Does it help to mark ivars in .m files private? - objective-c

If I'm declaring an ivar in a .m file, either in an #implementation block or in a class extension, is there any benefit to marking it #private?
It seems that whether or not they are private, a compiler error is generated. However, according to Apple, accessing private variables causes a link error. So it does seem that there's an advantage to declaring them #private. Is that correct?

Instance variables declared in the #interface have a default class of #protected. Declarations in the #implementation are private. An explicit #private attribute is unnecessary in the latter case.


Is following use of objc #protected directive safe/legit?

I have to expose a private property to sub-classes.
Since there is no such thing as "protected properties" in objc AFAIK, I'm using the #protected directive to expose the corresponding ivar that's synthesised by the complier.
This method appears to work, however, I'm not sure if I'm affecting the synthesis of the property and ARC in some inadvisable way?
I'm using a weak property here to show how the compiler forced me to use __weak modifier with the #protected directive, i.e. it appears the complier is aware of the two declarations and the link between them.
Superclass .h file
#interface Superclass : NSObject
SCNScene * __weak _scnScene;
Superclass .m file
#interface Superclass ()
#property (weak, nonatomic) SCNScene * scnScene;
#implementation Superclass
Subclass .m file
#implementation Subclass
// Can use _scnScene just fine
_scnScene = .....
Yes, it'll probably work. Don't do it this way. It's very inflexible. It forces you to declare ivars in the header, it only works with ivars, and it doesn't give you any control over read/write controls (or let you create a custom getters/setters). There isn't really a good reason to use the # access controls anymore (not since the move to non-fragile ivars, and they weren't that useful before).
A typical way to do this is with a +Protected header with a category. For example, you'd create a header file Superclass+Protected.h like this:
#interface Superclass (Protected)
#property (weak, nonatomic) SCNScene * scnScene;
Then you import that into any implementation files that are allowed to access scnScene. Note that you could make this readonly if you wanted, so internally it's writable, but to protected implementations it's only readable, and to the public, it's invisible.
This is more flexible than literal "protected" because you can import this header into any other implementation where it is appropriate. So it can also be the equivalent of C++'s "friend." Obviously naming the file and providing some header comments can be helpful to let callers know if they should or shouldn't import this file.
To any complaints that this doesn't enforce access controls (not that you made any, but for anyone that does), neither does #protected. If I call valueForKeyPath:, I can access protected ivars, too. ObjC helps you create "no trespassing signs" so that callers know when they're in places they shouldn't be. It doesn't try to stop programs from accessing their own memory space. (This would be a futile goal; you can always read private variables and call private functions in any language that allows raw memory access; the point of access controls is to help callers write correct code, not stop them from doing anything.)
In the context of a class declaration, protected is the default visibility for instance variables, so your declaration has no effect. In fact, the following declaration:
#interface Superclass : NSObject
would have the precisely the same effect as the declaration you posted, because the compiler automatically synthesizes any needed ivars for declared properties, unless you declare them yourself.

difference between public ivar and private proprety in objective c

May I know what is the difference between instance variable in .h file and property in .m file in objective c?
I know that both cannot be used outside the class. Any other difference?
A. You can add ivars inside the implementation, too:
#implementation AClass
id ivar;
Therefore the difference is not that ivars has to be in the header (interface). (But see below B.)
B. If an ivar should not be used outside, there is no reason to put it in the public header. Why do you want to inform somebody about an ivar, if he cannot use it? This is source code spamming.
C. A property adds (or uses) an ivar. Additionally it adds accessor methods.
D. A property provides additional semantic information, especially about atomicity and setter semantics, if it is declared in the header.
Up to here it should be clear that properties are usually the better way to model an object state. So why do we have ivars in headers?
This is for legacy. In former times we did not have declared properties. There has been some reasons for having ivars in the header (for example to tell the compiler the object size), but this are gone. The only meaning for declaring ivars in the header in nowadays is that you make them public and let others access them directly for performance reasons. You should have very good performance reasons to do so. I had never had them.
In addition to Jef's answer:
If you want to make ivars public to subclasses, you can put them into a class continuation in an extra file. Let's have an example:
// We do not put ivars in the public header. This is an implementation detail.
#interface MyClass : NSObject
// We do put ivars in an extra header with a class continuation, to make them visible for subclasses
#interface MyClass()
id ivar;
MyClass.m or MySubclass.m
// We use both headers in the implementation and subclass implementation:
#import "MyClass.h"
#import "MyClass_SubclassAddition.h
#implementation MyClass
You can get rid of the "subclass ivar problem", if you use setters in initializers. Whether this is wrong or not to do so, is a different discussion. Personally I prefer to use setters. But do not let us start that discussion again (and again and again …)
the biggest practical difference is that subclasses can see and use ivars which are declared in the .h, where if they are in an extension at top of the implementation file a subclass cannot access them.
I like to start with them in the .m file but i'll happily move one to the header in order to use it from a subclass.

Variable in implementation file

I just started picking up objective c and I have been following a tutorial online.
In the tutorial, it set the NSMutableAray pointer in the implementation (.m file) in the curly brackets.
I thought the pointer variable should be declared in the header file.
What is the reason / benefit of having the pointer variable in the implementation file in the curly brackets?
#interface AppDelegate ()
#implementation AppDelegate
NSMutableArray *_players;
Two reasons for declaring instance variables in the #implementation:
The instance variable is private to the implementation, it is implicitly private, cannot be made public, and no even subclasses can see it. This restricts access from outside the implementation to the value of the instance variable, or to setting its value, to public (or protected) methods/properties declared in the interface.
It de-clutters the public #interface by removing details which are not relevant to the user of the class, but only to its implementation.
Originally Objective-C did not support declaring instance variable in the #implementation, but it has for a few versions of Xcode/clang by now. In old code you will still see instance variables in the #interface, but it is better in new code to declared them in the #implementation.
Apparently so private interface is unavailable outside

public objects and use of property

I'm a bit confused; if an object is declared in the .h file it is considered automatically as "public" right? We use a #property in the .h file, however, to edit them? This is where I don't understand: we use the getter/setter for private objects, so why do we use the #property for objects declared in the .h file and thus considered as "public"?
Second thing, I found this example: I don't understand why we use a #synthesize for primaryKey in this code:
and why we don't use a #property for the database object?
It is not correct that if an object (ivar) is declared in a .h file, then it is public. It is only if getter/setter methods are provided, otherwise it is not.
Indeed, the #property/#synthesize directives are facilities meant to declare and define default getter/setter methods. So, instead of writing them yourself, you just use the directives.
It is also worth noting that declaring properties you get the possibility of using the dot notation to refer properties of your objects. And also that they clarify a lot, thanks to the retain/assign/copy specifiers, how memory is meant to be managed for that properties. (And, of course, #synthesize will just do that correctly for you).
About your sample, in fact, whether an ivar is associated to a property or not is a design choice. Possibly, you just reconsider the assumption that ivars declared in .h files are public by defaults, and it will become clearer. In other words: primaryKey is public, database is not.
A very nice tutorial can be found here but also do not forget Apple docs.
about your question from the comment section:
it is not necessary that every ivar has a property, nor that it has getter/setter in order to be used inside of that class implementation.
#interface SomeClass : NSObject {
AnotherClass* _anotherClassObj;
AThirdClass* _aThirdClassObj;
#property (nonatomic, retain) AnotherClass* anotherClassObj;
So, here you have two ivars; only one has got a #property declaration. In your .m file you may have, e.g.
#implementation SomeClass;
#synthesize anotherClassObj = _anotherClassObj;
- (void)initWithClasses:(AnotherClass*)obj1 and:(AThirdClass*)obj2 {
self.anotherClassObj = obj1;
_aThirdClassObj = obj2;
In this code:
#synthesize will provide implementation for getter/setter for anotherClassObj so you can use syntax: self.anotherClassObj = obj1; that syntax can be used equally from inside and outside the class implementation;
when you have no getter/setter (either auto-generated or custom) you can assign directly to an ivar by using the syntax _aThirdClassObj = obj2;, with the semantics of simple pointer copy; anyway, _aThirdClassObj will not accessible from outside that class;
furthermore, #property ... anotherClassObj notwithstanding, you can still refer _anotherClassObj directly in your .m file, like in _anotherClassObj = xxx, bypassing getter/setter, if you ever need it.
One thing you should have clear is that getter/setter are not only a way to make an ivar "public". They also play an important role in managing the retain count (depending on which specifier you choose among retain/assign/copy in the property declaration). So, in self.anotherClassObj = obj1; above, obj1 is assigned to _anotherClassObj and it is also retained (and if _anotherClassObj was previously pointing to an object, that object will be sent a release). Raw ivar assignment does not provide that kind of facility.
In my opinion, the retain count management feature of properties is far more important than visibility for deciding whether I use a property or not.
Not everything in the header is public, by default ivars (items in the { }) are #protected. The purpose of the #property is data encapsulation. #synthesize or #dynamic is used for declaring the way you want to implement your property and one or the other is necessary to prevent crashes and warnings.
Defining Classes #protected, #package, #private, #public reference
Declared Properties #property reference

Objective-C: what is private what is not?

Why are people using
#interface ViewController : UIViewController
UIButton* button_;
#private declarations in public headers? Declaring a variable inside an implementation yields the same result, doesn't it? It feels strange to me, I thought a public header should only contain really public members. What to do with protected members?
#implementation ViewController
UIButton* button_;
The only difference I know of is that this variable is only visible inside the current compilation unit (the .m file, right?)
Does the same hold true for methods? I could compile fine with proper method ordering or forward declarations. Why do people care to declare categories for private methods? For testing purposes only?
The variable declaration inside the #implementation block will create a global variable, and not an instance variable. Instance variables need to be defined as part of the #interface.
While you can create an additional #interface block, by means of a category or extension, but it can only contain method declarations, and not instance variables.
I would say that while it might "feel" wrong to you to put private instance variables in a supposedly public header, I wouldn't worry about it.
Take a look at pretty much any header file for a Cocoa class (except for the cluster classes), and you'll see that Apple declares their instance variables in their public header files.
Since Apple is OK with it, I don't think you have much to worry about. =)
FYI: All instance variables are protected by default.
Does the same hold true for methods?
No, methods are visible to any part of the program. If you know the selector you can callit.
I could compile fine with proper method ordering or forward declarations. Why do people care to declare categories for private methods? For testing purposes only?
Private categories are a form of forward declaration. You can think of them as if they were C prototypes.
#private is referring only to the iVars.
By default you can access ivars of an instance like so:- id iShouldNotDoThis = foo->bar;
#private means you can't access the ivar like that and have to use the access methods.
id thisIsBetter = [foo bar];
Nothing to do with private categories or methods.