Googlemock - multiple actions in WillOnce cause build error - googletest

I am already using gtest for some time but recently wanted to try out gmock. I am trying to mock class with method that returns value but also returns something in output parameter through reference. Here is my small code.
#include <vector>
#include "gmock/gmock.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
using namespace ::testing;
class AReal
virtual bool foo(std::vector<int>& v) const = 0;
class AMock : public AReal
MOCK_CONST_METHOD1(foo, bool(std::vector<int>&));
class B
B(AReal* _a) : a(_a) {}
bool foo(std::vector<int>& v) const { return a->foo(v); }
AReal* a;
class FooTest : public Test {};
DummyTestVector) {
AMock a;
B b(&a);
std::vector<int> exp = { 1, 2, 3 };
EXPECT_CALL(a, foo(_))
.WillOnce(AllOf(SetArgReferee<0>(exp), Return(true)));
std::vector<int> load;
EXPECT_EQ(exp, load);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleMock(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
However, this code gives me this error.
$ g++ -Wall -Wextra -std=c++14 -I. -o test test.cpp -lpthread
test.cpp: In member function ‘virtual void FooTest_DummyTestVector_Test::TestBody()’:
test.cpp:40:61: error: no matching function for call to ‘testing::internal::TypedExpectation<bool(std::vector<int>&)>::WillOnce(testing::internal::AllOfResult2<testing::SetArgRefereeActionP<0, std::vector<int> >, testing::internal::ReturnAction<bool> >::type)’
.WillOnce(AllOf(SetArgReferee<0>(exp), Return(true)));
In file included from test.cpp:2:0:
gmock/gmock.h:10172:21: note: candidate: testing::internal::TypedExpectation<F>& testing::internal::TypedExpectation<F>::WillOnce(const testing::Action<F>&) [with F = bool(std::vector<int>&)]
TypedExpectation& WillOnce(const Action<F>& action) {
gmock/gmock.h:10172:21: note: no known conversion for argument 1 from ‘testing::internal::AllOfResult2<testing::SetArgRefereeActionP<0, std::vector<int> >, testing::internal::ReturnAction<bool> >::type {aka testing::internal::BothOfMatcher<testing::SetArgRefereeActionP<0, std::vector<int> >, testing::internal::ReturnAction<bool> >}’ to ‘const testing::Action<bool(std::vector<int>&)>&’
If I don't use AllOf but rather specify just one action, either SetArgReferee or Return, everything works just fine. The use of AllOf causes this kind of error. I have found about AllOf here gmock multiple in-out parameters SetArgReferee and basically my code is same as the answer.

After one whole afternoon of trying everything I found out it was just my stupidity. All the time I somehow thought that AllOf == DoAll. Realized it just now.


How to use CStruct

I'm trying to return struct from shared library written in C. This is simple code, for testing of returning structure and simple int32, libstruct.c, compiled by gcc -shared -Wl,-soname, -o libstruct.c:
#include <stdint.h>
int32_t newint(int32_t arg) {
return arg;
struct MyStruct {
int32_t member;
struct MyStruct newstruct(int32_t arg) {
struct MyStruct myStruct;
myStruct.member = arg;
I can use this library with simple C program, usestruct.c, compiled by gcc -o usestruct usestruct.c ./
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
struct MyStruct {
int32_t member;
extern struct MyStruct newstruct(int32_t);
extern int32_t newint(int32_t);
int main() {
printf("%d\n", newint(42));
struct MyStruct myStruct;
myStruct = newstruct(42);
printf("%d\n", myStruct.member);
return 0;
I can launch it with LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./ ./usestruct, and it works correctly, prints two values. Now, let's to write analogous program in raku, usestruct.raku:
#!/bin/env raku
use NativeCall;
sub newint(int32) returns int32 is native('./') { * }
say newint(42);
class MyStruct is repr('CStruct') {
has int32 $.member;
sub newstruct(int32) returns MyStruct is native('./') { * }
say newstruct(42).member;
This prints first 42, but then terminates with segmentation fault.
In C this example works, but I'm not expert in C, maybe I forgot something, some compile options? Or is this a bug of rakudo?
NativeCall interface requires that transaction of C structs be made with pointers:
CStruct objects are passed to native functions by reference and native functions must also return CStruct objects by reference.
Your C function, however, returns a new struct by value. Then, i guess, this is tried to be interpreted as a memory address as it expects a pointer, and tries to read/write from wild memory areas, hence the segfault.
You can pointerize your function as:
struct MyStruct* newstruct(int32_t val) {
/* dynamically allocating now */
struct MyStruct *stru = malloc(sizeof *stru);
stru->member = val;
return stru;
with #include <stdlib.h> at the very top for malloc. Raku program is essentially the same modulo some aesthetics:
# prog.raku
use NativeCall;
my constant LIB = "./";
class MyStruct is repr("CStruct") {
has int32 $.member;
# C bridge
sub newint(int32) returns int32 is native(LIB) { * }
sub newstruct(int32) returns MyStruct is native(LIB) { * }
say newint(42);
my $s := newstruct(84);
say $s;
say $s.member;
We build the lib & run the Raku program to get
$ gcc -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -shared -o -fPIC mod_struct.c
$ raku prog.raku
42 => 84)
(took the liberty to rename C file to "mod_struct.c")
Seems good. But there's an issue: now that a dynamic allocation was made, responsibility to deliver it back arises. And we need to do it ourselves with a C-bridged freer:
When a CStruct-based type is used as the return type of a native function, the memory is not managed for you by the GC.
/* addendum to mod_struct.c */
void free_struct(struct MyStruct* s) {
Noting that, since the struct itself didn't have dynamic allocations on its members (as it only has an integer), we didn't do further freeing.
Now the Raku program needs to be aware of this, and use it:
# prog.raku
use NativeCall;
my constant LIB = "./";
class MyStruct is repr("CStruct") {
has int32 $.member;
# C bridge
sub newint(int32) returns int32 is native(LIB) { * }
sub newstruct(int32) returns MyStruct is native(LIB) { * }
sub free_struct(MyStruct) is native(LIB) { * }; # <-- new!
say newint(42);
my $s := newstruct(84);
say $s;
say $s.member;
# ... after some time
say "successfully freed struct";
and the output follows as
42 => 84)
successfully freed struct
Manually keeping track of MyStruct objects to remember freeing them after some time might be cumbersome; that would be writing C! In the Raku level, we already have a class representing the struct; then we can add a DESTROY submethod to it that frees itself whenever garbage collector deems necessary:
class MyStruct is repr("CStruct") {
has int32 $.member;
submethod DESTROY {
With this addition, no manual calls to free_struct is needed (in fact, better not because it might lead double freeing which is undefined behaviour on C level).
P.S. your main C file might be revisioned, e.g., a header file seems in order but that's out of scope or that was only a demonstrative example who knows. In either case, thanks for providing an MRE and welcome to the website.
In addition to great #Mustafa's answer.
I found another way to solve my problem: we can allocate structure in raku and pass it to C function. Here is an example, file mod_struct.c:
#include <stdint.h>
struct MyStruct {
int32_t member;
void writestruct(struct MyStruct *outputStruct, int32_t arg) {
outputStruct->member = arg;
File usestruct.raku:
#!/bin/env raku
use NativeCall;
class MyStruct is repr('CStruct') {
has int32 $.member;
sub writestruct(MyStruct is rw, int32) is native('./') { * }
my $myStruct =;
writestruct($myStruct, 42);
say $myStruct.member;
Compile and run it:
$ gcc -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -shared -o -fPIC mod_struct.c
$ ./usestruct.raku

unresolved symbol pthread_create, first referenced in ./armrtk/src/task.obj

I have been trying to figure this out for a few days now and cannot figure it out. I am using CCS as the IDE and I am working on windows. I am trying to create an RTOS Kernel on a MSP432 and need to use pthreads. I have been able to use pthreads in other examples but I am trying to do my own program and I get this issue when building :
unresolved symbol pthread_create, first referenced in ./armrtk/src/task.obj
I have included the file path into CCS and I cannot use a .cfg file because I am not using XDCTools. I just need help with this and I greatly appreciate it.
I also get a warning:
in pthread_create in TASK.C: #169-D argument of type "void *" is incompatible with parameter of type "void *(*)(void *)"
#ifndef TASK_H
#define TASK_H
#include <pthread.h>
struct task_t {
pthread_t* thread;
int threadCheck;
int state;
void *task1(void);
void *task2(void);
struct task_t *create_task(void* functionptr);
void delete_task(void *task);
#include <task.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#define BLOCKED -1
#define READY 0
#define RUNNING 1
int testValue1 = 0;
int testValue2 = 0;
struct task_t *new_task;
pthread_t pntr;
struct task_t *create_task(void* functionptr) {
new_task = malloc(sizeof(struct task_t));
return NULL;
//set State of the new thread to ready
new_task->state = 0;
// check to see if pthread is created
**new_task->threadCheck = pthread_create(new_task->thread, NULL, functionptr, NULL);**
if(new_task->threadCheck!= 0){
//thread failed
return NULL;
return new_task;
void delete_task(void *task) {
if(task != NULL){
The unresolved symbol error is a linker error, not a compiler error. You have failed to link the pthreads library.
With respect to the warning functionptr is a void* where pthread_create() expects a pointer-to-function with signature void fn(void*).
Your task functions have a different signature in any case: void fn(void), so in any event you will need to cast the function pointer in the call to pthread_create() (although you are loosing a useful means of passing information into a task function by omiting the void* argument).
Modify task.h:
typedef void* (*task_t)(void);
struct task_t *create_task( task_t functionptr);
The in task.cpp
new_task->threadCheck = pthread_create( new_task->thread,
(void (*)(void *))functionptr,
NULL ) ;
The cast in the pthread_create() call alone would supress the warning, but it bad form to pass a function pointer as a generic void* since it would prevent the compiler warning you if you were to pass anything other then a function pointer of the expected form to to the create_task()`

How to write a Raku declaration for a C function returning a whole struct?

I have this C code:
typedef struct {
double dat[2];
} gsl_complex;
gsl_complex gsl_poly_complex_eval(const double c[], const int len, const gsl_complex z);
The C function returns a whole struct, not just a pointer, so I cannot write the Raku declaration as:
sub gsl_poly_complex_eval(CArray[num64] $c, int32 $len, gsl_complex $z --> gsl_complex)
is native(LIB) is export { * }
Any suggestion?
For that you need a CStruct. The P5localtime module contains a more elaborate example.
The problem
Some C APIs work with structs using a three-phase approach, passing around structs by reference, like this:
struct mystruct *init_mystruct(arguments, ...);
double compute(struct mystruct *);
void clean_mystruct(struct mystruct *);
This way the implementation hides the data structure, but this comes with a price: the final users have to keep track of their pointers and remember to clean up after themselves, or the program will leak memory.
Another approach is the one that the library I was interfacing used: return the data on the stack, so it can be assigned to an auto variable and automatically discarded when it goes out of scope.
In this case the API is modeled as a two-phase operation:
struct mystruct init_mystruct(arguments, ...);
double compute(struct mystruct);
The structure is passed on the stack, by value and there's no need to clean up afterwards.
But Raku's NativeCall interface is only able to use C structs passing them by reference, hence the problem.
The solution
This is not a clean solution, because it steps back into the first approach described, the three-phase one, but it's the only one I have been able to devise so far.
Here I consider two C functions from the library's API: the first creates a complex number as a struct, the second adds up two numbers.
First I wrote a tiny C code interface, the file complex.c:
#include <gsl/gsl_complex.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_complex_math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
gsl_complex *alloc_gsl_complex(void)
gsl_complex *c = malloc(sizeof(gsl_complex));
return c;
void free_gsl_complex(gsl_complex *c)
void mgsl_complex_rect(double x, double y, gsl_complex *res)
gsl_complex ret = gsl_complex_rect(x, y);
*res = ret;
void mgsl_complex_add(gsl_complex *a, gsl_complex *b, gsl_complex *res)
*res = gsl_complex_add(*a, *b);
I compiled it this way:
gcc -c -fPIC complex.c
gcc -shared -o complex.o -lgsl
Note the final -lgsl used to link the libgsl C library I am interfacing to.
Then I wrote the Raku low-level interface:
#!/usr/bin/env raku
use NativeCall;
constant LIB = ('/mydir/');
class gsl_complex is repr('CStruct') {
HAS num64 #.dat[2] is CArray;
sub mgsl_complex_rect(num64 $x, num64 $y, gsl_complex $c) is native(LIB) { * }
sub mgsl_complex_add(gsl_complex $a, gsl_complex $b, gsl_complex $res) is native(LIB) { * }
sub alloc_gsl_complex(--> gsl_complex) is native(LIB) { * }
sub free_gsl_complex(gsl_complex $c) is native(LIB) { * }
my gsl_complex $c1 = alloc_gsl_complex;
mgsl_complex_rect(1e0, 2e0, $c1);
say "{$c1.dat[0], $c1.dat[1]}"; # output: 1 2
my gsl_complex $c2 = alloc_gsl_complex;
mgsl_complex_rect(1e0, 2e0, $c2);
say "{$c2.dat[0], $c2.dat[1]}"; # output: 1 2
my gsl_complex $res = alloc_gsl_complex;
mgsl_complex_add($c1, $c2, $res);
say "{$res.dat[0], $res.dat[1]}"; # output: 2 4
Note that I had to free explicitly the three data structures I created, spoiling the original C API careful design.

How to properly check for member at compile time with boost::hana?

I am writing a physics simulation program and I want to do the following:
I have a hana adapted struct and I want to check if this struct has member called "absorbedEnergy" at compile time using:
if constexpr ( ... )
What is the proper way of doing that in c++17 which I use?
Now using hana documentation I have came up with this:
struct HasAE { double absorbedEnergy };
struct HasNoAE {};
temaplate<typename Cell>
void irelevantFunction(Cell& cell){
auto has_absorbedEnergy = hana::is_valid(
[](auto &&p) -> decltype((void) p.absorbedEnergy) {});
if constexpr(has_absorbedEnergy(cell)) { ... }
HasAE cell;
HasNoAE anotherCell;
cell.absorbedEnergy = 42; //value known at runtime
The thing is that this compiles just fine with g++ 7.4.0 and does what I expect but fails to compile with clang++-8. It gives an error:
constexpr if condition is not a constant expression
I suspect that this originates from the fact that argument of has_absorbedEnergy - cell is not and constant expression. Is there a way around this?
Your issue seems to be related to the requirement in the standard for the expession in if constexpr to be "contextually converted constant expression of type bool" (see this question). You can work around that by changing the if constexpr to:
if constexpr (decltype(has_absorbedEnergy(cell)){})
Alternatively, you can use expression SFINAE to achieve what you want (see the documentation of std::void_t):
#include <type_traits>
#include <iostream>
template <typename, typename= std::void_t<>>
struct has_absorbedEnergy : std::false_type {};
template <typename T>
struct has_absorbedEnergy<T,
: std::true_type {};
template <typename Cell>
void irelevantFunction([[maybe_unused]] Cell &cell) {
if constexpr (has_absorbedEnergy<Cell>::value)
std::cout << "Has absorbedEnergy\n";
std::cout << "Does not have absorbedEnergy\n";
struct HasAbsorbedEnergy
{ int absorbedEnergy; };
struct DoesNotHaveAbsorbedEnergy
int main()
HasAbsorbedEnergy Has;
DoesNotHaveAbsorbedEnergy DoesNot;

Use dlsym on a static binary

Is there any hope of running dlopen(NULL, ...) and getting symbols for a statically compiled binary?
For example, with the following code I can get symbols if the program is compiled dynamically and I use -rdynamic.
$ gcc -o foo foo.c -ldl -rdynamic
$ ./foo bar
In bar!
But with -static I get a cryptic error message:
$ gcc -static -o foo foo.c -ldl -rdynamic
/tmp/cc5LSrI5.o: In function `main':
foo.c:(.text+0x3a): warning: Using 'dlopen' in statically linked applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking
$ ./foo bar
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/: cannot read file data: Is a directory
The source for foo.c follows:
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int foo() { printf("In foo!\n"); }
int bar() { printf("In bar!\n"); }
int main(int argc, char**argv)
void *handle;
handle = dlopen(NULL, RTLD_NOW|RTLD_GLOBAL);
if (handle == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", dlerror());
return 1;
typedef void (*function)();
function f = (function) dlsym(handle, argv[1]);
if (f == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", dlerror());
return 2;
return 0;
Is there any hope of running dlopen(NULL, ...) and getting symbols for a statically compiled binary?
On most UNIXes you can't even link with -static and -ldl at the same time. Using glibc you can, but the utility of doing so is very limited. Basically, this ability is present only to support /etc/nsswitch.conf, and nothing else.
There is also no point in doing the dynamic lookup you did.
If you are trying to allow one of foo, bar or baz be called depending on command line arguments, just put a table in, e.g.
struct { const char *fname, void (*fn)(void) } table[] =
{ {"foo", &foo}, {"bar", &bar}, ...};
for (int i = 0; i < ...; ++i)
if (strcmp(argv[1], table[i].fname) == 0)
// found the entry, call it
If you are trying to "maybe" call foo if it is linked in, and do nothing otherwise, then use weak references:
extern void foo(void) __attribute((weak));
if (&foo != 0) {
// foo was linked in, call it