Response from Turn Server in REST API mode - webrtc

I have established rfc5766-turnserver and tested success in web browser. IP:, port:3478. Now I want to get JSON response from server.
in here says the request format should be like
GET /?service=turn&username=mbzrxpgjys
and response should be JSON like
"username" : "12334939:mbzrxpgjys",
"password" : "adfsaflsjfldssia",
"ttl" : 86400,
"uris" : [
in WebRTC demo Apprtc, file make the configuration:
when the application send a request:""
nothing returned but a 404 error. if I changed the request as "" I get a html response not a JSON. So I want to know where is the problem? the configuration error or request format?
Sorry for such naive question but it does confused me many days.


Custom error status code with gqlgen + go gin

Recently I have been updating my GO REST APIs into graphQl API's and I came across issue where I am unable to customise my status code with gqlgen.
Response I got
Status Code: 200 OK
data: null,
errors: [
{message: "Unauthorized access", path: ["..."]}
Expected Header
Status Code: 401 UNAUTHORISED
Any help would be really appreciating!
Assume you have a gqlgen resolver similar to this:
func (r *queryResolver) SecretItems(ctx context.Context, userID string,
password string) ([]SecretItems, error) {
// ...
if !isAuthorized(userID, password) {
return nil, errors.New("Unauthorized access")
// ...
then the described behavior is expected. Errors should be returned as part of
the response body.
GraphQL is transport agnostic. While it is often served over HTTP, it might be
served over other client-server Protocols as well. Handling errors in the
response body requires no assumptions about the protocol. Hence, you shouldn't
rely on HTTP status codes.
Handling errors in the response body has another advantage: Assume a request
contains multiple queries. Some of them succeed, some of them fail. Then the
response can contain the result of successful queries under data and errors
related to failed queries under errors.
GraphQL website
Specification: Response
Hasura: GraphQL vs REST
Possible reason why you expected a 401 status code
The gqlgen docs on
authentication contain an example
where 401 status code is returned.
Why? This happens in a http handler used as middleware on the chi http server.
The 401 status code is not returned by a GraphQL resolver.

Invalid request body error when sending json string as data to an external api using CL_HTTP_CLIENT

We are facing an issue while sending json data to an external api using CL_HTTP_CLIENT.
The JSON data is produced using '/ui2/cl_json=>serialize( data = ls_body compress = abap_true pretty_name = /ui2/cl_json=>pretty_mode-camel_case )' .
when sending this JSON as data the the external api returns status 400 with response as
{ "errorCode": "INVALID_REQUEST_BODY", "message": "The request body is missing or improperly formatted. Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: \u001f. Path '', line 0, position 0." } .
we also stringyfied this JSON Data in backend as it might be due to parsing error but it didnt work.
The same stringyfied data tried to send through browser console using ajax and it did worked without any issue.
could any any one tell us how to handle this json object and send this to external api using CL_HTTP_CLIENT.
Note : JSON STRING is deeply nested .
Thanks in advance..
You can use request catcher service for getting SAP output.
Then check your output has valid json.
Check external api with rest tool like postman or SoapUI. Every developer not track guidliness may be external api has limitations.
The issue was with the unicodes in the string.
these were not accepted by the external api so removed from the string and sent to api and it did worked.
Thanks for You suggestion.

Variable Path Param for GET request in Jmeter

I'm testing a GET request using Jmeter, this request has path parameter:
I'm trying to send the parameter in two different locations
Send Parameters With the Request
And I insert a "User Parameters" as productSku and the value.
I noticed the code response is 200, but the body response is "[]", but when I send it using Postman the response body has a lot of information.
If I change the path in the request like this:
I noticed the code response is 404. Can you help me?
Use "//" instead of "/".
Correct URL will be : rest/V1/autobusca/marketplace/product//${productSku}

Karate API: JSON parsing error shown instead of wrong HTTP code returned

Given have the following list of steps
Given path 'verify'
And header x-api-key = apiKey
And header tenant-id = tenantId
And request a_json_object_with_invalid_user_id_to_verify
When method put
Then status 404
When the endpoint returned HTTP 200 (which is a bug that i need to fix) but with an invalid json response such as
"score" :
This exception is thrown
com.jayway.jsonpath.InvalidJsonException: net.minidev.json.parser.ParseException: Unexpected character (}) at position 15.
at com.jayway.jsonpath.spi.json.JsonSmartJsonProvider.parse(
at com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.JsonContext.parse(
at com.jayway.jsonpath.JsonPath.parse(
I expect to see the test failed because of wrong status code 200 received of the expected 404. I would like to know if throwing this exception is correct in karate?
I apologize for mis-reading your question.
There is indeed a bug in Karate when handling malformed JSON responses.
We have opened an issue, you should be able to get a patch version very soon:

BadRequest on /metrics REST endpoint in Azure

I'm trying to access the metrics using the Azure Insights API as per the following MSDN blog.
My Request URL is:
with proper Accept and Authorization headers.
The same thing works for metricDefinitions and I get back a bunch of MetricDefinitions. But when I try to access the /metrics endpoint, I get back this:
"error": {
"code": "BadRequest",
"message": "The request URL is not valid."
Is there anyway to know what am I doing wrong in the request?
You need to specify the metric's name for any filtering requests. But there is no metric specifed in your URL, which leads to an invalid URL. For example, you want to retreive the CpuTime metric data point, the request url should be like below:$filter=%28name.value%20eq%20%27CpuTime%27%20