Use Group by in conjunction with Order by is not working - sql

I'm trying to get the first transaction in the history of all accounts belonging to an user_id. For example, in the case of the user_id = 12656 the older transaction of the account_id = 1553 could be the 064d1777-3783 but in the case of the account 1554, the oldest tx is 0cb4cfb2-44a2
This is a fragment of the table "order"
║ user_id ║ account_id ║ order_id ║ status ║ test ║
║ 12656 ║ 1553 ║ 1234 ║ CAPTURED ║ false ║
║ 12656 ║ 1554 ║ 5678 ║ CAPTURED ║ false ║
║ 12656 ║ 1554 ║ 91011 ║ PENDING ║ false ║
║ 12659 ║ 1556 ║ 176344 ║ PENDING ║ true ║
║ 12660 ║ 1557 ║ 261677 ║ CAPTURED ║ false ║
║ 12661 ║ 1558 ║ 347010 ║ CAPTURED ║ true ║
║ 12662 ║ 1559 ║ 432343 ║ CAPTURED ║ false ║
║ 12663 ║ 1560 ║ 517676 ║ CAPTURED ║ false ║
the same for table "transaction"
║ user_id ║ account_id ║ order_id ║ transaction_id ║ creation_date ║
║ 12656 ║ 1553 ║ 1234 ║ 064d1777-3783 ║ 2012-10-03 00:54:35.042 ║
║ 12656 ║ 1554 ║ 5678 ║ 0cb4cfb2-44a2 ║ 2012-05-06 06:33:13.171 ║
║ 12656 ║ 1554 ║ 91011 ║ 164494f1-3226 ║ 2012-05-29 00:49:27.611 ║
║ 12659 ║ 1556 ║ 176344 ║ 064d1777-3784 ║ 2012-07-25 05:32:48.056 ║
║ 12660 ║ 1557 ║ 261677 ║ 0cb4cfb2-44a3 ║ 2012-04-11 00:42:17.176 ║
║ 12661 ║ 1558 ║ 347010 ║ 164494f1-3227 ║ 2012-05-16 08:01:38.666 ║
║ 12662 ║ 1559 ║ 432343 ║ 064d1777-3785 ║ 2012-04-11 00:48:38.499 ║
║ 12663 ║ 1560 ║ 517676 ║ 0cb4cfb2-44a4 ║ 2012-05-06 06:39:33.44 ║
and I coded the following query:
SELECT order.account_id, order.user_id, tx.transaction_id, MIN(tx.creation_date) AS first_transaction
FROM transaction AS tx
INNER JOIN order AS order ON tx.order_id = order.order_id
WHERE order.test = 'false'
AND order.status = 'CAPTURED'
GROUP BY order.account_id, order.user_id, tx.transaction_id
But this isn't working and I want to know why. Thank you for your help.

Use distinct on:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (o.account_id, o.user_id) o.account_id, o.user_id,
tx.transaction_id, tx.creation_date AS first_transaction
FROM transaction tx INNER JOIN
order o
ON tx.order_id = o.order_id
WHERE o.test = 'false' AND o.status = 'CAPTURED'
ORDER BY o.account_id, o.user_id, tx.creation_date ;


SQL Unions and aggregation with multiple tables

I have three tables as below.
Table 1:
║ Country_table ║
║ Country_Name ║ Code ║
║ India ║ 1 ║
║ UK ║ 2 ║
║ france ║ 3 ║
║ germany ║ 4 ║
Table 2 :
║ Trade_Details ║
║ TradeID ║ ProductID ║ FromCountry ║ ToCountry ║ Curruncy ║ Amount ║ Date ║
║ T1 ║ P1 ║ 1 ║ 3 ║ INR ║ 10 ║ 01/01/2020 ║
║ T2 ║ P2 ║ 3 ║ 2 ║ USD ║ 11 ║ 10/01/2020 ║
║ T3 ║ P1 ║ 1 ║ 4 ║ GBP ║ 12 ║ 20/01/2020 ║
║ T4 ║ P2 ║ 2 ║ 3 ║ INR ║ 13 ║ 21/01/2020 ║
║ T5 ║ P1 ║ 1 ║ 4 ║ USD ║ 14 ║ 22/01/2020 ║
║ T6 ║ P2 ║ 4 ║ 2 ║ GBP ║ 15 ║ 23/01/2020 ║
║ T7 ║ P1 ║ 3 ║ 1 ║ INR ║ 16 ║ 24/01/2020 ║
║ T8 ║ P2 ║ 3 ║ 1 ║ USD ║ 17 ║ 25/01/2020 ║
║ T9 ║ P1 ║ 2 ║ 3 ║ GBP ║ 18 ║ 26/01/2020 ║
║ T10 ║ P2 ║ 1 ║ 4 ║ INR ║ 19 ║ 27/01/2020 ║
║ T11 ║ P1 ║ 3 ║ 1 ║ USD ║ 20 ║ 28/01/2020 ║
║ T12 ║ P2 ║ 1 ║ 1 ║ GBP ║ 21 ║ 29/01/2020 ║
║ T13 ║ P1 ║ 2 ║ 2 ║ INR ║ 22 ║ 30/01/2020 ║
Table 3:
║ TradeStatus_Table ║
║ TradeID ║ StatusCode ║ StatusDescription ║ Date ║
║ T1 ║ inProcess ║ Reached HUB1 ║ 01/01/2020 ║
║ T1 ║ inProcess ║ Reached HUB2 ║ 01/01/2020 ║
║ T1 ║ inProcess ║ Reached HUB3 ║ 01/01/2020 ║
║ T1 ║ delivered ║ delivered ║ 01/01/2020 ║
║ T2 ║ inProcess ║ Reached HUB1 ║ 10/01/2020 ║
║ T2 ║ inProcess ║ Reached HUB2 ║ 10/01/2020 ║
║ T2 ║ inProcess ║ Reached HUB3 ║ 10/01/2020 ║
║ T2 ║ Returned ║ returned to home ║ 10/01/2020 ║
║ T3 ║ inProcess ║ Reached HUB1 ║ 20/01/2020 ║
║ T3 ║ inProcess ║ Reached HUB2 ║ 20/01/2020 ║
║ T3 ║ inProcess ║ Reached HUB3 ║ 20/01/2020 ║
║ T3 ║ inProcess ║ Reached HUB4 ║ 20/01/2020 ║
║ T3 ║ inProcess ║ Reached HUB5 ║ 20/01/2020 ║
Output tables :
Delivered : This column represents the total number of transactions final status as either delivered or returned.
InProcess : This column represents the total number of transactions doesn't contains final status as either delivered or returned.
║ Report 1 (example) ║
║ FromCountry ║ ToCountry ║ Delivered ║ inProcess ║ Description ║
║ India ║ UK ║ 1 ║ 1 ║ total transactions║
║ UK ║ India ║ 2 ║ 1 ║ total transactions║
║ France ║ India ║ 2 ║ 1 ║ total transactions║
No of Trades : This column contains Total number of transactions were made between from country and to country.
Total Trade Value :- This column contains Total sum of value of the transactions made between from country and to country based on currency type.
║ Report 2 (example) ║
║ FromCountry ║ ToCountry ║ No of Trades ║ Currency ║ Total Trade Value ║
║ India ║ UK ║ 2 ║ INR ║ 1000 ║
║ India ║ UK ║ 1 ║ USD ║ 10 ║
║ UK ║ India ║ 2 ║ GBP ║ 10 ║
║ France ║ India ║ 1 ║ INR ║ 20 ║
I have tried many combinations but not able to figure out the required output. Please help me on this.
first query, But not able to accommodate inprocess message count.
select source.Country_name, destination.country_name, count(*)
from Trade_Details, Country_table source, Country_table destination
where date > '2020/01/01 00:00:00'
and date <'2020/02/01/ 00:00:00'
and FromCountry = source.code
and ToCountry =destination.code
group by source.Country_name, destination.country_name
2nd query ,
select source.Country_name as source, destination.country_name as destination, count(*) as inprocessCount
from Trade_Details a1, Country_table source, Country_table destination
where date > '2020/01/01 00:00:00'
and date <'2020/02/01/ 00:00:00'
and FromCountry = source.code
and ToCountry =destination.code
and 0=(select count(*) from Trade_Details a2 where (a2.StatusCode='delivered' or a2.StatusCode='Returned') and a1.TradeID=a2.TradeID)
group by source.Country_name, destination.country_name
Basically i would like merge both query outputs to get it in a single query. But failed to achive. If possible could you please help me on these two reports.
Report 1 Solution Here !!!
SELECT source.country_name AS FromCountry,
destination.country_name AS ToCountry,
Count(Trdsts1.statuscode) AS Delivered,
Count(Trdsts2.statuscode) AS inProcess,
'no of messages' AS Description
FROM trade_details Trddts,
tradestatus_table Trdsts1,
tradestatus_table Trdsts2,
country_table source,
country_table destination
WHERE > '2020/01/01 00:00:00'
AND < '2020/02/01/ 00:00:00'
AND Trdsts1.tradeid = Trddts.tradeid
AND Trdsts2.tradeid = Trddts.tradeid
AND Trdsts1.statuscode = "delivered"
AND Trdsts2.statuscode ="inprocess"
AND source.code = Trddts.fromcountry
AND destination.code = Trddts.tocountry

Best way to select calculated values from another table in the same query postgres?

Hi i have postgres database and four tables
vehicles -> trips
vehicles -> component_values -> component_types
║ id ║ slug ║ name ║ manufacturer ║ model ║
║ 1 ║ manufacturer-x-model-3 ║ Manufacturer X Model 3 ║ Manufacturer X ║ Model 3 ║
║ 2 ║ manufacturer-x-model-1 ║ Manufacturer X Model 1 ║ Manufacturer X ║ Model 1 ║
║ 3 ║ manufacturer-x-model-1-1 ║ Manufacturer X Model 1 ║ Manufacturer X ║ Model 1 ║
║ id ║ vehicle_id ║ name ║ mileage ║ recorded_at ║
║ 1 ║ 1 ║ 10386735 ║ 386734.997 ║ 2/25/2014 13:56 ║
║ 2 ║ 1 ║ 11771530.14 ║ 771530.14 ║ 3/1/2014 19:41 ║
║ 3 ║ 1 ║ 121112028.4 ║ 1112028.39 ║ 3/5/2014 3:23 ║
║ 4 ║ 1 ║ 131406814.9 ║ 1406814.892 ║ 3/8/2014 20:56 ║
║ 5 ║ 1 ║ 141933528.7 ║ 1933528.711 ║ 3/13/2014 0:19 ║
║ 6 ║ 1 ║ 152256488.6 ║ 2256488.579 ║ 3/16/2014 21:15 ║
║ id ║ component_type_id ║ trip_id ║ vehicle_id ║ mileage ║ damage ║ damage_eff ║
║ 1 ║ 1 ║ 1 ║ 1 ║ 386734.997 ║ 0.002260565 ║ 0.002225831 ║
║ 2 ║ 2 ║ 1 ║ 1 ║ 386734.997 ║ 0.002260306 ║ 0.002238006 ║
║ 3 ║ 3 ║ 1 ║ 1 ║ 386734.997 ║ 0.002261288 ║ 0.002266295 ║
║ 4 ║ 4 ║ 1 ║ 1 ║ 386734.997 ║ 0.002054489 ║ 0.002060029 ║
║ 5 ║ 5 ║ 1 ║ 1 ║ 386734.997 ║ 0.002052669 ║ 0.002107272 ║
║ 6 ║ 6 ║ 1 ║ 1 ║ 386734.997 ║ NULL ║ NULL ║
║ 7 ║ 7 ║ 1 ║ 1 ║ 386734.997 ║ NULL ║ NULL ║
║ 8 ║ 1 ║ 2 ║ 1 ║ 771530.14 ║ 0.004792952 ║ 0.0048514 ║
║ 9 ║ 2 ║ 2 ║ 1 ║ 771530.14 ║ 0.004792404 ║ 0.004710451 ║
║ 10 ║ 3 ║ 2 ║ 1 ║ 771530.14 ║ 0.004794486 ║ 0.004805461 ║
║ id ║ slug ║ manufacturer ║ name ║
║ 6 ║ manufacturer-d-battery ║ Manufacturer D ║ Battery ║
║ 2 ║ manufacturer-b-differential-1 ║ Manufacturer B ║ Differential 1 ║
║ 3 ║ manufacturer-c-driveshaft-1 ║ Manufacturer C ║ Driveshaft 1 ║
║ 5 ║ manufacturer-c-gearbox-output-shaft ║ Manufacturer C ║ Gearbox output shaft ║
║ 1 ║ manufacturer-a-motor-1 ║ Manufacturer A ║ Motor 1 ║
║ 4 ║ manufacturer-c-gearbox-input-shaft ║ Manufacturer C ║ Gearbox input shaft ║
║ 7 ║ usage-profile ║ ║ Usage profile ║
and i'm trying to get the vehicles with the latest trip dates and mileage and also the heights and lowest damaged component for each vehicle
so the result will be like:
║ vehicle_id ║ latest_trip_date ║ latest_trip_date_mileage ║ heights_damaged_component_value ║ heights_damaged_component_name ║ lowest_damaged_component_value ║ lowest_damaged_component_name ║
║ 1 ║ 4/19/2014 3:27 ║ 4844305.912 ║ 0.029372972 ║ Gearbox input shaft ║ 0.002052669 ║ Gearbox output shaft ║
║ 2 ║ 5/19/2014 16:13 ║ 5567945.164 ║ 0.029405924 ║ Driveshaft 1 ║ 0.001864137 ║ Gearbox output shaft ║
║ 3 ║ 4/28/2014 12:55 ║ 5286175.763 ║ 0.030745029 ║ Driveshaft 1 ║ 0.001957685 ║ Differential 1 ║
║ 4 ║ 2/25/2014 3:32 ║ 5398006.007 ║ 0.030495792 ║ Driveshaft 1 ║ 0.001814434 ║ Differential 1 ║
║ 5 ║ 4/25/2014 9:51 ║ 5179558.475 ║ 0.032060074 ║ Gearbox input shaft ║ 0.001936431 ║ Differential 1 ║
║ 6 ║ 5/9/2014 7:43 ║ 5234355.804 ║ 0.030576454 ║ Gearbox input shaft ║ 0.002254191 ║ Gearbox output shaft ║
║ 7 ║ 6/21/2014 18:09 ║ 5705722.416 ║ 0.029957374 ║ Driveshaft 1 ║ 0.001653441 ║ Gearbox output shaft ║
║ 8 ║ 4/23/2014 5:25 ║ 5590470.028 ║ 0.031900163 ║ Driveshaft 1 ║ 0.002083733 ║ Gearbox output shaft ║
║ 9 ║ 3/28/2014 20:37 ║ 5598159.883 ║ 0.031208918 ║ Driveshaft 1 ║ 0.00162805 ║ Differential 1 ║
║ 10 ║ 5/24/2014 19:27 ║ 5020795.001 ║ 0.02962505 ║ Gearbox input shaft ║ 0.001729646 ║ Differential 1 ║
i already tried this query
select as vehicle_id,
latest_trips.recorded_at as latest_trip_date,
latest_trips.mileage as latest_trip_date_mileage,
heights_damaged_components.damage as heights_damaged_component_value, as heights_damaged_component_name,
lowest_damaged_components.damage as lowest_damaged_component_value, as lowest_damaged_component_name
from vehicles
left join (
SELECT, t.vehicle_id, t.mileage, t.recorded_at
FROM public.trips t
inner JOIN (SELECT vehicle_id, MAX(recorded_at) as latest_trip_date FROM public.trips GROUP BY vehicle_id)
tm ON t.vehicle_id = tm.vehicle_id AND t.recorded_at = tm.latest_trip_date
as latest_trips on latest_trips.vehicle_id =
left join (
select, hd.component_type_id, hd.vehicle_id, hd.damage
from public.component_values as hd
SELECT vehicle_id,
MAX(damage) as heights_damaged_component
FROM public.component_values
GROUP BY vehicle_id
hdm ON hd.vehicle_id = hdm.vehicle_id AND hd.damage = hdm.heights_damaged_component
join public.component_types as ct on = hd.component_type_id
as heights_damaged_components on heights_damaged_components.vehicle_id =
left join (
select, ld.component_type_id, ld.vehicle_id, ld.damage
from public.component_values as ld
SELECT vehicle_id, MIN(damage) as lowest_damaged_component
FROM public.component_values
GROUP BY vehicle_id
ldm ON ld.vehicle_id = ldm.vehicle_id AND ld.damage = ldm.lowest_damaged_component
join public.component_types as ct on = ld.component_type_id
) as lowest_damaged_components on lowest_damaged_components.vehicle_id =
but i have like 10000 vehicles and big trips and component_values and this query give me the result in like 3 to 6 seconds, is their a batter way to do this with better performance and time?
can i use GENERATED columns in my case and how ?
please any help and many many thanks in advance.

Selecting unique values from self-referencing table

Suppose we have the following data in the table named My_Tabel:
║ ID ║ Person_Name ║ Partner_ID ║
║ 101 ║ John ║ 3 ║
║ 100 ║ Miller ║ 0 ║
║ 3 ║ Ruby ║ 101 ║
║ 180 ║ Jack ║ 0 ║
║ 199 ║ George ║ 65 ║
║ 23 ║ Joseph ║ 0 ║
║ 34 ║ Fredrick ║ 117 ║
║ 117 ║ Jinan ║ 34 ║
║ 122 ║ Verena ║ 0 ║
║ 65 ║ Mary ║ 199 ║
Where 0 values in Partner_ID Column indicates that he/she is single.
We need to display partnered persons without repeating or duplication, the desired result should look like:
║ Person_Name ║ Partner_Name ║
║ John ║ Ruby ║
║ George ║ Mary ║
║ Fredrick ║ Jinan ║
what is the best SQL query that returns the above results?
I'm using this code:
t1.Name, t2.Name
FROM My_Tabel t1
INNER JOIN My_Tabel t2 ON (t2.ID = t1.Partner_ID)
but it the returned result is:
║ Person_Name ║ Partner_Name ║
║ John ║ Ruby ║
║ Ruby ║ John ║
║ George ║ Mary ║
║ Mary ║ George ║
║ Fredrick ║ Jinan ║
║ Jinan ║ Fredrick ║
how the SQL statement should be updated (or replaced with another) to get the desired results?
Just add a condition to get one side of each pair:
SELECT t1.Name, t2.Name
My_Table t2
ON (t2.ID = t1.Partner_ID)
WHERE t1.ID < t2.ID;

how to neglect "not effective customer group"?

DimGroupCustomer Table
║ CustomerGroup ║ Customer ║ GroupCardKey ║
║ A ║ Customer1 ║ ACustomer1 ║
║ A ║ Customer2 ║ ACustomer2 ║
║ B ║ Customer1 ║ BCustomer1 ║
║ B ║ Customer3 ║ BCustomer3 ║
║ C ║ Customer4 ║ CCustomer4 ║
║ C ║ Customer5 ║ CCustomer5 ║
FactSale Table
║ Invoice ║ GroupCardKey ║ Amount ║
║ 1 ║ ACustomer1 ║ 100 ║
║ 2 ║ BCustomer3 ║ 200 ║
I write a "BoughtSomething?" measure and the result looks like
║ GroupCardKey ║ BoughtSomething ║
║ ACustomer1 ║ YES ║
║ ACustomer2 ║ NO ║
║ BCustomer1 ║ NO ║
║ BCustomer3 ║ YES ║
║ CCustomer4 ║ NO ║
║ CCustomer5 ║ NO ║
But I don't want to see no effective customer group at all. I tried but failed. Please help me to get the report like this one.
║ GroupCardKey ║ BoughtSomething ║
║ ACustomer1 ║ YES ║
║ ACustomer2 ║ NO ║
║ BCustomer1 ║ NO ║
║ BCustomer3 ║ YES ║
Try this. Basically check if the customer group bought something in the current date filter context and if so check the individual customer:
Bought Something:=IF(
CALCULATE(COUNTROWS(FactSale), ALLEXCEPT(DimGroupCustomer[CustomerGroup])) >0,

Matching data from two tables with unequal number of rows

I have 2 tables, and I am trying to match up the data but all the answers have suggested right joins or full joins, which are not available on SQLite.
Table 1:
║ Company ║ Product ║ Cost ║
║ A ║ abc ║ 100 ║
║ B ║ abc ║ 150 ║
║ F ║ xyz ║ 250 ║
║ G ║ xyz ║ 300 ║
However I have a list of more companies (with same products)
Table 2:
║ Product ║ Company ║
║ abc ║ A ║
║ abc ║ B ║
║ abc ║ C ║
║ abc ║ D ║
║ abc ║ E ║
║ abc ║ F ║
║ abc ║ G ║
║ xyz ║ A ║
║ xyz ║ B ║
║ xyz ║ C ║
║ xyz ║ D ║
║ xyz ║ E ║
║ xyz ║ F ║
║ xyz ║ G ║
How do I match them up so they look like this?
Table 3:
║ Product ║ Company ║ Cost ║
║ abc ║ A ║ 100 ║
║ abc ║ B ║ 150 ║
║ abc ║ C ║ null ║
║ abc ║ D ║ null ║
║ abc ║ E ║ null ║
║ abc ║ F ║ null ║
║ abc ║ G ║ null ║
║ xyz ║ A ║ null ║
║ xyz ║ B ║ null ║
║ xyz ║ C ║ null ║
║ xyz ║ D ║ null ║
║ xyz ║ E ║ null ║
║ xyz ║ F ║ 250 ║
║ xyz ║ G ║ 300 ║
When I use this code,
SELECT Company, t.Product, Cost
FROM table1 as t INNER JOIN table2 as f ON t.product = f.product
it only returns [Company] with an associated [Product] and [Cost], but does not return [Company] with null values.
When I use
SELECT Company, t.Product, Cost
FROM table1 as t INNER JOIN table2 as f ON =
then my output looks like
║ t.Company ║ f.Company ║ Product ║
║ A ║ A ║ abc ║
║ B ║ A ║ abc ║
║ F ║ A ║ abc ║
║ G ║ A ║ abc ║
║ A ║ B ║ abc ║
║ B ║ B ║ abc ║
║ F ║ B ║ abc ║
║ G ║ B ║ abc ║
║ A ║ C ║ abc ║
║ B ║ C ║ abc ║
║ F ║ C ║ abc ║
║ G ║ C ║ abc ║
Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you!
SQLite does support LEFT OUTER JOIN, which should do the job just fine:
select two.product,, one.cost from two
left outer join one on
(( = and (one.product = two.product));
(where two is your "table 2" and one is your "table 1")
Running this in SQLite with the above data: