API response, with multiple error information - api

I was building my API when this question came out:
I am making an API to set or get stuff, for the example i try to set but i have two field with error, what's the best way to answer the errors ?
Answer only one error ?
Answer all the errors ?
In my opinion, answer all the errors is the best solution but not for my boss .
What's the best for this kind of work ?

Definitely all validation errors should be pass back to client.
Moreover, you should specify code of errors, while error message can vary for different situation. Standard error codes can help you to create
tests for your api.
Also you should add versioning for your api from the beginning, because when you open your api for clients it should be stable. And incompatible changes can be done only in next version
of your api


Dropbox getTemporaryLinks API errors description

I received an email from Dropbox states from middle of october get temporary links api will returns an email_not_verified error in case user not verified her email address, so far so good.
I'm able to get the response body from the doc https://www.dropbox.com/developers/documentation/http/documentation#files-get_temporary_link
Since I'm using dropbox java sdk and I'm used to code test first, I was trying to simulate the scenario, but having the json inside the http response, I've an error parsing the json inside dbx library. So I tried changing the status code and, having 409 I got com.dropbox.core.v2.files.GetTemporaryLinkErrorException: Exception in 2/files/get_temporary_link: "other"
but it is not enough, since I need to manage the scenario.. Can someone help me understanding what I can check in the code but first of all, what is the response I've to simulate in my unit test?
Thanks in advance
The other error case indicates that it's an error that the SDK you're using does not recognize. The GetTemporaryLinkError.email_not_verified error is relatively new, so you'll need to make sure you're using a recent enough version of the SDK to be able to identify it. For the GetTemporaryLinkError.email_not_verified error, that is v3.1.0 or later of the Dropbox Java SDK. (It's best to just get the latest anyway, which is currently v3.1.1.)
If you're are using an updated version of the SDK, it's also possible you're just not setting valid JSON for the GetTemporaryLinkError.email_not_verified error case when you're trying to simulate this. You can find the valid JSON for this error case in the /2/files/get_temporary_link documentation. Make sure you copy that as shown there if you're trying to simulate this.
Lastly, to actually catch that error with the Dropbox Java SDK, you'll want to catch GetTemporaryLinkErrorException thrown by getTemporaryLink. To check for the specific case, check the GetTemporaryLinkErrorException.errorValue. The GetTemporaryLinkError.isEmailNotVerified will return true for the unverified email case.

Can't upload new product image backend prestashop

I need a little help here, i hope someone here can help me for a hint or clue.
First of all, I'm not programmer. I'm just web admin who can use cms and basic html.
I was using PrestaShop for my online shop. In the backend, I can't upload new product image anymore.
The error just blank without any sign for me. Here for the screenshot:
I appreciate it, if someone can help me, thanks, and sorry for my english.
#PanjiWiyono This errors don't really give us a quality information, but this is a start. In your JS code should be a ajax query that has an error when converting results to json (first error). You should check what's the exact error that this request is returning by inspecting in browser developer console.
If you detect that the second error is in fact, the response of this ajax query, well now we almost have the problem.
The second error should be related to data size. Check this: Error while sending QUERY packet
Anyway, you should check DbPDO.php class. You can use debug_backtrace function to display the complete stack, but definitly if error is related to a basic PHP class issue you will have not help knowing wich classes are in calling stack.
Good luck.
Simple solution
maybe a extra module is in a conflict with the prestashop core files. go to advanced parameters, performance and disable third party modules and try again.
other option is reupload admin folder with other name and
js folder check again
hope it will work for you

REST API: Is it a really bad practice to create custom HTTP response codes?

Is it a bad practice when writing a RESTful API to use custom HTTP response codes like:
417 - Password not provided
418 - Database error
I see there is a list of standard HTTP response codes. However, from looking at Twitter's API, it appears Twitter tries to return standard HTTP response codes when available but their own error codes when they cannot align the error with a standard HTTP response (correct me if I am wrong).
What is the best practice for response codes (especially for errors) while creating a RESTful API? Any comments on the practice which Twitter chose to use?
Yes, yes it is bad practice... mostly.
One of the tenets of REST is that you work with the underlying protocols, as such HTTP has already defined a good set of response codes.
However, not every situation is catered for perfectly. Take Twitters 'arrest your calm', that response code is used when the request was valid, it simply is not being handled due to too many request being made.
I don't see another response code that quite matches that. The other two options are to either lie, and tell the user the request failed for some other response or give a generic 400 'you did something bad' (then in the body give a more detailed explanation).
I would favour using the generic X00 codes, and use headers or the body to add more detail about what actually went wrong. This at least conforms better to standards and less brittle.
Note though, it is terrible to take an existing error code, and repurpose it. 404 should always be used only for 'not found' errors. Don't start using it because the user can't make that request at this time of day.
The problems in using your own codes are:
The code you choose may get officially assigned to something completely different, and that could break your API in the future. (e.g. compare a 306 with a 301)
Intermediaries don't know what your code means, so cannot optimise anything. The internet works so well because it is a distributed system, not an end-to-end system.
There are generic responses for each category, x00, which should be used if nothing better exists.
You can send your own more specific error code in either the response body or (not as good) a response header. There should be no need to make up your own codes. If you have truly found something that would benefit the rest of the internet and no-one else has thought of until now, you can always submit an Internet Draft to the IETF (this is fairly easy to do).
I would not hold up Twitter as a shining example of good internet practice, though. :)

Magento Rest API Error missing media_gallery

I have completed setting up the Magento Rest API and been able to retrieve a list of product without any errors using the API Example code Magento provides. However when I try to use the create a simple product example provided at http://www.magentocommerce.com/api/rest/introduction.html#RESTAPIIntroduction-Overview
I get the below error.
{"messages":{"error":[{"code":400,"message":"Missing \"media_gallery\" in request."}
I have looked everywhere and can't seem to find out how to fix the error. I don't see any reference here http://www.magentocommerce.com/api/rest/Resources/Products/products.html#RESTAPI-Resource-Products-HTTPMethod-POST-products saying media_gallery is required in the request.
Can anyone shed some light on this error and how to fix it?
I've been looking that up as well, but you can always modify that attribute in magento's administration and just turn it off (catalog/attributes/manage attributes), as in make it NOT required.

Using Imageshack's API

I have tried to make a uploader using imageshacks API but I have not been successful, I don't get an error code so I don't know what the error is.
This is their documentation: code.google.com/p/imageshackapi/wiki/ImageshackAPI
I have a imageshack api key too.
These are some of the websites/codes I have tried:
But none of them have a direct code that I use without having to change most of the code, which I am not good with, I don't have experience with API's.
Edit: I still need help with it.