I am new in kurento. I have installed kurento 6.0 in my PC having ubuntu 14.04 (using the following procedure) and tried to run the hello world example. After installation,
1- I run kurento with:
sudo service kurento-media-server-6.0 start
To clone and launch the hello-world java version using:
git clone https://github.com/Kurento/kurento-tutorial-java.git
cd kurento-tutorial-java/kurento-hello-world
mvn compile exec:java
3- Access to the webpage
But when I click on start no video has been displayed {captured from my laptop camera}; the loading image is always displayed. Note that the same issue is observed on both chrome and firefox.
The following is the console log displayed by the web page
Page loaded ...
Starting video call ...
Creating WebRtcPeer and generating local sdp offer ...
What I am I doing wrong here?
I solve this problem. The problem was that the brower_component/adapt.js/adapter.js was found by the navigator.This file is useful for using browser methods like userMedia... So I have downloaded the adapter.js script from the web and placed it into the previous path.
Now the file is found and the hello world is working as espected
I'm trying to open google chrome mac with disabled security with the command line
open -a Google\ Chrome --args --disable-web-security
However it keeps opening up parallels windows chrome instead - how do I remove the parallels binding for chrome so that it doesn't open from mac terminal?
Use the full path to the application:
open -a /Applications/Google\ Chrome --args --disable-web-security
Parallels creates folders in ~/Applications for each virtual machine. These folders contain aliases for applications on the virtual machine. My guess is that the command "open -a" is searching the folder ~/Applications before searching the folder /Applications. This is probably desired behavior in many cases - open would find the application installed for the user before finding the application installed system-wide. However, it's causing some confusion in this case.
I couldn't find documentation explaining which path "open" is actually searching, so this is just a guess. However, specifying the full path to the application works for me.
I had this issue while trying to launch the Chrome debugging tools from React Native. Because React was launching the app I couldn't adjust the command it issues as described in the accepted answer.
I fixed it by changing the bundle name in the Parallels application package so it was different than the Mac Chrome version. To do this find the application package for Chrome in Parallels - I found mine in ~/Applications (Parallels).
Right-click on the Chrome application in Finder and select Show Package Contents. Under the Contents folder you should find a Info.plist file. Open this in a text editor and modify the string value for the CFBundleName key to something else (I used "Google Chrome Win").
Save the file and the open command should launch the Mac version of Chrome as expected from then on.
I am currently working in Automation QA. Our project using Java: jbehave, thucydides, selenium. We are working in Ubuntu OS.
Every time I run my tests, I have to stop doing everything(coding, browsing the web), because every click or any action of selenium is taking driver window(we are using chrome driver) in focus(makes window active) and if i do something i mess up the test. Our team is wasting a lot of time because of this.
We have tried Phantomjs, it doesn't work correctly, cannot find elements etc... And also to run tests in virtual machine using vagrant isn't working for us(for company specific reasons).
It is fine if Chrome driver will take over active window when it starts, as long as it would continue performing different actions in background. Strange, but in my previous project(windows, c#, mstest) chromedriver would behave exactly like this without any additional setup.
Please help, I know few other teams having this issue. Seems like this issue only on Mac and linux.
After having this issue for a long time I have finally found a good solution. This issue still remains on ChromeDriver level, so if there are any updates on this side let me know.
The easiest way to run tests in Ubuntu in a background is using VNC Server. Here are the steps you should follow:
Install vnc server from ubuntu terminal:
sudo apt-get install vnc4server
Start server with any number(I use 7). First time doing it enter password for vnc server(Remember it!).
vncserver :7
To start server in full screen add "geometry" to last command with your screen resolution for example:
vncserver :7 -geometry 1920x1080
Download some VNC Viewer. I use Real VNC.
Go to Real vnc viewer, start new connection and enter:
VNC Server: localhost:7
Encryption: Let VNC Server choose
Press connect and enter your vnc server password(the one from step 2).
New window should be opened, open new terminal in it.
Run your test from terminal. I use java maven project so for me it works like this. Navigate to project folder and run: mvn clean install
If you want simply to run test in hidden mode using only terminal(without opening vncviewer) use this command:
cd path/to/project
xterm -display localhost:7 -e mvn clean install
If you want to stop server:
vncserver -kill :7
Hope this will help many of you.
For me (I had the same problem in my Grails project's functional test using Chrome; not with Firefox) works this set up:
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
options.addArguments("--start-maximized --disable-popup-blocking");
new ChromeDriver(options);
I am a web developer and new to Phonegap..
I was trying to install phone gap on my windows 7 machine as per described here
but when i run the following command
cordova platform add android
i am getting the following error
[Error: An error occured during creation of android sub-project.
ERROR : executing command 'ant', make sure you have ant installed and added to y
our path.
does this mean that i should install apache ant on my machine ? if so can someone redirect me to right link.
I am also running wampserver on my machine for my other developments..
will installing 'ant' affect on my wamp ?
As described in PhoneGap Getting Started
Finally, you may need to include %ANT_HOME%\bin to your PATH as well. To check to see if this is required, run a command prompt and type ant. If the program can not be found add %ANT_HOME%\bin to the PATH. You may need to specify the full path instead of using the %ANT_HOME% environment variable.
If you need ant for Windows, you may want to download and install it from here
You need ant to add the android platform.
Ant is a java-based build tool.
You can get further informations and download it at http://ant.apache.org.
ant has nothing to do with the apache webserver and doesn't effect your wamp installation. It's another software product provided by the apache foundation.
I just installed Sencha Touch CMD and downloaded the Sencha Touch code and everything. I created a new folder on Mac called MySenchaApp. I then dragged the "touch-2.3.1" folder inside the MySenchaApp folder. I went inside touch-2.3.1 folder and generated my app. The screenshot shows the content inside the "MySenchaApp" folder.
But now I am stuck as I don't know what URL to use to see my website. I went inside the "MySenchaApp" folder and issues the following command to start the server:
sencha web start
It says server is running at localhost:1841. I visited that link but it takes me to some SETUP.html page.
Any ideas
you have to follow these steps:
Download and install this software:
JRE Sencha Cmd requires Java Runtime Environment version 1.7 to
support all functionality, however, most features will work with 1.6
(the minimum supported version).
Sencha Cmd Ruby differs by OS:
Windows: Download Ruby from rubyinstaller.org. Get the .exe file
version of the software and install it.
Mac OS: Ruby is pre-installed. You can test if Ruby is installed
with the Ruby -v command.
Ubuntu: Use sudo apt-get install ruby2.0.0 to download Ruby.
iOS Packaging: Apple Xcode
Android Packaging: Android SDK Tools and Eclipse (optional).
Add the install paths to your PATH environmental variable.
Also read the sencha documentation in setup.html.
If you already had done these things then open command prompt and run command:
cd bin
sencha web start
and then open your browser, type localhost:1841 then press enter.
I'm trying to set up testing for a Web app using behaving, which runs on top of behave and splinter - the latter of which in turn uses Selenium to drive PhantomJS. All of this is inside a VirtualBox-provided Vagrant box running CentOS 6.4. I've installed Selenium via pip, and I've installed PhantomJS from the Nux Dextop repo.
Trying to run my tests freezes Behave for 30 seconds, then raises:
selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: 'Can not connect to GhostDriver'
I think I've nailed it down to not being able to open a socket, and indeed, when I try to do this from the Python interactive shell, I can't open any socket to localhost at all. How do I get my tests to run?
I just had the same problem with the Can not connect to GhostDriver error. When trying phantomjs --help, I got the error
[WARNING] Unable to load library icui18n "Cannot load library icui18n: (libicui18n.so.48: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)"
After installing libicu48 (Ubuntu package), phantomjs --help gave me
[WARNING] phantomjs: cannot connect to X server
This made sense, since I didn't have an X server installed. Then, I discovered that phantomjs <= 1.4 requires an X server, but >= 1.5 is pure headless. So, instead of relying on my distro's phantomjs package, I installed it using npm, and now everything works fine.
I have installed the package of libicu48 and gnome-session-fallback for the bug.
$ sudo apt-get install libicu48 gnome-session-fallback