If third character Not IsNumeric - vb.net

I'm working on a project that displays text on a monitor as a reference but running into some logic trouble. Someone clicks a button which prompts an InputBox into which they insert a bar code with a scanner.
I have 2 types of part numbers, one is like this "11n11110mch" the other is something like this "12311110mch". I need code that tests whether the 3rd character is a number. The end goal is to display the number as "11.(some letter)111.10 MCH" and "123.111.10 MCH" in a TextBox. If I try "11n22210mch", I get an error that says
Conversion from string "n" to type 'Double' is not valid.
thirdChara = Mid$(VisPartID, 3, 1)
I am not sure how to correct this or accomplish what I am trying to do.
The code I have:
Public Sub btnScan_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnScan.Click
Dim ScanIDRaw As Object
'Clear Scan Value
ScanIDRaw = Nothing
'Display message, title, And default value.
ScanIDRaw = InputBox("Scan CDI", "InputBox")
Do Until ScanIDRaw IsNot ""
ScanIDRaw = InputBox("Part Number Needed, Scan CDI", "InputBox")
lblCDIPart.Text = ScanIDRaw
End Sub
Public Async Sub ReferenceCardDataPull()
Dim PartID As String
Dim VisPartID As String
Dim thirdChara As String
'Other Code
VisPartID = Main.lblCDIPart.Text
thirdChara = Mid$(VisPartID, 3, 1)
If thirdChara = Not IsNumeric(thirdChara) Then
VisPartID = VisPartID.Insert(2, ".")
VisPartID = VisPartID.Insert(7, ".")
VisPartID = VisPartID.Insert(10, " ")
VisPartID = VisPartID.ToUpper
lblPart.Text = VisPartID
VisPartID = VisPartID.Insert(3, ".")
VisPartID = VisPartID.Insert(8, ".")
VisPartID = VisPartID.Insert(11, " ")
VisPartID = VisPartID.ToUpper
lblPart.Text = VisPartID
End If
End Sub

If Not isNumeric(thirdChara) Then
But you really should be using VB.Net methods instead of the old VB6 style
dim position3 as integer
thirdChara = VisPartID.SubString(2,1) ' 2 because we're 0 based
if not integer.tryparse(thirdChara, position3) then
'do stuff if not a number
'it's a number
end if
The tryparse will return a boolean based upon the parse result. Upon successful parse, it will store the parsed value into the variable (in this case Position3)
I would also recommend turning on Option Strict as that would have informed you right away that you cannot implicitly convert a string to a boolean.
Meaning: The string thirdChara is being tested for equality against as Not (True|False) result from the IsNumeric method.


I want to save a file in VB.net from the amount of tries a user has

I'm a student trying to learn Console App .Net Framework and I want to code a random number between 0000 and 9999 (as a pin that you need to guess). Thus far I've had to set it as a random number from 1000 to 9999 as the system wont let me do 0000. Furthermore, I want to save the amount of tries the user has as a text file e.g. if the user tries 50 times, I'd like it to say
Username Tries
I've tried Randomise() Rnd(*9999) and X = EasyNum.Next(1000, 9999) but then I can't compare unless I convert that to an integer.
Module Module1
Dim Tries As String = 0
Dim EasyNum As New Random
Dim HardNum As New Random
Dim Attempt As String
Sub Main()
Dim Difficulty As String
Console.WriteLine("Welcome to MasterMind")
Console.WriteLine("Choose between Easy and Hard difficulty")
Difficulty = Strings.LCase(Console.ReadLine)
While Difficulty <> "easy" And Difficulty <> "hard"
Console.WriteLine("That's not a correct mode")
Difficulty = Strings.LCase(Console.ReadLine)
End While
If Difficulty = "easy" Then
ElseIf Difficulty = "hard" Then
End If
End Sub
Dim EasyGuess1 As Integer
Dim EasyGuess2 As Integer
Dim X As String
Dim Y As Integer
Sub Easy()
Console.WriteLine("You have chosen the easy difficulty")
Console.WriteLine("You have to guess a 4 Digit number between 1000 and 9999")
Console.WriteLine("Enter your guess")
X = EasyNum.Next(1000, 9999)
EasyGuess1 = Console.ReadLine
Tries = +1
If Mid(CStr(EasyGuess1), 1, 1) = Mid(CStr(X), 1, 1) Then
Console.WriteLine("You have 1 number correct, try again?")
Attempt = Strings.LCase(Console.ReadLine)
While Attempt <> "yes" And Attempt <> "no"
Console.WriteLine("Enter either yes or no")
Attempt = Strings.LCase(Console.ReadLine)
End While
ElseIf Mid(CStr(EasyGuess1), 2, 1) = Mid(CStr(X), 2, 1) Then
Console.WriteLine("You have 1 number correct, try again?")
Attempt = Strings.LCase(Console.ReadLine)
While Attempt <> "yes" And Attempt <> "no"
Console.WriteLine("Enter either yes or no")
Attempt = Strings.LCase(Console.ReadLine)
End While
End If
If Attempt = "yes" Then
ElseIf Attempt = "no" Then
End If
End Sub
Sub EasyYes()
Console.WriteLine("Enter a new guess")
EasyGuess1 = Console.ReadLine
End Sub
Sub EasyNo()
Dim Save As String
Dim File As System.IO.File
Console.WriteLine("Do you want to save your tries? Enter Yes or no")
Save = Strings.LCase(Console.ReadLine)
If Save = "yes" Then
System.IO.File.Create(Tries, "C:\X\Code\VB\Challenges\Challenge 1\MasterMind Test")
End If
End Sub
Sub Hard()
Console.WriteLine("You have chosen the hard difficulty")
End Sub
Sub HardYes()
End Sub
Sub HardNo()
End Sub
End Module
When I try to save the tries, I get this:
System.InvalidCastException: 'Conversion from string "C:\X\Code\VB\Challenges\Cha" to type 'Integer' is not valid.'
FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
Which I don't understand myself.
Comments in line. Please read all comments. This program is still not working too well but I will leave it to you to tidy up.
Module Module1
Dim Tries As Integer = 0
'Use only a single instance of Random
Dim EasyNum As New Random
'Dim HardNum As New Random
Dim Attempt As String
Sub Main()
Dim Difficulty As String
Console.WriteLine("Welcome to MasterMind")
Console.WriteLine("Choose between Easy and Hard difficulty")
Difficulty = Strings.LCase(Console.ReadLine)
'AndAlso prevents the second condition from executing if the first condition is true
While Difficulty <> "easy" AndAlso Difficulty <> "hard"
Console.WriteLine("That's not a correct mode")
Difficulty = Strings.LCase(Console.ReadLine)
End While
If Difficulty = "easy" Then
'ElseIf Difficulty = "hard" Then
' Hard() 'Not implemented
End If
End Sub
'Dim EasyGuess2 As Integer
'Dim X As String
'Dim Y As Integer
Sub Easy()
Dim EasyGuess1 As Integer
Console.WriteLine("You have chosen the easy difficulty")
Console.WriteLine("You have to guess a 4 Digit number between 1000 and 9999")
Console.WriteLine("Enter your guess")
'X = EasyNum.Next(1000, 9999)
'The next method returns a non-negative integer not a string
'To get 0 to 9999 with leading zeros do the following
'Returns a non-negative random integer that is less than the specified maximum.
Dim X = EasyNum.Next(10000).ToString("0000")
'Console.ReadLine returns a String. You should Not assign a String to an Integer
'EasyGuess1 = Console.ReadLine
'Never trust a user :-) Use .TryParse to set the variable
Integer.TryParse(Console.ReadLine, EasyGuess1)
'This just assigns the value of 1 to Tries
'Tries = +1
'If you want to increment Tries
Tries += 1
'Let's compare apples and apples
'If you just convert EasyGuess1 To a string and EasyGuess1 is 54
'the string is "54" You want a 4 character string
'If Mid(EasyGuess1.ToString("0000"), 1, 1) = Mid(CStr(X), 1, 1) Then
' 'but you only compared the first character, what about the rest?
' 'Mid is aroung for backward compatibility. It should not be used for new code.
' 'The position Integer is one based which is not at all sympatico with .net
' Console.WriteLine("You have 1 number correct, try again?")
' Attempt = Strings.LCase(Console.ReadLine)
' While Attempt <> "yes" And Attempt <> "no"
' Console.WriteLine("Enter either yes or no")
' Attempt = Strings.LCase(Console.ReadLine)
' End While
'ElseIf Mid(CStr(EasyGuess1), 2, 1) = Mid(CStr(X), 2, 1) Then
' Console.WriteLine("You have 1 number correct, try again?")
' Attempt = Strings.LCase(Console.ReadLine)
' While Attempt <> "yes" And Attempt <> "no"
' Console.WriteLine("Enter either yes or no")
' Attempt = Strings.LCase(Console.ReadLine)
' End While
'End If
Dim CorrectCharacters = TestInput(EasyGuess1, X)
Console.WriteLine($"You have guessed {CorrectCharacters} correctly. Try again?")
'Use the .net way. The framework is available to all languages in .net
'so it will be easier to learn other languages.
Attempt = (Console.ReadLine).ToLower
If Attempt = "yes" Then
ElseIf Attempt = "no" Then
End If
End Sub
Sub EasyYes()
Dim guess As Integer
Console.WriteLine("Enter a new guess")
'You are doing this twice ???
'EasyGuess1 = Console.ReadLine
Integer.TryParse(Console.ReadLine, guess)
'EasyGuess1 will be 0 if the entry is other than an integer
'Very nice bu this Sub doesn't do anything
End Sub
Sub EasyNo()
Dim Save As String
'Unused local variable and if you needed this it is a poor choice for a variable name
'Dim File As System.IO.File
Console.WriteLine("Do you want to save your tries? Enter Yes or no")
Save = Console.ReadLine.ToLower
If Save = "yes" Then
'Give the file name an extension.
'When you pass (String, Integer) to the Create method, the Integer is the number of bytes
'buffered for reads And writes to the file.
'Not exactly what you were expecting.
'System.IO.File.Create("C:\X\Code\VB\Challenges\Challenge 1\MasterMind Test.txt", Tries)
'Imports System.IO at top of file
File.WriteAllText("C:\X\Code\VB\Challenges\Challenge 1\MasterMind Test.txt", Tries.ToString)
End If
End Sub
Sub Hard()
Console.WriteLine("You have chosen the hard difficulty")
End Sub
Private Function TestInput(Guessed As Integer, RandString As String) As Integer
Dim Correct As Integer
Dim Guess As String = Guessed.ToString("0000")
'A String can be a Char array
'Here we check each character in the 2 strings for equality
'and if true then increment Correct
For i = 0 To 3
If Guess(i) = RandString(i) Then
Correct += 1
End If
Return Correct
End Function
End Module
There are a lot of issues, but I don't want to spoil it for you.
I definitely recommend to put "Option Strict On" in the project settings, so you immediately see where there are conversion errors (a string assigned to a integer etc).
To save the file, it should be something like
If Save = "yes" Then
File.WriteAllText("C:\X\Code\VB\Challenges\Challenge 1\MasterMind Test", Tries.ToString())
End If
(there are also File.Append... functions).
The Random class is a bit tricky, this is an object that provides random values and is not yet the random value itself. Always use the same random object for all different numbers, otherwise you might get the same number:
Private Randomizer As New Random(Environment.TickCount)
Private EasyNum As Int32 = Randomizer.Next(0, 10000) '0 to 9999
Private HardNum As Int32 = Randomizer.Next(0, 100000) '0 to 99999
The "from" value of the randomizer's Next method is always inclusive, the "to" value exclusive, for whatever reasons.
To increment a variable, the syntax is
Tries += 1
instead of "Tries = +1"
To write a number with leading digits, use might use
Console.Out.WriteLine($"The correct solution would have been: {EasyNum:0000}")

Currently having problems with deleting/overwriting from a file

I'm currently having problems trying to delete a line from a file and replace that line with different text (overwrite the line)
The code initially starts by extracting file contents to find the
DepartmentDetails which can be used to find DepartmentBudget and subtract AmountDue and then create a new DepartmentDetails with the new budget
Once this is complete the code will add the N̳e̳w̳ DepartmentDetails which will leave the code with having the O͟l͟d͟ and the N̳e̳w̳ DepartmentDetails in the same folder.
The code should then delete the O͟l͟d͟ DepartmentDetails from the file making the N̳e̳w̳ DepartmentBudget take it's place. i.e. Overwrite the O͟l͟d͟ DepartmentDetails with the new one.
The problem is that the code does not delete the O͟l͟d͟ DepartmentBudget but adds a line space in between the O͟l͟d͟ and N̳e̳w̳ instead.
Private Sub BtnBillDept_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtnBillDept.Click
Dim DepartmentStore As New Department
Dim Order() As String = File.ReadAllLines(Dir$("OrderDetails.Txt"))
Dim OrderID As String = TxtOrderID.Text
Dim AmountDue As String = TxtAmountDue.Text
Dim DeptID As String = (Trim(Mid(Order(OrderID), 5, 4)))
Dim DepartmentDetails() As String = File.ReadAllLines(Dir$("DepartmentDetails.Txt"))
Dim DepartmentBudget As String = (Trim(Mid(DepartmentDetails(DeptID), 35, 6)))
Dim FormattedBudget As String = FormatCurrency(DepartmentBudget, 2)
Dim YesNo As String
Dim sw As New StreamWriter("DepartmentDetails.txt", True)
DepartmentBudget = FormattedBudget - AmountDue
DepartmentStore.DepartmentID = LSet(DeptID, 4)
DepartmentStore.DepartmentHead = LSet((Trim(Mid(DepartmentDetails(DeptID), 5, 20))), 20)
DepartmentStore.DepartmentName = LSet((Trim(Mid(DepartmentDetails(DeptID), 25, 10))), 10)
DepartmentStore.DepartmentBudget = LSet(DepartmentBudget, 9)
DeptID = UBound(DepartmentDetails)
DepartmentDetails(DeptID) = ""
File.WriteAllLines("DepartmentDetails", DepartmentDetails)
sw.WriteLine(DepartmentStore.DepartmentID & DepartmentStore.DepartmentHead & DepartmentStore.DepartmentName & DepartmentStore.DepartmentBudget)
'***********************Having Problems Here***********************
DepartmentDetails = File.ReadAllLines(Dir$("DepartmentDetails.Txt"))
DepartmentDetails(DeptID) = ""
File.WriteAllLines("DepartmentDetails", DepartmentDetails)
'************************Having Problems Here**************************
YesNo = MsgBox("Department has been billed. Would you like to delete the bill?", vbYesNo)
If YesNo = vbYes Then
End If
End Sub
Who decided that this text file would be formatted with fixed length fields? All this trimming and padding could be avoided with a simple comma delimited file or an xml file or a database where it really belongs.
Code is not tested. Comments and explanations in-line.
'I assume you have a class that looks something like this
'This uses automatic properties to save you having to
'type a getter, setter and backer field (the compiler adds these)
Public Class Department
Public Property DepartmentID As Integer
Public Property DepartmentHead As String
Public Property DepartmentName As String
Public Property DepartmentBudget As Decimal
End Class
Private Sub BtnBillDept_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BtnBillDept.Click
Dim DepartmentStore As New Department
'Drag an OpenFileDialog from the ToolBox to your form
'It will appear in the lower portion of the design window
Dim MyFilePath As String = ""
OpenFileDialog1.Title = "Select OrderDetails.Txt"
If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
MyFilePath = OpenFileDialog1.FileName
End If
Dim Order() As String = File.ReadAllLines(MyFilePath)
'Changed data type, you use OrderID as an index for the Order array so it must be an Integer
Dim OrderID As Integer
'TryParse will check if you have a valid interger and fill OrderID variable
If Not Integer.TryParse(TxtOrderID.Text, OrderID) Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid Order ID.")
End If
'EDIT per comment by Codexer
If OrderID > Order.Length - 1 Then
MessageBox.Show("Order Number is too high")
End If
Dim AmountDue As Decimal
If Decimal.TryParse(TxtAmountDue.Text, AmountDue) Then
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a valid Amount Due")
End If
'I hope you realize that the first index in Order is zero
'Mid is an old VB6 method around for compatibility
'Use the .net Substring (startIndex As Integer, length As Integer)
'The indexes in the string start with zero
Dim DeptID As Integer = CInt(Order(OrderID).Substring(5, 4).Trim) '(Trim(Mid(Order(OrderID), 5, 4)))
OpenFileDialog1.Title = "Select DepartmentDetails.txt"
If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
MyFilePath = OpenFileDialog1.FileName
End If
Dim DepartmentDetails() As String = File.ReadAllLines(MyFilePath)
Dim DepartmentBudget As Decimal = CDec(DepartmentDetails(DeptID).Substring(35, 6).Trim) '(Trim(Mid(DepartmentDetails(DeptID), 35, 6)))
'You don't need to format anything until you want to display it
'Dim FormattedBudget As String = FormatCurrency(DepartmentBudget, 2)
'A MessageBox returns a DialogResult
Dim YesNo As DialogResult
Dim sw As New StreamWriter(MyFilePath, True)
'Shorcut way to write DepartmentBudget - AmountDue
DepartmentBudget -= AmountDue
'Set the property in the class with the proper data type
DepartmentStore.DepartmentID = DeptID
'Then prepare a string for the writing to the fil
Dim PaddedID = CStr(DeptID).PadLeft(4)
'The .net replacement for LSet is .PadLeft
DepartmentStore.DepartmentHead = DepartmentDetails(DeptID).Substring(5, 20).Trim.PadLeft(20)
DepartmentStore.DepartmentName = DepartmentDetails(DeptID).Substring(25, 10).Trim.PadLeft(20)
'Set the property in the class with the proper data type
DepartmentStore.DepartmentBudget = DepartmentBudget
'Then prepare a string for the writing to the fil
Dim PaddedBudget = CStr(DepartmentBudget).PadLeft(9)
sw.WriteLine(PaddedID & DepartmentStore.DepartmentHead & DepartmentStore.DepartmentName & PaddedBudget)
'***********************Having Problems Here***********************
'This is using the path from the most recent dialog
DepartmentDetails = File.ReadAllLines(MyFilePath)
'Here you are changing the value of one of the elements in the DepartmentDetails array
DepartmentDetails(DeptID) = ""
'Public Shared Sub WriteAllLines (path As String, contents As String())
'The string "DepartmentDetails" is not a path
File.WriteAllLines(MyFilePath, DepartmentDetails)
'************************Having Problems Here**************************
YesNo = MessageBox.Show("Department has been billed. Would you like to delete the bill?", "Delete Bill?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)
If YesNo = DialogResult.Yes Then
End If
End Sub

VB How do I replace multiple characters at once?

I am making a custom encryption application and im stuck at the replacement part.
For example I have the string "AB12AB12" and I want to encrypt it so that every A becomes a 1, every B a 2, every 1 an A and every 2 a B. If everything goes right the output should be 12AB12AB but this is what happens:
Private Sub Encrypt()
Dim str As String = "AB12AB12"
str = str.Replace("A", "1") 'now the output is "1B121B12"'
str = str.Replace("B", "2") 'now the output is "12121212"'
str = str.Replace("1", "A") 'this is where it goes wrong, output is now "A2A2A2A2"
str = str.Replace("2", "B") 'now the output is "ABABABAB" and it should be "12AB12AB"
output = str
End Sub
The problem is that with this code you keep replacing everything including the previous replacement. Maybe there is an option to like replace every character at the same time so the replacements won't get replaced...
When you use Replace to do the substitution, you get a string that has mixed characters that are processed and unprocessed, and you can't tell them apart. Process the string from start to end instead:
Private Function Encrypt(str as string) as String
Dim source As String = "AB12"
dim dest as string = "12AB"
Dim result As New StringBuilder(str.Length)
For Each c As Char In str
return result.ToString()
End Function
Note: I left the name Encrypt for the method, although a substitution cipher is not what is normally considered as encryption nowadays.
The reason why this fails is because if you modify str with "A" -> "1", these '1' chars will be used when converting back as well:
"AB12AB12" --a>1--> "1B121B12"
"1B121B12" --b>2--> "12121212"
"12121212" --1>a--> "A2A2A2A2"
"A2A2A2A2" --2>b--> "ABABABAB"
Basically there are two ways to do this:
character per character
using a "temporary character"
Here you fetch a character per iteration and translate it to the corresponding value:
Private Sub Encrypt()
Dim str As String = "AB12AB12"
Dim fmc As Char() = {"A","B","1","2"}
Dim toc As Char() = {"1","2","A","B"}
Dim sb As New StringBuilder(str.Length)
Dim i As Integer
For i As Integer = 1 To str.Length-1
output = sb.ToString()
End Sub
Temporary character
If you know no '3' (or another character will occur, you can simply state):
Private Sub Encrypt()
Dim str As String = "AB12AB12"
str = str.Replace("A", "3")
str = str.Replace("1", "A")
str = str.Replace("3", "1")
str = str.Replace("B", "3")
str = str.Replace("2", "B")
str = str.Replace("3", "B")
output = str
End Sub
This however will slow down the performance.
On a sidenote, as #HansPassant already pointed out, you better don't design encryption systems your own. This one for instance can trivially be solved by frequency analysis.
here i proposed a different method than you are discussed, check the possibilities
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
MsgBox(encrypt(plain_text.Text, replace_it.Text, replace_with.Text))
'display the result in the message box
End Sub
where plain_text.Text: the input text
replace_it.Text: the character to be replaced
replace_with.Text: the character is replacing.
following is the function used to perform the encryption :
Public Function encrypt(ByVal str As String, ByVal frm As String, ByVal replace As String) As String
Dim cipher As String
cipher = ""
For i As Integer = 0 To Len(str) - 1 'check each character separately
If getbyte(str, i) = frm Then
cipher = cipher & replace 'replace the character if is same as the requested
cipher = cipher & getbyte(str, i)
End If
Return cipher.ToString
End Function
function to get each character in the string
Private Function getbyte(ByVal s As String, ByVal place As Integer) As String
If place < Len(s) Then
place = place + 1
getbyte = Mid(s, place, 1)
getbyte = ""
End If
End Function

permutation not accepting large words

the vb.net code below permutates a given word...the problem i have is that it does not accept larger words like "photosynthesis", "Calendar", etc but accepts smaller words like "book", "land", etc ...what is missing...Pls help
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim strInputString As String = String.Empty
Dim lstPermutations As List(Of String)
'Loop until exit character is read
While strInputString <> "x"
Console.Write("Please enter a string or x to exit: ")
strInputString = Console.ReadLine()
If strInputString = "x" Then
Continue While
End If
'Create a new list and append all possible permutations to it.
lstPermutations = New List(Of String)
Append(strInputString, lstPermutations)
'Sort and display list+stats
For Each strPermutation As String In lstPermutations
Console.WriteLine("Permutation: " + strPermutation)
Console.WriteLine("Total: " + lstPermutations.Count.ToString)
End While
End Sub
Public Sub Append(ByVal pString As String, ByRef pList As List(Of String))
Dim strInsertValue As String
Dim strBase As String
Dim strComposed As String
'Add the base string to the list if it doesn't exist
If pList.Contains(pString) = False Then
End If
'Iterate through every possible set of characters
For intLoop As Integer = 1 To pString.Length - 1
'we need to slide and call an interative function.
For intInnerLoop As Integer = 0 To pString.Length - intLoop
'Get a base insert value, example (a,ab,abc)
strInsertValue = pString.Substring(intInnerLoop, intLoop)
'Remove the base insert value from the string eg (bcd,cd,d)
strBase = pString.Remove(intInnerLoop, intLoop)
'insert the value from the string into spot and check
For intCharLoop As Integer = 0 To strBase.Length - 1
strComposed = strBase.Insert(intCharLoop, strInsertValue)
If pList.Contains(strComposed) = False Then
'Call the same function to review any sub-permutations.
Append(strComposed, pList)
End If
End Sub
End Module
Without actually creating a project to run this code, nor knowing how it 'doesn't accept' long words, my answer would be that there are a lot of permutations for long words and your program is just taking much longer than you're expecting to run. So you probably think it has crashed.
The problem is the recursion, it's blowing up the stack. You'll have to rewrite your code to use an iteration instead of recursion. Generally explained here
Psuedo code here uses iteration instead of recursion
Generate list of all possible permutations of a string

Compare String with Strings in array

I'm trying to use this script to compare a users input from a text box with the 22 correct words. I'm not looking for multiple cases, such as VICE is in ADVICE so it would be 2 values; I want it to have the string values to accept only equal values.
At the moment, it is only recognizing the first word TIED and displays a message box "found", but it doesn't not recognize any other word in the list.
I am writing in visual basic script
Private Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click
Dim Find As String = userinput
For Each Str As String In StrCorrect
If StrComp(Str, userinput, CompareMethod.Text).ToString = 0 Then
MsgBox("Found" & userinput)
Else : MsgBox("incorrect word")
End If
End Sub
The problem is that your loop is explicitly returning if the first item isn't a match. You only know you don't have a match if your loop completes without finding one, so try something like this instead:
For Each Str As String In StrCorrect
If StrComp(Str, userinput, CompareMethod.Text).ToString = 0 Then
MsgBox("Found" & userinput)
End If
MsgBox("incorrect word")
This will only display "incorrect word" if all of the items in your list fail the first test.
Why STRCOMP? Why not a direct comparision if you want an exact match?
For Each Str As String In StrCorrect
If Str = Find Then
MessageBox.Show("Found :" & Str)
End If
Try like below, It will help you...
Sample :
Dim result As String() = Array.FindAll(StrCorrect, Function(s) s.Equals(Find))
If (result.Length > 0) Then
MsgBox("Found : " & userinput)
MsgBox("incorrect word")
End If
Full Code :
Dim Find As String = userinput
Dim result As String() = Array.FindAll(StrCorrect, Function(s) s.Equals(Find))
If (result.Length > 0) Then
MsgBox("Found : " & userinput)
MsgBox("incorrect word")
End If
I would use a for loop, something like
For i As Integer = 0 To StrCorrect.Length - 1
If StrCorrect(i) = Find Then
MsgBox("Found" & Find)
'End if
'The else statement simply alerting that it didnt find the right word on this iteration
'The else can be removed if you dont want this alert
MsgBox("incorrect word")
End If