Min dominating set software - optimization

Cross posting this from CS Theory since it is more of a software question.
I need a code for calculating exact MIN-DOM-SET. Currently the best option suggested has been to formulate it as an SMT problem and throw it at an SMT solver.
Curious if there were any good MIN-DOM-SET specific codes out there or a good SMT-LIB formulation.

I coded one up in Z3's Python bindings using the new Optimize functionality.
def min_dom_set(graph):
"""Try to dominate the graph with the least number of verticies possible"""
s = Optimize()
nodes_colors = dict((node_name, Int('k%r' % node_name)) for node_name in graph.nodes())
for node in graph.nodes():
s.add(And(nodes_colors[node] >= 0, nodes_colors[node] <= 1)) # dominator or not
dom_neighbor = Sum ([ (nodes_colors[j]) for j in graph.neighbors(node) ])
s.add(Sum(nodes_colors[node], dom_neighbor ) >= 1 )
s.minimize( Sum([ nodes_colors[y] for y in graph.nodes() ]) )
if s.check() == sat:
m = s.model()
return dict((name, m[color].as_long()) for name, color in nodes_colors.iteritems())
raise Exception('Could not find a solution.')


minimum-difference constrained sparse least squares problem (called from python)

I'm struggling a bit finding a fast algorithm that's suitable.
I just want to minimize:
G.x <= h
x >= 0
sum(x) = R
G is sparse and contains only 1s (and zeros obviously).
In the case of iterative algorithms, it would be nice to get the interim solutions to show to the user.
The context is that s is a vector of current results, and the user is saying "well the sum of these few entries (entries indicated by a few 1.0's in a row in G) should be less than this value (a row in h). So we have to remove quantities from the entries the user specified (indicated by 1.0 entries in G) in a least-squares optimal way, but since we have a global constraint on the total (R) the values removed need to be allocated in a least-squares optimal way amongst the other entries. The entries can't go negative.
All the algorithms I'm looking at are much more general, and as a result are much more complex. Also, they seem quite slow. I don't see this as a complex problem, although mixes of equality and inequality constraints always seem to make things more complex.
This has to be called from Python, so I'm looking at Python libraries like qpsolvers and scipy.optimize. But I suppose Java or C++ libraries could be used and called from Python, which might be good since multithreading is better in Java and C++.
Any thoughts on what library/package/approach to use to best solve this problem?
The size of the problem is about 150,000 rows in s, and a few dozen rows in G.
Your problem is a linear least squares:
minimize_x norm2(x-s)
such that G x <= h
x >= 0
1^T x = R
Thus it fits the bill of the solve_ls function in qpsolvers.
Here is an instance of how I imagine your problem matrices would look like, given what you specified. Since it is sparse we should use SciPy CSC matrices, and regular NumPy arrays for vectors:
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as spa
n = 150_000
# minimize 1/2 || x - s ||^2
R = spa.eye(n, format="csc")
s = np.array(range(n), dtype=float)
# such that G * x <= h
G = spa.diags(
[1.0 if i % 2 == 0 else 0.0 for i in range(n)],
[1.0 if i % 3 == 0 else 0.0 for i in range(n - 1)],
[1.0 if i % 5 == 0 else 0.0 for i in range(n - 1)],
offsets=[0, 1, -1],
a_dozen_rows = np.linspace(0, n - 1, 12, dtype=int)
G = G[a_dozen_rows]
h = np.ones(12)
# such that sum(x) == 42
A = spa.csc_matrix(np.ones((1, n)))
b = np.array([42.0]).reshape((1,))
# such that x >= 0
lb = np.zeros(n)
Next, we can solve this problem with:
from qpsolvers import solve_ls
x = solve_ls(R, s, G, h, A, b, lb, solver="osqp", verbose=True)
Here I picked CVXOPT but there are other open-source solvers you can install such as ProxQP, OSQP or SCS. You can install a set of open-source solvers by: pip install qpsolvers[open_source_solvers]. After some solvers are installed, you can list those for sparse matrices by:
Finally, here is some code to check that the solution returned by the solver satisfies our constraints:
tol = 1e-6 # tolerance for checks
print(f"- Objective: {0.5 * (x - s).dot(x - s):.1f}")
print(f"- G * x <= h: {(G.dot(x) <= h + tol).all()}")
print(f"- x >= 0: {(x + tol >= 0.0).all()}")
print(f"- sum(x) = {x.sum():.1f}")
I just tried it with OSQP (adding the eps_rel=1e-5 keyword argument when calling solve_ls, otherwise the returned solution would be less accurate than the tol = 1e-6 tolerance) and it found a solution is 737 milliseconds on my (rather old) CPU with:
- Objective: 562494373088866.8
- G * x <= h: True
- x >= 0: True
- sum(x) = 42.0
Hoping this helps. Happy solving!

Finding n-tuple that minimizes expensive cost function

Suppose there are three variables that take on discrete integer values, say w1 = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12}, w2 = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12}, and w3 = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12}. The task is to pick one value from each set such that the resulting triplet minimizes some (black box, computationally expensive) cost function.
I've tried the surrogate optimization in Matlab but I'm not sure it is appropriate. I've also heard about simulated annealing but found no implementation applied to this instance.
Which algorithm, apart from exhaustive search, can solve this combinatorial optimization problem?
Any help would be much appreciated.
The requirement/benefit of Simulated Annealing (SA), is that the objective surface is somewhat smooth, that is, we can be close to a solution.
For a completely random spiky surface- you might as well do a random search
If it is anything smooth, or even sometimes, it makes sense to try SA.
The idea is that (sometimes) changing only 1 of the 3 values, we have little effect on out blackbox function.
Here is a basic example to do this with Simulated Annealing, using frigidum in Python
import numpy as np
w1 = np.array( [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12] )
w2 = np.array( [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12] )
w3 = np.array( [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12] )
W = np.array([w1,w2,w3])
I define a black-box using the Rastrigin function.
def rastrigin_function_n( x ):
N-dimensional Rastrigin
x_i is in [-5.12, 5.12]
A = 10
n = x.shape[0]
return A*n + np.sum( x**2- A*np.cos(2*np.pi * x) )
def black_box( x ):
Transform from domain [1,12] to [-5,5]
to be able to push to rastrigin
x = (x - 6.5) * (5/5.5)
return rastrigin_function_n(x)
Simulated Annealing needs to modify state X. Instead of taking/modifying values directly, we keep track of indices. This simplifies creating new proposals as an index is always an integer we can simply add/subtract 1 modulo LENGTH.
def random_start():
returns 3 random indices
return np.random.randint(0, LENGTH, size=3)
def random_small_step(x):
change only 1 index
d = np.array( [1,0,0] )
if np.random.random() < .5:
d = np.array( [-1,0,0] )
return (x+d) % LENGTH
def random_big_step(x):
change 2 indici
d = np.array( [1,-1,0] )
return (x+d) % LENGTH
def obj(x):
We have a triplet of indici,
1. Calculate corresponding values in W = [w1,w2,w3]
2. Push the values in out black-box function
indices = x
values = W[np.array([0,1,2]), indices]
return black_box(values)
And throw a SA Scheme at it
import frigidum
local_opt = frigidum.sa(random_start=random_start,
neighbours=[random_small_step, random_big_step],
I am not sure what the minimum for this function should be, but it found a objective with 47.9095 with indicis np.array([9, 2, 2])
For frigidum to change the cooling schedule, use alpha=.9. My experience is that all the work of experiment which cooling scheme works best doesn't out-weight simply let it run a little longer. The multiplication you proposed, (sometimes called geometric) is the standard one, also implemented in frigidum. So to implement Tn+1 = 0.9*Tn you need a alpha=.9. Be aware this cooling step is done after N repeats, so if repeats=100, it will first do 100 proposals before lowering the temperature with factor alpha
Simple variations on current state often works best. Since its best practice to set the initial temperature high enough to make most proposals (>90%) accepted, it doesn't matter the steps are small. But if you fear its soo small, try 2 or 3 variations. Frigidum accepts a list of proposal functions, and combinations can enforce each other.
I have no experience with MINLP. But even if, so many times experiments can surprise us. So if time/cost is small to bring another competitor to the table, yes!
Try every possible combination of the three values and see which has the lowest cost.

Implementing the Square Non-linearity (SQNL) activation function in Keras

I have been trying to implement the square non-linearity activation function function as a custom activation function for a keras model. It's the 10'th function on this list https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Activation_function.
I tried using the keras backend but i got nowhere with the multiple if else statements i require so i also tried using the following:
import tensorflow as tf
def square_nonlin(x):
orig = x
x = tf.where(orig >2.0, (tf.ones_like(x)) , x)
x = tf.where(0.0 <= orig <=2.0, (x - tf.math.square(x)/4), x)
x = tf.where(-2.0 <= orig < 0, (x + tf.math.square(x)/4), x)
return tf.where(orig < -2.0, -1, x)
As you can see there's 4 different clauses i need to evaluate. But when i try to compile the Keras model i still get the error:
Using a `tf.Tensor` as a Python `bool` is not allowed
Could anyone help me to get this working in Keras? Thanks a lot.
I've just started a week ago digging into tensorflow and am actively playing around with different activation functions. I think I know what two of your problems are. In your second and third assignments you have compound conditionals you need to put them in under tf.logical_and. The other problem you have is that the last tf.where on the return line returns a -1 which is not a vector, which tensorflow expects. I haven't tried the function with Keras, but in my "activation function" tester this code works.
def square_nonlin(x):
orig = x
x = tf.where(orig >2.0, (tf.ones_like(x)) , x)
x = tf.where(tf.logical_and(0.0 <= orig, orig <=2.0), (x - tf.math.square(x)/4.), x)
x = tf.where(tf.logical_and(-2.0 <= orig, orig < 0), (x + tf.math.square(x)/4.), x)
return tf.where(orig < -2.0, 0*x-1.0, x)
As I said I'm new at this so to "vectorize" -1, I multiplied the x vector by 0 and subtracted -1 which produces a array filled with -1 of the right shape. Perhaps one of the more seasoned tensorflow practioners can suggest the proper way to do that.
Hope this helps.
BTW, tf.greater is equivlent to tf.__gt__ which means that orig > 2.0 expands under the covers in python to tf.greater(orig, 2.0).
Just a follow up. I tried it with the MNIST demo in Keras and the activation function works as coded above.
The less hacky way to "vectorize" -1 is to use the tf.ones_like function
so replace the last line with
return tf.where(orig < -2.0, -tf.ones_like(x), x)
for a cleaner solution

Hyperpriors for hierarchical models with Stan

I'm looking to fit a model to estimate multiple probabilities for binomial data with Stan. I was using beta priors for each probability, but I've been reading about using hyperpriors to pool information and encourage shrinkage on the estimates.
I've seen this example to define the hyperprior in pymc, but I'm not sure how to do something similar with Stan
def beta_priors(value=[1.0, 1.0]):
a, b = value
if a <= 0 or b <= 0:
return -np.inf
return np.log(np.power((a + b), -2.5))
a = beta_priors[0]
b = beta_priors[1]
With a and b then being used as parameters for the beta prior.
Can anybody give me any pointers on how something similar would be done with Stan?
To properly normalize that, you need a Pareto distribution. For example, if you want a distribution p(a, b) ∝ (a + b)^(-2.5), you can use
a + b ~ pareto(L, 1.5);
where a + b > L. There's no way to normalize the density with support for all values greater than or equal to zero---it needs a finite L as a lower bound. There's a discussion of using just this prior as the count component of a hierarchical prior for a simplex.
If a and b are parameters, they can either both be constrained to be positive, or you can leave a unconstrained and declare
real<lower = L - a> b;
to insure a + b > L. L can be a small constant or something more reasonable given your knowledge of a and b.
You should be careful because this will not identify a + b. We use this construction as a hierarchical prior for simplexes as:
parameters {
real<lower = 1> kappa;
real<lower = 0, upper = 1> phi;
vector<lower = 0, upper = 1>[K] theta;
model {
kappa ~ pareto(1, 1.5); // power law prior
phi ~ beta(a, b); // choose your prior for theta
theta ~ beta(kappa * phi, kappa * (1 - phi)); // vectorized
There's an extended example in my Stan case study of repeated binary trials, which is reachable from the case studies page on the Stan web site (the case study directory is currently linked under the documentation link from the users tab).
Following suggestions in the comments I'm not sure that I will follow this approach, but for reference I thought I'd at least post the answer to my question of how this could be accomplished in Stan.
After some asking around on Stan Discourses and further investigation I found that the solution was to set a custom density distribution and use the target += syntax. So the equivalent for Stan of the example for pymc would be:
parameters {
real<lower=0> a;
real<lower=0> b;
real<lower=0,upper=1> p;
model {
target += log((a + b)^-2.5);
p ~ beta(a,b)

Z3 maximization API: possible bug?

I'm currently playing with the maximization API for Z3 (opt branch), and I've stumbled upon a following bug:
Whenever I give it any unbounded problem, it simply returns me OPT and gives zero in the resulting model (e.g. maximize Real('x') with no constraints on the model).
Python example:
from z3 import *
context = main_ctx()
x = Real('x')
optimize_context = Z3_mk_optimize(context.ctx)
Z3_optimize_assert(context.ctx, optimize_context, (x >= 0).ast)
Z3_optimize_maximize(context.ctx, optimize_context, x.ast)
out = Z3_optimize_check(context.ctx, optimize_context)
print out
And I get the value of out to be 1 (OPT), while it seems like it should be -1.
Thanks for trying out this experimental branch.
Development is still churning quite a bit these days, but most of the features are reasonably stable and you are invited to try them out.
To answer your question. There is a native way to use the optimization features from Z3.
To paraphrase your example, here is what is relevant:
from z3 import *
x = Real('x')
opt = Optimize()
opt.add(x >= 0)
h = opt.maximize(x)
print opt.check()
print opt.upper(h)
print opt.model()
When running it, you will see the following output:
[x = 0]
The first line says that the assertions are satisfiable.
The second line prints the value of the handle "h" under the satisfiabilty call.
The value of the handle holds an expression that meets the maximization/minimization criteria declared by the call to opt.maximize/opt.minimize.
In this case the expression is "oo". It is somewhat of a "hack" because it is going to be up to you to guess that "oo" means infinity. If you interpret this value back to Z3, you will not get infinity.
(I am here restricting the use of Z3 where we don't expose non-standard numbers, there is another part of Z3 that includes non-standard numbers, but that is another story).
Note that the opt.maximize call returns the handle "h",
which is later used to query what was the optimal value.
The last line is some model satisfying the constraints.
When the objective is bounded, the model will be what
you expect, but in this case the objective is unbounded.
There is no finite best value.
Try for example instead:
x = Real('x')
opt = Optimize()
opt.add(x >= 0)
opt.add(x <= 10)
h = opt.maximize(x)
print opt.check()
print opt.upper(h)
print opt.model()
This time you get a model that sets x = 10, and this is also the maximal value.
You could also try:
x = Real('x')
opt = Optimize()
opt.add(x >= 0)
opt.add(x < 10)
h = opt.maximize(x)
print opt.check()
print opt.upper(h)
print opt.model()
The output is now:
10 + -1*epsilon
[x = 9]
epsilon refers to a non-standard number (infinitesimal). You can set it arbitrarily small.
Again the model uses only standard numbers, so it picks some number, in this case 9.