Single line ssh command that handles sub commands - ssh

I am looking to write a script that will send an ssh command over. However, there will be sub commands after a command is entered. I was hoping to do this in a single line.
Example: ssh command
response:>what stuff would you like to show?(1,2,3,4):
response:>would you like to show more info on that stuff?(y,n):
response:>here you go
Is there something to do this in a single line? ie showstuff->1->y
Or is there another easy enough way to handle this?

I found a great library for connecting with SSH. Here's an example of what I used:
Chilkat Example
Link for the library is at the top of the example. I used the ChannelSendString then the ChannelReceiveUntilMatch to wait for the response. Then I sent another command via the ChannelSendString command. Worked like a charm!
I've used this library for a bunch of solutions now.


Need help to connect Unix through Excel

As Part of data Analysis, I need to connect excel macros with unix, fire my shell script from a macro, and get the output file back to excel. I tried using winsock, but it didn't work
This is not a very clear question...
but i suggest to split the problem into parts
test the shell script to make sure it outputs exactly what you want (including carriage returns / whitespace / other fromatting that might confuse Windows or Excel)
test your method of connecting from Windows to Unix. make sure you can run a command from PowerShell which logs in to the unix machine, runs the script, and returns the result
test your Excel macro. ensure it has permission to make the connection you made from PowerShell
You'll have better luck on StackOverflow if you post a piece of code (or network details) and the error message you got from that code.

Get a return value from a screen'd command

I'm running a process in a screen (on Ubuntu 13.10, if it matters). I can execute a command within that screen with:
screen -p 0 -X eval 'stuff \"$command\"\015'
I'm not 100% sure what this command is doing to begin with, though it's functioning correctly. The reason behind it is I'm running a Minecraft server (still) and this screens in to the correct screen, and throws the command on the running command line. So that's good, so far.
But what I'd like is to be able to run this command with a return value. So for example, if I were to run a "list" command, it'd tell me how many people and who is online, but I need to capture that output and put it somewhere.
Anyone know of a way to accomplish this? I can't tell the minecraft server command line to redirect the output somewhere else since it doesn't have direct command line access, so the only way I could do this would be to grab all output of the screen while I'm connected ... but I'm not sure if that's possible.
I think you may be able to view the logs? can you not view a running log of the server ?

Running a Command that will run on every computer

I have this code which gives me all of the information I need regarding tasks, information etc. I have it all shelled into a VB program and I want to be able to run this from one computer and have it return the data from all computers on the domain.
I am lost as to what to add next.
Dim sCommand As String
'all processes here, ipconfig, java info, etc etc
sCommand = "java.exe -version2 > C:\Info.txt && ipconfig >> C:\INfo.txt"
Shell("cmd.exe /c" & sCommand)
I have script that will list all users on the domain, can I implement that or is there an easier way?
Edit: If I could search the entire domain for a specific file that would work too.
At the moment I just need all the data returned to a text file, I am not worried about it being sorted, or how long a process like this would take.
thanks a bunch
You could do one of two things.
1) You could use WMI to get both the network config off the remote machines and execute a process on the remote machine.
2) You could use PsExec to kick off a command on a remote machine and pipe that out. I personally wouldn't use shell to execute a command as it's pretty poor really. If I was going to kick off a process locally I'd use this, and use StdOut to grab the output from the shell, parse it to give you something you can work with instead of piping the output to a file locally and then reading it later.
So you want to do all this from one central location? If you don't want to use PSExec, you'll have to use WMI to create a process on a remote machine to run the java.exe, but you can't redirect the output, you'll have to pipe to a file and read the file in another step.

Mono Migration Analyzer: What are all of the command line switches?

So I'm looking here and I see the command line switches.
This is what I see as the total amount of switches from the site:
MoMA.exe --nogui --out C:\app\momareport\report.html C:\app\myapp.exe
One thing I see is the submit.xml going to a place I don't want during my automated build. Since it is a generated file, I want to change where it goes. Is there a switch for that?
Also, what are all of the switches for it?
If there is not a switch for moving the submit.xml to a reporting location, please consider it for future versions.
EDIT: The argument --help does not work. I tried that and a host of others to try to get some dialog from MoMA on the command line. I'm on Windows to help alleviate any confusion.
Those are the only command line switches supported by MoMA. You can see the code here.
"MoMA.exe --help" does not work because MoMA is compiled as a winforms application so that the command window is not shown. As a result, MoMA disconnects from the command window, and therefore things like Console.WriteLine will not work.
To answer your actual question, there is currently not a way to change where the .xml file gets put.
You might want to try:
MoMA.exe --help
On Linux, there should also be a manpage.
If you can't find the feature, and want to submit it to Mono, you'll want to go via the Bugzilla page.

Batch file doubts

I have a .bat file shown below in which I want to redirect the whole contents present in my IDE to some text file.
D:\WindRiver\wrenv.exe -p vxworks653-2.2.3 run
D:\WindRiver\wrenv.exe -p vxworks653-2.2.3>C:\ThreePartition\output.txt
I am able to just get some partial output i.e I am unable to get the errors which are thrown during compilation or building process.
Is this correct or Can anyone suggest any other way??
Thanks a lot
You can try this:
D:\WindRiver\wrenv.exe -p vxworks653-2.2.3 > C:\ThreePartition\output.txt 2>&1
You can find a good explanation here. Basically you need to redirect both stdout AND stderr to your file.
Best regards.
Your batch is redirecting all messages from wrenv.exe that are sent to the standard output.
I never used WinRiver but usually IDEs manage the console internally and don't log any messages on the standard output/error stream.
It is maybe possible to set the output of the console of the IDE though. If it is, try to set it to the standard output.
I think you want to combine both those lines into one:
D:\WindRiver\wrenv.exe -p vxworks653-2.2.3 run >C:\ThreePartition\output.txt
OK, looking at your posts here, here and here, it seems you want to log the compilation process. The command for that will be something like (all on one line):
make ThreePartition.mak >C:\ThreePartition\output.txt
Assuming there's a file called ThreePartition.mak.
The command you've been using so far is designed to simply open an interface where you can type commands, which is why you get no output. If you want to log simulation, or a kernel build, there is a file called vxworks_cli_tools_users_guide_6.6.pdf which describes the command line interface, including vxprj in full detail.
Also, are you really using a nant script to call a .vbs to call a .bat to call wrenv.exe? I'm sure there's a simpler way to do that.