Administration of telegram channel - channel

I get into a problem with the Telegram channel,
one person creates a channel and adds other administrators to it,
then she removed her telegram. and now it is needed to add another telegram administrator to that channel.
As I understand, the only channel creator can add a new admin of the channel.
So.. what should I do?
I think even she(channel creator) reinstalls her telegram, she can't add a new admin to the channel...

if someone deletes their telegram account then bots they created are deleted, and groups or channels lose their master and no one gets the master card
What happens after account deletion?
User will get automatically logged out of their Telegram clients.
Username and the phone number of a deleted account immediately become available to reuse.
If the user recreates the Telegram account with the same phone number, the TQ will change.
The account will have the same phone number but will be a fresh new account with a different unique ID (#tq number).
TDesktop (Windows) will still show the old account's display name, even after restarting the client. The name does not change to DELETED / Unknown / Hidden Name, etc. This is at least if you had a previous chat history with the old deleted account. If you re log in, the name will show as blank (no name at all). Other Telegram clients may display deleted accounts as DELETED / Unknown / Hidden Name, depending on the client and language/translation strings.
User's last seen will display as “Last seen a long time ago” in modern clients (“offline” in very old clients)
You can still type to a deleted account, but the messages will never be received by the Telegram servers. They will always show a clock icon, instead of 1 check.
Bots created from a deleted account are deleted too and their usernames become available to reuse.
Groups and channels aren't deleted and stay orphaned (no one gets privileges of the creator).
update: I'm a quite sure telegram was updated so that if an admin leaves a group or channel (by manually leaving or deleting their account) then the user who was connected for the longest gets the admin control... (bots still lose their admin and become useless)
(I couldn't quickly find the source for this, quite sure it was in one of the update telegraphs they sent when the change happened)

Telegram doesn't work like that. It is completely on the cloud. This means that if she reinstalls her Telegram app, it will be as if she hasn't uninstalled it. (Uninstalling is different from removing your account)


How to Block Multiple Logins /Sign Up?

So, I have an App where the user needs to sign up to access the app. I'm planning to run an offer where user can order that item only once in a day. But I have the doubt that he may change login Id (if have multiple emails) and can place the order with Different ID's.
I'm thinking of registering the device with an email id:
Pros: - Not able to login with a different email Id.
Cons: - Not able to use the app on a different device ( if changed) as it may give an error email Id already registered with another device.Which leads to deregister from the previous device (Chances device may not be available).Or raise a ticket which is time-consuming. this may lead to customer loss.
Have also, read about IP tracking, Phone number, and Credit card details but not satisfied with the answers (somebody already raised for same). So what will be a good method to avoid multiple logins/sign up from the same device?
You can get the MAC adress from device using WifiInfo.getMacAddress()

Two registration IDs active on one device

I have my app running on a Nexus 5 (Marshmallow) which has 2 active registration ids. Just want to know if that is normal by GCM behavior?
Here's how it's causing me trouble:
Android M has come up with Group permissions - which means the user chooses whether or not he wants the app to have access to his device identifiers (Android ID). Let's assume he denies it and I can't identify the device. The way my app functions is that a user can log in from multiple devices, all of which remain in sync. Because a user can be on mulitple devices, I must handle multiple registration IDs to send push messages (and I cant be sure of the number of devices the user is on, as they can deny providing the device identifiers). This means that I cant delete/update any registration ids on the server side, but only send every push message to all recorded IDs against a user, in the hope that all the devices on which that particular user is signed in will receive the messages.
Because I have a device which has two active registration IDs, I am getting 2 notifications for everything.
On the client end, we were noticing frequent changes in the Registration IDs, we have a class that keeps generating registration ids and updating the server.
Having multiple registration Ids can be a bug in the client app (which you have to deal with).
And the only way to ensure that there will only be one notification being sent per device is to implement canonical IDs on the server side. It is included in the webservice response as "canonical_ids".
Canonical IDs
If a bug in the client app triggers multiple registrations for the same device, it can be hard to reconcile state and the client app might end up with duplicate messages.
Implementing canonical IDs can help you more easily recover from these situations. A canonical registration ID is the registration token of the last registration requested by the client app . This is the ID that the server should use when sending messages to the device.
If you try to send a message using an old registration token, GCM will process the request as usual, but it will include the canonical ID in the registration_id field of the response. Make sure to replace the registration token stored in your server with this canonical ID, as eventually the old registration token will stop working.
Here is a related issue
android GCM get original id of canonical id which tackles how canonical ids work in the actual code

Mixpanel user tracking- track registred user from different device

I am using mixpanel user profile tracking.
1 : If a new user, say A , visit my site and go through some pages without sign-up. That time mixpanel is tracking events to a unknown profile.
2 : Then the user A, sign up in my site and placed an order.
That time mixpanel is tracking previous events and the events after sign up also to a the same profile. (mentioned in above point).
3 : Then the user comes to my site using his mobile, then he go through the pages without login
That time mixpanel track the events to different a profile.
4 : The user then logged in in his mobile and continue to place order.
Then the mixpanel track events after the login into the previous profile mentioned in the 1st and 2 nd step.
My problem is I would like to re-map the tracking done in the 3rd step also to the profile which is used to track in 1st and 2nd step
There are 2 routes
1-) Queue anonymous events: the idea would be that instead of sending Mixpanel the events when the user is still anonymous, you save them either on the device (if it's a mobile app) or on your server. Then, when the user logs in, or creates the account, you can flush the stored events since now you know who the user is. As you might realize, the downside is that if the user never logs in or signs up, then the events are never sent (unless you build a mechanism in your server to flush them in that case).
2-) You could so as you currently do, but when the person goes to step 4, and logs in, before changing the ID to the correct one, you could create a People profile with the anonymous ID, mark it with a flag that it's an orphaned profile, and save the correct ID for it. That way, you can schedule a task to look at those profiles every so often, export their events, and import them back with the correct ID. That would essentially duplicate the data for those events, but you would have the full history with the correct ID. You could also try to filter events based on the "orphaned" flag later on, but it does mean you will always have to have it mind.

iTunes connect will not let me add myself as a user

I am working on an app in iTunes connect for a client, under their iTunes connect account. I want to add myself as a user so that I can get email notifications of updates in app status. When I try to add myself as a user I get the following message:
The email address you entered already belongs to an iTunes Connect account. To continue, enter a different email address
I am using this email address on my own company's iTunes connect account, but not on my client's account. How can I add myself as a user?
#sarnold Turning your comment into an answer because it worked for me.
Two Separate Websites
Apparently for historical and organizational reasons, Apple operates their developer and app store business in a bifurcated manner.
The web site for all the technical resources, including documentation, WWDC videos and such.
This completely separate web site handles the business end:
Contracts, banking, payments.
Uploading your finished app.
Defining your In-App Purchase products.
Problem: Different Handling Of Accounts
The site is slick in that a programmer can have a single Apple ID used to join multiple developer accounts. She may work for three different companies, and be assigned a role on each of those companies’ Developer accounts all on the same Apple ID. When she logs in to the Developer site, she is presented with a popup menu asking which of the three companies’ Developer accounts she wants to access during this work session. Nice.
The problem: in iTunesConnect, not so nice. In iTunesConnect, the "admin" person cannot assign existing Apple IDs as members with a role. Very strange. The admin is forced to create a new ID for each person being adding to the team. That means the person joining must have multiple email address. If an admin tries to add you to their iTunesConnect with an email address already used on some other company's iTunesAccount, an error message reports that email address / Apple ID is already in use. Obviously the programming team running the iTunesConnect site could use some help from the Developer site's team. ☹
Workaround: Email Address Trick
The workaround cited by sarnold involves a feature of email addresses. The spec for email servers has a feature where you can extend your email address. You can add a suffix to the first part of your email name by appending a "+" PLUS SIGN. From what I could figure out, the email software first looks for the extended name. If no such name is found, it drops the extension and looks again. If found, the shorter version of the email address is actually used.
So if the programmer Susan wants to use her email address for a second or third iTunesAccount, she tells her client's admin person at Acme Corporation to use something like this as her email address: Apple will still create a needless extra Apple ID for Susan, but at least Susan does not have to bother with creating and accessing extra email accounts. The emails sent by Apple will arrive at her address.
Susan double-checked this would work before talking to the admin person. She sent herself an email to to make sure it arrived at the account.
Effectively, the email servers are not fooled by the extended email address, but iTunesConnect is fooled into creating an new Apple ID using an old email account.
Basically, you can't invite other iOS devs to review your efforts seems to be the result of this policy.
I had (and have) the exact same problem... what makes me kinda like FlavorScape's suggestion ;)
What I did is something similar to sarnold's comment: I used an alternative email address ( instead of and this actually created a new AppleID with this email address.
It works fine, but it would be so much better to just connect my actual Developer account to my client's.
The way it's like at the moment, I can not even access the developer resources and (most importantly) the provisioning center with the new Apple ID, so my client has to do create new provisioning profiles and stuff, which is pretty frustrating and complicated.
Additionally, it is a pain to let him test the Apps on his own devices, because of the developer certificate is installed on my Mac, not his, and I am therefore the only one (or better, my Mac is the only computer) that can install new provisioning profiles on his devices.
Is there a better way to connect the accounts and solve these problems?
Apple now will allow the same email address to be invited to multiple itunes connect accounts and no longer allows new emails to be added with the +. Just a word of warning to others who were doing this the original post is now out of date with Apples new policy it seems.
#knl: The problem in the original question is specifically with iTunes Connect. If you want to be able to manage the Provisioning center -- to make profiles etc -- ask your client to add you to that account. Here are the steps:
Go to "Member Center"
Select the "People" tab
Click on invitations
Select "Invite person"
in the next screen they can select your role including "Member" (limited access) and "Admin" (full access)
From apple documentation:
You can only create test user accounts using an iTunes Connect
accounts with the Admin or Technical role assigned to it. Test users
do not have access to iTunes Connect, but will be able to test in-app
purchases in a development environment on a registered test device.
Link here

Email Synching into Custom App

How have people intergrated custom CRM type applications with email?
I have a Access 2003 front-end application with a SQL Server 2005 backend. One CRM
part of the application tracks the activity with the customer in a traffic
log table. Sometimes the salesstaff has communication with their customer
using email instead. What do people do to synch this up with an application?
I was thinking about creating a form to enter the initial message, so I
could save it into a table and then have the system generate a email, of
course, this doesn't handle the email communication after the initial email.
What you need to do is setup your domain name with a free google apps account. Your sales staff can still use the clients of their choice, but since they are essentially using custom gmail accounts, every single email that they send and receive will be recorded in a nice and neat transactional format in the gmail interface. Since your sales staff is always online, they will always have access to every message they ever sent. If you want to have access to the emails, you can set it up that every single message that gets sent are automatically blind forwarded to your account. Filters can be set up to automatically tag and archive them, so you will not be overwhelmed, but you will still be able to search them. Google Apps will also give you a central contact directory similar to outlook/exchange.
Here are a few options for you:
Use web forms for all communications. When a message is sent out, the only thing it includes is a link back to the site. Responses are sent the same way.
Setup an email alias that your sales staff Cc's when they want their correspondence to be tracked. Your app would periodically read a POP mailbox, and record the traffic. Customers would have to remember to Cc the same email box for the traffic to be remembered.
Establish a single common email box, such as All outgoing mail is marked as being from that account, so all replies will go through it. To send mail, sales staff uses a web form. Messages are tagged with a key that associates them with a particular customer. Putting the key in the subject header usually works OK (that's how many support ticket management systems work, for example). Replies from customers keep the tag. Your app then reads an associated POP mailbox, parses out the keys, and stores the email accordingly.