Convert timestamp to date data type - sql

==> 04-MAR-16
Can anybody explain why this select statement doesn't result in '03/04/2016'?
How can I write my selection so that it does result in this, as a date type? I have also tried
with the same result.

When a date is returned by a query and displayed, it obviously needs to be formatted in some way. The way a date-type value is formatted is not determined by the query, but by the tool that executes your query and displays the result.
In the case of SQL developer you can set that format as follows:
Choose menu Tools > Preferences.
In the Preferences dialog, select Database > NLS from the left panel.
From the list of NLS parameters, enter "MM/DD/YYYY"
Save and close
See also this question.
Note that to convert a timestamp to date you need just to truncate it: trunc(SYSTIMESTAMP). Converting it to string and then back to a date is unnecessary.

You are converting a datetime to a string and back to a date. Your system defaults the date format to DD-MMM-YY for output purposes; this is the normal default for date in Oracle.
It is important to understand that the internal data structure for date/time types has nothing to do with how they are presented. So, if you want it in another format, convert to a string using to_char().
If you want to change the default format, then look at NLS_DATE_FORMAT. The documentation is here.


Ms Access - How to verify the date time format displayed in yyyy/mm/dd HH/MM/SS

May I know could I verify whether the date displayed in the field is in specific format
As per my requirement, the datetime should be displayed in format 'yyyy/mm/dd HH(24hr)/MM/SS'
Eg: The valid value should be '2014/07/18 14:16:48'. If the date is displayed as '18/07/2014 14:16:48', then it is invalid.
Using query how I verify whether it is shown in the format which I have expected. I could use IsDate option to verify it is a valid date and also I could use Mid function to verify the date separator which is '/', but how could I verify the format.
If the column is stored as Text, use the SQL Like operator. Select valid dates:
SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE myDate Like "####/##/## ##:##:##"
Select invalid dates
SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE myDate Not Like "####/##/## ##:##:##"
# stands for a single digit.
See Like Operator.
But note that this only makes sense if myDate is a Text! If the type of myDate is Date/Time, the date is stored in a numeric format internally and is only formatted as a date for display. So don't confuse the date value per se and the date as it is displayed.
A Date/Time is always stored in the same way, no matter how it is formatted and displayed!
All you need to do is to open the Table in Design View and to set the Format property.

creating table in Oracle with Date

I want to create a table in Oracle 10g and I want to specify the date format for my date column. If I use the below syntax:
create table datetest(
startdate date);
Then the date column will accept the date format DD-MON-YY which I dont want.
I want the syntax for my date column to be MM-DD-YYYY
Please let me know how to proceed with this.
A DATE has no inherent format. It is not simply a string that happens to represent a date. Oracle has its own internal format for storing date values.
Formats come into play when actual date values need to be converted into strings or vice versa, which of course happens a lot since interactively we write dates out as strings.
The default date format for your database is determined by the settings NLS_DATE_FORMAT, which you probably have set to DD-MON-YYYY (which I believe is the default setting for American English locales). You can change this at the database level or for a single session for convenience, but in general it is safer programming practice to be explicit so that you don't get errors or, worse, wrong results if your code is run in a different environment.
The simplest way to specify a date value unambiguously is a date literal, which is the word 'date' followed by a string representing the date in YYYY-MM-DD format, e.g. date '2012-11-13'. The Oracle parser directly translates this into the corresponding internal date value.
If you want to use a different format, then I recommend explicitly using TO_CHAR/TO_DATE with your desired format model in your code. Examples:
INSERT INTO my_table (my_date) VALUES ( TO_DATE( '11-13-2012', 'MM-DD-YYYY' ) );
SELECT TO_CHAR( my_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY' ) FROM my_table;
dates rdo not have a format like you're suggesting. they are stored internally as a 7 byte number. to format the date when selecting, please use TO_CHAR(yourdatefield, 'format')
where formats are all shown here:
eg to_char(startdate, 'mm-dd-yyyy')

Changing SQL VARCHAR2 date to another date format

I have a date (stored as a VARCHAR2) in a database with the format:
and I want to make a SQL sentence to obtain:
23/01/2009 16:38:42,865
dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss,ttt
MY objective is to add it manually (I know that data can be exported from database, and imported into Excel, but I want to do it manually) to Excel as a recognizable Date.
How should my SQL sentence be?
I have tried to to it by:
select TO_TIMESTAMP(my_time_utc, 'YYYYMMDD_HH24MISS.FF3') from myTable
but I am only able to obtain:
2009-01-23 16:38:42.865
It never ceases to amaze me how many people confuse these operations.
First you need to convert the varchar 'fake date' to a real date: use to_date for this.
Then you need to convert the date to a varchar for presentation: use to_char for this.
select to_char(to_date(column, 'yyyyMMdd_hhmmss.ttt'), 'dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss,ttt')
from your_table;
should do what you want.
When oracle retrieve a date field from database and show it to you a cast implicit conversion is made. The format pattern for this conversion is set in oracle configuration. Quoting oracle doc:
The default date format for an Oracle date value is derived from the
NLS_DATE_FORMAT and NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE initialization parameters
If you perform query from Excel, your actual query is enougth because excel know date format and is able to read from Oracle with out problems.
If you do a copy-paste from your screen results to excel, then you should cast back date to varchar with your desired format or, of course, change oracle configuration to match your locales.

How to retrieve the time column value from oracleDB into .net application

I have a Oracle table where there is one date-time field.
On select query i am able to get all the field values but not timefield value in my .net application.
select abc.Id, abc.Name, abc.When from details abc where abc.Id='"+1234+"'
Could anyone suggest me.
The format of the returned DATE field from Oracle depends upon your default NLS settings in the database.
Oracle stores dates (and times) in an internal representation and when you select the date values you can then format them as you need. An official Oracle explaination is here.
To force the format you can explicitly convert the date to a string representation using:
select abc.Id,
TO_CHAR(abc.When, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') AS when
from details abc
where abc.Id='"+1234+"'
If you are ONLY wanting the time portion of the WHEN column then:
select abc.Id,
TO_CHAR(abc.When, 'HH24:MI:SS') AS when
from details abc
where abc.Id='"+1234+"'
This will then return it as a string rather than a date and time which may or may not be OK for you depending upon what you then want to do with it.
The format you choose for the date and time could be any of the Oracle date and time formats, see here.
Hope it helps...

Oracle to_date() incorrect output

There must be a very simple answer, but I can't find it anywhere.
I have the following which is a section of my select statement:
case when q.renewal_date is not null then
to_date(q._renewal_date, 'DD/MM/YYYY')
to_date(w.END_DATE, 'DD/MM/YYYY')
according to all of the docs I can find the MM should give the month in numbers however I'm getting results such as:
It's also interesting that they're hyphenated (-) and not with slashes (/).
So what's the reason for this and how do I achieve what I want?
Assuming w.end_Date and q._renewal_date are actual dates, you want to to_char them, not to_date. At present I would say you are seeing the dates in the format specified by your NLS settings. (If they are not dates, you are converting them to dates, but still letting your NLS settings choose the format you view it in)
As you are TO_DATEing the value it is stored by Oracle internally as a date. It is displayed back to you using your NLS_DATE settings value which i would assume are set to DD-MON-YY by default.
You can check with
FROM v$parameter
WHERE name = 'nls_date_format';
You'll need to either alter your NLS_DATE_FORMAT setting (either for your session or for the DB) or TO_CHAR the output to the format you want to see.
to_date converts a string to a date. The code you have is taking a string (q._renewal_date) in 'DD/MM/YYYY' format and converting it to a date. What you are seeing is the default rendering of the date field.
Depending on what type q._renewal_date is, you probably need to use a different conversion/formatting function.