Yocto OEL x86-64 build Error - cross-platform

I am building OEL for x86 and completed all steps as per the prerequisites http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/2.0/yocto-project-qs/yocto-project-qs.html and further steps from github.com/OpenEneaLinux/oel.
I am running the script "./build_lng-x86-64.sh" but the following errors are thrown. The same error keeps repeating. Has anyone experienced anything similar ?
OEL build error

Here is the fix from comparing openjdk-common in dora branch vs openjdk-common in master branch. Please modify as needed. The files would be located in /meta-java/openjdk/openjdk-common.inc
Dora branch with error:
ICEDTEA_VERSION = "${#bb.parse.BBHandler.vars_from_file(d.getVar('FILE'),d)[1].split("-")[1] or '1.0'}"
Master branch:
ICEDTEA_VERSION = "${#bb.parse.BBHandler.vars_from_file(d.getVar('FILE', False),d)[1].split("-")[1] or '1.0'}"


conan io : Unknown command 'export-pkg'

I am using conan io to create a package from pre build binaries. I found this post on the conan website: http://docs.conan.io/en/latest/creating_packages/existing_binaries.html but the problem is: Every time I try to use export-pkg command I get an error that this command is unknown. What is more I can neither create a --bare package. What is wrong?
Do you have any idea what commands to use?
Thank you in advance,
So, it occured that I had a prehistoric version of conan. What was surprising because couple of minutes before I upgraded conan. What happened: the upgrade was not successfull (although eveyrthing looked fine) because I had installed pythonx86. As soon as I installed pythonx64 and re-upgraded conan I had access to these new commands,
just in case someone had similar issues....

Team city cannot copy pagefile.sys because it is being used by another process

I am trying to get TeamCity up and running for a CI / CD server. So far I have it connected to my Git repo, it pulls the repo and builds. Great.
Now I am trying to publish it. (My web server is also the CI server and agent).
I keep getting this error:
C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\f56e1490ff15a5c4\P4P.Web\P4P.Web.csproj(1373, 5): warning MSB3026: Could not copy "\pagefile.sys" to "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\P4P\build\pagefile.sys". Beginning retry 8 in 1000ms. The process cannot access the file '\pagefile.sys' because it is being used by another process.
It ultimately fails and fails the entire publish process.
C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\f56e1490ff15a5c4\P4P.Web\P4P.Web.csproj(1373, 5): error MSB3027: Could not copy "\pagefile.sys" to "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\P4P\build\pagefile.sys". Exceeded retry count of 10. Failed.
C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\f56e1490ff15a5c4\P4P.Web\P4P.Web.csproj(1373, 5): error MSB3021: Unable to copy file "\pagefile.sys" to "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\P4P\build\pagefile.sys". The process cannot access the file '\pagefile.sys' because it is being used by another process.
I found this ow SO. I tried downgrading the Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform and Microsoft.Net.Compilers packages to 1.0.0. I have even tried removing them entirely.
I have looked at all csproj files for references to these packages (including the package.config). Nothing.
I have no idea where to even begin to fix this.
My server is running Windows Server 2012 R2. I installed VS professional.
Any ideas?
I encountered the same issue.
The problem starts when you upgrade the DotNetCompilerPlatform to version 1.0.1.
To work around this issue you can downgrade to version 1.0.0 using the NuGet package manager.
EDIT: If you uninstall Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform AND Microsoft.Net.Compilers, and then install the DotNetCompilerPlatform (has a dependency on the Microsoft.Net.Compilers package so it will automatically install that) package again the error disappears for good so it seems.
Also check this issue link - error MSB3027: Could not copy "C:\pagefile.sys" to "bin\roslyn\pagefile.sys". Exceeded retry count of 10. Failed

SonarQube 5.6 - MSBuild Fakes Generation failing (SonarQube.Integration.targets)

I posted a similar question here.
Unfortunately, this issue is coming up again after having upgraded our build machines to run on Visual Studio Online 2015's Build and Release Manager.
This is the error that I get from a solution that generates Fakes assemblies used in unit testing:
error MSB3491: Could not write lines to file "D:\builds\TFS2015agent_2_work\1\.sonarqube\out\\f_AnyCPU_Release_9840\FilesToAnalyze.txt".
The process cannot access the file 'D:\builds\TFS2015agent_2_work\1\.sonarqube\out\f_AnyCPU_Release_9840\FilesToAnalyze.txt' because it is being used by another process. [D:\builds\TFS2015agent_2_work\1\s\FakesFilePath\f.csproj] [D:\builds\TFS2015agent_2_work\1\s\FakesFileProj]
2016-09-13T20:01:37.6477261Z GENERATEFAKES : error : project compilation failed with exit code 1 [D:\builds\TFS2015agent_2_work\1\s\FakesFilePath\]
Does anyone have an idea of why this is happening? What process is causing the error? Could it possibly be related to the fakes compiling while SonarQube tries to access it?

TeamCity project for deployment fails with Exit Code 1

I am adding a SQL script(StoredProc) for deployment using TeamCity Projects and the deployment fails and says(* Process exited with Code 1). It throws an Error in Deploying script to DB. But it was fine before.
Seems to me some issue with permissions, but I havent changed any.
Could anyone enlighten?
Thanks this issue is resolved, I was missing a build error( was creating an SP in the script that I was deploying, but which already existed in DB with same name).
The exit code error message isnt always very descriptive, but stumbled upon "already exists" keyword somewhere in between the build-log. Hence rectified .
Good idea to examine log carefully.

help building castle dynamic proxy

So I pulled the source from https://svn.castleproject.org/svn/castle/DynamicProxy/trunk/
Open it up in vs.net 2008
vs.net can't open the assembly.cs
assembly signing failed
What am I doing, rather NOT doing?
So I downloaded nant, setup the .bat file in my PATH so it works in cmd prompt.
I ran:
nant default.build
Getting this error:
build failed, \buildscripts\common-project.xml (48,3)
invalid element . Unknown task or datatype.
How exactly do I build the dynamicProxy project now?
This is what I did, see screenshot:
oh and my nant is:
#echo off
"E:\dev\tools\nant-bin\nant-0.86-nightly-2009-05-05\bin\Nant.exe" %*
http://img697.imageshack.us/img697/5623/castlebuildscreenshot.png http://img697.imageshack.us/img697/5623/castlebuildscreenshot.png
You can read the FM (how to build.txt). :)
You need to run the build script first using NAnt (http://nant.sf.net). This will generate the assembly.cs file. Take a look at the .build files in the tree to see what they are doing.
As for the assembly signing failing, check the project settings to get rid of references to CastleKey.snk. It should sign it using DynProxy.snk (in theory).
The issue with NUnit is now fixed. Do a clean check out. I really have no idea why you're getting that error. Which version of NAnt are you using? Make sure you have the latest (earlier do not have support for .NET 3.5)
You should be able to just pull the source from the trunk, and build with nant (I just did that and it worked). Ok, I lied, looks like the reference to NUnit is wrong, so the unit test project will not build correctly:
BUILD FAILED - 0 non-fatal error(s), 1 warning(s)
'nunit-console.exe' failed to start.
The system cannot find the file specified
Total time: 1.2 seconds.
Nested build failed. Refer to build
log for exact reason.
Total time: 3.4 seconds.
However the important stuff (assemblyinfo generation) will succeed and you should be able to just open Castle.DynamicProxy2-vs2008.sln, fix the reference to the NUnit assembly hit F5 and build the code with no issues.
I just did it on a clean check out, and it worked.
Generally if you're planning to do modifications in DP codebase, it is advised to go to the Castle user group first, and discuss it there.