React Native - How to re-render Navigator component on icon press - react-native

How would I re-render/ change the colour of a Navigator component icon when it is pressed. I have TouchableHighlight on it but I need the state to stay permanently. For example someone presses a 'favourite' heart icon, and it turns from grey to red. I've been trying to figure out a solution for some time now.
This is the section of my code where the change should happen. I need my if statement and Navigator icon to re-render based on the true/false value which changes when the TouchableHighlight onPress triggers.
var NavigationBarRouteMapper = {
RightButton: function(route, navigator, index, navState) {
// * The button displayed in the top right of the navigator
switch( {
if (route.isFavourited) {
return (
<View style={[ styles.multipleIcons ]}>
onPress={() => {
var favouriteBusiness = new FavouriteBusiness();
style={[ styles.navBarButton, styles.iconRightPaddingLarge ]}
size={ 25 }
style={ styles.icon }
} else {
return (
<View style={[ styles.multipleIcons ]}>
onPress={() => {
var favouriteBusiness = new FavouriteBusiness();
style={[ styles.navBarButton, styles.iconRightPaddingLarge ]}
size={ 25 }
style={ styles.icon }
return null;
sceneStyle={ [styles.container, styles.inner] }
id: this.props.scene,
renderScene={ this.renderScene }
configureScene={(route) => {
if (route.sceneConfig) {
return route.sceneConfig;
return Navigator.SceneConfigs.FloatFromRight;
routeMapper={ NavigationBarRouteMapper }
style={ styles.navigationBar }

if you still did not get the solution perhaps these could help.
you can define some Properties in construktor:
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
color: 'lightgrey',
You can define the Icon in the RooteMapper of the Navigaton bar:
return (<Icon
style={[styles.rightHadderButton, {color: this.state.color}]}
and then change the collor in the onpress defined Function:
exports.favoriteStar = function(event) {
if (this.state.color === 'lightgrey') {
this.setState({ color: '#990000' });
AlertIOS.alert( "favoriteStar","Favorite");
} else {
this.setState({ color: 'lightgrey' });
AlertIOS.alert( "favoriteStar","notFavorite");
Hope these works for you too and it helps you.


How to call Parent component function inside custom drawer

I am beginner in React Native. I am getting stuck in one issue. I have one Parent component Home.js in which there is Tab navigator on click of tab 3 child components replace based on selected key. In same page, I have custom drawer.Now, I want to change tabs on click of custom drawer's option & same thing when my 1st tab selected 1st option of drawer also set selected. How can i achieve this.
Here is my navigation Drawer :
export default MyDrawerNavigator = DrawerNavigator({
Page1: {
screen: props => <Home {...props} />,
contentComponent: props => (<CustomSideMenu {...props} />),
drawerWidth: (getScreenWidth() * 2.5) / 3,
Here is my Home class I want to access goToNextTab() inside Custom drawer
export class Home extends React.Component {
static navigationOptions = hidenavigation;
constructor(props) {
apply_header = (val) => {
this.props.navigation.setParams({ Title: val });
goToNextTab = (tabName) => {
this.setState({ activeTab: tabName });
openDrawer() {
tabs = [{
key: 'Dashboard',
icon: 'speedometer',
label: 'Dashboard',
pressColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.16)'
key: 'Add Diamond',
icon: 'plus-circle-outline',
label: 'Add Diamond',
pressColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.16)'
key: 'Diamond',
icon: 'diamond-stone',
label: 'Diamond',
pressColor: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.16)'
state = {
activeTab: 'Dashboard',
showFooter: true
renderIcon = icon => ({ isActive }) => (
<Icon size={24} color={isActive ? COLOR.action_bar : COLOR.tab_deselected_text_color} name={icon} />
renderTab = ({ tab, isActive }) => (
<FullTab isActive={isActive} key={tab.key} label={tab.label} labelStyle={isActive ? style.activeText : style.deactiveText} renderIcon={this.renderIcon(tab.icon)} />
render() {
const propsForChild = {
goToNextTab: (tabName) => this.goToNextTab(tabName),
openDrawer: () => this.openDrawer()
const propsForNav = {
nav: this.props,
openDrawer: () => this.openDrawer()
const addDimPropsForChild = {
openDrawer: () => this.openDrawer()
return (
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
this.state.activeTab === 'Add Diamond' ? <Add_Dimond_Stack screenProps={addDimPropsForChild} /> : this.state.activeTab === 'Diamond' ? <Dimond_List_stack screenProps={propsForNav} /> : <Dashboard_Stack screenProps={propsForChild} />
this.state.showFooter ?
<BottomNavigation activeTab={this.state.activeTab} renderTab={this.renderTab} tabs={this.tabs} onTabPress={newTab => { this.setState({ activeTab: newTab.key }); }} />
: null
componentWillMount() {
this.keyboardDidShowListener = Keyboard.addListener('keyboardDidShow', this._keyboardDidShow.bind(this));
this.keyboardDidHideListener = Keyboard.addListener('keyboardDidHide', this._keyboardDidHide.bind(this));
componentWillUnmount() {
_keyboardDidShow() {
//alert('Keyboard Shown');
this.setState({ showFooter: false })
_keyboardDidHide() {
//alert('Keyboard Hidden');
this.setState({ showFooter: true })
componentDidMount() {
printLogs('call', 'componentDidMount')
const { setParams } = this.props.navigation;
setParams({ myProps: 'test' });
Here is my Custom Drawer in which i want to access setSelectedPos() from Home tab click
export default class Custom_Side_Menu extends React.Component {
static navigationOptions = { hidenavigation };
state = {
current_selected: 0
setSelectedPos(pos) {
this.setState({ current_selected: pos });
closeNavigationPanel(pos) {
if (pos != 3) {
redirectToProfile() {
new NavigationRedirection().goToNextScreen('profile', this.props);
selectedColor(pos) {
if (this.state.current_selected === pos) {
return COLOR.input_text_color;
} else {
return COLOR.input_hint_color;
render() {
return (
<View style={}>
{/* */}
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<View style={{ padding: 10, alignContent: 'center', flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center' }}>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => { this.closeNavigationPanel() }}>
<Icon name="arrow-left" size={30} color={COLOR.input_text_color} />
<Text style={stylePage.menu_title}>Menu</Text>
<TouchableWithoutFeedback onPress={() => {
<Image style={stylePage.profileImage} source={{ uri: '' }} />
<Text style={}>Ruth McCoy</Text>
<Text style={}></Text>
<View style={stylePage.line_seprator} />
<View style={stylePage.menu_options}>
<Text style={[stylePage.menu_text, { color: this.selectedColor(0) }]} onPress={() => this.setCurrentSelection(0)}>Dashboard</Text>
<Text style={[stylePage.menu_text, { color: this.selectedColor(1) }]} onPress={() => this.setCurrentSelection(1)}>Diamonds List</Text>
<Text style={[stylePage.menu_text, { color: this.selectedColor(2) }]} onPress={() => this.setCurrentSelection(2)}>Add diamonds</Text>
<Text style={[stylePage.menu_text, { color: this.selectedColor(3) }]} onPress={() => this.setCurrentSelection(3)}>Profile</Text>
<Text style={[stylePage.menu_text, { color: this.selectedColor(4) }]} onPress={() => this.setCurrentSelection(4)}>Change Password</Text>
<TouchableOpacity style={{ alignSelf: 'baseline' }} onPress={() => clearAllData(this.props)}>
<View style={stylePage.logout_btn}>
<IconAnt name="logout" size={25} color={COLOR.white} />
<Text style={stylePage.logout_title}>Logout</Text>
ref={ref => { this.RBSheet = ref }}
height={getScreenHeight() / 2} duration={250} customStyles={{
container: { padding: 10, borderTopLeftRadius: 20, borderTopRightRadius: 20 },
<ChangePassword {...this.props} RBSheet={this.RBSheet} />
setCurrentSelection(pos) {
if (pos === 3) {
} else if (pos === 4) {;
} else {
printLogs('props', this.props.navigation)
There are two problems.
Click on drawer options to change the navigation tab
On tab change set the option as active
using redux as global store
There is an easy way out if you need redux as your global store.
first connect your components with react-redux connect
manage the activeTab state in store instead of component state
then on click of drawer option change the state in redux for your activetab
this way you are able to solve the problem 1
Also make sure you check activetab from store if matched you can update the styling for active option in drawer . So here is solution for problem 2
Using tab navigator from react-navigation
another option is using tabNavigator from react-navigation itself that way you only need to call navigator function for changing tab
and getting the active tab from navigation state
* alternate to redux *
you can use react context apis for managing your parent state if you are not using redux

How to null check and navigate to new screen on click submit when textinput and submit button both are in different js files in react native?

return (
<KeyboardAvoidingView behavior='position'>
<BottomButton navigation={this.props.navigation} />
ImgBack contains username and password textinput.
BottomButton contains the submit button
I want to navigate to new activity when submit button clicked. navigation to new screen is working perfectly but before navigating i want to null check the TextInput which are on
I am new to React-Native. Complete Beginner here. I want even know what to do. Help.
ImgBack.js file
class imgBack extends React.Component {
this.state = { hidePassword: true }
managePasswordVisibility = () =>
this.setState({ hidePassword: !this.state.hidePassword });
usernameValidate = (EnteredValue) =>{
var TextLength = EnteredValue.length.toString();
if(TextLength == 10 ){
Alert.alert("Sorry, You have reached the maximum input limit.")
else if(TextLength == 0){
Alert.alert("Username can't be blank")
passValidate = (EnteredValue) =>{
var TextLength = EnteredValue.length.toString();
if(TextLength == 10 ){
Alert.alert("Sorry, You have reached the maximum input limit.")
else if(TextLength == 0){
Alert.alert("Username can't be blank")
return (
<ImageBackground resizeMode='contain'
marginHorizontal: 10,
height: 290,
padding: 30,
<View style={
} >
underlineColorAndroid = "transparent"
onChangeText={ EnteredValue => this.usernameValidate(EnteredValue) }
<View style = { styles.textInputContainer }>
onChangeText={ EnteredValue => this.passValidate(EnteredValue) }
underlineColorAndroid = "transparent"
secureTextEntry = { this.state.hidePassword }
<TouchableOpacity style = { styles.visibilityBtn } onPress = { this.managePasswordVisibility }>
<Image source = { ( this.state.hidePassword ) ? require('../images/eye_close_icon.imageset/eye_close_icon.png') : require('../images/eye_icon.imageset/eye_icon.png') } style = { styles.btnImage } />
} ```
**Bottombutton File**
class bottomButon extends Component {
return (
style={{ height: 80, marginLeft: '20%', marginTop: 10 }}
source={require('../images/btn_back.png')} >
onPress={ this.login } >
<Text style={{ textAlign: 'center', marginTop: 25 }}>Submit & SYNC</Text>
} }
export default bottomButon; ```
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
hidePassword: true,
username: '',
password: '',
validUserPass = async () => {
try {
if (this.state.username === '') {
Alert.alert('Username is required !');
} else if (this.state.password === '') {
Alert.alert('Password is required !');
} else {
} catch (error) {
it helped me solve my issue.

change custom radio button image onclick

I'm trying to create a button that can change the image when it is clicked, I've tried with changing its opacity now I'm trying to change the image. Here's what I've done for the custom button
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
marginVertical: normalize(5),
opacity: 0.5
activeButton: {
opacity: 1
export default class RadioButton extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
selected: this.props.currentSelection === this.props.value,
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if (this.props.currentSelection !== prevProps.currentSelection) {
this.setState({ selected: this.props.currentSelection === this.props.value });
render() {
let activeButton = this.props.activeStyle ? this.props.activeStyle : styles.activeButton;
return (
<View style={[styles.container, this.props.containerStyle, this.state.selected ? activeButton : null]}>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => {
this.setState({ selected: !this.state.selected });
this.props.element ?
this.props.element :
<Text> {this.props.value} </Text>
It should be like this image
First import both images. one for selected and another for normal state.
import selectedImg from '../images/selected.png';
import normalImg from '../images/normal.png';
and then add below method to your component
btnBackgroundImage() = {
var imgSource = this.state.selected? selectedImg : normalImg;
return (
style={'put style here'}
source={ imgSource }
now edit your render method like below
render() {
let activeButton = this.props.activeStyle ? this.props.activeStyle : styles.activeButton;
return (
<View style={[styles.container, this.props.containerStyle, this.state.selected ? activeButton : null]}>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => {
this.setState({ selected: !this.state.selected });

Better solution to open the Menu when 3 dots are clicked in React Native

I am able to open menu when 3 dots icon is clicked for each item. But can the code be written in a better way..
Right now menu is getting created for each card item but ideally it would have been good to create single Menu View and dynamically associate it to some card where ever the 3 dots is clicked.
Expo Source Code Link
export default class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props, ctx) {
super(props, ctx);
this.state = {
list: [
{ name: "Michael", mobile: "9292929292", ref: React.createRef() },
{ name: "Mason Laon Roah", mobile: "1232313233", ref: React.createRef() },
{ name: "Constructor", mobile: "4949494949", ref: React.createRef() },
{ name: "Rosling", mobile: "4874124584", ref: React.createRef() }
_menu = null;
hideMenu = () => {
showMenu = (ref) => {
this._menu = ref;;
render() {
const renderItem = ({ item, index }) => (
<Text style={{ fontWeight: "bold" }}>{}</Text>
<Text>445 Mount Eden Road, Mount Eden, Auckland. </Text>
<Text>Contact No: 134695584</Text>
leftAvatar={{ title: 'MD' }}
rightContentContainerStyle={{ alignSelf: 'flex-start'}}
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<View style={{ flex: 1, marginTop: 30 }}>
keyExtractor={(item, index) => index.toString()}
data={this.state.list || null}
ItemSeparatorComponent={() => (
<View style={{ marginBottom: 5 }} />
getMenuView(ref) {
return (
button={<Icon onPress={() => this.showMenu(ref.current)} type="material" color="red" name="more-vert" />}
<MenuItem onPress={this.hideMenu}>Menu item 1</MenuItem>
<MenuItem onPress={this.hideMenu}>Menu item 2</MenuItem>
<MenuItem onPress={this.hideMenu} disabled>
Menu item 3
<MenuDivider />
<MenuItem onPress={this.hideMenu}>Menu item 4</MenuItem>
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
justifyContent: 'center',
backgroundColor: '#ecf0f1',
padding: 8,
Sample Output
As mentioned here, you can find an undocumented class that allows you to create Popups with its showPopupMenu method.
This currently works only for Android.
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { View, UIManager, findNodeHandle, TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native'
import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/MaterialIcons'
const ICON_SIZE = 24
export default class PopupMenu extends Component {
constructor (props) {
this.state = {
icon: null
onError () {
console.log('Popup Error')
onPress = () => {
if (this.state.icon) {
render () {
return (
<TouchableOpacity onPress={this.onPress}>
ref={this.onRef} />
onRef = icon => {
if (!this.state.icon) {
Then use it as follows.
render () {
return (
<PopupMenu actions={['Edit', 'Remove']} onPress={this.onPopupEvent} />
onPopupEvent = (eventName, index) => {
if (eventName !== 'itemSelected') return
if (index === 0) this.onEdit()
else this.onRemove()
There is now a React Native plugin for this. I'm not sure it was around when the question was originally asked. But I'm leaving this here for anyone else looking for the answer.
The example worked for me. I wanted to use the vertical ellipsis, so I did this modification to the MenuTrigger part of the example to an icon instead of text:
<Icon name="more-vert" size={25} color={colors.rustRed} />
As a side note, I had difficulty finding and using the ellipsis. I eventually went with using react-native-vector-icons by using 'npm -i react-native-vector-icons' and importing the Material Icons like this:
import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/MaterialIcons';
Use React Portals
In short the receipts is:
You define your dynamic menu at sibling level only once in the parent i.e. in your case it would be adjacent to App.
Handle Click at each item level to open your component. You can pass some specific event days to achieve the dynamism.
Easier example
This achieves exactly what you are trying to do which is defer the creation of component untill clicked.

how to use tabbar in navigator in react-native

I am now having trouble about this issue.
Because there are some screens which does not use tabbar and also I need to use vector icon in navigationbar, instead of using react-native-tabbar-navigator, I tried to use tabbar in Navigator as below.
render() {
return (
initialRoute={{name: 'LearningList', index: 0}}
renderScene={(route, navigator) =>
if ( == 'LearningList') {
return (
<LearningList navigator={navigator} />
if ( == 'MyLearning') {
return (
<View style={{ flex: 1, }}>
<MyLearning navigator={navigator} />
style={ styles.tabBarItem }
onPress={ this.changeTabSelection('LearningList') }>
style={{ backgroundColor: 'green' }}
title='My Learning'
onPress = { this.changeTabSelection('MyLearning') }>
if ( == 'Schedule') {
return (
<Schedule navigator={navigator} learningID={ route.learningID } />
But when I click TabBarItemIOS buttons, onPress event does not invoked at all, and if I click edit button in LearningList page, the onPress callbacks are invoked for all TabBarItemIOS buttons.
Here is LearningList.js next button content.
const rightButtonConfig = {
title: 'Next >',
handler: () => {
name: 'MyLearning'
So, I hope to know the right way of using tabbar in Navigator.
Please help me!!!
It is because you are calling that function instead of passing a function reference. To do what you want, you simply need arrow functions. For example replace:
onPress={ this.changeTabSelection('LearningList') }>
onPress={ () => this.changeTabSelection('LearningList') }>