Collision response for rectangles - physics

I've been working on a physics engine for about a week now, being stuck for several days trying to work out how to resolve collisions.
My problem is that if there's a box stuck in the middle of 2 other boxes, or between a box and a wall, my application will get stuck in a while loop. It wont resolve the collisions.
This is my code (note: if collision is right side, it means that object A is colliding against object B with its right side. Distance is negative because the objects are inside eachother, and it's in x or y axis depending on side of collision. If you need more code, for example the collision class, which is simply a container of the 2 objects, i can provide that.):
edit: Code edited with new way of dealing with collisions:
//Move colliding objects so they don't collide anymore.
while (getCollidingAmount(objectVector)){
for (int i = 0; i < objectVector.size(); i++){
PhysicsObject* A = objectVector[i];
if (objectVector[i]->getPhysicsType() != PhysicsType::staticT && A->_collision.size() > 0){
Collision collision = A->_collision[A->getDeepestPenetrationCollisionIndex(A->_collision)];
PhysicsObject* B = collision.getObject();
switch (collision.getSide()){
case SideOfCollision::left:
case SideOfCollision::top:
//Opposite velocity
if (A->_saveVelocity.x < 0 && B->_saveVelocity.x > 0){
long double percentageOfVelocity = std::min(abs(B->_saveVelocity.x), abs(A->_saveVelocity.x)) /
std::max(abs(B->_saveVelocity.x), abs(A->_saveVelocity.x));
A->_position.x -= percentageOfVelocity*collision.getVectorPenetration().x;
A->_position.y -= percentageOfVelocity*collision.getVectorPenetration().y;
A->_position.x -= collision.getVectorPenetration().x;
A->_position.y -= collision.getVectorPenetration().y;
case SideOfCollision::right:
case SideOfCollision::bottom:
//Opposite velocity
if (A->_saveVelocity.x > 0 && B->_saveVelocity.x < 0){
long double percentageOfVelocity = 1 - std::min(abs(B->_saveVelocity.x), abs(A->_saveVelocity.x)) /
std::max(abs(B->_saveVelocity.x), abs(A->_saveVelocity.x));
A->_position.x -= percentageOfVelocity*collision.getVectorPenetration().x;
A->_position.y -= percentageOfVelocity*collision.getVectorPenetration().y;
A->_position.x -= collision.getVectorPenetration().x;
A->_position.y -= collision.getVectorPenetration().y;
Something wrong with my trigonometry in bottom and top collisions:
sf::Vector2<long double> Collision::getVectorPenetration() const{
long double x;
long double y;
long double velX = _object->getVelocity().x;
long double velY = _object->getVelocity().y;
long double angle = atan2(velY, velX);
if (_side == SideOfCollision::left || _side == SideOfCollision::right){
x = getDistance();
y = x * tan(angle);
return sf::Vector2<long double>(x, y);
else if (_side == SideOfCollision::top || _side == SideOfCollision::bottom){
y = getDistance();
x = y / tan(angle);
return sf::Vector2<long double>(x, y);
Update 2
Thanks to Aiman, i solved my issue. Updated my collisionResponse code aswell to match my new way of dealing with collisions. I'm having another issue now where gravity makes it so i can't move in X direction when touching another object. If anyone familiar with this issue wants to give any tips to solve it, i appreciate it :).
Update 3
So it seems gravity is not actually the problem since i can swap gravity to the x axis, and then be able to slide boxes along the walls. There seems to still be something wrong with the trigonometry.

I can think of many ways to approach the problem.
1-**The more complicated one is to **introduce friction. Here is how I'd implement it, though this is untested and there is a chance I missed something in my train of thought.
Every shape gets a friction constant, and according to those your objects slide when they collide.
First, you need to get the angle that is perpendicular to your surface. To do this, you just get the arctan of the the surface's normal slope. The normal is simply -1/m, where m is the slope of your surface (which you is the ratio/quotient of how much the surface extends in y to/by how much it extends in x). Let's call this angle sNormal for "surface normal". We may also need sAngle-"surface angle" for later (you find that by arctan(m)). There remains some ambiguity in the angle that has to do with whether you're talking about the 'front' or the 'back' of the surface. You'll have to deal with that manually.
Next, you need the angle of the trajectory your object flies in, which you already know how to find (atan2(y,x)). We'll call this angle oAngle for "object's surface angle". Next, you calculate deltaAngle = sNormal - oAngle. This angle represents how much momentum was not blocked completely by the surface. A deltaAngle of 0 means all momentum is gone, and a value of PI/2 or 90 means the 2 surfaces are in parallel touching each other not blocking any momentum at all. Anything in between, we interpolate:
newSpeed = objectSpeed * deltaAngle/(PI/2);
newVelocity.x = cos(sAngle) * objectSpeed;
newVelocity.y = sin(sAngle) * objectSpeed;
Now this assumes 0 friction. If we let a friction of 1 be the maximum friction which doesn't allow the object to "slide", we modify the newSpeed before we apply the newVelocity values, like so: newSpeed *= (1-friction);.
And there we have it! Just give your platform a friction value of less than 1 and your box will be able to slide. If you're dealing with upright boxes, then the surface angle is PI for top wall, 0 for the bottom, PI/2 for the right and -PI/2 for the left wall.
2-The simpler option is to subtract gravity from the object's y-velocity in the solver's calculation.


How to Set Wheelnav.js Spin Direction Always the Shorted Distance?

How can wheelnav.js be setup to rotate both clockwise and counterclockwise, whichever is closest? Whenever it goes from 0 to the highest number, it flips around the long way, as seen when you go from 0 to 5 on this demo page after turning on rotation:
It needs to always rotate in the closest direction and never flip around the long way.
I am also open to a solution using wheelizate tabs, which uses Wheelnav to accomplish this:
Thank you for your attention on this.
Found the solution by doing a Console.log(rotationAngle), and watching what the rotation value for each particular click. Then I found that I could take the numbers of the situations that went the wrong way, and subtract 360 from it to get it to rotate the opposite direction.
The patch involve adding this to Wheelnav.js line 411:  
if (rotationAngle == 288){
rotationAngle = -72;
if (rotationAngle == 216){
rotationAngle = -144;
You need to replace the next line (line 422 of Wheelnav.js):
navItem.currentRotateAngle -= rotationAngle;
with the following conditional expression:
if (rotationAngle >= 180) {
rotationAngle = 360 - rotationAngle;
navItem.currentRotateAngle += rotationAngle;
} else if (Math.abs(rotationAngle) > 180) {
rotationAngle = 360 + rotationAngle;
navItem.currentRotateAngle -= rotationAngle;
} else {
navItem.currentRotateAngle -= rotationAngle;

Build a javascript sliding puzzle

I am attempting to build a game that follows the same mechanic as Dragon's Tail featured at the following link I have built a very basic version of level one working using mouse clicks with one open space. I really want it to move on pressmove so that I can drag the pieces to move them rather than on click which will help when there are more than one open space as on level two.
How to confine the movement of the pieces so that they can ONLY move into the open space? My initial though was to place all the pieces into a grid and check for collisions between the various pieces on pressmove and only allow a move if there is no collision.
After some coding I need a sanity check because I am now second guessing my decision. I am asking for on a high level sanity check on my method any insights are most welcome ;);
Once I have set my x and y on mousedown I them do the following on pressmove. I am not limiting my direction which is what I am trying to achieve.
pressMove = function(event){
var pt = this.globalToLocal(event.stageX, event.stageY);
if(pt.x > this.startPosX){
this.dragDirection = 'right';
if(pt.x < this.startPosX){
this.dragDirection = 'left';
if(pt.y < this.startPosY){
this.dragDirection = 'up';
if(pt.y > this.startPosY){
this.dragDirection = 'down';
Moving the piece
movePiece = function(event){
var obj =;
var pt = this.globalToLocal(event.stageX, event.stageY);
case 'up':
obj.y = pt.y;
case 'down':
obj.y = pt.y;
case 'left':
obj.x = pt.x;
case 'right':
obj.x = pt.x;
you don't need sofisticated collision detection - all you need to know is which are the possible moves (up, down, right, left) allowed for a clicked piece.
you can do this by having a 2d field representing blocked spaces 1 and free spaces 0 like so
X 1 0 1 1
Y 1 1 1 1
Z 1 1 1 1
say you click the piece (Y,B) you can see by checking its four neighbouring entries that only the move up is available, similarly for XA and XC. for all other pieces there are no free spaces and thus no possible moves. after moving a piece, make sure its again in a grid position and update the 2d field. i.e. after moving YB up the field should look like this:
X 1 1 1 1
Y 1 0 1 1
Z 1 1 1 1
you can make boundary handling easier by surrounding your actual playfield with blocked spaces
Edit: say you only move up/down and left/right. Every move starts at the center of a piece. Around the center there's a deadzone where it's not clear (yet) which direction the move will take. Then your code might look like this:
startDrag(x, y) {
// remember clicked piece p
p <- ...
// remember center positions for p (cX, cY)
(cX, cy) <- ...
// remember offset of cursor to center (oX, oY)
(oX, oY) <- (x - cX, y - cY)
continueDrag(x, y) {
// select move direction
if distance between (cX, cY) and (x - oX, y - oY) is within the deadzone
select move direction (up, down, left, right) with least projection error
select last move direction
// get constrained move direction
switch selected move direction
case up: perform move to (cX, y - oY)
case down: perform move to (cX, y - oY)
case left: perform move to (x - oX, cY)
case right: perform move to (y - oX, cY)
you can see all of this in action (and a bit more robust) here:

A* Pathfinding - how to modify G and H to include rough terrain movement cost?

I have A* pathfinding implemented in my 2D game and it works well on a plain map with obstacles. Now I'm trying to understand how to modify the algorithm, so it counts rough terrain (hills, forest, etc) as 2 moves instead of 1.
With the 1 movement cost, the algorithm uses integers 10 and 14 in the move cost function. Im interested in how to modify these values if one cell actually has a movement cost of 2? will it be 20:17?
Here's how my current algorithm currently computes G and H (adopted from Ray Wenderleich):
// Compute the H score from a position to another (from the current position to the final desired position
- (int)computeHScoreFromCoord:(CGPoint)fromCoord toCoord:(CGPoint)toCoord
// Here we use the Manhattan method, which calculates the total number of step moved horizontally and vertically to reach the
// final desired step from the current step, ignoring any obstacles that may be in the way
return abs(toCoord.x - fromCoord.x) + abs(toCoord.y - fromCoord.y);
// Compute the cost of moving from a step to an adjecent one
- (int)costToMoveFromStep:(ShortestPathStep *)fromStep toAdjacentStep:(ShortestPathStep *)toStep
return ((fromStep.position.x != toStep.position.x)
&& (fromStep.position.y != toStep.position.y))
? 14 : 10;
If some of the edges have movement cost 2, you will simply add 2 to the G of the parent node, rather than 1.
As for H: it doesn't need to change. The resulting heuristic will still be admissible/consistent.
I think I got it, with this line the tutorial author checks if the move is 1 square or 2 squares(diagonal) from the move that is currently being considered.
return ((fromStep.position.x != toStep.position.x)
&& (fromStep.position.y != toStep.position.y))
? 14 : 10;
Unfortunately, this is a really simple case and does not really explain what has to be done. Number 10 is used to make calculations easier (10 = 1 move cost), and (14 = 1 diagonal move) is an approximation of sqrt(10*10).
I attempted to introduce terrain cost below, and this requires extra information - I need to know which cell I'm going through to reach the destination. This turned out to be really annoying, and the code below is clearly not my best, but I attempted to spell out what's going on at each step.
If I'm making a diagonal move, I need to know it's move cost AND the move cost of 2 squares that can be used to get there. I can then pick the lowest movement cost among two squares and plug it into the equation of the form:
moveCost = (int)sqrt(lowestMoveCost*lowestMoveCost + (stepNode.moveCost*10) * (stepNode.moveCost*10));
Here's the entire loop that checks adjacent steps and creates new steps out of them with the move cost. It finds tile in my map array and returns it's terrain cost.
NSArray *adjSteps = [self walkableAdjacentTilesCoordForTileCoord:currentStep.position];
for (NSValue *v in adjSteps) {
ShortestPathStep *step = [[ShortestPathStep alloc] initWithPosition:[v CGPointValue]];
// Check if the step isn't already in the closed set
if ([self.spClosedSteps containsObject:step]) {
continue; // Ignore it
tileIndex = [MapOfTiles tileIndexForCoordinate:step.position];
DLog(#"point (x%.0f y%.0f):%i",step.position.x,step.position.y,tileIndex);
stepNode = [[MapOfTiles sharedInstance] mapTiles] [tileIndex];
// int moveCost = [self costToMoveFromStep:currentStep toAdjacentStep:step];
//in my case 0,0 is bottom left, y points up x points right
if((currentStep.position.x != step.position.x) && (currentStep.position.y != step.position.y))
//move one step away - easy, multiply move cost by 10
moveCost = stepNode.moveCost*10;
possibleMove1 = 0;
possibleMove2 = 0;
//we are moving diagonally, figure out in which direction
if(step.position.y > currentStep.position.y)
//moving up
possibleMove1 = tileIndex + 1;
if(step.position.x > currentStep.position.x)
//moving right and up
possibleMove2 = tileIndex + tileCountTall;
//moving left and up
possibleMove2 = tileIndex - tileCountTall;
//moving down
possibleMove1 = tileIndex - 1;
if(step.position.x > currentStep.position.x)
//moving right and down
possibleMove2 = tileIndex + tileCountTall;
//moving left and down
possibleMove2 = tileIndex - tileCountTall;
moveNode1 = nil;
moveNode2 = nil;
CGPoint coordinate1 = [MapOfTiles tileCoordForIndex:possibleMove1];
CGPoint coordinate2 = [MapOfTiles tileCoordForIndex:possibleMove2];
if([adjSteps containsObject:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:coordinate1]])
//we know that possible move to reach destination has been deemed walkable, get it's move cost from the map
moveNode1 = [[MapOfTiles sharedInstance] mapTiles] [possibleMove1];
if([adjSteps containsObject:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:coordinate2]])
//we know that the second possible move is walkable
moveNode2 = [[MapOfTiles sharedInstance] mapTiles] [possibleMove2];
#warning not sure about this one if the algorithm has to backtrack really far back
//find out which square has the lowest move cost
lowestMoveCost = fminf(moveNode1.moveCost, moveNode2.moveCost) * 10;
moveCost = (int)sqrt(lowestMoveCost*lowestMoveCost + (stepNode.moveCost*10) * (stepNode.moveCost*10));
// Compute the cost form the current step to that step
// Check if the step is already in the open list
NSUInteger index = [self.spOpenSteps indexOfObject:step];
if (index == NSNotFound) { // Not on the open list, so add it
// Set the current step as the parent
step.parent = currentStep;
// The G score is equal to the parent G score + the cost to move from the parent to it
step.gScore = currentStep.gScore + moveCost;
// Compute the H score which is the estimated movement cost to move from that step to the desired tile coordinate
step.hScore = [self computeHScoreFromCoord:step.position toCoord:toTileCoord];
// Adding it with the function which is preserving the list ordered by F score
[self insertInOpenSteps:step];
else { // Already in the open list
step = (self.spOpenSteps)[index]; // To retrieve the old one (which has its scores already computed ;-)
// Check to see if the G score for that step is lower if we use the current step to get there
if ((currentStep.gScore + moveCost) < step.gScore) {
// The G score is equal to the parent G score + the cost to move from the parent to it
step.gScore = currentStep.gScore + moveCost;
// Because the G Score has changed, the F score may have changed too
// So to keep the open list ordered we have to remove the step, and re-insert it with
// the insert function which is preserving the list ordered by F score
// Now we can removing it from the list without be afraid that it can be released
[self.spOpenSteps removeObjectAtIndex:index];
// Re-insert it with the function which is preserving the list ordered by F score
[self insertInOpenSteps:step];
These types of problems are quite common in, say, chip routing and, yes, gamedev.
Standard approach is to have your graph (in C++ I would say you have Boost "grid graph" or similar structure). If you can afford to have an object each vertex, then the solution is quite easy.
You connect two vertices (neighbors or diagonally adjacent) by an edge, unless there is an obstacle between them. You assign this edge a weight equal to edge length (10 or 14) times terrain cost. Sometimes people prefer not to exclude obstacle edges but assign extremely high weights to them (an advantage is that with such approach you are guaranteed to find at least some path, even when object is stuck at an island).
Then you apply A* algorithm. Your heuristic function (H) can be "pessimistic" (equal to Euclidean distance times the max move cost) or "optimistic" (Euclidean distance times min move cost) or anything in between. Different heuristics will result in slightly different "personalities" of your search but usually do not matter much.

Center coordinate of a coordinate region

I have 2 coordinates, a top left and a bottom right. I would like to find the center point of the region. Right now I have the following method to calculate it. The center point is way off. When I call the method with
[ setRegionTopLeft: CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(21.57524, -157.984514)
bottomRight: CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(21.309766, -157.80766)
It should center on the island of Oahu in the State of Hawaii, USA. I found this math here so I'm not sure whats going on.
Code A - This is way off. It's not putting me anywhere near the island.
- (CLLocationCoordinate2D)centerPointFromRegionTopLeft:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)topLeft
CLLocationCoordinate2D centerPoint;
centerPoint.longitude = (topLeft.longitude + bottomRight.longitude) / 2;
if (fabs(bottomRight.longitude - topLeft.longitude) > 180)
if (centerPoint.longitude > 0)
centerPoint.longitude = centerPoint.longitude + 180;
} else {
centerPoint.longitude = centerPoint.longitude - 180;
centerPoint.latitude = asin((sin(bottomRight.latitude) + sin(topLeft.latitude))/2);
return centerPoint;
I've also, originally, tried this method. Its just what popped in my head when I thought center of a rectangle. If gets me a lot closer to what the center should be - I can see the island - but its still off.
Code B - Original code I tried. This is much closer to what I expected but still off.
- (CLLocationCoordinate2D)centerPointFromRegionTopLeft:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)topLeft
CLLocationCoordinate2D centerPoint;
centerPoint.latitude = ((topLeft.latitude + bottomRight.latitude) / 2);
centerPoint.longitude = ((topLeft.longitude + bottomRight.longitude) / 2);
return centerPoint;
So given a coordinate region (topLeft, bottomRight) how to I get the center coordinate? The idea is I should be able to give any 2 coordinates and get the center coordinate.
Update* Code B works. I had my topLeft and bottomRight wrong. Code A puts me very south and a little east of where it should.
You need the middle of L(longitude) and B(latitude). For B the problem is around the pole, but as you set it, you simply can't "put the cap on the pole", so, really no problems here.
But L is much worse. L can jump from -179 to -179. And another problem : the middle of (-179,+179) should be 180, and middle(-1,+1) should be 0. I.e., we should always choose middle along shorter way between opposite points, not around the whole Earth.
We should move the zero meridian so, that the difference between L1,L2 will be smaller, than 180, make normal middle of them and then return the zero meridian back.
Let L1
if L2-L1>180, let's choose L2 for the new zero meridian.
L2=L2-shift, L1=L1+360-shift. Now, notice, L1-L2<180!
If we'll take these formulas together, we'll have:
if L2-L1<180, Lm=(L1+L2)/2
The problem is when L2-L1=180. In this case you have two opposite meridians, dividing the Earth in two, and for the role of the middle both "quarter" meridian, to the right and to the left, fit. It's up to you, what to choose.

Looping moving background objective-C

I am testing a background-loop animation where there will be to images both 1024x768 pixels in dimension, move leftwards, go offscreen, then jump back to the other side, and repeat.
I was able to do this by creating a constant speed for both background image to move (successful), and then I tried the following code to make it jump, but there was a problem:
if(( < -511){ = CGPointMake(1536,;
if(( < -511){ = CGPointMake(1536,;
Somehow this is not working the way I expected. It leaves a few pixels of gap every time, and I am confused why. Does anyone know what's causing this to happen and how to fix it? Thanks!
It seems like you have forgotten to take into account the distance moved. The greater than expression might have been triggered because you moved to far. I guess your movement is larger than 1 pixel/frame.
I am not sure what kind of values that are feeding your movement but I think to take into account the movement you should do something like...
if (( < -511){
CGFloat dist = + 512; = CGPointMake(1536+dist,;
if (( < -511){
CGFloat dist = + 512; = CGPointMake(1536+dist,;
Rather than have the two images move (sort of) independently, I would keep track of a single backgroundPosition variable and then constantly update the position of both images relative to that one position. This should keep everything nice and tidy:
CGFloat const backgroundWidth = 1024;
CGFloat const backgroundSpeed = 2;
- (void)animateBackground {
backgroundPosition -= backgroundSpeed;
if (backgroundPosition < 0) {
backgroundPosition += backgroundWidth;
} = backgroundPosition - backgroundWidth/2; = backgroundPosition + backgroundWidth/2;