Whether it is possible to add redirect link in RAML file e.g. to another API version? - api

As in subject, I have two RAMLs files one is related with v1 API version, second one is belongs to v2 API version. My problem is that, if I pass to someone my root url with API documentation I wan't to be sure that when someone enters into API v1 page he will be able to se some info ("This is old api version please go to API v2: link") and redirect link to API v2?
Is any way to put this redirect link into v1 RAML file?
Thank for any responses

The documentation section supports Markdown so you can easily insert a link there.

yes You can add Direct URL if its not working then you can try bellow syntax as well
"redirecturl":"URL Location"


DownLoad VichBundle file Api Platform

I'm using API platform with VichBundle to store file on the back side and React Native on the Front side.
I've followed the documentation of API platform and the upload part is working well, but I don't know how to download the document.
When I make a GET request I have the entity with the url of the file but I can't do a GET request with this url because there is no route to this file.
Can somebody give me an exemple of how to download file with api platform and Vichbundle.
If you are following Api Platfom's documentation your files should be uploaded to your project's ./app/public/media/ folder and available making an HTTP GET request to http(s)://<yourdomain>/public/media/<filename>.<extension>. Just open the URL in your browser.
To get the exact url query yout API for me mediaObject information (for example, /api/media_objects/{id}) and check the contentUrl property.

Is it possible to share RAML file via APIKIT Console?

We want not just to share the API console that is provided via apikit component in a Mule application, but also the raw RAML file so consumers can create their own clients based on the RAML. As far as I know, there is not user friendly way to download the published raw RAML file from within the APIKit console. I just found that one can point to the /api url and do a GET with "application/raml+yaml" content-type, but it is not user friendly enough. Any clues? Thanks
You can use the URL to your console with ?raml on the end of the url.
In at least Mule 4.3.0 (maybe earlier), you can append ?api to the console URL, e.g.

Why do I get response code 301 for every API request?

I am trying to use BigCommerce's Playground but I always get response code as 301 with no product results.
I am working with BigCommerce for the first time and my client has his own domain name so the API path that I have is https://my-domain-name/api/v2/
In the BC developer portal playground, you need to use just the store URL. Full API path is not required.
I think if you remove the api/v2/ from the API path, it should work.

Magento Rest API Oauth URL Returning 404

From the Magento wiki at:
When getting an API token you start off by getting an Unauthorized Request Token at:
However, my code does not work and when I browse to the above url in my browser I get a 404.
I am appending shop store code to the base url (eg www.mystore.com/en/) I don't know if this alters anything.
The Magento Wiki has a typo:
$adminAuthorizationUrl = 'http://yourhost/admin/oAuth_authorize';
Should be:
$adminAuthorizationUrl = 'http://yourhost/admin/oauth_authorize';
I struggled with this one for most of the day, so here's a late contribution in case it helps anybody:
The authorization URL that's documented by Magento, admin/oauth_authorize, assumes that you're not using a custom URL for your admin access. "admin" is the standard URL to access the Magento dashboard, but many people change it for security. If you have changed your admin URL to something other than "admin", use that instead.
IOW if you access your Magento dashboard at https://yoursite.com/foo, then your authorization URL is foo/oauth_authorize.
I also had the problem, that the following request returned the 404 http status:
The solution was quite simple: In case if you are using multiple stores and/or store views on the same domain, don't forget to add the url path which maps to the store view. E.g.
I just had the same problem. Not many similar problems to be found and no solution. This is strange because this seems to be a missing config option 'global/request/direct_front_name', which isn't set in Core/Oauth module. How can all the tutorials work without this important setting!?
Without "oauth" setting being there, every call to /oauth/[controller] leads to "noRouteAction" being resolved (see. Mage_Core_Controller_Request_Http::setPathInfo() and Mage_Core_Controller_Request_Http::isDirectAccessFrontendName($storeCode)) instead of default indexAction.
So, the solution is to set this setting in local config or an own extension as follows
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Afterwards you can finally get the token at least. I'm checking the further process now.
There is one subtlety don't forget the http:// so your call to the store should be
Also there is more to REST services setup then on the link you posted, it is only an overview. There is a ton of configuration on the store before you will actually get a rest response and when the user isn't recognized, unauthorized or without proper ACL privileges you will get 404 or 500 responses. I guess that deters hackers but it is a bear to trouble shoot. I've been down this road and although I am using an automation tool the Setup of the store and troubleshooting is the same.
Take a look on my blog I keep it up to date with my adventures with the Magento REST API
Rich Borek

google weather api links need human authentication

I developed a weather app using google weather API
but from today it stopped working.
When I tried to access the weather API using location through browser it asks for human authentication.
How can my app work when it is like this? Is there a way to bypass the authentication process?
It's very odd behavior...I wonder if it has something to do with headers that are passed along as when I try loading the API url in Chrome, Unsupported API...or if I do same URL in Firefox, works just fine.
It's also worth noting that I tried setting up an Apache Proxy to Google's weather service by placing the following two lines in a separate Web Server's apache config and referenced the API via www.domain.com/weather/api?weather=Chicago and it still works...so that's my workaround for now:
ProxyPassReverse /weather/ http://www.google.com/ig/
ProxyPass /weather/ http://www.google.com/ig/
Try to change domain, ex: http://www.google.ca/ig/api?weather=Sondrio . It works (for now :D).
Looks like it is out of use from now on
Even using .CA it returns Unsupported API randomly.
Yeah, interesting, Google seems to send back random "Unsupported API" responses if the request is missing the cookies that the browsers (tested with Chrome and Firefox) are including with requests to the inofficial weather URL.
I've fixed my application by copying the entire "Cookie:" header I found when I ran the request in Firefox with Firebug's "Net" tab enabled.
Not sure where on .google.com the browser got the cookies from yet, I presume from using a personalized service like gmail.
if you are looking for a weather API that works right now, I have a suggestion…
Try Metwit Weather API, it's new but sounds very cool…
This api is really simple to use because it use standards that are available nowadays, like JSON and REST.
you can use this new api this has the same xml structure of google weather api