Unable to get Scoped Service in aspnetcore 1 - RC1 to work - asp.net-core

My scoped service for some reason seems to be generating different instances of the same class when I try to access it in 2 middlewares within the same request.
Scenario: I am adding a scoped service as such:
public interface ISimplyRecorder
void AddInfo(string key, string value);
Dictionary<string, string> GetAllInfo();
public class SimplyCoreRecorderService : ISimplyRecorder
private Dictionary<string,string> data;
public SimplyCoreRecorderService()
data = new Dictionary<string, string>();
public void AddInfo(string key,string value)
public Dictionary<string,string> GetAllInfo()
return data;
and then the following in startup.cs
now I am calling this service in the constructor of a sample Middleware. I am able to access the service with a new instance and add data into it and then I call await _next(context). However, when I am calling the service in my HomeController, MVC which follows the middleware above, I seem to be getting a new instance of the service even though it's the same request.
ISimplyRecorder _simply;
private IHostingEnvironment _env;
public HomeController(IHostingEnvironment env,ISimplyRecorder simply)
_simply = simply;
_env = env;
public IActionResult Index()
_simply.AddInfo("Home:Action","resulted in index action");
return View();
complete code available at: https://github.com/muqeet-khan/SimplyCore if someone wants to give it a go.

Middlewares are instantiated only once when it's first involved, then all the following requests are handled by that middleware instance. NOT a new middleware instance for each request.
You get your ISimplyRecorder in the constructor of the middleware and "cache" it as a private readonly variable. This means the middleware will get the ISimplyRecorder instance of the first request, then keep adding data to that instance for all the following requests rather than the new ISimplyRecorder instance for the following requests which you get in HomeController.
To solve it, you need to get ISimplyRecorder instance from the Invoke method of the middleware.
// using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
public async Task Invoke(HttpContext httpContext)
ISimplyRecorder recoder = httpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<ISimplyRecorder>();
The comment of Juergen is correct, I tried it out. You may also just write like this:
public async Task Invoke(HttpContext httpContext, ISimplyRecorder recorder)
// recorder is from DI


Session.IsNewSession in ASP.NET Core

I am migrating an ASP.NET MVC application to ASP.NET Core 3.1.
And I have a code to check if the session was timed out in my controller, like this:
if (Session.IsNewSession) {
How can I check it in ASP.NET Core?
The default implementation of ISession is DistributedSession. This does not expose any property for IsNewSession although its constructor accepts a parameter named isNewSessionKey. So you can use reflection to get that private field of _isNewSessionKey to check it. But that way is not very standard, the name may be changed in future without notifying you any design-time error.
You have several points to intercept and get the info here. The first point is to create a custom ISessionStore (default by DistributedSessionStore) to intercept the call to ISessionStore.Create which gives access to isNewSessionKey. You can capture that value into a request feature just like how the framework set the ISessionFeature after creating the session. Here's the code:
//create the feature interface & class
public interface ISessionExFeature {
bool IsNewSession { get; }
public class SessionExFeature : ISessionExFeature {
public SessionExFeature(bool isNewSession){
IsNewSession = isNewSession;
public bool IsNewSession { get; }
//the custom ISessionStore
public class CustomDistributedSessionStore : DistributedSessionStore, ISessionStore
readonly IHttpContextAccessor _httpContextAccessor;
public CustomDistributedSessionStore(IDistributedCache cache,
ILoggerFactory loggerFactory,
IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor) : base(cache, loggerFactory)
_httpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor;
ISession ISessionStore.Create(string sessionKey, TimeSpan idleTimeout, TimeSpan ioTimeout, Func<bool> tryEstablishSession, bool isNewSessionKey)
var httpContext = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext;
if(httpContext != null)
var sessionExFeature = new SessionExFeature(isNewSessionKey);
return Create(sessionKey, idleTimeout, ioTimeout, tryEstablishSession, isNewSessionKey);
//register the custom ISessionStore inside Startup.ConfigureServices
services.Replace(new ServiceDescriptor(typeof(ISessionStore), typeof(CustomDistributedSessionStore), ServiceLifetime.Transient));
//an extension method to help get the ISessionExFeature conveniently
public static class SessionExFeatureHttpContextExtensions {
public static bool HasNewSession(this HttpContext context){
return context.Features.Get<ISessionExFeature>()?.IsNewSession ?? false;
To use it in your code:
if (HttpContext.HasNewSession()) {
Another point to intercept and get the info is customize both the ISessionStore and ISession. Which means you create a sub class of DistributedSession and expose the property for IsNewSession. That may require more code but it looks more like the old way of getting the info (directly from the Session not kind of via an extension method on HttpContext).

How to extract ClaimsPrincipal from AuthenticationStateProvider in Transient middleware service

I have a blazor server web application and a .NET Core worker process, these both use a common class for data access (generic unit of work / generic repository).
In the database I would like to log the user names that are inserting or editing records. To do this I want to inject a ClaimsPrincipal to the shared UoW and Repo classes).
So, I would like to be able to extract the current ClaimsPrincipal in a transient service via dependency injection.
For the worker I can inject a ClaimsPrincipal via the following code;
public static IServiceCollection CreateWorkerClaimsPrincipal(this IServiceCollection services, string workerName)
Claim workerNameClaim = new Claim("http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/name", workerName);
ClaimsIdentity identity = new ClaimsIdentity(
new System.Security.Claims.Claim[] { workerNameClaim },
ClaimsPrincipal principal = new ClaimsPrincipal(identity);
services.AddTransient<ClaimsPrincipal>(s => principal);
return services;
This is working and meets my needs.
For the blazor server web application I need to do something similar.
I believe that the correct way to extract the ClaimsPrincipal is via the AuthenticationStateProvider, however this needs a call to an async method GetAuthenticationStateAsync.
NOTE: I cannot user IHttpContextAccessor as this doesn't work with Azure App Service.
I want something like;
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
/// ...
services.AddTransient<ClaimsPrincipal>(); // I think I need to do something here?
/// ...
So when I request a ClaimsPrincipal via dependency injection I want to return the user from;
var authState = await AUthenticationStateProvider.GetAuthenticationStateAsync();
return authState.User;
Is this possible?
As is often the way, by working this through into a simple example for a SO post I have found a workable (I think) solution from https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/blazor/security/?view=aspnetcore-5.0#implement-a-custom-authenticationstateprovider
NOTE: I'm still not 100% sure if the async init pattern will always resolve the AuthenticationState before the Repository property is called, but its hanging together so far... Just beware of this if you choose to use this code.
I have changed the approach, and instead of trying to resolve ClaimsPrincipal via DI (because AuthenticationStateProvider is not available for a worker process), I have created a custom AuthenticationStateProvider in the worker.
public class WorkerAuthStateProvider : AuthenticationStateProvider
private readonly string _workerName;
public WorkerAuthStateProvider(string workerName)
_workerName = workerName;
public override Task<AuthenticationState> GetAuthenticationStateAsync()
var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(new[] {
new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, _workerName),
}, "My-Worker-Authentication-Type");
ClaimsPrincipal user = new ClaimsPrincipal(identity);
return Task.FromResult(new AuthenticationState(user));
and then register this in configureServices to resolve for instances of AuthenticationStateProvider in the worker program.cs file (also passing a custom worker process name, so I can use this on all my workers);
services.AddScoped<AuthenticationStateProvider, WorkerAuthStateProvider>(serviceProvider =>
return new WorkerAuthStateProvider(Constants.Logging.RoleNames.MYWORKERNAME);
The AuthenticationStateProvider already works in the blazor web apps so this allows me to resolve this correctly, in the constructor for my GenericUnitOfWork pattern for data access on both Web and Workers, for example;
private TDbContext _dbContext;
private readonly ILogger<TEntity> _logger;
private GenericRepository<TEntity, TDbContext> _repository;
private ClaimsPrincipal _user;
private readonly AuthenticationStateProvider _authenticationStateProvider;
public GenericUnitOfWork(TDbContext context, ILogger<TEntity> logger, AuthenticationStateProvider authenticationStateProvider)
_dbContext = context;
_logger = logger;
_authenticationStateProvider = authenticationStateProvider;
UserInit = InitUserAsync();
/// <summary>
/// Async initialisation pattern from https://blog.stephencleary.com/2013/01/async-oop-2-constructors.html
/// </summary>
public Task UserInit { get; private set; }
private async Task InitUserAsync()
var authState = await _authenticationStateProvider.GetAuthenticationStateAsync();
_user = authState.User;
public IGenericRepository<TEntity, TDbContext> Repository
if (_repository == null)
// when accessing the repository, we are expecting to pass the current application claims principal
// however the ClaimsPrincipal is resolved using an Async method from the AuthenticationStateProvider.
// In the event that the Async method has not yet completed we need to throw an exception so we can determine
// if a further async code fix is required.
if (_user == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Async ClaimsPrincipal has not been loaded from the AuthenticationStateProvider");
_repository = new GenericRepository<TEntity, TDbContext>(_dbContext, _logger, _user);
return _repository;

How to start an ASP.NET Core BackgroundService on demand?

I want to be able to start fire-and-forget jobs in ASP.NET Core 2.2. I have tried the following:
public class TestHostedService : BackgroundService
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public TestHostedService(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
_logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<TestHostedService>();
public IBackgroundTaskQueue TaskQueue { get; }
protected async override Task ExecuteAsync(
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
_logger.LogInformation("TestHostedService is starting.");
_logger.LogInformation("TestHostedService is stopping.");
However, this automatically starts and I want to be able to start it on demand, similarly to how Hangfire allows:
BackgroundJob.Enqueue<TestJob>(x => x.DoWork());
This also allows the job to naturally use ASP.NET CORE DI.
Question: How to start an ASP.NET Core BackgroundService on demand?
###Background information
I am dealing with an application that needs to fire-and-forget various methods. The already written code looks like this:
Task.Run(() => RunSomething(_serviceScopeFactory));
This means that each method must explicitly deal with getting a scope and retrieving the dependencies which is quite ugly.
If you want to run the BackgroundService in the MVC controller or other service. You could try to inject the IServiceProvider to that class and then loop all the hosted service and find the background service, at last you could call the startasync method.
More details, you could refer to below codes:
Register the service in Startup.cs
Execute the background service in the controller:
public class HomeController : Controller
private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProdiver;
public HomeController(IServiceProvider serviceProdiver) {
_serviceProdiver = serviceProdiver;
public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
var allBackgroundServices = _serviceProdiver.GetServices<IHostedService>();
foreach (var hostedService in allBackgroundServices)
if (hostedService.GetType() == typeof(TestHostedService))
await hostedService.StartAsync(CancellationToken.None);
return View();

Asp.Net Core Middleware service dependent on current User

I would like to either change a request scoped service or set one in a custom middleware layer.
Specifically, I want to be able to do something like the below contrived example in Startup.cs:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection service)
service.AddScoped<IMyUserDependentService>((provider) => {
return new MyService());
public void Configure(...) {
//other config removed
app.Use(async (context, next) => {
var myService = context.ApplicationServices.GetService<IMyUserDependentService>();
myService.SetUser(context.User.Identity.Name);//Name is Fred
Then in the controller do this:
public class HomeController: Controller
public HomeController(IMyUserDependentService myService)
//myService.UserName should equal Fred
The problem is, that this doesn't work. myService.UserName isn't Fred in controller, it's null. I think that the IOC container is creating a new instance in the controller, and not using the one set in the middleware.
If I change the scope of the service to Transient, Fred is remembered, but that doesn't help because the service is dependent on who the current user is.
To recap, what I need is to create/or edit a service that requires the current user (or other current request variables), but am unable to work this out.
Thanks in advance!
Have you tried using context.RequestServices?
I just ran into a similar issue, I got an error like
InvalidOperationException: Cannot resolve scoped service 'IScopedService' from root provider., the exception thrown was very not well documented.
Here is how I solved it:
services.AddScoped<IAnyScopedService, AnyScopedService>();
services.AddSingleton<ISomeOtherSingletonService, SomeOtherSingletonService>();
public sealed class MyMiddleware
private readonly RequestDelegate _next;
private readonly ISomeOtherSingletonService _Svc;
public MyMiddleware(
RequestDelegate next,
ISomeOtherSingletonService svc)
_next = next;
_Svc = svc;
public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context,
IAnyScopedService scopedService)
// Some work with scoped service
Indeed the Middleware is instanciated only once, but called many times.
The constructor takes therefore singleton instances, where the invoke method can get scoped injected parameters.
More details on Mark Vincze post

looking for samples on how to user services.add* in asp.vnext

I would like to know where can I find samples the explains the differences among services.AddInstance, services.AddScoped, services.AddSingleton and service.AddTransient.
I found some articles that explain the point in a generic way, but I think a source sample is much more clear.
The scope of this questions is rather large, but since it seems you are specifically looking for AddScoped information I narrowed the sample down to scoping inside a web application.
Inside a web application AddScoped will mean pretty much the scope of the request. EntityFramework is using scoping internally, but it doesn't affect the user code in most cases so I'm sticking with the user code as shown below.
If you register a DbContext as a service, and also register a scoped service, for each request you will get a single instance of the scoped service where you resolve the DbContext.
The example code below should make it clearer. In general I would recommend just trying it out the way I'm showing it below to familiarize yourself with the behavior, by stepping through the code in the debugger. Start from an empty web application. Note the code I'm showing is from Beta2 (since in Beta2 we added the [FromServices] attribute which makes it easier to demonstrate, the underlying behavior is the same regardless of version.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Add EF services to the services container.
// Add MVC services to the services container.
public class UserDbContext : DbContext
public UserService UserService { get; }
public UserDbContext(UserService userService)
_userService = userService;
public class HomeController : Controller
private UserDbContext _dbContext;
public HomeController(UserDbContext dbContext)
_dbContext = dbContext;
public string Index([FromServices]UserDbContext dbContext, [FromServices]UserService userService)
// [FromServices] is available start with Beta2, and will resolve the service from DI
// dbContext == _ctrContext
// and of course dbContext.UserService == _ctrContext.UserService;
if (dbContext != _dbContext) throw new InvalidOperationException();
if (dbContext.UserService != _dbContext.UserService) throw new InvalidOperationException();
if (dbContext.UserService != userService) throw new InvalidOperationException();
return "Match";
Alternatively if you resolve the user service from another service, this time registered as transient the transient service will have a new instance everytime it is resolved, but the scoped service will remain the same within the scope of the request.
Create the new service
public class AnotherUserService
public UserService UserService { get; }
public AnotherUserService(UserService userService)
UserService = userService;
Add the following lines to startup.cs
And rewrite the HomeController.cs as follows
public class HomeController : Controller
private AnotherUserService _anotherUserService;
public HomeController(AnotherUserService anotherUserService)
_anotherUserService = anotherUserService;
public string Index([FromServices]AnotherUserService anotherUserService,
[FromServices]UserService userService)
// Since another user service is tranient we expect a new instance
if (anotherUserService == _anotherUserService)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
// but the scoped service should remain the same instance
if (anotherUserService.UserService != _anotherUserService.UserService)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
if (anotherUserService.UserService != userService)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
return "Match";