While using the serviceWorkerRegistration.pushManager.subscribe method from a ServiceWorker, the created endpoint sometimes contains an "/undefined" at the end of the string.
For example, through a Chrome ServiceWorker : https://android.googleapis.com/gcm/send/xxx...xxx/undefined
I must say that I've got a valid Android Sender ID, and if remove this extra part, I'm able to send a push to the user.
Last but not least, this situation has happened with both Chrome and Firefox subscriptions.
Trying to integrate ApplePayJS into my website and getting this annoying message::
InvalidAccessError Code 15
"The object does not support the operation or argument"
Everything seems to have been going well and now nothing works.
If you get this error, in my experience Safari is now dead to ApplePayJS and you must start by force quitting and reopening it again.
Turns out the reason for me what that the ApplePay API completely craps out if you pass a string instead of an object into the completeMerchantValidation.
If what you return from your server is not JSON object, but a string instead then you can do this:
Or better still - fix your server to return a JSON object instead of a string.
Update 4 years later:
I just saw this again today for a real customer as opposed to during my own testing. In this instance the order had succeeded and the customer thought it had failed so attempted to go through the process again.
Oddly it was on this call with the same error "The object does not support the operation or argument."
Since the payment succeeded I've changed my logic to just ignore the exception (for STATUS_SUCCESS only) and proceed to the final page. I don't even know if the ApplePay sheet was still open but even if it was at least when it cancels it will be on the receipt page.
I have also had this issue but with a different reason
Your domain name in the session needs to equal the domain name of your browser. you set the domain name in the backend during in the initiativeContext
Our server OAuth validation via Google has started throwing NullPointerException within GoogleTokenResponse.parseIdToken():
at com.google.api.client.json.webtoken.JsonWebSignature$Parser.parse(JsonWebSignature.java:462)
at com.google.api.client.googleapis.auth.oauth2.GoogleIdToken.parse(GoogleIdToken.java:57)
at com.google.api.client.googleapis.auth.oauth2.GoogleTokenResponse.parseIdToken(GoogleTokenResponse.java:106)
This is new behavior that started today. There was no change to our server code (it has worked for months). The problem occurs only with credentials from one Android device -- I have another that works fine. Refreshing the client's server access token does not solve the problem.
The GoogleTokenResponse is being created by GoogleAuthorizationCodeTokenRequest(), that call succeeds and when I log the GoogleTokenResponse it looks valid:
UPDATE: tested some more and found tokenResponse.getIdToken() is returning null, so I assume that's what's causing the NPE when I call parseIdToken().
What would cause getIdToken() to return null when GoogleAuthorizationCodeTokenRequest() apparently succeeded and there is an access token?
Final resolution: this issue appears to be triggered intermittently by the Google Play Services update in early 2016 to anonymize PlayerID. We were able to fix our problems by changing our server validation of the access token to a newer method instead of relying on the older getIdToken()/parseIdToken() methods. See the last UPDATE below for details
After two days the Android device with this failure mysteriously started to work again. So the cause may be a transient error in the client's Google Play Services state which self-corrected. The fix occurred after a device reboot.
However I'm not certain that was the cause. There are also Play Services changes rolling out to enable authentication without exposing the G+ user ID -- another explanation is the server was not being given scope to retrieve the ID. (If that was the cause, then again the fix must have been deployed by Google as we have not changed anything)
We'll continue to monitor it, if anyone else runs into this add a comment please.
4/19/16 This problem has occurred on a different device. I am wondering if this is related to the Google Play auth changes described here http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2016/01/play-games-permissions-are-changing-in.html?m=1
That explanation is a bit sparse but it does say "The user_id returned by token info may no longer be present with the new model. And even if it is present, the value won’t be the same as the new player ID"
In this case the problem occurred after
Device had previously authorized with Google Play Services in the old G+-style
App data was cleared so re-auth was necessary
During re-auth GPS prompted for the new GPS-only player ID (not real name), which makes me wonder if it switched that device to the new non-G+ ID
Then server calls to tokenResponse.getIdToken() returned null
I'm not yet sure what's happening but researching two areas of concern:
1) Although the Google docs referenced above say "existing players ... will continue to get their Google+ ID" I'm wondering if this is managed per-client. That would be a big problem because we use that ID to store cloud state for a user across devices, so if a user who originally set up their account before the new player ID then installed the app on a second device, they could sign in with gplay but the two accounts would not match
2) If this is the cause, then either our server code fails to work with the new non-G+ player ID, or there is a google back-end bug when a device transitions between the two. This is still confusing though because our prior problem did self-correct after a couple of days, which implies the server code is fine -- but I'm sure hoping the alternate explanation of a bug with google back-end auth is wrong!
I think the issue is related to the new GPS anonymized PlayerID changes. It has been hard to debug because it appears that Google's legacy server auth flow, which requires a non-null GoogleTokenResponse.getIdToken(), fails for a newly created GPS PlayerID, but after 12-24 h the problem seems to self-correct and the legacy Google auth calls begin to succeed including returning a non-null getIdToken().
However I tried implementing the new PlayerID flow in the Step 7 of the google info page above which converts the access token (generated from a server auth code) to a Player ID via www.googleapis.com/games/v1/applications//verify/
This code successfully retrieves a Player ID from the accessToken even when getToken() returns null:
// URL: www.googleapis.com/games/v1/applications/<app_id>/verify/
URL url = new URL("https://www.googleapis.com/games/v1/applications/" + GPlayServicesAppId + "/verify/");
HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
httpConnection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "OAuth " + accessToken);
int responseCode = httpConnection.getResponseCode();
if (responseCode != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(httpConnection.getInputStream()));
String responseJson = (read contents of reader)
// Example response: { "kind": "games#applicationVerifyResponse", "player_id": "11520..."}
I ran some tests, far as I can tell the new method works in all cases where the older G+ getToken() method works as well as fixing the cases where it doesn't, so I believe we can just switch to the new method in the code snippet above and hopefully that will be reliable.
I’m using the rest api to create an envelope, and then configure it using the api sender view call (/restapi/v2/accounts//envelopes//views/sender) to get the DocuSign UI. Creating the envelope and viewing it the first time using sender view to bring up the docusign api works fine.
The problem occurs if instead of sending the envelope I click ‘save as draft’. When I try to go back to the envelope and view it again using sender view I get the following error with http status of 400:
"message": "The envelope is locked. The lock must be released before requesting the sender token for envelope, id = xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx."
The lock seems to wear off after time (apprx 20 mins). However after it wears off I can only view the item once, and then the lock is reapplied. This error only happens on my demo account but not on production, so it seems like it's an account setting, but I can't figure out what/where the setting is.
We have a bug logged on our side where Save Draft isn't correctly
releasing the lock on the envelope. We should have a fix for this issue
in our DEMO environment soon. The locking feature is currently only "ON"
in our DEMO environment but not in our Production environments while we
find and fix potential issues such as the one identified here. More
information about locking is in our February service pack (PDF) release
notes available here: https://www.docusign.com/support/releases.
i'm trying to follow the example code on google's website here, but it seems a little broken - the javascript references getting a list of people from the server, but in the server-side code there's no reference to calling those functions of the api, it just returns an HTTP status code and a text status, so i'm wondering if there's a step missing and i'm exchanging the wrong code at the wrong time.
my current flow is
login button button clicked, magic happens, my callback gets passed an object with a whole bunch of properties in it
I take the code property from that object, and post it back to my server in an ajax request
on my server, i run the following python, where auth_code_from_js is the data of my post request:
oauth_flow = client.flow_from_clientsecrets('client_secrets.json', scope='')
credentials = oauth_flow.step2_exchange(auth_code_from_js)
python throws a FlowExchangeError with the message invalid request and no other useful information
am i missing a step? is that initial 'code' property what i'm supposed to be passing in to the 'step2_exchange' method?
Can I extend the server-side Java Code in Worklight?
For example, there is a class called JavaScriptIntegrationLibraryImplementation under com.worklight.integration.js. Inside this class, there is a method broadcastNotification and I would like to override this method. Is it possible to do so?
The reason is that:
When I make the subscription in client side with option field (e.g. add customType: A), I would like to retrieve a list of devices which have been subscribed to this event source. Base on the option field in deviceSubscrpition, I would like to have some business logic to determine who to send the notification message. For example, I will only submit the message to the user which 'customType=A'.
However, there is no API in Worklight which can retrieve a list of devices which make me to retrieve the list first. Then do the logic in JavaScript and called WL.Server.notifyDevice..
Therefore, I would like to check whether there is any method to retrieve a list of devices (through API / Adapter which connects to DB) which have subscribed to an event source.
This part of Worklight is not extendable. You can try and override this method as you say, but do note this is not supported and we cannot help in this case.
Now that it is clear what you're trying to achieve... what you are looking for currently not available. I will open a feature request for it and it will get evaluated at some point (if you are a customer of IBM, I suggest to get in touch with your contact...).
My suggestion (somewhat hackish in form): you could perhaps use multiple Event Sources, where each event source represents an iOS version. On the client-side, upon app initialization, you can retrieve the iOS version and use it to register to the correct event source (this would be very generic code to allow re-use). In case a new iOS version is released (you will likely know of this in advance), you simply add this event source to the adapter code and re-deploy the adapter. Users of the new iOS version could still register for notification, because you get the iOS version upon init, and use this information to register to the correct event source...
To reiterate:
The adapter contains: ES_iOS5 ES_iOS6
The client:
fetches iOS version, stores it in some variable.
registers to event source, where event source name is ES_${iOSVersion}
if a new iOS version is released, simply create a new event source and re-deploy
the adapter; the client is already equipped to handle this.
i had similar case, i created a custom table where at the time of subscription, I was saving
user ID and event type in custom table. and when user unsubscribe then i also remove details from custom table.
For sending push to users subscribed to a particular "even type" i look into custom table to get list of user IDs subscribed to particular event type, and then i went into Notification user/device tables and fetching corresponding devices and sending Push.
Hope it may help you.