Objective-C Class Not Found In Swift Bridging Header - objective-c

I am updating our Cordova framework and I am stuck on getting a particular Objective-C plugin class to work.
In my old (un-updated) project everything works just fine. I have a BridgingHeader.h file, its properly referenced in the build settings. However in my new updated project it can no longer find only one Objective-C class (PushPlugin.m).
What's strange is its finding all other Objective-C classes just fine, its just the PushPlugin.m it can't find.
Here is my BridgingHeader:
#import <Cordova/CDV.h>
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import <Parse/PFObject.h>
#import <Parse/PFSubclassing.h>
#import <Parse/Parse.h>
#import <objc/message.h>
#import "GPUImage.h"
#import "PushPlugin.h" // This one is not found
#import "CDVParsePlugin.h"
And when I try to use PushPlugin I get not found error:
let pushHander:PushPlugin = getCommandInstance("PushPlugin") as! PushPlugin
// ERROR: PushPlugin not found
To be extra certain, the PushPlugin file is referenced in the Compile Sources. And my BridgingHeader is properly referenced in the build settings.
Do you have any idea why one specific Objective-C class is not being found?
So to be clear, there is no error reporting the BridgingHeader file. Its only when I try to use the PushPlugin that I encounter the error (meaning its not importing properly).
As suggested I ran a commandline build I got a build failed with these reasons:
The following build commands failed: CompileSwift normal arm64
CompileSwiftSources normal arm64 com.apple.xcode.tools.swift.compiler
(2 failures)


When do we need to add frameworks to a Xcode project?

I am confused by this. When I declare my view controller as .m file,
#import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h>
#import <Speech/Speech.h>
These two lines in ViewController.h won't cause linking issue. I didn't add any frameworks to my Xcode project.
But when I change it to .mm file because I need to use a C++ library, I got linking issue for the AVFoundation library, and I need to manually add it to my project General -> Link Frameworks and Libraries. Why? Why doesn't this issue appear when I am compiling an .m file?

Swift compiler error when adding ObjC .h to bridging header

I am getting a weird error on my application when trying to add an ObjC .h file to the bridging header. In particular, when I try to add the header for STXFeedPhotoCell.h, the project fails to compile with the following error (this error is displayed in STXFeedPhotoCell.h. Here is my bridging header:
#import "NetworkHelper.h"
#import "ArtistModel.h"
#import "UIImageView+Masking.h"
#import "CommentModel.h"
#import "LoginViewController.h"
#import "STXFeedPhotoCell.h"
And here is the error thrown:
/pathToProject/Helden der Volksmusik/STXDynamicTableView/Cells/STXFeedPhotoCell.h:12:9: 'NSDate+DateTools.h' file not found
Indeed, STXFeedPhotoCell.h, has an import statement for file NSDate+DateTools.h.
If I remove line #import "STXFeedPhotoCell.h" from the bridging header, then everything compiles fine.
Would appreciate any pointers on why the compiler is getting this error, or if there is a problem in the way these dependencies are being managed for swift (I am using cocoa pods with frameworks enabled).
To import DateTools and use it in Swift, you have to add this to your bridging file:
#import "DateTools/NSDate+DateTools.h"

JSONHTTPClient.m - "use of undeclared identifier UIApplication" build error (line 387)

I just added JSONModel to my projected, according to instructions:
Download the JSONModel repository as a zip file or clone it
Copy the JSONModel sub-folder into your Xcode project
Link your app to SystemConfiguration.framework
tried to build, and... build error!
"use of undeclared identifier UIApplication" build error (line 387)
How to solve it?
I found a solution in here :
To fix it I added this , just below #import "JSONHTTPClient.h" (in JSONHTTPClient.m):
#import < UIKit/UIKit.h> //<-delete the space, I couldn't write it without
add #import UIKit; in JSONHTTPClient.h file

Unit Test build failing when importing MagicalRecord

I have a project setup using the UnitTest template provided by Apple. Too I added MagicalRecord to Prefix header. When I am running on the device and Simulator everything is working fine.
Except the Unit Tests, when I am compiling for the unit tests the build failed with the following command: 'CoreData+MagicalRecord.h' file not found . This happens in the prefix header.
// Prefix header for all source files of the '123tv' target in the '123tv' project
#import <Availability.h>
#ifndef __IPHONE_3_0
#warning "This project uses features only available in iOS SDK 3.0 and later."
#ifdef __OBJC__
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "Environments.h"
#import "CoreData+MagicalRecord.h"
#import "PBLog.h"
Has anyone an idea?
Make sure that the Header Search Paths is set up correctly for your test target.
I generally use CocoaPods which will automate this stuff for you
Try to run command (1) in terminal, then add import in step (2)
In your project directory
run pod update
You should now be able to add
#import <MagicalRecord/CoreData+MagicalRecord.h>
to any of your target's source files and begin using MagicalRecord!

Prefix.pch error in Xcode

I get the following error in Xcode, when building project. Can someone help me fix it?
#ifdef __OBJC__
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
with this error:
Prefix.pch:6:38: error: Foundation/Foundation.h: No such file or directory
Prefix.pch:7:28: error: UIKit/UIKit.h: No such file or directory
Sounds like you're not linking against the frameworks correctly, or more likely aren't copying the headers somehow. Likely you accidentally changed the include path of the project.
You have to include the Frameworks: