Found unknown Linux distribution on /dev/sdb2: grub configuration dual boot Arch Linux and NetBSD-7.0 - archlinux

I have Arch Linux on /dev/sdb1 and NetBSD-7.0 on /dev/sdb2.
On Arch Linux when I run sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg I get a message like Found unknown Linux distribution on /dev/sdb2 but when I reboot, there is no grub option for that unknown Linux distribution which I know it is NetBSD-7.0.
How can I add NetBSD-7.0 to my grub menu option when rebooting.
There is a similar post, currently looking into it.
UPDATE: I mounted NetBSD partition with sudo mount -t ufs -o ro,ufstype=ufs2 /dev/sdb2 /mnt/ (ufstype=44bsd did not work) and then ran grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg but yet the issue persists.
UPDATE: Rebooted and pressed c to get the grub command line. Following commands booted the NetBSD-7.0:
Ran ls to see the correct name of disks and partitions, /dev/sdb2 on Linux was (hd0,gpt2) on Grub. Then ran the following:
insmod ufs2
set root=(hd0,gpt2)
knetbsd /netbsd
And NetBSD-7.0 booted.
To add NetBSD option to Grub menu, modified file /etc/grub/40_custom on Arch Linux like below:
menuentry "NetBSD-7.0"{
insmod ufs2
set root=(hd0,gpt2)
knetbsd /netbsd
However, after modifying 40_custom like above, NetBSD option does not appear on Grub menu. I don't know why.

Unless you have a typo, it looks like the 40_custom file is in the wrong directory. it should be located at /etc/grub.d/40_custom, notice the .d.
If your /boot is located on a separate partition, make sure that it is mounted with mount /boot before generating the grub.cfg. Otherwise your new grub.cfg won't be used.
Check which partition grub is loading the configuration from by running echo ${prefix} within the grub command line. It's possible that grub is loading the configuration from a partition that you don't expect.
Verify that netbsd was added to the config with grep -i netbsd /boot/grub/grub.cfg before rebooting to avoid some frustration after generating grub.cfg


wrong entry in limits.conf , unable to ssh to host

We have VirtualBox (using vagrant) env , by mistake made an entry in /etc/security/limits.conf [with out having a root shell open:( ] and now I am unable to ssh (the connections drops immediately).
Previously we had one such scenario (limits done by someone else) , was able to fix using vboxmanage guestcontrol copyto CLI and was able to overwrite limits.conf and then ssh was allowed, this time around the vboxmanage CLI also hangs
Tried to open the VM in GUI and went to console and tried few options , but could not get to single user mode.
Since you already tried vbox cli command and the commands hang, it means even virtualbox cannot access the system or get a shell to open.
In this case you will have to bring up a ubuntu VM and use the qemu-nbd module to fix this. The steps are given below.
Bring up a very simple ubuntu vm using hashicorp’s bionic64 on the same host machine by executing the following steps.
mkdir bionic
cd bionic
vagrant box add hashicorp/bionic64
vagrant init
Open the Vagrantfile and change the = "base" to = "hashicorp/bionic64"
Also mount the folder in the host where the .vdi file for the VM is located by adding the following to the Vagrant file by adding the following line(replace the file path with the correct one corresponding to your system. Here /nbd2 will be created on the ubuntu machine and will contain the files including the .vdi file.
config.vm.synced_folder "/home/topcat/VirtualBox\ VMs/your_vm", "/nbd2"
Now do vagrant up
Once the machine boots up
vagrant ssh #to ssh as vagrant
sudo su #to become root
apt-get update #This will refresh the apt cache
apt-get install qemu
modprobe nbd (to check if the module is loaded successfully. Will exit without any output if it is installed)
qemu-nbd -c /dev/nbd1 "/nbd2/box-disk001.vdi" - (Here change the path to whatever you gave in the config.vm.synced_folder property)
mkdir -p /mnt/vdi-boot
mount /dev/nbd1p1 /mnt/vdi-boot
cd /mnt/vdi-boot/etc/security (This folder will have all the files as it were in your VM)
touch limits.conf (if the file is already there, delete it)
chmod 644 limits.conf
chown root:root limits.conf
open the /mnt/vdi-boot/etc/security/nsswitch.conf file and check if the following three lines are present
passwd: files
shadow: files
group: files
umount /mnt/vdi-boot (unmounts the mounted path)
qemu-nbd -d /dev/nbd1 (disconnects from qemu-nbd)
Exit the VM and start the VM
Open another shell and try to ssh. It should go through fine this time.

Unison fails with "ill-formed message" error, same remote & local versions

I'm trying to get unison working after upgrading to Mac OS X Catalina. Unfortunately, macports installs a more recent version of ocaml (4.08.1), which means that the unison 2.51.2 release won't compile.
Well, that's no problem, I just update to git master on unison, and recompile. Unfortunately, this fails at sync time because the version of ocaml used to compile on the mac (4.08.1) is different from the one used to compile on the other machine (4.07.1). Sigh. Okay, use opam magic to install 4.07.1 on my machine. Everything should be fine, right? No!
Here's the error:
Connected [//zzzmyhost//home/clements/unison-home -> //zzzmyotherhost//Users/clements/clements]
Looking for changes
Uncaught exception Failure("input_value: ill-formed message")
Raised at file "/private/tmp/unison/src/lwt/", line 126, characters 16-23
Called from file "/private/tmp/unison/src/lwt/generic/", line 102, characters 8-23
Called from file "/private/tmp/unison/src/" (inlined), line 2105, characters 2-69
Called from file "/private/tmp/unison/src/", line 978, characters 16-56
Called from file "/private/tmp/unison/src/", line 1066, characters 6-90
Called from file "/private/tmp/unison/src/", line 1088, characters 19-66
Called from file "/private/tmp/unison/src/", line 1144, characters 21-43
What's going on?
Sigh... the problem here (very non-obvious) is actually with a corrupted/wrong-format syncronization file, created when doing the failed sync in the earlier test.
The solution is just to go into ~/Library/Application Support/Unison (on a UNIX machine this path would presumably live in ~/.unison and delete the archive file that's causing the problem (probably the most recent one). In a pinch, just delete all of the archive files and start over.
I've got the same problem between Windows and Ubuntu 20.04 after upgrading from Ubuntu 18.04. I tried the binary from Ubuntu 18.04 in 20.04, which still fails, so the incompatibility is likely inside one of the dependencies.
As a workaround I created a Docker image based on Ubuntu 18.04:
FROM ubuntu:18.04
RUN apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y
RUN apt-get install unison -y
RUN useradd martin --home /home/martin
WORKDIR /home/martin
USER martin
Building it with docker build -t unison:18.04 .
And then I added a wrapper to ~/bin/unison-2.48.4-docker:
docker run --rm -i \
-v /home/martin/dirtosync:/home/martin/dirtosync \
-v /home/martin/.unison:/home/martin/.unison \
--hostname $(hostname) \
unison:18.04 unison "$#"
Setting the --hostname is important, since the hostname is part of the archive file.
Inside the profile on my Windows machine I configured:
servercmd = ~/bin/unison-2.48.4-docker
In my setup with two windows clients and one Ubuntu 18.04 server, connected by ssh, the problem startet with a second server running on Ubuntu 20.04. Neither the old server nor the windows clients could sync with the new machine.
My solution: Copying the binary from Ubuntu 18.04 to a new directory in the Ubuntu 20.04 machine. This new file is referenced in the "authorized_keys" file of ssh on the new machine.
So far, everything works great with unison 2.48.4.

Use gnome-terminal in codelite instead of default terminal

I'm trying to get gnome-terminal to work in codelite under
setting > preferences > terminal
I tried
gnome-terminal -x '$(CMD)'
but it gives me the following error
Failed to execute child process "/bin/sh -f /usr/lib/codelite/codelite_exec ./program" (No such file or directory)
I'm running Linux Mint 18.
Solution is to run
sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator
from a terminal and select
as default terminal.
CodeLite uses x-terminal-emulator. So as long as you define x-terminal-emulator to point to the correct terminal it will work.
See this post for more information
I just came across this problem after upgrading to CodeLite 10.0 from the CodeLite repository. The problem occurs because CodeLite is now installing things in different directories - namely codelite_xterm and codelite_exec, which are now installed to /usr/bin/.
For me, on Ubuntu 16.10, I found the easiest solution was to change Settings > Preferences > Terminal to:
/usr/bin/codelite_xterm '$(TITLE)' '$(CMD)'
You can then run:
sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator
to select the terminal you wish to use (the default on Ubuntu 16.10 is gnome-terminal, so you won't have to run the last command if you're happy with gnome-terminal).

Changing password of a Virtual Machine

I have some virtual machines with me. I want to write a script which automates the following process...
It mounts the virtual machine (with linux as the os) to a location say /mnt/image
It modifies the /etc/passwd (or the equivalent file) to change the password of the user
Unmount the virtual machine
Since, I am using libvirt I am having some qcow2 images of the virtual machine. to mount the image on my ubuntu, I am using nbd module. Here are the commands that I am trying :
modprobe nbd max_part=63
qemu-nbd -c /dev/nbd0 image.qcow2
mount /dev/nbd0p1 /mnt/image
It gives me the error:
mount: special device /dev/nbd0p1 does not exist
When I replace nbd0p1 with nbdo I am getting the following error (though I am not sure what I am trying to do by this)
mount: you must specify the filesystem type
Any suggestions so as what could be the problem... ?
Check that /sys/modules/nbd/parameters/max_part has the expected value. If it's 0 or too low, the partitions /dev/nbd0p1, etc. will not be made available by the kernel. This can happen if the nbd kernel module was already loaded (with a different max_part parameter) when you ran modprobe.
You can fix that by unloading the module and modprobing it again.
[Not a direct answer to the question, but an alternate]
You can try to convert qcow2 image to raw and then, mount the raw image.
qemu-img convert -f qcow2 image.qcow2 -O raw image_raw.raw
sudo losetup /dev/loop0 image_raw.raw
sudo kpartx -a /dev/loop0
sudo mount /dev/mapper/loop0p3 /mnt/image
sudo mount /dev/mapper/loop0p2 /mnt/image/boot
Could it be that the partition isn't in the first slot in the MBR, or an extended partition is in use? Check to see if any other nbdXpY device nodes are being created, or run fdisk on it and print the partition table.
I stumbled on the same issue and same error but on a vdi
qemu-nbd -c /dev/nbd0 image.vdi
for me the solution was simple I just changed nbd0 to nbd1
qemu-nbd -c /dev/nbd1 image.vdi
and then:
sudo mount /dev/nbd1p1 /media/eddie/virtual
Please leave a comment if this worked for you also and on what type of image.

libvirt and VirtualBox / Getting Started

I'm trying to get started on libvirt with VirtualBox as a virtualization solution. I installed everything and VirtualBox itself is running when using their VBoxHeadless command.
However, libvirt fails to connect to VirtualBox:
# virsh -c vbox:///session
libvir: error : could not connect to vbox:///session
error: failed to connect to the hypervisor
I could not find any hints in the libvirt documentation that point to whether I have to make any domain specific configuration before using virsh.
Does anyone have a hint? Or even better, maybe a tutorial that works through the way of using libvirt, virsh or it's APIs (my later goal) from the ground up.
If you are doing this on Ubuntu, then the problem is their libvirt package is built without VirtualBox support.
You can rebuild the package with support very easily. Something like:
apt-get source -d libvirt
sudo apt-get build-dep libvirt
dpkg-source -x libvirt*dsc
Go into the libvirt directory and edit debian/rules so that instead of --without-vbox it says --with-vbox. You can add an entry to the top of debian/changelog so the package is compiled as a different version (e.g., append ~local1 to the version).
dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -b -rfakeroot
You'll get new .debs built in the directory above. Use dpkg -i to install the relevant ones (libvirt0, libvirt0-bin, and whatever else you want).
Double-check whether or not you have write access to /var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock.
The socket file should have permissions similar to:
$ sudo ls -la /var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock
srwxrwx--- 1 root libvirtd 0 2010-08-24 14:54 /var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock
I think it could be helpful also to increase the libvirt logging capabilities by running this in your shell:
There is Ubuntu PPA for libvirt with VirtualBox support: