NSVisualEffectView change takes more than one click to change - objective-c

So I have an NSVisualEffectView hooked up with a button and some icons. The material of this view is originally equal to NSVisualEffectMaterialDark in other words, Vibrant Dark.
The following code I wrote is supposed to do the following:
1) Detect if the view's material is NSVisualEffectMaterialDark or NSVisualEffectMaterialLight
2) Change the BOOL isDark to YES/NO respectively
3) Change the view's appearance, in other words the material, from Dark to Light / Light to Dark based on the current view.
The problem is that when I run the app and click the button, NSVisualEffectView's colour changes from a saturated dark to a less one, and not Light as it is supposed to.
What can I do to fix this problem and prevent it from happening?
Note: the NSVisualEffectView's name is sideBar, the button's name is lightButton and isDark is originally set to YES.
Here is my code:
if (self.sideBar.material == NSVisualEffectMaterialDark){
_lightButton.title = (#"Dark Mode");
[_lightButton setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:#"Dark Mode Icon"]];
[_lightButton setAlternateImage:[NSImage imageNamed:#"Dark Mode Icon (Alt)"]];
isDark = YES;
NSLog(#"Changed to Light Theme");
} else if (self.sideBar.material == NSVisualEffectMaterialLight){
_lightButton.title = (#"Light Mode");
[_lightButton setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:#"Light Mode Icon"]];
[_lightButton setAlternateImage:[NSImage imageNamed:#"Light Mode Icon (Alt)"]];
isDark = NO;
NSLog(#"Changed to Dark Theme");
if (isDark==YES){
_sideBar.material = NSVisualEffectMaterialLight;
isDark = NO;
} else if (isDark==NO) {
_sideBar.material = NSVisualEffectMaterialDark;
isDark = YES;

It turns out that the code I wrote is a little problematic, as expected of course.
The NSVisualEffectView has none of the above material it checks for, NSVisualEffectMaterialDark nor NSVisualEffectMaterialLight, therefore both conditions are false. It seems that it chooses to set the material to a different type of dark so that the materials will finally match and be able to compare them properly.
By stating either material (NSVisualEffectMaterialDark nor NSVisualEffectMaterialLight), in - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification I was able to fix the issue where I had to click twice for the button to actually work.
It turns out there are other materials I wasn't aware of and they happened to be the desired ones.These are NSVisualEffectMaterialMediumLight and NSVisualEffectMaterialUltraDark.


Custom NSView background color not changing when switching in and out of dark mode

I cannot figure out how to update the background color of my custom NSView when the user switches in and out of dark mode.
I've read the documentation and followed instructions here:detecting darkmode
The strange thing is that I can get all the subviews to behave correctly, but for some strange reason I can't get the background color of the main view to change. The background color of the view looks correct when I start the app in either mode, but when I switch between modes while the app is running it doesn't update to the new theme.
Would be grateful for any suggestions.
Inside the Custom NSView I have the method
- (void) viewDidChangeEffectiveAppearance
self.needsDisplay = YES;
and inside the drawRect I have a do a simple color change before continuing with drawing in the view
NSAppearance *currentAppearance = [NSAppearance currentAppearance];
if (#available(*, macOS 10.14)) {
if(currentAppearance.name == NSAppearanceNameDarkAqua) {
red = 0.5*red+0.5;
green = 0.5*green+0.5;
blue = 0.5*blue+0.5;
Here is a screenshot of darkmode before (the way it should look)
Dark Mode Before
Here is a screenshot of light mode after user switch
Light Mode After
Here is a screenshot of lightmode before (the way it should look)
Light Mode Before
And here is a screenshot of darkmode after user switch
Dark Mode After
ps The reason I'm baffled and have little code to post is that the correct behavior is supposed to happen automatically with little effort. I even deleted the view from the nib and rebuilt it thinking maybe some setting got corrupted, but that didn't solve the problem.
Update: I found the source of the problem. This method gets called in windowDidLoad
- (void) setTransparent:(BOOL)transparent
if(transparent) {
[self.window setOpaque:NO];
NSColor *backgroundColor = [NSColor windowBackgroundColor];
backgroundColor = [backgroundColor colorWithAlphaComponent: .75];
[self.window setBackgroundColor:backgroundColor];
self.window.alphaValue = 0.75;
else {
[self.window setOpaque:YES];
NSColor *backgroundColor = [NSColor windowBackgroundColor];
backgroundColor = [backgroundColor colorWithAlphaComponent: 1];
[self.window setBackgroundColor:backgroundColor];
self.window.alphaValue = 1;
I get the expected behavior if I comment out the call to this method.
Why did this cause me to lose the automatic behavior of background color change when the user changes between light and dark mode?
My guess is that you’re not actually using the standard color for the background color.
You are using [NSColor windowBackgroundColor], however then making a copy with a different alpha component (via colorWithAlphaComponent), making it no longer a standard color.
My guess is a lot of the automatic ‘just works’ behaviour happens when you use the standard color definitions. As a test, could you try removing the colorWithAlphaComponent calls (where you are adding the transparency) from your settransparent method and see whether it works? if it does, you might need to find another way to add transparency to your view if you want the automatic behaviour.

NSStatusItem change image for dark tint

With OSX 10.10 beta 3, Apple released their dark tint option. Unfortunately, it also means that pretty much all status bar icons (with the exception of Apple's and Path Finder's that I've seen), including mine, remain dark on a dark background. How can I provide an alternate image for when dark tint is applied?
I don't see an API change on NSStatusBar or NSStatusItem that shows me a change, I'm assuming it's a notification or something reactive to easily make the change as the user alters the tint.
Current code to draw the image is encased within an NSView:
- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect
// set view background color
if (self.isActive) {
[[NSColor selectedMenuItemColor] setFill];
} else {
[[NSColor clearColor] setFill];
// set image
NSImage *image = (self.isActive ? self.alternateImage : self.image);
_imageView.image = image;
TL;DR: You don't have to do anything special in Dark Theme. Give NSStatusItem (or NSStatusBarButton) a template image and it will style it correctly in any menubar context.
The reason why some apps' status items (such as PathFinder's) already work in Dark Theme is because they're not setting their own custom view on the StatusItem, but only setting a template image on the StatusItem.
Something like:
_statusItem = [[NSStatusBar systemStatusBar] statusItemWithLength:NSSquareStatusItemLength];
NSImage *image = [NSImage imageNamed:#"statusItemIcon"];
[image setTemplate:YES];
[_statusItem setImage:image];
This works exactly as you'd expect in Mavericks and earlier, as well as Yosemite and any future releases because it allows AppKit to do all of the styling of the image depending on the status item state.
In Mavericks (and earlier) there were only 2 unique styles of the items. Unpressed and Pressed. These two styles pretty much looked purely black and purely white, respectively. (Actually "purely black" isn't entirely correct -- there was a small effect that made them look slightly inset).
Because there were only two possible state, status bar apps could set their own view and easily get the same appearance by just drawing black or white depending on their highlighted state. (But again note that it wasn't purely black, so apps either had to build the effect in the image or be satisfied with a hardly-noticeable out of place icon).
In Yosemite there are at least 32 unique styling of items. Unpressed in Dark Theme is only one of those. There is no practical (or unpractical) way for an app to be able to do their own styling of items and have it look correct in all contexts.
Here are examples of six of those possible stylings:
Status items on an inactive menubar now have a specific styling, as opposed to a simple opacity change as in the past. Disabled appearance is one other possible variation; there are also other additional dimensions to this matrix of possibilities.
Arbitrary views set as NSStatusItem's view property have no way to capture all of these variations, hence it (and other related API) is deprecated in 10.10.
However, seed 3 introduces new API on NSStatusItem:
#property (readonly, strong) NSStatusBarButton *button NS_AVAILABLE_MAC(10_10);
This piece of API has a few purposes:
An app can now get the screen position (or show a popover from) a status item without setting its own custom view.
Removes the need for API like image, title, sendActionOn: on NSStatusItem.
Provides a class for new API: i.e. looksDisabled. This allows apps to get the standard disabled/off styling (like Bluetooth/Time Machine when off) without requiring a custom image.
If there's something that can't be done with the current (non- custom view) API, please file an enhancement request for it. StatusItems should provide behavior or appearances in a way that it standard across all status items.
More discussion is at https://devforums.apple.com/thread/234839, although I've summarized most everything here.
I end up did something like following to my custom drag and drop NSStatusItemView: (Using Swift)
var isDark = false
func isDarkMode() {
isDark = NSAppearance.currentAppearance().name.hasPrefix("NSAppearanceNameVibrantDark")
override func drawRect(dirtyRect: NSRect) {
// Now use "isDark" to determine the drawing colour.
if isDark {
// ...
} else {
// ...
When the user changed the Theme in System Preferences, the NSView will be called by the system for re-drawing, you can change the icon colour accordingly.
If you wish to adjust other custom UI outside this view, you can either use KVO to observer the isDark key of the view or do it on your own.
I created a basic wrapper around NSStatusItem that you can use to provide support for 10.10 and earlier with custom views in the status bar. You can find it here: https://github.com/noahsmartin/YosemiteMenuBar The basic idea is to draw the custom view into a NSImage and use this image as a template image for the status bar item. This wrapper also forwards click events to the custom view so they can be handled the same way as pre 10.10. The project contains a basic example of how YosemiteMenuBar can be used with a custom view on the status bar.
Newest swift code set image template method is here:
// Insert code here to initialize your application
if let button = statusItem.button {
button.image = NSImage(named: "StatusIcon")
button.image?.isTemplate = true // Just add this line
button.action = #selector(togglePopover(_:))
Then it will change the image when dark mode.
When your application has drawn any GUI element you can get its appearance via [NSAppearance currentAppearance] which itself has a name property that holds something like
The first part is the appearance’s name, which is also available as a constant in NSAppearanceNameVibrantDark or NSAppearanceNameVibrantLight.
I don’t know if there’s a way to get just the first part, but I think this does the trick for now.
Example code:
-(void)awakeFromNib {
NSStatusItem* myStatusItem = [[NSStatusBar systemStatusBar] statusItemWithLength:NSVariableStatusItemLength];
myStatusItem.title = #"Hello World";
if ([[[NSAppearance currentAppearance] name] containsString:NSAppearanceNameVibrantDark]) {
myStatusItem.title = #"Dark Interface";
} else {
myStatusItem.title = #"Light Interface";
But just in case you do want to monitor the status changes you can. I also know there is a better way to determine lite/dark mode than what's been said above, but I can remember it right now.
// Monitor menu/dock theme changes...
[[NSDistributedNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: #selector(themeChange:) name:#"AppleInterfaceThemeChangedNotification" object: NULL];
-(void) themeChange :(NSNotification *) notification
NSLog (#"%#", notification);

Get value of "Displays have separate spaces" option in Mavericks

Is it possible to determine if the "Displays have separate spaces" option is checked in OSX Mavericks? I found the option is stored in com.apple.spaces.plist with name "spans-displays" but this code doesn't work with sandboxing:
NSUserDefaults *userDefaults = [[NSUserDefaults alloc] init];
[userDefaults addSuiteNamed:#"com.apple.spaces"];
NSLog(#"%i", [[userDefaults objectForKey:#"spans-displays"] integerValue]);
[userDefaults release];
To my knowledge there is no simple API to discover this, Apple have never provided comprehensive API relating to Spaces.
However, with a bit of lateral thinking you can figure it out.
What is a distinctive feature of displays having separate spaces?
There are multiple menubars.
So "Are there multiple menubars?" has the same answer as "Do displays have separate spaces?"
Is there an API to tell you if a screen has a menubar?
Again, not to my knowledge, but can we figure it out?
NSWindow has an instance method constrainFrameRect:toScreen: which given a rectangle, representing a window frame, and a screen returns an adjusted rectangle where at least part of the rectangle is visible on the screen. Furthermore, by definition if the top edge of the rectangle is above the menubar area the rectangle will be adjusted so the top edge abuts the menubar...
Which means if we pass it a rectangle abutting the top edge of the screen the returned rectangle will abut the top edge of the menubar, provided there is a menubar. If there is no menubar then the returned rectangle will have the same top edge.
So we can determine if there is a menubar and its height. One small wrinkle, as constrainFrameRect:toScreen: is an instance method we need a window, any window, to make our code work.
Here is one way to code this as a function:
CGFloat menuBarHeight(NSScreen *screen)
// A dummy window so we can call constrainFrameRect:toScreen
NSWindow *dummy = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 100, 100)
backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:YES];
// create a small rectangle at the top left corner of the screen
NSRect screenFrame = screen.frame;
NSRect testFrame = NSMakeRect(NSMinX(screenFrame), NSMaxY(screenFrame)-30, 30, 30);
// constrain the rectangle to be visible
NSRect constrainedFrame = [dummy constrainFrameRect:testFrame toScreen:screen];
// did the top edge move? delta = 0 -> no, delta > 0 - yes and by the height of the menubar
CGFloat delta = NSMaxY(testFrame) - NSMaxY(constrainedFrame);
return delta;
So now we can tell if a particular screen has a menubar. How about more than one screen?
Well NSScreen's class method screens returns an array of all the available screens, so all we need to do is call our menuBarHeight function on each screen and see how many menubars we find.
If we find more than 1 then we've determined that displays have separate spaces.
Here is one way to code that, again as a function:
BOOL haveIndepenantScreens()
BOOL foundMenuBar = NO;
for (NSScreen *aScreen in NSScreen.screens)
if (menuBarHeight(aScreen) > 0)
if (foundMenuBar)
// second menu bar found
return YES;
// record found first menubar
foundMenuBar = YES;
return NO; // did not find multiple menubars
Job done :-)
Not sure when this appeared in the documents, but it is there as of 2021!
One advantage of this over #CRD's excellent answer is that it works even if the user has selected 'Automatically hide and show the menu bar'
credit for the answer to #chockenberry

UITextField -- Adding UIView for leftView - Can't get Focus

The UITextFields in my app have placeholder text defined (in Interface Builder), and I cannot cause these fields to acquire focus (i.e. show the keyboard and allow editing) when I tap on the area occupied by the placeholder text. If I tap on the textfields in an area just outside the that of placeholder text (though still within the bounds of the textfiled itself), it acts as normal (i.e. the keyboard pops up and I can edit the content of the textfield). How can I fix this?
Ok, I think I've got it. I'm also setting a blank view to the "leftView" property of these UITextFields. If I remove this, you can touch the UITextFields in the area of the placeholder text and it reacts as expected; I need this view for the leftView though. If you change the background color of this spacer view to red, you can see that it doesn't get in the way at all, so I don't know what's going wrong.
Why does this code cause this problem?
+(UIView*)getTextFieldLeftSpacerViewWithBackgroundColor:(UIColor*)backgroundColor andHeight:(CGFloat)height
UIView *leftWrapper = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, 8.0f, height)];
leftWrapper.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingNone;
[leftWrapper setOpaque:YES];
if(backgroundColor){leftWrapper.backgroundColor = backgroundColor;}
else{leftWrapper.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];}
return [leftWrapper autorelease];
UIView *spacer = [MYViewController getTextFieldLeftSpacerViewWithBackgroundColor:nil andHeight:textField.bounds.size.height];
textField.leftView = spacer;
textField.leftViewMode = UITextFieldViewModeAlways;
Just ran into the same problem and didn't want to subclass, just had to use :
leftWrapper.userInteractionEnabled = NO;
I abandoned this approach. Instead of using an invisible view to offset the text, I opted to subclass UITextField and provide offset CGRects for the bounds of the text within theUITextField. The following SO post was very helpful:
Indent the text in a UITextField

NSTableView Cell Display Issue

I'm using a view-based NSTableView, and I've ran across a little issue.
I'm trying to switch the text color of my two labels from black to white when highlighted.
To do so, I've written the following code,
- (void)tableViewSelectionDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification
NSView * viewInQuestion = [table viewAtColumn:0 row:[table selectedRow] makeIfNecessary:YES];
if ([viewInQuestion isNotEqualTo:lastViewSelected])
[(NSTextField*)lastViewSelected.subviews.lastObject setTextColor:NSColor.blackColor];
[(NSTextField*)[lastViewSelected.subviews objectAtIndex:1] setTextColor:NSColor.grayColor];
[(NSTextField*)viewInQuestion.subviews.lastObject setTextColor:NSColor.whiteColor];
[(NSTextField*)[viewInQuestion.subviews objectAtIndex:1] setTextColor:NSColor.whiteColor];
lastViewSelected = viewInQuestion;
That works great; I get this result:
The issue is that sometimes the text doesn't appear white even though an NSLog told me that the NSTextField's color was NSCalibratedWhite (or whatever it's called).
The color also switches back to black when the textField is not visible (scrolling away from it and then back). Yet again, even when it does this, the NSTextField's color is still logged as white.
Overriding setBackgroundStyle on NSTableViewCell has worked perfectly for me, at least on OS X 10.8. (Given the number of relevant questions here on SO, one can guess that there used to be some problems before.)
The background style is updated on selection events and on window activation/deactivation, just as one would expect.
Here's my custom cell impl — as trivial as it can get:
#implementation RuntimeInstanceCellView
- (void)setBackgroundStyle:(NSBackgroundStyle)backgroundStyle {
[super setBackgroundStyle:backgroundStyle];
self.detailTextField.textColor = (backgroundStyle == NSBackgroundStyleLight ? [NSColor darkGrayColor] : [NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:0.85 alpha:1.0]);
// self.detailTextField.textColor = (backgroundStyle == NSBackgroundStyleLight ? [NSColor blackColor] : [NSColor whiteColor]);
My method is very hacky, and probably not the optimal solution; But it resolves it so that's good.
Assuming you implemented tableSelectionDidChange the way I have, all you need to do is register an NSNotification and implement a custom method that should be more explicit.
In the init, awake, or didFinishLaunching part of your application...
NSView * contentView = table.enclosingScrollView.contentView;
[contentView setPostsFrameChangedNotifications:YES];
[NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter addObserver:self selector:#selector(boundsDidChange:) name:NSViewBoundsDidChangeNotification object:contentView];
Somewhere else in the program...
(assuming hasUpdatedCell is a BOOLEAN property)
- (void)boundsDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification
/* Bounds can change while nothing is selected--> but we only want to execute the method if a cell is selected. */
if ([table selectedRow] == -1) {return;}
NSRect visibleRect = table.enclosingScrollView.visibleRect;
NSView * viewInQuestion = [table viewAtColumn:0 row:[table selectedRow] makeIfNecessary:YES];
NSPoint selectedViewOrigin = [viewInQuestion convertPoint:viewInQuestion.frame.origin toView:table.enclosingScrollView];
/* If the selected cell is visible, then we can go ahead and redraw the white text as a part of the workaround.
This is because scrolling away from the selected cell and back will make the cell revert back to black. */
BOOL cellVisible = NSPointInRect(selectedViewOrigin, visibleRect);
/* We already know we need to update it, and we will so we don't need to evaluate the next step in the program */
if (!cellVisible && !hasUpdatedCell) {return;}
if (cellVisible && !hasUpdatedCell)
/* The cell is visible but we haven't updated. Let's do it then. */
[self tableViewSelectionDidChange:nil];
hasUpdatedCell = YES;
else if (!cellVisible)
/* The cell is not visible and we need to update next time. */
hasUpdatedCell = NO;
Things then should get displayed properly.