Handling exceptions with in velocity template - velocity

How do I handle exceptions with in velocity template when I am processing say 100 records in a loop. If I get an exception while processing one record then I should be able to continue with the next record. Is this possible with velocity template or this needs to be handled in java.
What is the best way to handle exceptions when using velocity templates?
Thanks for your clarification

There is no exception flow control handling inside the template itself. If an exception is thrown, the rendering of the current template will stop and the exception will be logged and displayed in the output. The overall philosophy is to try to contain the exceptions to the Java objects methods.
For instance, instead of exposing Object MyObject.mayThow() into the template, you can use a wrapper:
class MyWrapper
bool doesntThrow()
return mayThrow()
catch (MyException e)
// log it if necessary
return null
And in the template:
#foreach($i in $items)
## ...
#set ($obj = $i.doesntThrow())
## ...
Instead of a wrapper, you can also use a MethodExceptionEventHandler:
package mypackage;
import org.apache.velocity.app.event.MethodExceptionEventHandler;
public class MyHandler implements MethodExceptionEventHandler
public Object methodException(Class claz, String method, Exception e) throws Exception
// for instance, return null as a convention
if (claz == MyObject.class && method.equals("doesThrow")) return null;
// something else happened...
else throw e;
And you can then directly call mayThrow() in the template:
#foreach($i in $items)
## ...
#set ($obj = $i.mayThrow())
## ...
Of course you have to register your event handler in your velocity.properties file:
eventhandler.methodexception.class = mypackage.MyHandler


Closing resources created in failed constructor

Assume I have a class C that holds resources that need to be closed as member variables.
public class C {
private ClosableResource1 closableResource1;
private ClosableResource2 closableResource2;
public C(){
closableResource1 = new ClosableResource1();
closableResource2 = new ClosableResource2();
// some logic that can fail
If the constructor succeeds I can be sure that close() will be called eventually by some entity manager and all the resources will be freed.
But how can I make sure I close the resources when the constructor fails? The failure can happen because I have additional logic in the constructor that can throw exception or I get some RuntimeException outside of my control?
Some things I though of:
Wrapping the constructor body with a try-catch block. Then, assuming I have a lot of closable members I'll have to have a big if statement in the catch block checking which resources were already initializing and only close them.
Offloading the ClosableResources creation to some init() function. Then I would have to make sure init() succeeded every time I try to use the object.
Is there some elegant solution? Or is this much more implementation specific then that?
You can do something like below:
public class C {
private List<AutoCloseable> closableResources = new ArrayList();
private ClosableResource1 closableResource1;
private ClosableResource2 closableResource2;
public C() {
closableResource1 = new ClosableResource1();
closableResource2 = new ClosableResource2();
try {
// some logic that can fail
} catch(Exception e) {
for (AutoCloseable closableResource : closableResources) {
if (closableResource != null) {
Surrounding your code with try-catch and closing all your resources in catch is the correct solution here. Also read about method finalize() (Here is one tutorial). In general, I would recommend one method that cleans up all the resources (like you suggested method close(), I would call it though cleanup()) and call that method in your catch section and in your finalize() method
I asked and answered a very similar question here. It is very important that a constructor either succeeds or fails completely i.e. leaving no resources open. In order to achieve that I would follow each resource creation statement by a try-catch block. The catch block closes the resource and rethrows the exception so it is not lost:
public C() {
closableResource1 = new ClosableResource1();
closableResource2 = new ClosableResource2();
try {
// .....
// some logic that can fail and throw MyCheckedException or some RuntimeException
} catch (RuntimeException | MyCheckedException e) {
try {closableResource1.close();} catch (Exception ignore) {}
try {closableResource1.close();} catch (Exception ignore) {}
throw e;
If creating a resource can fail you need nested try-catch blocks as demonstrated here.
Here's a wild idea: create a class called something like DefusableCloser (that you can "defuse", like an explosive device being made safe):
class DefusableCloser implements AutoCloseable {
boolean active = true;
final AutoCloseable closeable;
DefusableCloser(AutoCloseable closeable) {
this.closeable = closeable;
#Override public void close() throws Exception {
if (active) closeable.close();
Now you can use this in a try-with-resources block:
c1 = new CloseableResource();
try (DefusableCloseable d1 = new DefusableCloseable(c1)) {
c2 = new CloseableResource();
try (DefusableCloseable d2 = new DefusableCloseable(c2)) {
// Do the other stuff which might fail...
// Finally, deactivate the closeables.
d1.active = d2.active = false;
If execution doesn't reach d1.active = d2.active = false;, the two closeables (or one, if the exception was in creating the second resource) will be closed. If execution does reach that line, they won't be closed and you can use them.
The advantage of doing it like this is that the exceptions will be correctly handled.
Note that the ordering is important: don't be tempted to create the two CloseableResources first, then the two DefusableCloseables: doing that won't handle an exception from creating the second CloseableResource. And don't put the creation of the CloseableResources into the TWR, as that would guarantee their closure.
For closing the resources in your class' close() method, you can also use try-with-resources to ensure that both resources are closed:
try (c1; c2) {}
You don't actually have to declare a new variable in the TWR syntax: you can just effectively say "close the resource for this existing variable afterwards", as shown here.

CATCH and throw in custom exception

Should 'CATCH' be called strictly after 'throw'?
Example 1:
say 'Hello World!';
class E is Exception { method message() { "Just stop already!" } }
when E {
Cannot find method 'sink': no method cache and no .^find_method in
block at /tmp/739536251/main.pl6 line 11
Example 2:
say 'Hello World!';
class E is Exception { method message() { "Just stop already!" } }
when E {
No error
It's an already filed .resume bug.
The error message isn't the most awesome P6 has ever produced but it isn't technically LTA because it is descriptive and related to the error (caused by the bug).
CATCH and throw in custom exception
I think it's just a .resume bug rather than being about custom exceptions.
Should 'CATCH' be called strictly after 'throw'?
No, that's not the issue. (That said, putting it after the .throw just so happens to avoid this bug; I'll return to that later.)
In the code that goes boom, you throw an exception, then .resume in response to it. Per the doc .resume:
Resumes control flow where .throw left it
Which in this case means where the arrow points:
E.new.throw ;
Now, consider this program:
If you run that program you'll see:
Useless use of constant integer 42 in sink context (line 1)
That's because Raku applies "sink context" rules when deciding what to do at the end of a statement. Applying sink context entails calling .sink on the value produced by the statement. And for 42 the .sink method generates the "useless" warning.
But what's the value of a .resumed thrown exception?
class E is Exception {}
CATCH { when E { .resume } }
say E.new.throw.^name; # BOOTException
E.new.throw.sink; # Cannot find method 'sink':
# no method cache and no .^find_method
It turns out it's a BOOTException object which isn't a high level Raku object but instead a low level VM object, one that doesn't have a .sink method (and also stymies P6's fallback methods for finding a method, hence the "I tried everything" error message).
So why does putting the CATCH block after the throw make a difference?
It seems the bug only occurs if the throw statement is the last statement. This works fine, just displaying 42:
class E is Exception {}
CATCH { when E { .resume } }
say 42;
As you presumably know, Raku treats the last statement of a block specially. Perhaps this bug is related to that.
CATCH must be in same block.
Problem in the first example is that no E but another exceptions is thrown. Try
class E is Exception { method message() { "Just stop already!" } };
when E {
default { say .perl }
you could change when block
class E is Exception { method message() { "Just stop already!" } };
when E {
say .message;
or definition of the class E, e.g.
class E is Exception {
has $.resume;
method message() { "Just stop already!" }
when E {
say .resume;
E.new(resume => 'stop here').throw;

Can Spring-Data-Rest handle associations to Resources on other Microservices?

For a new project i'm building a rest api that references resources from a second service. For the sake of client convenience i want to add this association to be serialized as an _embedded entry.
Is this possible at all? i thought about building a fake CrudRepository (facade for a feign client) and manually change all urls for that fake resource with resource processors. would that work?
a little deep dive into the functionality of spring-data-rest:
Data-Rest wraps all Entities into PersistentEntityResource Objects that extend the Resource<T> interface that spring HATEOAS provides. This particular implementation has a list of embedded objects that will be serialized as the _embedded field.
So in theory the solution to my problem should be as simple as implementing a ResourceProcessor<Resource<MyType>> and add my reference object to the embeds.
In practice this aproach has some ugly but solvable issues:
PersistentEntityResource is not generic, so while you can build a ResourceProcessor for it, that processor will by default catch everything. I am not sure what happens when you start using Projections. So that is not a solution.
PersistentEntityResource implements Resource<Object> and as a result can not be cast to Resource<MyType> and vice versa. If you want to to access the embedded field all casts have to be done with PersistentEntityResource.class.cast() and Resource.class.cast().
Overall my solution is simple, effective and not very pretty. I hope Spring-Hateoas gets full fledged HAL support in the future.
Here my ResourceProcessor as a sample:
public ResourceProcessor<Resource<MyType>> typeProcessorToAddReference() {
return new ResourceProcessor<>() {
public Resource<MyType> process(Resource<MyType> resource) {
try {
// XXX all resources here are PersistentEntityResource instances, but they can't be cast normaly
PersistentEntityResource halResource = PersistentEntityResource.class.cast(resource);
List<EmbeddedWrapper> embedded = Lists.newArrayList(halResource.getEmbeddeds());
ReferenceObject reference = spineClient.findReferenceById(resource.getContent().getReferenceId());
embedded.add(embeddedWrappers.wrap(reference, "reference-relation"));
// XXX all resources here are PersistentEntityResource instances, but they can't be cast normaly
resource = Resource.class.cast(PersistentEntityResource.build(halResource.getContent(), halResource.getPersistentEntity())
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Something went wrong", e);
// swallow
return resource;
If you would like to work in type safe manner and with links only (addition references to custom controller methods), you can find inspiration in this sample code:
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.hateoas.EntityModel;
import org.springframework.hateoas.server.RepresentationModelProcessor;
import static org.springframework.hateoas.server.mvc.WebMvcLinkBuilder.linkTo;
import static org.springframework.hateoas.server.mvc.WebMvcLinkBuilder.methodOn;
public class MyTypeLinkConfiguration {
public static class MyType {}
public RepresentationModelProcessor<EntityModel<MyType>> MyTypeProcessorAddLifecycleLinks(MyTypeLifecycleStates myTypeLifecycleStates) {
// WARNING, no lambda can be passed here, because type is crucial for applying this bean processor.
return new RepresentationModelProcessor<EntityModel<MyType>>() {
public EntityModel<MyType> process(EntityModel<MyType> resource) {
// add custom export link for single MyType
.forEach(reachableState -> {
try {
// for each possible next state, generate its relation which will get us to given state
switch (reachableState) {
case DRAFT:
resource.add(linkTo(methodOn(MyTypeLifecycleController.class).requestRework(resource.getContent().getId(), null)).withRel("requestRework"));
resource.add(linkTo(methodOn(MyTypeLifecycleController.class).requestReview(resource.getContent().getId(), null)).withRel("requestReview"));
throw new RuntimeException("Link for target state " + reachableState + " is not implemented!");
} catch (Exception ex) {
// swallowed
log.error("error while adding lifecycle link for target state " + reachableState + "! ex=" + ex.getMessage(), ex);
return resource;
Note, that myTypeLifecycleStates is autowired "service"/"business logic" bean.

Trigger new onException route from onRedelivery

I have an ErrorHandler (DefaultErrorHandler) into which I have provided an onRedelivery ref. By default the ErrorHandler retries unlimited times. However, if a certain condition exists (currently determined by the onRedelivery ref) I would like to exit the redelivery loop and execute a different route.
My initial thought was to have the onRedelivery ref throw and exception and have an appropriate onException direct this to the appropriate route. However, I find that the RedeliveryErrorHandler catches this exception and keeps looping.
I have also found that I can set the Exchange.REDELIVERY_EXHAUSTED to true which will exit the redelivery loop but will not direct me to my recovery route.
Any suggestions?
So I have found that if I add the original exception type to the onException of the exception type in the RouteBuilder in which I have my ErrorHandler, and if I set the Exchange.REDELIVERY_EXHAUSTED to true, the original exception will be thrown to the RouteBuilder scope and caught by the onException. However, I would really prefer to throw and catch a new exception type so that the handling is explicit to this case.
So Peter's suggestion of using retryWhile was great in that it allows me to programmatically determine when to stop retrying. It's too. It only went half way thought. The second part was to send the failing exchange to a new / different route for error handling. This is accomplished by using the DeadLetterChannel instead of the DefaultErrorHandler.
Use retryWhile in combination with deadLetterChannel:
public class MyRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder {
public void configure() {
.retryWhile(method(new MyPredicate())));
.throwException(new Exception("dummy"));
public class MyPredicate implements Predicate {
public boolean matches(final Exchange exchange) {
AtomicInteger counter = exchange.getProperty("myCounter");
if (counter == null) {
counter = new AtomicInteger(0);
exchange.setProperty("myCounter", counter);
int count = counter.incrementAndGet();
LOG.info("Count = {}", count);
return count < 3; // or whatever condition is suitable
This prints:
INFO Starting...
INFO Count = 1
INFO Count = 2
INFO Count = 3
INFO ...Special

How to handle exceptions thrown in Wicket custom model?

I have a component with a custom model (extending the wicket standard Model class). My model loads the data from a database/web service when Wicket calls getObject().
This lookup can fail for several reasons. I'd like to handle this error by displaying a nice message on the web page with the component. What is the best way to do that?
public class MyCustomModel extends Model {
public String getObject() {
try {
return Order.lookupOrderDataFromRemoteService();
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Failed silently...");
// How do I propagate this to the component/page?
return null;
Note that the error happens inside the Model which is decoupled from the components.
Handling an exception that happens in the model's getObject() is tricky, since by this time we are usually deep in the response phase of the whole request cycle, and it is too late to change the component hierarchy. So the only place to handle the exception is very much non-local, not anywhere near your component or model, but in the RequestCycle.
There is a way around that though. We use a combination of a Behavior and an IRequestCycleListener to deal with this:
IRequestCycleListener#onException allows you to examine any exception that was thrown during the request. If you return an IRequestHandler from this method, that handler will be run and rendered instead of whatever else was going on beforehand.
We use this on its own to catch generic stuff like Hibernate's StaleObjectException to redirect the user to a generic "someone else modified your object" page. If you
For more specific cases we add a RuntimeExceptionHandler behavior:
public abstract class RuntimeExceptionHandler extends Behavior {
public abstract IRequestHandler handleRuntimeException(Component component, Exception ex);
In IRequestCycleListener we walk through the current page's component tree to see whether any component has an instance of RuntimeExceptionHandler. If we find one, we call its handleRuntimeException method, and if it returns an IRequestHandler that's the one we will use. This way you can have the actual handling of the error local to your page.
public MyPage() {
this.add(new RuntimeExceptionHandler() {
#Override public IRequestHandler handleRuntimeException(Component component, Exception ex) {
if (ex instanceof MySpecialException) {
// just an example, you really can do anything you want here.
// show a feedback message...
MyPage.this.error("something went wrong");
// then hide the affected component(s) so the error doesn't happen again...
myComponentWithErrorInModel.setVisible(false); // ...
// ...then finally just re-render this page:
return new RenderPageRequestHandler(new PageProvider(MyPage.this));
} else {
return null;
Note: This is not something shipped with Wicket, we rolled our own. We simply combined the IRequestCycleListener and Behavior features of Wicket to come up with this.
Your model could implement IComponentAssignedModel, thus being able to get hold on the owning component.
But I wonder how often are you able to reuse MyCustomModel?
I know that some devs advocate creating standalone model implementations (often in separate packages). While there are general cases where this is useful (e.g. FeedbackMessagesModel), in my experience its easier to just create inner classes which are component specific.
Being the main issue here that Models are by design decoupled from the component hierarchy, you could implement a component-aware Model that will report all errors against a specific component.
Remember to make sure it implements Detachable so that the related Component will be detached.
If the Model will perform an expensive operation, you might be interested in using LoadableDetachableModel instead (take into account that Model.getObject() might be called multiple times).
public class MyComponentAwareModel extends LoadableDetachableModel {
private Component comp;
public MyComponentAwareModel(Component comp) {
this.comp = comp;
protected Object load() {
try {
return Order.lookupOrderDataFromRemoteService();
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Failed silently...");
comp.error("This is an error message");
return null;
protected void onDetach(){
It might also be worth to take a try at Session.get().error()) instead.
I would add a FeedbackPanel to the page and call error("some description") in the catch clause.
You might want to simply return null in getObject, and add logic to the controller class to display a message if getObject returns null.
If you need custom messages for different fail reasons, you could add a property like String errorMessage; to the model which is set when catching the Exception in getObject - so your controller class can do something like this
if(model.getObject == null) {
add(new Label("label",model.getErrorMessage()));
} else {
/* display your model object*/