How to solve "String or binary data would be truncated." TSQL - sql

I am experimenting with a store procedure and I get the following error:
String or binary data would be truncated
I am trying to add user info to a table and I want to hash the password. I found this guide and am trying to make it work
The code:
DECLARE #FirstName nvarchar(20) = 'Name'
DECLARE #LastName nvarchar(20) = 'LastName'
DECLARE #Email nvarchar(50) = 'Name.LastName#hot'
DECLARE #UserPassword nvarchar(12) = 'thepass'
DECLARE #UserName nvarchar(4)
SET #UserName = SUBSTRING(#FirstName, 1, 2) + SUBSTRING(#LastName, 1, 2)
SET #Hash = 0x200 + #Salt + HASHBYTES('SHA2_512', CAST(#UserPassword AS varbinary(MAX)) + #Salt)
INSERT INTO USERS(Email,UserName,UserPassword,firstName,lastName) VALUES(#Email, #UserName, #Hash, #FirstName, #LastName)
Table looks like:
After searching the web i got info that the size of the hash might be to big for the column but i checked and this is the result of the data:
This is 142 characters and is below the 500 maximum.
What am I doing wrong?


Hash saved in Chinese instead of standard

I created a procedure in SQL Server to enter a new user.
When I'm going to create the hash password that appears in the Chinese language, I couldn't understand why.
Can someone help me with the solution and also explain to me why this happened?
ALTER PROCEDURE [Administrative].[spInsertUser]
(#Name Nvarchar(50),
#Surname Nvarchar(Max),
#Email Nvarchar(1000),
#PasswordHash Nvarchar(Max),
#EmailConfirmed Bit,
#Lockout Bit,
#TimeZone Nvarchar(6))
DECLARE #Id Bigint;
DECLARE #NewPasswordHash Varbinary(Max);
SET #NewPasswordHash = HASHBYTES('SHA2_512', #PasswordHash);
INSERT INTO Administrative.Users ([Name], Surname, Email, PasswordHash,
EmailConfirmed, Lockout, TimeZone, Active)
VALUES (#Name, #Surname, #Email, #NewPasswordHash,
1, 0, #TimeZone, 1)
SET #Id = ##Identity
Created with varbinary:
Msg 257, Level 16, State 3, Administrative.spInsertUser Procedure, Line 0 [Batch 8 Start Line]
Implicit cast from varchar data type to varbinary is not allowed. Use the CONVERT function to run this query.

SQL Store a value from an EXECUTE Command into a variable

I'm attempting to store a value into a variable from a EXECUTE command. I know I'm suppose to use sp_executesql command, but all examples online are only making more confused. So here is what I'm trying to do.
I have a stored procedure that accepts two parameters (a table name, a room #). To have a dynamic table name, I use dynamic SQL style while using strings. I'm attempting to store a phone number that is either from multiple tables. I got this working so far.
DECLARE #Location varchar(MAX);
DECLARE #Room varchar(10);
DECLARE #Number char(8);
DECLARE #SQLString varchar(MAX);
SET #Location = N'CMPhone.dbo.GardenCottage';
SET #Room = N'202';
SET #SQLString ='SET #Number = (SELECT PhoneNumber FROM ' + #Location + ' WHERE Room = ''' + #Room + ''');';
SET #Number = (SELECT PhoneNumber FROM CMPhone.dbo.GardenCottage WHERE Room = '202');
SET #Number = (SELECT PhoneNumber FROM CMPhone.dbo.GardenCottage WHERE Room = '202');
Which is the correct number. Now, here is where the problem comes in. I need to do another query using dynamic SQL so I can use multiple tables again. So in my stored procedure, I need to store my EXEC(#SQLString) into a variable (#Number) so I can use that value, and that's where I'm having problems. I can't get sp_executesql to store the value into #Number. The other query will look something like this
SET #SQLString = ' UPDATE PhoneNumbers SET Active = ''1'' WHERE
PhoneNumber = ''' + #Number + ''';';
If this is confusing in anyway, or you have questions, please ask. Any help is very much appreciated. Thanks
Update #1:
I have this new string now
#SQLString = 'SELECT PhoneNumber FROM ' + #Location ' + ' WHERE Room = ''' + #Room + ''';';
gets the correct number, but I don't know how to set up a OUTPUT parameter.
I'm attempting to follow this example from Microsoft
DECLARE #ParmDefinition NVARCHAR(500)
DECLARE #IntVariable INT
DECLARE #Lastlname varchar(30)
SET #SQLString = N'SELECT #LastlnameOUT = max(lname)
FROM pubs.dbo.employee WHERE job_lvl = #level'
SET #ParmDefinition = N'#level tinyint,
#LastlnameOUT varchar(30) OUTPUT'
SET #IntVariable = 35
EXECUTE sp_executesql
#level = #IntVariable,
#LastlnameOUT=#Lastlname OUTPUT
SELECT #Lastlname
But I don't see how their declaring the lastlNameOUT variables.
use output variable in your EXECUTE sp_executesql like this:
EXECUTE sp_executesql #SQLString, N'#Number char(8) out',#Number out then you will get #Number value from inside dynamc sql, then you can use that value in other part of the query. hope this helps

SQL query error: Conversion failed when converting the varchar value

I search about the error, but I only find different answers that didn't work for me.
I have this query, in SQL Server:
DECLARE #column_name varchar (25),
#data_column int,
#table_name varchar (25)
DECLARE #mySql nvarchar (MAX)
SET #column_name = 'Excellent'
SET #table_name = 'CSAT'
SET #data_column = 10
SET #mySql = 'INSERT INTO '+#table_name+'('+#column_name+') VALUES('+#data_column+')'
EXEC (#mySql)
When I execute it, it shows me this error:
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'INSERT INTO CSAT(Excellent) VALUES(' to data type int.
All the columns are Int and allow nulls.
I have to make a conversion or something? I appreciate your help!
#data_column is an int, so you need to convert it to varchar because you are building a string.
SET #mySql = 'INSERT INTO '+#table_name+'('+#column_name+')
VALUES('+ Convert(Varchar(10), #data_column)+')'
When sql server encounters an expression that mixes strings and int, it attempts to convert the string to an int (instead of the the other way around). This is documented here: SQL Server Data Type Precedence
add some space like this
SET #mySql = 'INSERT INTO '+#table_name+' ('+convert(varchar(50),#column_name)+') VALUES('+#data_column+')'
The sql is trying to make a sum of your string on line:
SET #mySql = 'INSERT INTO '+#table_name+'('+#column_name+') VALUES('+#data_column+')'
Change the #data_column parameter from int to varchar or use a CONCAT function to create your SQL command:
SET #mySql = CONCAT('INSERT INTO ',#table_name,' (',#column_name,') VALUES(',#data_column,')')
You should use Parametrised Query to do this, Also use appropriate datatype for object names...
something like this....
DECLARE #column_name SYSNAME
,#data_column INT
,#table_name SYSNAME
SET #column_name = 'Excellent'
SET #table_name = 'CSAT'
SET #data_column = 10
SET #mySql = N' INSERT INTO '+ QUOTENAME(#table_name)
+ N' ('+ QUOTENAME(#column_name) +') '
+ N' VALUES( #data_column )'
Exec sp_executesql #mySql
,N'#data_column INT'

Difficulty using a CHAR in Dynamic SQL

I'm trying to pass in #accountType, a char value to a stored procedure that uses dynamic SQL. It is declared as char(4) in the procedure. The current error is Incorrect syntax near 'D' if I try to change it I get invalid column: D.
I cannot figure out how dynamic SQL wants me to indicate that the variable is a char. I've tried it many ways, here is the most recent:
set #q = 'Update ' + #statementTable +
' SET Account = '+ #padding + #accountNumber +
' WHERE ClosingDate BETWEEN CAST('''+CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),#proc_dateStart)+''' AS DATE) AND CAST('''+CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),#proc_dateEnd)+''' AS DATE)' +
' AND AccountType =' + ''''+ #accountType +''''
The value is coming from my C# code exactly like this: D
No single quotes or anything around the letter. Any ideas? I'm more than a bit stuck with this.
Something like this, you need to have the parameters actually within the string statement, then when you execute sp_executesql, you then pass what each of those parameters are.
DECLARE #statementTable VARCHAR(50)
DECLARE #padding VARCHAR(50)
DECLARE #accountNumber CHAR(4)
DECLARE #proc_dateStart VARCHAR(50)
DECLARE #proc_dateEnd VARCHAR(50)
DECLARE #accountType VARCHAR(50)
SET #q = 'Update #statementTable
SET Account = ''#accountNumber''
WHERE ClosingDate BETWEEN CAST(''+CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),#proc_dateStart)+'' AS DATE) AND CAST(''+CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),#proc_dateEnd)+'' AS DATE)
AND AccountType = ''#accountType'''
EXEC sys.sp_executesql #sql, N'#statementTable VARCHAR(50),#accountNumber CHAR(4),#proc_dateStart VARCHAR(50), #proc_dateEnd VARCHAR(50),#accountType VARCHAR(50)',

Is it possible to supply sp_ExecuteSql parameter names dynamically?

Is it possible to supply the list of parameters to sp_ExecuteSql dynamically?
In sp_ExecuteSql the query and the parameter definitions are strings. We can use string variables for these and pass in any query and parameter definitions we want to execute. However, when assigning values to the parameters, we cannot seem to use strings or string variables for the parameter names.
For example:
DECLARE #SelectedUserName NVARCHAR(255) ,
#SelectedJobTitle NVARCHAR(255);
SET #SelectedUserName = N'TEST%';
SET #SelectedJobTitle = N'%Developer%';
#paramdefs NVARCHAR(1000);
SET #sql = N'select * from Users where Name LIKE #UserName '
+ N'and JobTitle LIKE #JobTitle;'
SET #paramdefs = N'#UserName nvarchar(255), #JobTitle nvarchar(255)';
EXEC sp_ExecuteSql #sql, #paramdefs, #UserName = #SelectedUserName,
#JobTitle = #SelectedJobTitle;
The query #sql, and the parameter definitions, #paramdefs, can be passed into sp_ExecuteSql dynamically, as string variables. However, it seems to me that when assigning values to the parameters we cannot assign dynamically and must always know the number of parameters and their names ahead of time. Note in my example how I could declare parameters #UserName and #JobTitle dynamically and pass in that declaration as a string variable, but I had to explicitly specify the parameter names when I wanted to set them. Is there any way around this limitation?
I would like to be able to both declare the parameters dynamically and assign to them dynamically as well. Something like:
EXEC sp_ExecuteSql #sql, #paramdefs,
N'#UserName = #SelectedUserName, #JobTitle = #SelectedJobTitle';
Note that this doesn't actually work but illustrates the sort of thing I'd like to happen. If this sort of thing worked then I could pass in different queries with different numbers of parameters which have different names. The whole thing would be dynamic and I wouldn't have to know the names or numbers of parameters beforehand.
You can do this by using a table valued parameter as the only parameter:
DECLARE #YourQuery NVARCHAR(MAX0 = '<your dynamic query>'
CREATE TYPE dbo.SqlVariantTable AS TABLE
[Name] VARCHAR(255),
Type VARCHAR(255),
DECLARE #Table SqlVariantTable;
-- Insert your dynamic parameters here:
('Parameter1', 'VARCHAR(255)', 'some value'),
('Parameter2', 'INT', 3),
DECLARE #ParameterAssignment NVARCHAR(MAX)
SELECT #ParameterAssignment = ISNULL(#ParameterAssignment + ';','') + 'DECLARE ' + Name + ' ' + Type + ' = (SELECT CAST(Value AS ' + Type + ') FROM #p1 WHERE Name = ''' + Name + ''')'
FROM #Table
SET #YourQuery = #ParameterAssignment + ';' + #YourQuery
EXEC SP_EXECUTESQL #YourQuery, N'#p1 SqlVariantTable READONLY', #Table
Now you can simpy insert the parameters into the #Table variable, and they will be present with they original name and type within the query exeuted in the SP_EXECUTESQL. Only make sure you do not use VARCHAR(MAX) or NVARCHAR(MAX) variable types, since they are not supported by SQL_VARIANT. Use (for instance) VARCHAR(4000) instead
I also thought about this and couldn't find anything better than this:
#p1 int, #p2 int, #p3 int, #p4 int...;
#p1 = {some logic},
#p2 = {some different logic},
#p3 = {another logic},
#p4 = {yet another logic},
#DynamicSQL =
some statement
someColumn = #p1
AND someAnotherColumn = #p2
/*no more parameters used below this line*/
exec sp_executesql
#stmt = #DynamicSQL,
#params = '#p1 int, #p2 int, #p3 int, #p4 int...'
#p1 = #p1, #p2 = #p2, #p3 = #p3, #p4 = #p4, ...
Notice, that #DynamicSQL uses only 2 out of the 4 possible parameters. Parameters #p1 int, #p2 int, #p3 int, #p4 int... represent the maximum number of parameters you can use in your #DynamicSQL.
You have to have a predefined maximum number of parameters that can be used, and you build the #DynamicSQL statement only with some subset of them. Parameters defined in #params that are not present in the #stmt statement are ignored.
It is not 100 % universal, but I guess that using more than 200 dynamic parameters smells of code smell.
You're trying to work one level too high in abstraction.
Arbitrary parameters requires dynamic SQL, a.k.a. building SQL via strings, which then makes the entire point of parameters moot.
Instead, this should be handled as parameters in the calling code, such as C#, which will allow you to take any SQL statement in a string, apply an arbitrary number of arguments, and execute it.
While this doesn't answer my question I thought it may be useful for others in similar situations. I've discovered the following:
If you have a fixed number of parameters but don't know their names you can pass the parameter values by position rather than name. The following will work:
exec sp_ExecuteSql
#SelectedUserName, #SelectedJobTitle;
exec sp_ExecuteSql
N'TEST%', N'%Developer%';
Please try this.
Declare #UName varchar(50)
Declare #Job varchar(50)
Set #UName = 'TEST%'
Set #Job = '%Developer%'
exec sp_ExecuteSql #sql, #paramdefs, #UserName = #UName, #JobTitle = #Job;
May this will help you.
Ref From
DECLARE #IntVariable int;
DECLARE #SQLString nvarchar(500);
DECLARE #ParmDefinition nvarchar(500);
/* Build the SQL string one time.*/
SET #SQLString = N'SELECT BusinessEntityID, NationalIDNumber, JobTitle, LoginID
FROM AdventureWorks2012.HumanResources.Employee
WHERE BusinessEntityID = #BusinessEntityID';
SET #ParmDefinition = N'#BusinessEntityID tinyint';
/* Execute the string with the first parameter value. */
SET #IntVariable = 197;
EXECUTE sp_executesql #SQLString, #ParmDefinition,
#BusinessEntityID = #IntVariable;
/* Execute the same string with the second parameter value. */
SET #IntVariable = 109;
EXECUTE sp_executesql #SQLString, #ParmDefinition,
#BusinessEntityID = #IntVariable;
For dynamic you have to pass something like this
EXECUTE sp_executesql N'Select * from Admin WHERE ID = #ID and FirstName=#FName',
N'#ID tinyint, #FName varchar(250)',
#ID = 2, #FName = 'admin';