I am getting a field AnnualRevenue in the input, I have to look for the condition that if there is a decimal in that field I want to substing it to a whole number, but if it does not a decimal, it is passed without any transformation. Can one tell me how this could be achived in dataweave in mulesoft.
For another alternative, You can utilize regex:
%dw 1.0
%output application/java
result: "123.45" replace /(\.[0-9]*)/ with ""
Aside from subtring you can use the integer conversion of MEL/java by creating a global MEL function then use it in your dataweave expression.
<configuration doc:name="Configuration">
def removeDecimal(value) {
return (long) value
then in your dataweave expression:
%dw 1.0
%output application/json
"result": removeDecimal(-21.83)
Hope it helps.
%dw 1.0
%output application/xml
result: (payload.employees.employee.name splitBy "-") [0]
%dw 1.0
%output application/java
value: "123.45",
result: ("123.45" as :number) as :string {format: "#"}
Reference: https://docs.mulesoft.com/mule-runtime/3.9/dataweave-operators#coerce-to-string
Is it possible to access data with wildcard in dataweave?
I have my payload as Entry_1_m1,Entry_2_m1,Entry_3_m1
Entries will be dynamic there might be other entry as Entry_1_m2,Entry_2_m2,Entry_3_m2.
So I should be able to get the values irrespective of last number that is I should get the value of (Entry_1_m*). Is it possible in dataweave?
%dw 1.0
%input payload application/java
%output application/xml
Use pluck operator to get list of keys which will help you to map all fields starting with Entry_1_m. Following code worked for me
%dw 1.0
%input payload application/java
%output application/xml
%var keys = (payload pluck $$) filter ($ startsWith 'Entry_1_m')
Reasons: {(keys map {
Hope this helps.
If I have xml like so....
<SanctionDesc>First Sanction</SanctionDesc>
<SanctionDesc>Second Sanction</SanctionDesc>
Using DataWeave how can I create a json array of Santions using only the SanctionDesc?
I've tried this but it's not right...
%dw 1.0
%output application/json
records: payload.Root map {
Authority: $.Authority,
sanctions: $.Sanctions.Sanction map [$.SanctionDesc]
I want my output to look like this...
"records": [{
"Authority": "Water",
"sanctions": ["First Sanction", "Second Sanction"]
Try this
%dw 1.0
%output application/json
records: {
Authority: payload.Root.Authority,
sanctions: payload.Root.Sanctions..SanctionDesc
%dw 1.0
%output application/json
records: {
Authority: payload.Root.Authority,
sanctions: payload.Root.Sanctions.*Sanction map $.SanctionDesc
Hope this helps.
Understading the map operator is the key when picking and choosing elements from input payload. Map operator goes through all the array elements on the left hand side and we can pick the values from on right hand side, Giving example from Mulesoft portal
%dw 1.0
%output application/json
users: ["john", "peter", "matt"] map ((firstName, position) -> position ++ ":" ++ upper firstName)
"users": [
See link below:
I am using dataweave, due to sales taxes in each state, I need to assign a each customer from a specific state to a pre-defined user.
However when I create this in dataweave I end up with this as my XML:
I just need one 'number' node underneath the 'customer' node.
Here is my dataweave:
Number: 'WEB001' when payload.order.billing_address.state == 'Indiana' otherwise
Number: 'WEB002' when payload.order.billing_address.state == 'Kentucky' otherwise
Number: 'WEB003' when payload.order.billing_address.state == 'Illinois' otherwise
Number: 'WEB004'
Have tried placing my conditions inside of brackets, no joy, have tried to wrap each condition in brackets, no joy.
Is there a better way to do this?
A very easy and simple way to do that as follows:-
<dw:transform-message doc:name="Transform Message">
<dw:input-payload doc:sample="empty.xml" />
<dw:set-payload><![CDATA[%dw 1.0
%output application/xml
Number: "WEB001" when payload.order.billing_address.state == "Indiana"
otherwise (
"WEB002" when payload.order.billing_address.state == "Kentucky"
otherwise (
"WEB003" when payload.order.billing_address.state == "Illinois"
otherwise "WEB004"))
you can put the mapping between state and number in a map/dictionary which would improve the readability like this:
%var numbers = {
Indiana: 'WEB001',
Kentucky: 'WEB002',
Illinois: 'WEB003'
this is what your dataweave would look like:
%dw 1.0
%output application/xml
%var defaultNumber = 'WEB004'
%var numbers = {
Indiana: 'WEB001',
Kentucky: 'WEB002',
Illinois: 'WEB003'
Customer: {
Number: numbers[payload.order.billing_address.state]
default defaultNumber
and here is a screenshot containing sample data and the resulting preview:
I want to set up a key value dictionary from 2 different fields in my payload. My first thought is to use a transform component and dynamically set the key, but this code does not work:
%dw 1.0
%output application/java
payload.objectnumber: payload.objectid
I get this error:
Multiple markers at this line
- Invalid input "payload.", expected conditionalKeyValuePair,
keyValuePair, enclosedExpr or objectEnd
- no viable alternative at input 'payload'
- no viable alternative at input '.'
Any ideas on how to get it working?
objectnumber: 75,
objectid: "abcdefgh"
Expected Output:
"abcdefgh": 75
Put a variable inside bracket (value) to define a dynamic key. Therefore, you can try this code:
%dw 1.0
%output application/json
payload map {
($.objectid): $.objectnumber
Try the below code
<dw:transform-message metadata:id="b968b3ec-ed0a-492d-bf32-bcfe0d20e9d0" doc:name="Transform Message">
<dw:set-payload><![CDATA[%dw 1.0
%output application/java
%var objectId = payload.objectid
objectId :payload.objectnumber
JSON Input in Postman:
We have a scenario where we need to concatenate all XML node values to String.
input XML
Output to String
Please let me know how can i achieve in form of String.
Thanks in advance.
Referring DataWeave Reference Documentation at Reduce section:
%dw 1.0
%output application/json
concat: ["a", "b", "c", "d"] reduce ($$ ++ $)
"concat": "abcd"
Therefore, you can try something like this: concat: payload.root.*line reduce ($$ ++ $)
Try with this:
%dw 2.0
output application/json
result: payload.root.*line reduce ((item ,acc="") -> acc ++ item)