Change WebGrid row color conditionally without Jquery/javascript ASP.NET MVC 4 -

I know this has been asked before but I wanted to ask it in my own way with more clarification. I am trying to conditionally set the background of a td that is created using a webGrid in ASP.NET MVC. I don't see a good way to do this.
So far what I have come up with is this:
grid.Column("DATT", header: "Date", format: (item) => new MvcHtmlString
"<div style=\"background-color: red\">Item Backordered</div>"
This is an okay solution but I would like a more clean look because the webgrid default has a small padding in the table cell so the div won't expand completely to the size of the cell either.
Is there a way to edit the td in any way? I know I can change the background and other style attributes using jquery or javascript but I don't like the idea of having doing duplicate work to first build the table on the server, then on the client side iterate over it again conditionally changing the colors when this should have been completed with the first iteration.

Hope the following answer will help you
grid.GetHtml(columns: grid.Columns(grid.Column(columnName: "DATT", header: "Date",format: #<text> #{
if (#item.isCurrentlyBackordered)
<span>Item Backordered</span>
$("tr:contains('Item Backordered')").css("background-color", "yellow");
Also you can write this in a common JQuery too
grid.Column("DATT", header: "Date", format: (item) => new MvcHtmlString
"<span>Item Backordered</span>"
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$("tr:contains('Item Backordered')").css("background-color", "yellow");

With the help of Golda's response and here
I was able to create an elegant solution. This solution uses JavaScript/JQuery, as it doesn't seem possible to do it without it but using (to me) a cleaner solution than what I had came across. What I did in the model class (type for List<>()) was add a property that refers to itself and returns an instance cast to its interface like so:
public iTrans This
return this;
I did this because the webGrid seems to only allow access to the properties and not methods; regardless of access level.
Then in that same model I have a method which will conditionally attach markup for a hidden input field to the data string and return it as an MvcHtmlString object:
public MvcHtmlString htmlColorWrapper(string cellStr, string hexColor = "#ccc")
if (isOnBackorder)
cellStr = cellStr + "<input type='hidden' class='color' value='" + hexColor + "'/>";
return new MvcHtmlString(cellStr);
And in the markup (partial view) I make my grid.Column call:
grid.Column("Date", header: "Date", format: (item) => item.This.htmlColorWrapper(item.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyy"))),
Then I create the JavaScript function(s):
window.onload = function () {
function SetFeaturedRow() {
$('.color').each(function (index, element) {
$(element).parent().parent().css('background-color', $(element).val());
The window.onload is needed to point to the SetFeaturedRow() function to set the row colors at page load, the function name, "SetFeaturedRow" is stored in the ajaxUpdateCallback property through the webgrid constructor arguments: new WebGrid(Model ..... ajaxUpdateCallback: "SetFeaturedRow"); Or it can be set through the WebGrid reference, ref.ajaxUpdateCallback = "SetFeatureRow"
This will be used during any ajax call the WebGrid class will make. So for example if there are multiple pages to the webgrid each selection is an ajax call and the row colors will need to be re-updated.
Hopefully this helps someone.


cannot preserve values in the textbox after dropdown on change event

I have a problem in preserving the values in the textbox after dropdownlist selected index changed in mvc. Below is the code for initiating the dropdown onchange event.
#Html.DropDownList("BranchId",null,"Select Branch", new { onchange = "location.href='/User/GetRoles?BranchId='+this.options[this.selectedIndex].value" })
Аnd the roles dropdown binded with the values, but what i typed in the textboxes just above the branch dropdown get lost.
Please help me.
This is because you are changing your URL location by using location.href. What exactly do you want to achieve? If you need to load certain logic, you might as well bind change event to jQuery function that could load data from the server, and then you do something with that data.
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#BranchId").change(function() {
$.getJSON(YourUrlThatReturnsValues, {data: yourparameter}, function() {
// do some processing here.
The other option is to use Ajax Helpers instead of Html Helpers. Instead of Html.DropDownList you would use Ajax.DropDownList.
You may try something like that:
$(function () {
$('#BranchId').change(function () {
var id = $("#BranchId option:selected").val();
var data = {BranchId: id };
$.get("#Url.Action("User", "GetRoles")", data).done(function(d){

Create custom command to expand client detail template in Kendo UI Grid (MVC)

I've got a nested grid within my grid, and it works perfectly, but the client doesn't like to use the arrow on the left and asked for a button to be added in order to show the child grid.
The example on the Kendo website shows how to automatically open the first row, I just want a way to expand the grid from a custom control in the same way that the left selector does it.
I've got the custom command working, and it executes the sample code, but I just need some help with the javascript required to make it work for the current row.
columns.Command(command =>
command.Custom("Manage Brands").Click("showBrandsForAgency");
And the js with the standard example of opening the first row:
function showBrandsForAgency(e) {
Please help by giving me the js required to expand the row clicked and not the first row?
* EDIT *
Modified the solution provided by Atanas Korchev in order to get it to work on only the button and not the whole row.
I'd prefer a solution that uses the function showBrandsForAgency instead of a custom funciton but this does the job:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#grid").on("click", "a", function (e) {
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
var row = $(this).parent().parent();
if (row.find(".k-icon").hasClass("k-minus")) {
} else {
You can try something like this:
$("#grid").on("click", "tr", function(e) {
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
if ($(this).find(".k-icon").hasClass("k-minus")) {
} else {
When using jQuery on the function context (available via the this keyword) is the DOM element which fired the event. In this case this is the clicked table row.
Here is a live demo:
Same results just Simpler, faster, and more efficient:
$("#grid").on("click", "tr", function () {
$(this).find("td.k-hierarchy-cell .k-icon").click();

unobtrusive validation not working with dynamic content

I'm having problems trying to get the unobtrusive jquery validation to work with a partial view that is loaded dynamically through an AJAX call.
I've been spending days trying to get this code to work with no luck.
Here's the View:
#model MvcApplication2.Models.test
#using (Html.BeginForm())
<div id="res"></div>
<input id="submit" type="submit" value="submit" />
The Partial View:
#model MvcApplication2.Models.test
#Html.TextAreaFor(m => m.MyProperty);
#Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.MyProperty);
<script type="text/javascript" >
The Model:
public class test
[Required(ErrorMessage= "required field")]
public int MyProperty { get; set; }
The Controller:
public ActionResult GetView()
return PartialView("Test");
and finally, the javascript:
$(doument).ready(function () {
url: '/test/getview',
success: function (res) {
$("#submit").click(function () {
if ($("form").valid()) {
return true;
} else {
alert('not valid');
return false;
The validation does not work. Even if I don't fill any information in the texbox, the submit event shows the alert ('valid').
However, if instead of loading dynamically the view, I use #Html.Partial("test", Model) to render the partial View in the main View (and I don't do the AJAX call), then the validation works just fine.
This is probably because if I load the content dynamically, the controls don't exist in the DOM yet. But I do a call to $.validator.unobtrusive.parse($("#res")); which should be enough to let the validator about the newly loaded controls...
Can anyone help ?
If you try to parse a form that is already parsed it won't update
What you could do when you add dynamic element to the form is either
You could remove the form's validation and re validate it like this:
var form = $(formSelector)
.removeData("validator") /* added by the raw jquery.validate plugin */
.removeData("unobtrusiveValidation"); /* added by the jquery unobtrusive plugin*/
Access the form's unobtrusiveValidation data using the jquery data method:
then access the rules collection and add the new elements attributes (which is somewhat complicated).
You can also check out this article on Applying unobtrusive jquery validation to dynamic content in ASP.Net MVC for a plugin used for adding dynamic elements to a form. This plugin uses the 2nd solution.
As an addition to Nadeem Khedr's answer....
If you've loaded a form in to your DOM dynamically and then call
(with the extra bits mentioned) and are then going to submit that form using ajax remember to call
which returns true or false (and runs the actual validation) before you submit your form.
Surprisingly, when I viewed this question, the official ASP.NET docs still did not have any info about the unobtrusive parse() method or how to use it with dynamic content. I took the liberty of creating an issue at the docs repo (referencing #Nadeem's original answer) and submitting a pull request to fix it. This information is now visible in the client side validation section of the model validation topic.
add this to your _Layout.cshtml
$(function () {
//parsing the unobtrusive attributes when we get content via ajax
$(document).ajaxComplete(function () {
test this:
if ($.validator.unobtrusive != undefined) {
I got struck in the same problem and nothing worked except this:
$(document).ready(function () {
function rebindvalidators() {
var $form = $("#id-of-form");
$"validator", null);
and add
// Check if the form is valid
var $form = $(this.form);
if (!$form.valid())
where you are trying to save the form.
I was saving the form through Ajax call.
Hope this will help someone.
just copy this code again in end of modal code
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.min.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js"></script>

Calling member functions on click/tap within sencha touch 2 templates

I am rather new to sencha touch, I've done a lot of research and tutorials to learn the basics but now that I am experimenting I have run into a problem that I can't figure out.
I have a basic DataList which gets its data from a store which displays in a xtemplate.
Within this template I have created a member function which requires store field data to be parsed as a parameter.
I would like to make a thumbnail image (that's source is pulled from the store) execute the member function on click/tap.
I can't find any information on this within the docs, does anyone know the best way to go about this?
Here is a code example (pulled from docs as I can't access my actual code right now).
var tpl = new Ext.XTemplate(
'<p>Name: {name}</p>'
tapFunction: function(name){
tpl.overwrite(panel.body, data);
I want to make the paragraph clickable which will then execute the tapFunction() member function and pass the {name} variable.
Doing something like onclick="{[this.tapFunction(]} " does not seem to work.
I think functions in template are executed as soon as the view is rendered so I don't think this is the proper solution.
What I would do in your case is :
Add a unique class to your < p > tag
tpl : '<p class="my-p-tag">{name}</p>'
Detect the itemtap event on the list
In your dataview controller, you add an tap event listener on your list.
refs: {
control: {
myList: {
itemtap: 'listItemTap'
Check if the target of the tap is the < p > tag
To do so, implement your listItemTap function like so :
listItemTap: function(list,index,target,record,e){
var node =;
if (node.className && node.className.indexOf('my-p-tag') > -1) {
Hope this helps

Simple store connected list for dojo

Is there a simpler list type than DataGrid that can be connected to a store for Dojo?
I would like the data abstraction of the store, but I don't need the header and cell stucture. I would like to be more flexible in the representation of the datalines, where maybe each line calls an function to get laid out...
You ask a really good question. I actually have a blog post that is still in draft form called "The DataGrid should not be your first option".
I have done a couple thing using the store to display data from a store in a repeated form.
I have manually built an html table using dom-construct and for each.
var table = dojo.create('table', {}, parentNode);
var tbody = dojo.create('tbody', {}, table); // a version of IE needs this or it won't render the table
store.fetch({ // this is a, but you cana dapt to the dojo.Store API
query: {},
onComplete: function(itms) {
dojo.forEach(itms, function(itm, idx) {
var tr = dojo.create('tr', {}, tbody);
// use idx to set odd/even css class
// create tds and the data that goes in them
I have also created a repeater, where I have an html template in a string form and use that to instantiate html for each row.
var htmlTemplate = '<div>${name}</div>'; // assumes name is in the data item
store.fetch({ // this is a, but you cana dapt to the dojo.Store API
query: {},
onComplete: function(itms) {
dojo.forEach(itms, function(itm, idx) {
var expandedHtml = dojo.replace(htmlTemplate, itm);
// use to put the html where you want it
You could also have a widget that you instantiate for each item.