MVC/Bootstrap - Render data in modal pop-up -

I'm fairly new to MVC and Bootstrap and looking for some advice on what I imagine is a fairly simple scenario...
I've got two models:
The two models share a common primary/foreign key reference (PersonID)
The view for Person simply renders a list of names:
What I'm looking to do is render a modal pop-up when someone clicks on one of these names, and display the corresponding data from PersonDetails (based on the common PersonID relationship).
I've got the simple views working, as well as a quick example modal pop-up. What I'm having trouble with at the moment is how to go about getting the PersonDetails data into the modal pop-up.
Can someone give me some pointers as to how I should best go about achieving this? As I mentioned I'm fairly new to MVC/Bootstrap so any information would be much appreciated.

I would use a partial view to store the modal header, body and footer and pass the person name (or ID) to the controller using an AJAX call, returning a PartialView, which will will be placed in your modal div on success.
This SO answer explains it pretty well:


Comment functionality on every page in Yii 1.1

I am using Yii 1.1.16 for one of my projects.
I have 5 controllers at the moment, and their data is coming from their respective models.
Now I want to add new functionality into my website, regarding comments. I want to add a form at the bottom of each view, but obviously the data will be coming from another database table (I have created a new model for that).
I am confused. Should I create 5 different forms in HTML for my problem, or can I use Yii widgets functionality to implement the same?
The Comment table would be the same for every user in the database. Comments will be coming with the help of their user id, which is stored in the table, and their comment will be inserted with the help of their user id, too.
Please let me know the best solution you can think of.
I suggest to create one widget for displaying comments section and one controller for handling request from this widget (for example adding new comment or displaying different page of comments list). In this way adding comments for any section should require only few lines of code to initialize widget:
$this->widget('CommentsWidget', [
'parentId' => 'page-' . $model->id,

Custom odoo module - how to make a table

I am creating a custom module with additional part numbers on a separate tab in the products screen. I have built the module, but am having trouble figuring out how to display the information so it matches the layout in the attached image. I have tried tree view but have not been able to get the fields on the same line. Can this only be accomplished through css or is there a table view that I am not aware of?
I also need to make sure that all of the information in row 1 stays tethered together for additional forms, etc. My plan is to make the field names for each row end with a different number (i.e. x_mfrname1,x_mfrpn1,x_mfrname2,x_mfrpn2, etc.). Can somebody please just tell me if I am on the right track. This is the initial Odoo setup for a client of mine and I don't want them to come back to me down the line and find out I forgot something. I have been scouring the internet and reading a few books but I am not completely confident.
Here is a link to a layout of what I am talking about:
MFG Part Number Tab
class sub_part_details(models.Model)
primary_pn=fields.Boolean('Primary P/N')
class part_details(models.Model)
main_ass=fields.Char('Main Assembly')
It might be helpful

Yii - Create items list

is there a simple way of creating a list with editable elements (add/remove) on a page?
Something simillar to the users managing list, where you can add and delete users.
For example, you got a table in DB with 2 columns - "Name" and "Value", and rows like
"Onion"-"10" and "Potato"-"20". The idea is to display the table on a page and make it editable.
Sounds simple but im new in Yii, just yesterday learned about it, did first app and other stuff from guides, but there is no guide how to create things like that manually (so far i was installing widgets mostly)
The component you need is CGridView. Take a look to this website.
Yii Playground

Get ancestor object of un-saved object in Hobo

I'm working on a Hobo app trying to tie together a few models properly.
Activity objects have many Page children. They also have many DataSet children.
Page objects have several different kinds of children. We'll talk about Widget children, but there are several types with the same issue. An instance of a Widget belongs to a Page but also has a belongs_to relationship with a DataSet. Here's the important point: the DataSet must belong to the containing Activity. So for any given #widget: === #widget.data_set.activity
It's easy enough to enforce this constraint in the model with a validation on save. The trick is presenting, within the Widget's form, a select menu of available DataSets which only contains DataSets for the current Activity
I was able to get this working for existing objects using a tag like this:
<data_set-tag: options="&DataSet.activity_is(&" />
However, for a new Widget, this fails messily, because either &this or & is not yet set. Even for a route which contains the page ID, like /pages/:page_id/widgets/new, I'm not really able to get an Activity to scope the list of DataSets with.
If this was proper Rails, I'd get in to the relevant controller method and make the Activity available to the view as #activity or something of the sort, but in Hobo the controllers seems to be 95% Magicâ„¢ and I don't know where to start. The knowledge of which Activity is current must be in there somewhere; how do I get it out?
This is Hobo 1.3.x on Rails 3.0.x.
ETA: The code producing the errors is in the form tag for Widget, like so:
<extend tag="form" for="Widget">
<old-form merge>
<field-list: fields="&this.field_order">
<data_set-tag: options="&DataSet.activity_is(&" />
As I said above, this works for editing existing Widgets, but not new Widgets; the error is undefined method 'page' for nil:NilClass. Bryan Larsen's answer seems to suggest that & should not be null.
it looks like you tried to post this question to the Hobo Users mailing list -- I got a moderation message, but it doesn't appear that your post got posted, nor can I find it to let it through. Please try reposting it, there are several helpful people on the list that don't monitor the Hobo tag here.
In Hobo 1.3, the new action doesn't support part AJAX, so there really isn't much magic. You can just replace the action with your own:
def new_for_page
#activity = Activity.find(...)
#page = Page.find(params[:page_id])
#widget =
There is a little bit of magic referenced above: if you're in WidgetsController, assigning to #widget will also assign to this.
But as you said, the knowledge is obviously in there somewhere, and your custom controller action shouldn't be necessary.
This statement seems wrong: However, for a new Widget, this fails messily, because either &this or & is not yet set.
It looks like you're properly using owner actions. /pages/:page_id/widgets/new is the route. In widgets_controller it's the new_for_page action. In a new or new_for action, this is set to an unsaved version of the object. In your action, it should have been created with the equivalent of Page.find(params[:page]) In other words, both this and should be populated.
I'm sure you didn't make your statement up out of thin air, so there's probably something else going on.
In the end, it turned out to be syntax. Instead of
<data_set-tag: options="&DataSet.activity_is(&" />
I needed
<data_set-tag: options="&DataSet.activity_is(" />
(note the #).
We actually made this into a helper method, so the final code is
<data_set-tag: options="&DataSet.activity_is(activity_for(#this))" />

Multiple Views in One Template

I have two views:
1 - DisplayInfo (displays information from User Table)
2 - AddTopics (Adds data into the Topics Table)
and one template:
1- Test.html
The problem I have is, I can't display the stuff I want from both views on the template, only one of them. I have associated both views in, but the will read the first instance rather than both, so only one view gets displayed on the template, and ignores the other.
Well, I have figured out a temporary solution. I have used a iFrame to load a second template into my main template. It by far not the best solution, but it's better than having no solution.
I'll keep the question up here, just in case someone else has the same problem, or if another has a better solution.