How do you throw Lua error up? - error-handling

Is it possible to throw a Lua error from a function to be handled by the script calling the function?
For example the following will throw an error at indicated comment
local function aSimpleFunction(...)
string.format(...) -- Error is indicated to be here
aSimpleFunction("An example function: %i",nil)
But what I would rather do is catch the error and throw out a custom error by the function caller
local function aSimpleFunction(...)
if pcall(function(...)
end) == false then
-- I want to throw a custom error to whatever is making the call to this function
aSimpleFunction("An example function: %i",nil) -- Want the error to start unwinding here
The intention being that in my actual use cases my functions would be more complicated and I would like to provide more meaningful error messages

The stack level of an error can be specified when throwing a new error
error("Error Message") -- Throws at the current stack
error("Error Message",2) -- Throws to the caller
error("Error Message",3) -- Throws to the caller after that
Usually, error adds some information about the error position at the beginning of the message. The level argument specifies how to get the error position. With level 1 (the default), the error position is where the error function was called. Level 2 points the error to where the function that called error was called; and so on. Passing a level 0 avoids the addition of error position information to the message.
Using the example given in the question
local function aSimpleFunction(...)
if pcall(function(...)
end) == false then
error("Function cannot format text",2)
aSimpleFunction("An example function: %i",nil) --Error appears here

Use the error function.
error("something went wrong!")

Catching an error is as simple as using pcall
--Error Somehow
local success,err = pcall(My_Error)
if not success then
Undoubtedly you're asking how this works. Well pcall runs a function in a protected thread (protected-call) and returns a bool, if it ran successfully, and a value (what it returned/the error).
Also don't think this means arguments to the function are impossible, simply pass them to pcall as well:
--Error Somehow
local success,err = pcall(My_Error, "hi")
if not success then
For more error handling control, see and


How would I print out errors?

In the software called Roblox studio I need help making a script that whenever an error happens in game, it would print out the error again using the normal print function something like this example here:
Local error = —-whatever the error that happened was
Print(error) —- so it just simply prints it back out
Roblox provides a few different ways to keep track of when errors are thrown in your Scripts and LocalScripts.
If you want to observe errors locally in a script, and you know a specific chunk of code may throw errors, you can use pcall() as a try-catch block.
local success, result = pcall(function()
error("this is a test error message")
if not success then
print("An error was thrown!")
print(result) --"this is a test error message"
If you want to observe errors across all of your scripts, you can attach a callback to the ScriptContext.Error signal. This signal fires any time any error is thrown. It provides information about the error, including the message, the callstack, and a reference to the script that threw the error.
Warning : ScriptContext.Error only fires in the context of the script that registers it. A Script will only observe errors thrown in server scripts, and registering in a LocalScript will only observe errors thrown on the client.
local ScriptContext = game:GetService("ScriptContext")
ScriptContext.Error:Connect( function(message, stack, context)
print("An error was thrown!")
print("Message : ", message)
print("Stack : ", stack)
print("Context :", context:GetFullName())
Similarly, if you only care about the error messages themselves, you can also observe them being printed out to the Output window using the LogService.MessageOut signal. This signal fires any time anything is logged to Output. This includes messages, warnings, and errors.
local LogService = game:GetService("LogService")
LogService.MessageOut:Connect( function(message, messageType)
if messageType == Enum.MessageType.MessageError then
print("An error was thrown!")
Use the stderr stream from io library to print debug messages.
-- Define debug function based in print
function debug(...) io.stderr:write(table.concat({...}, '\9') .. '\n') end
-- Debug acts as a regular "print()", but it writes to stderr instead
debug('[filename.lua]', 'debug')
Use "error()" function to print errors.
if true then
error("It should not be true!")
If you want to catch errors from a function, use xpcall()
-- Define debug
function debug(...) io.stderr:write(table.concat({...}, '\9') .. '\n') end
local b = {}
-- This will throw an error because you cant index nil values
debug('[xpcall]', err)
xpcall() wont stop the execution in case of error, so you only need to encapsulate your code in it if you want to catch any unexpected errors at runtime.

make SQL query fail on condition

For XYZ reason I need a query to explicitly fail (return error code to connection) if some condition is met (on Snowflake).
Can someone recommend an approach?
Some illustration in pseudo-code:
I like Simeon's approach, but you may want a custom error message if this is running in a long script. Throwing an error in a JavaScript UDF will allow custom (if untidy) error messages:
create or replace function RAISE_ERROR(MESSAGE string)
returns string
language javascript
throw "-->" + MESSAGE + "<--";
case (select count(*) from XYZ)
when 0 then raise_error('My custom error.')
else 'There are rows in the table'
If there are no rows in XYZ, it will generate an error message that reads:
JavaScript execution error: Uncaught --> My custom error <--. in RAISE_ERROR at '
throw MESSAGE;' position 4 stackstrace: RAISE_ERROR line: 2
It's not the tidiest of error messages, but it will allow you to embed a custom error message if you need help identifying the error. The arrows should help direct people to the real error message thrown in the stack.
SELECT IFF(true, 1::number, (1/0)::number);
SELECT IFF(false, 1::number, (1/0)::number);
Division by zero

Zerobrane: fractal-samples: zplane.lua is exiting with an error

I tried out some of the samples coming along with ZeroBraneStudio.
spirograph-samples are working fine. May be there should be also a wait() statement at the end of the livecoding-samples and the fractal-samples. Otherwise the graphic window disappears at the end of execution. For
fractal-samples: zplane.lua I get an error:
Zoom: {1}
Cent: {0,0}
Area: {-2,2,-2,2}
/Contents/MacOS/lua: ./fractal.lua:123: attempt to index local 'C' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
./fractal.lua:123: in function 'Draw'
..ts/ZeroBraneStudio/myprograms/fractal-samples/zplane.lua:103: in main chunk
[C]: at 0x00001c80
In my version of fractal.lua there is no reference to C variable on line 123. I'd try a newer version, as I don't see any issue with the execution of zplane.lua with the current version of fractal.lua.

Get a 'clear' error message in Lua

I am using the error function in quite a few of my functions and would like to propagate the error messages to the user. However, I obviously don't want to include information about where the error occured exactly; this information should only go to the log files.
For example, I have a class that manages the connection to a server. If the connection times out, it calls
error("Connection timed out!")
The error message is then caught by the calling code via pcall. However, the message contains not only the message I passed, but also the name of the file that caused the error and the line number:
common/net/enetclient.lua:21: Connection timed out!
The question is: Is there any way to only retrieve the error message itself, or do I have to do this manually like following:
local status, msg = pcall(someFunctionThatThrowsErrors)
if not status then
local file, msg = msg:match("(.-:%d+): (.+)")
print("Error: " .. msg)
From the documentation of the error function:
error (message [, level])
Terminates the last protected function called and returns message as the error message. Function error never returns.
Usually, error adds some information about the error position at the beginning of the message, if the message is a string. The level argument specifies how to get the error position. With level 1 (the default), the error position is where the error function was called. Level 2 points the error to where the function that called error was called; and so on. Passing a level 0 avoids the addition of error position information to the message.
From what is stated in the second paragraph, adding a level of 0 to the error call will result in the desired output:
error("Connection timed out!", 0)

Unhandled exception when using VB arithmetic operators

I have a function that loops through a list of servers, and then for each carries out a number of functions.
At the beginning each iteration, I need to calculate which 'step' the process is currently at (so that a progress bar can be updated correctly), but this line is causing an error -
Me.CurrentStepLoop = ((Me.CurrentServerLoop - 1) * Me.ServerSteps) + 1
All three of the referenced properties are integers, and the values are quite low (I.e CurrentServerLoop has a maximum of 6 and ServerSteps has a maximum of 20, soCurrentStepLoop can be no more that 101 from this equation.
Here is the error that I am getting -
An unhandled exception of type 'System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
Additional information: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
I find it particularly odd that I have the line in question within a Try...Catch, yet the error is not handled by my code and instead I see generic Visual Exchange error. The line is not actually highlighted, but I know it is that as if I comment it out the error does not occur
Can anybody shed some light on why this may be happening? Thanks.
Here is the snippit that I believe is causing the issue, as well as a link to the full code -
For Each CurrentServer In Me.Servers
If bw.CancellationPending = True Then
e.Cancel = True
Exit For
Me.CurrentStepLoop = ((Me.CurrentServerLoop - 1) * Me.ServerSteps) + 1
Catch Ex As Exception
Dim ErrorForm As New formError(Ex)
e.Cancel = True
Exit For
End Try
MappingResult = Me.DoMapDrives(CurrentServer)
If Not MappingResult Then bw.CancelAsync() : Exit For
{...Other actions here...}
CurrentServerLoop += 1
End If
I have found the error and why it occurred.
In the method SetSteps() I calculate Me.StepSize, but I was doing so incorrectly. Changing this -
Me.StepSize = Me.proProgress.Maximum / Me.ServerSteps
To this solved the problem -
Me.StepSize = Me.proProgress.Maximum / Me.TotalSteps
The issue was that the Progress bar was being set passed it's maximum, which caused the error. Thanks.