ERROR: invalid token 'verify' after the command "rladmin help verify " - redis

I have installed the redis on my VM. And then I run the commands
[root#vm001jeguan ~]# rladmin help verify
it shows the following error:
[root#dltasvm001jeguan ~]# rladmin help verify
ERROR: invalid token 'verify'
Run the following command it works well
[root#vm001jeguan ~]# rladmin status
Does anyone have met such issue? Thank you very much.

You are probably trying to run a new rladmin command on an older version of RLEC.
For further support please contact us at

Verify that you are using correct commands.
You can use rladmin then press "enter" and get an easier view.
Also use 'tab' for command guessing will help you.
[Example from 4.2.1-30 RLEC]
[root#ip-10-0-0-65 ~]# rladmin
RedisLabs Admin CLI
Version 4.2.1-30.rhel6
Use <?> for help at any time, <TAB> for command completion.
cluster Cluster management commands
exit Exit admin shell
failover Fail-over master to slave
help Show available commands, or use help <command> for a specific command
info Show information about tunable parameters
migrate Migrate elements between nodes
node Node management commands
status Show status information
tune Tune system parameters
upgrade Upgrade database version


Minikube on Windows and HyperV: Stuck on prompt "minikube login"

I'm "extremely" new to Kubernetes, and I wanted to try it out on my local machine, which is running Windows 10 along with HyperV. I saw that minikube is used for local development, and I was able to find in on Chocolatey, so I installed it using that:
choco install minikube -y
(I think this also installs kubectl)
The problem I have is that I'm not able to start it; I'm running the following command:
minikube start --vm-driver=hyperv
I have an external switch configured in HyperV (I found it as a suggestion somewhere), but when I run the command, it's stuck in Creating VM ...
I thought maybe it would give me a clue if I look at the VM created in HyperV, and when I open that, I see the following:
So, it seems that it's waiting for input, and that's why it's stuck! I tried searching for the problem, but to no avail.
I would appreciate any help
PS: It seems to me that if I wait long enough, the following message appears on the console:
Temporary Error: provisioning: error getting ssh client: Error dialing
tcp via ssh client: ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate,
attempted methods [none publickey], no supported methods remain
So, somehow by chance, I think I found how to resolve the issue.
First thing is that: the fact the VM is displaying that prompt (minikube login) seems to be normal, and it does NOT prevent the minikube start from succeeding.
To resolve the issue, this is what I did:
Delete ~/.kube directory
Delete ~/.minikube directory (in case it exists)
The MOST IMPORTANT step: stop/start the Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management Windows service
These steps seem to have solved the issue for me
PS: I used this command to start minikube and enable verbose logging:
minikube start --vm-driver hyperv -v 7 --alsologtostderr
Farzad, what resources have you used for setting up the minikube? Can you please clarify what do you mean by "unable to start". Are the regular kubectl commands working?
For example kubectl get nodes? That is of course if below steps won't help you.
The screenshot you shared shows a running VM:
Minikube runs a single-node Kubernetes cluster inside a VM on your
laptop for users looking to try out Kubernetes or develop with it
You mentioned that you've created the vSwitch, you should be using a flag that is pointing minikube to use that external vSwitch:
minikube start --vm-driver hyperv --hyperv-virtual-switch "vSwitch name"
You also mentioned choco, did you install kubernetes-cli (as you did not mention it in the question)? It might be the reason why your commands do not work (seems like the new version downloads kubectl with choco install minikube):
kubectl is a command line interface for running commands against
Kubernetes clusters
At this moment I recommend stoping the minikube VM:
minikub stop
Delete the cluster
minikube delete
Sometimes regular minikube stop, minikube delete does not work so you might have to manually turn off the minikubeVM in Hyper-V, then I recommend to go to c:\users\%username%\ and delete .kube and .minikube.
Use cuninst minikube
Restart and install again as specified in the minikube documentation:
choco install minikube
choco install kubernetes-cli
As for the error you mentioned, let's try to run the cluster properly, and if this persists, we will take care of it.
Try this:
kubectl config use-context minikube
I encountered the same issue. The reason was I chose the wrong disk file to start my VM after creating it in Virtual Box.
This solved my issue.
minikube delete
minikube start --vm-driver hyperv -v 7 --alsologtostderr

Cannot deploy smart contract with Eris / Monax

I'm following the Getting Started Tutorial, using eris version 0.12.0
I stuck at the point where to deploy the smart contract ~/.eris/apps/idi/idi.sol
eris pkgs do --chain simplechain --address $addr
By random I get either of following two errors:
Performing action. This can sometimes take a wee while
Could not perform pkg action service: Could not perform pkg action: Docker: {"m
ssage":"Cannot link to a non running container: /simplechain-a49e7fc2-45d4-44df
83bf-1dfab6246c13 AS /interactive-67fff395-600b-4161-912b-df11dc6b2807/chain"}
Performing action. This can sometimes take a wee while
Could not perform pkg action service: Docker: {"message":"Invalid container name
(.eris_tmp_-798bc8a1-70bb-45fd-ac23-8468503cdbad), only [a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.
-] are allowed"}
When I install eris version 0.11.4 the error looks like this:
Performing action. This can sometimes take a wee while
Sorry, the marmots were unable to load the eris-pm jobs file. Please check your
ERROR => Unsupported Config Type ""
Container interactive-39ac3a49-52fa-4f1d-953e-1662b1af7f21 exited with status 1
I restarted Docker Quickstart Terminal several times and also deleted the default VM in VirtualBox.
What I'm doing wrong? Thanks for help!
In addition to David's answer, you also should run
eval $(docker-machine env eris) to activate the docker-image.
I had been missing the eris docker-machine running. You can check this with
docker-machine ls
And you can recreate it with:
docker-machine create -d virtualbox eris
Thanks to quick help from Monax / Eris team.

Publishing an .apk into IBM Application Center from Application Center command-line tools

I'm trying to publish an .apk into my Application Center through console. I've followed this note but it doesn't work in my environment:
If I type :
./ /home/miguel/Downloads/HelloWorldMyHelloAndroid.apk
I get this error message:
FWLAC0803E: Unable to connect:
Connection refused
Perhaps the server or context is wrongly specified.
And if I try another way using this java command:
java -f http://localhost:9080 -c applicationcenter -u demo -p demo /home/myUser/Downloads/HelloWorldMyHelloAndroid.apk
I get this one:
Error: Could not find or load main class
I don't get any errors when I do this 'publish' operation directly in Application Center or through MobileFirst Studio.
Miguel, whether you use the script or the Java command, you need to specify the arguments to use. Please try the following:
./ -s http://localhost:9080 -c applicationcenter -u demo -p demo /home/miguel/Downloads/HelloWorldMyHelloAndroid.apk
I tried a similar command in my environment and was able to successfully deploy the apk to Application Center. If the command still does not work, make sure that the host/port that you are using are correct, and that the username and password are valid.
For the Java command that you executed, I see a few problems. First, the -cp argument needs to be specified in order to add the applicationcenterdeploytool.jar and json4j.jar files to the classpath. Next, the command shows "-f", but it should be "-s" to specify the server. Lastly, the path that was specified for the .apk is different than what you specified in the first command: myUser vs. miguel. So make sure that the correct path is used. If there are any further questions, let me know. Thanks.

Jenkins CLI exception: missing Job/ExtendedRead permission

I have a Jenkins user that I want to give rights to run the remote CLI towards the Jenkins instance. The first command is to fetch the config.xml:
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://jenkins:8080/hudson get-job thejob
However when he invokes the command, it fails with:
Caught: java.lang.RuntimeException: \ \
USER is missing the Job/ExtendedRead permission \
I have given the rights to execute scripts, read/create/configure jobs and more in our matrix-based security grid. There is another user who has EXACTLY the same permissions in the grid, but for this other user, everything works fine.
I don't have any of the plugins 'Extended Read permission' or 'Read-only configurations' installed.
I cannot see why it fails for this new user. Suggestions anyone?
Differences in the 2 users config.xml file:
<com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.UserCredentialsProvider_-UserCredentialsProperty plugin="credentials#1.4">
<com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.UserCredentialsProvider_-UserCredentialsProperty plugin="credentials#1.8.3">
<domainCredentialsMap class="hudson.util.CopyOnWriteMap$Hash"/>
And a final one:
<passwordHash>some values...</passwordHash>
I don't know if you are facing the same problem I had, but take a look here:
Jenkins CLI: using Anonymous permissions instead of the user defined ones
It looks like you have upgraded the credentials plugin but somehow the first user didn't get its record updated.
If you can I would suggest trying to update to the latest (1.9.1 for me). You could also edit the user record manually and force the real plugin version number in there (then restart Jenkins) and see if it processes this user more accurately.

Problems running paster shell example.ini in Ubuntu while trying to install reddit

When I try to run paster shell example.ini, I run into:
connection failure: TLEngine(postgres://reddit/password#
followed by a laundry list of traceback.
At the end, I get:
FATAL: password authentication failed for user "reddit"
Would anyone be able to help me resolve this issue? Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
The Reddit Setup Guide seems to be out of date or something. I had the exact same problem as you on two different machines.
Here's how I overcame it:
$ sudo su - postgresq
$ psql reddit
reddit=# CREATE USER reddit WITH PASSWORD 'password';
I looked in the example.ini file and reddit/password was the default username/password for the DB. At this point, if you re-run your command (paster shell example.ini), it should complete successfully.
Fair warning, there are more problems with this setup after you get past this point, but I haven't yet conquered those myself.
Best of luck, friend!