way of doing an aggregate over a set of data instead of a group - an extension on basic aggregates.
Instead of this:
... ,
COUNT(*) as MatchCount
FROM Table
You do this:
... ,
COUNT(*) as MatchCount OVER (PARTITION BY <group fields> ORDER BY <order fields> )
FROM Table
Without actually running some code, I can't recall exactly which aggregates that you can't use in this fashion. Count is fine though.
Well, you can use OVER clause, which is an window function.
OrderID, CustID, EmpID,
COUNT(*) OVER() AS MatchCount
FROM Sales.Orders
WHERE OrderID % 2 = 1
Try next query:
select top 1
*, count(*) over () rowsCount
*, dense_rank() over (order by ValueForOrder) n
) t
n = 1

adding count( ) column on each row

I'm not sure if this is even a good question or not.
I have a complex query with lot's of unions that searches multiple tables for a certain keyword (user input). All tables in which there is searched are related to the table book.
There is paging on the resultset using LIMIT, so there's always a maximum of 10 results that get withdrawn.
I want an extra column in the resultset displaying the total amount of results found however. I do not want to do this using a separate query. Is it possible to add a count() column to the resultset that counts every result found?
the output would look like this:
ID Title Author Count(...)
1 book_1 auth_1 23
2 book_2 auth_2 23
4 book_4 auth_.. 23
This won't add the count to each row, but one way to get the total count without running a second query is to run your first query using the SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS option and then select FOUND_ROWS(). This is sometimes useful if you want to know how many total results there are so you can calculate the page count.
select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ID, Title, Author
from yourtable
limit 0, 10;
From the manual:
The usual way of counting in a query is to group on the fields that are returned:
select ID, Title, Author, count(*) as Cnt
from ...
group by ID, Title, Author
order by Title
limit 1, 10
The Cnt column will contain the number of records in each group, i.e. for each title.
Regarding second query:
select, tbl.title,, x.cnt
from tbl
cross join (select count(*) as cnt from tbl) as x
If you will not join to other table(s):
select, tbl.title,, x.cnt
from tbl, (select count(*) as cnt from tbl) as x
My Solution:
SELECT COUNT(1) over(partition BY text) totalRecordNumber
FROM (SELECT 'a' text, id_consult_req
FROM consult_req cr);
If your problem is simply the speed/cost of doing a second (complex) query I would suggest you simply select the resultset into a hash-table and then count the rows from there while returning, or even more efficiently use the rowcount of the previous resultset, then you do not even have to recount
This will add the total count on each row:
select count(*) over (order by (select 1)) as Cnt,*
from yourtable
Here is your answare:
SELECT *, #cnt count_rows FROM (
SELECT *, (#cnt := #cnt + 1) row_number FROM your_table
CROSS JOIN (SELECT #cnt := 0 AS variable) t
) t;
You simply cannot do this, you'll have to use a second query.