What's the difference between :D and :D:? - raku

I was browsing the Perl 6 docs on the shift routine and saw this snippet:
Defined as:
multi sub shift(Array:D )
multi method shift(Array:D:)
I know :D means the Array is defined and not Any or Nil, but what's :D:? It's very hard to search for.
This section of the type signature docs contains more examples of the syntax, but does not (as far as I can tell) explain it.

The invocant of a method gets passed as an implicit first argument. If you want to use an explicit parameter within the signature (eg to add a type smiley like :D or just to give it a more descriptive name), you need to separate it with a : instead of a , from the rest of the parameter list. This is necessary even in case of an empty list so it can be disambiguated from a signature with a regular positional parameter.
Some more information can be found in the design documents.

Christoph's answer is already excellent. My answer is an attempt to provide some context with a small concrete example.
As Christoph states, in Raku the invocant of a method gets passed as an implicit first positional argument which is then available to the method's body as self:
class Person {
has $.name;
method greet( Person $B, $greeting = 'Hello' ) {
$A.name ~ ": $greeting, " ~ $B.name ~ '.'
my $john = Person.new(name => 'John');
my $dana = Person.new(name => 'Dana');
say $john.greet($dana, 'Good morning'); # «John: Good morning, Dana.»
If you wish to bind it to something else, then use the syntax method meth-name( invocant : param1, param2, ..., param3) { ... } where param1, param2, ..., param3 are the regular parameters (both positional and named ones) you declare in a method. As Christoph states, this syntax "is necessary even in case of [a paratemer-less signature] so it can be disambiguated from a signature with a regular positional parameter." Therefore:
# Person A greets person B.
method greet( $A : Person $B, $greeting = 'Hello' ) {
self.name ~ ": $greeting, " ~ $B.name ~ '.'
You could go a step further and also type the invocant, not necessarily because it's needed but because it makes the method's signature more descriptive:
# Person A greets person B.
method greet( Person $A : Person $B, $greeting = 'Hello' ) {
$A.name ~ ": $greeting, " ~ $B.name ~ '.'
If you don't want the method greet to accepts type objects (e.g., Person) but instead only objects instance of the type (e.g., Person.new), then you can make use of the type
smily :D. Thus:
# Person A greets person B.
method greet( Person:D $A : Person $B, $greeting = 'Hello' ) {
$A.name ~ ": $greeting, " ~ $B.name ~ '.'
The type smilies are :D (for Defined), :U (for Undefined), and :_ (this is the implicit smily for a type that uses neither :D nor :U).
If you remove the explicit invocant (and revert to using self) from the method's signature, then you'll end up with something similar to what you have in your question. Here I'm just using some whitespace to make it look less daunting:
method greet( Person:D : Person $B, $greeting = 'Hello' ) {
self.name ~ ": $greeting, " ~ $B.name ~ '.'
In Raku, methods can be restricted to either be called only on a class's object instances (for object methods) or only on the class itself (for class methods); you just need to add the :D smily to the class name for object methods and the :U smily to the class name for class methods:
method object-method( CLASSNAME:D : ) { ... }
method class-method( CLASSNAME:U : ) { ... }
However, this isn't as general as could be so instead, you can use the compile-time variable ::?CLASS which determines the current class and thus do away with the need for putting the name of the class there. For example, to restrict greet to only be called on instance objects of Person:
method greet( ::?CLASS:D: Person $B, $greeting = 'Hello' ) {
self.name ~ ": $greeting, " ~ $B.name ~ '.'
Like always if you're confused by the colons, you can always put some whitespace between whatever thing a type smily is attached to and the remaining : to make things more obvious, as in:
method greet( ::?CLASS:D : Person $B, $greeting = 'Hello' ) {
self.name ~ ": $greeting, " ~ $B.name ~ '.'


Get method called-as str in the callee

I would like to introspect the tail end of a method call from the callee side.
Right now I am doing this explicitly...
# caller side
s.pd: '.shape';
s.pd: '.to_json("test.json")';
s.pd: '.iloc[2] = 23';
# callee side
method pd( Str $call ) {
given $call {
when /shape/ { ... }
when /to_json/ { ... }
BUT, I would like to do this by way of a 'slang method call', something like this made up code...
# caller side
s.pd.iloc[2] = 23;
^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^$
| | |
| | L a q// str I can put into eg. a custom Grammar
| |
| L general method name
L invocant
#callee side
method pd( ?? ) {
my $called-as-str = self.^was-called-as;
say $called-as-str; #'pd.to_json("test.json")'
(HOW) can this be done in raku?
Since there are 422 calls to handle, of many arity patterns, answers that require the declaration of 422 methods and signatures in the called Class will be less attractive.
Per #jonathans comment, the raku docs state:
A method with the special name FALLBACK will be called when other
means to resolve the name produce no result. The first argument holds
the name and all following arguments are forwarded from the original
call. Multi methods and sub-signatures are supported.
class Magic {
method FALLBACK ($name, |c(Int, Str)) {
put "$name called with parameters {c.raku}" }
Magic.new.simsalabim(42, "answer");
# OUTPUT: «simsalabim called with parameters ⌈\(42, "answer")⌋␤»
So my code example would read:
# callee side
class Pd-Stub {
method FALLBACK ($name, Str $arg-str ) {
say "$name called with args: <<$arg-str>>"
class Series {
has Pd-Stub $.pd
my \s = Series.new;
# caller side
s.pd.shape; #shape called with args: <<>>
s.pd.to_json("test.json"); #to_json called with args: <<test.json>>
s.pd.iloc[2] = 23; #iloc called with args: <<>>
#iloc needs to use AT-POS and Proxy to handle subscript and assignment

Raku Ambiguous call to infix(Hyper: Dan::Series, Int)

I am writing a model Series class (kinda like the one in pandas) - and it should be both Positional and Associative.
class Series does Positional does Iterable does Associative {
has Array $.data is required;
has Array $.index;
### Construction ###
method TWEAK {
# sort out data-index dependencies
$!index = gather {
my $i = 0;
for |$!data -> $d {
take ( $!index[$i++] => $d )
### Output ###
method Str {
### Role Support ###
# Positional role support
# viz. https://docs.raku.org/type/Positional
method of {
method elems {
method AT-POS( $p ) {
method EXISTS-POS( $p ) {
0 <= $p < $!data.elems ?? True !! False
# Iterable role support
# viz. https://docs.raku.org/type/Iterable
method iterator {
method flat {
method lazy {
method hyper {
# Associative role support
# viz. https://docs.raku.org/type/Associative
method keyof {
method AT-KEY( $k ) {
for |$!index -> $p {
return $p.value if $p.key ~~ $k
method EXISTS-KEY( $k ) {
for |$!index -> $p {
return True if $p.key ~~ $k
#`[ solution attempt #1 does NOT get called
multi method infix(Hyper: Series, Int) is default {
die "I was called"
my $s = Series.new(data => [rand xx 5], index => [<a b c d e>]);
say ~$s;
say $s[2];
say $s<b>;
So far pretty darn cool.
I can go dd $s.hyper and get this
HyperSeq.new(configuration => HyperConfiguration.new(batch => 64, degree => 1))
BUT (there had to be a but coming), I want to be able to do hyper math on my Series' elements, something like:
say $s >>+>> 2;
But that yields:
Ambiguous call to 'infix(Hyper: Dan::Series, Int)'; these signatures all match:
(Hyper: Associative:D \left, \right, *%_)
(Hyper: Positional:D \left, \right, *%_)
in block <unit> at ./synopsis-dan.raku line 63
How can I tell my class Series not to offer the Associative hyper candidate...?
Note: edited example to be a runnable MRE per #raiph's comment ... I have thus left in the minimum requirements for the 3 roles in play per docs.raku.org
After some experimentation (and new directions to consider from the very helpful comments to this SO along the way), I think I have found a solution:
drop the does Associative role from the class declaration like this:
class Series does Positional does Iterable {...}
leave the Associative role support methods in the body of the class:
# Associative role support
# viz. https://docs.raku.org/type/Associative
method keyof {
method AT-KEY( $k ) {
for |$!index -> $p {
return $p.value if $p.key ~~ $k
method EXISTS-KEY( $k ) {
for |$!index -> $p {
return True if $p.key ~~ $k
This gives me the Positional and Associative accessors, and functional hyper math operators:
my $s = Series.new(data => [rand xx 5], index => [<a b c d e>]);
say ~$s; #([a => 0.6137271559776396 b => 0.7942959887386045 c => 0.5768018697817604 d => 0.8964323560788711 e => 0.025740150933493577] , dtype: Num)
say $s[2]; #0.7942959887386045
say $s<b>; #0.5768018697817604
say $s >>+>> 2; #(2.6137271559776396 2.7942959887386047 2.5768018697817605 2.896432356078871 2.0257401509334936)
While this feels a bit thin (and probably lacks the full set of Associative functions) I am fairly confident that the basic methods will give me slimmed down access like a hash from a key capability that I seek. And it no longer creates the ambiguous call.
This solution may be cheating a bit in that I know the level of compromise that I will accept ;-).
Take #1
First, an MRE with an emphasis on the M1:
class foo does Positional does Associative { method of {} }
sub infix:<baz> (\l,\r) { say 'baz' }
foo.new >>baz>> 42;
Ambiguous call to 'infix(Hyper: foo, Int)'; these signatures all match:
(Hyper: Associative:D \left, \right, *%_)
(Hyper: Positional:D \left, \right, *%_)
in block <unit> at ./synopsis-dan.raku line 63
The error message shows it's A) a call to a method named infix with an invocant matching Hyper, and B) there are two methods that potentially match that call.
Given that there's no class Hyper in your MRE, these methods and the Hyper class must be either built-ins or internal details that are leaking out.
A search of the doc finds no such class. So Hyper is undocumented Given that the doc has fairly broad coverage these days, this suggests Hyper is an internal detail. But regardless, it looks like you can't solve your problem using official/documented features.
Hopefully this bad news is still better than none.2
Take #2
Where's the fun in letting little details like "not an official feature" stop us doing what we want to do?
There's a core.c module named Hyper.pm6 in the Rakudo source repo.
A few seconds browsing that, and clicks on its History and Blame, and I can instantly see it really is time for me to conclude this SO answer, with a recommendation for your next move.
To wit, I suggest you start another SO, using this answer as its heart (but reversing my presentation order, ie starting by mentioning Hyper, and that it's not doc'd), and namechecking Liz (per Hyper's History/Blame), with a link back to your Q here as its background. I'm pretty sure that will get you a good answer, or at least an authoritative one.
1 I also tried this:
class foo does Positional does Associative { method of {} }
sub postfix:<bar>(\arg) { say 'bar' }
but that worked (displayed bar).
2 If you didn't get to my Take #1 conclusion yourself, perhaps that was was because your MRE wasn't very M? If you did arrive at the same point (cf "solution attempt #1 does NOT get called" in your MRE) then please read and, for future SOs, take to heart, the wisdom of "Explain ... any difficulties that have prevented you from solving it yourself".

Object, roles and multiple dispatch

I'm trying to use multiple dispatch to overload and use methods within composed classes. Here's the implementation:
role A {
has $!b;
submethod BUILD( :$!b ) {}
multi method bar () {
return $!b;
class B does A {
submethod BUILD( :$!b ) {}
multi method bar() {
return " * " ~ callsame ~ " * ";
my $a = A.new( b => 33);
say $a.bar();
my $b = B.new( b => 33 );
say $b.bar();
This fails, however, with:
Calling callsame(Str) will never work with declared signature ()
(I really have no idea why callsame uses Str as a signature). Changing the method bar to use callwith:
multi method bar() {
return " * " ~ callwith() ~ " * ";
Simply does not work:
Use of Nil in string context
in method bar at multi.p6 line 18
* *
Is there any special way to work with call* within roles/classes?
The first issue is a matter of syntax. A listop function call parses an argument list after it, starting with a term, so this:
return " * " ~ callsame ~ " * ";
Groups like this:
return " * " ~ callsame(~ " * ");
And so you're calling the ~ prefix operator on " * ", which is where the Str argument it complains about comes from.
Ultimately, however, the issue here is a misunderstanding of the semantics of role composition and/or deferral. Consider a non-multi case:
role R { method m() { say 1; callsame() } }
class B { method m() { say 2; callsame() } }
class C is B does R { method m() { say 3; callsame(); } }
This outputs:
Notice how 1 is never reached. This is because role composition is flattening: it's as if the code from the role were put into the class. When the class already has a method of that name, then it is taken in favor of the one in the role.
If we put multi on each of them:
role R { multi method m() { say 1; callsame() } }
class B { multi method m() { say 2; callsame() } }
class C is B does R { multi method m() { say 3; callsame(); } }
The behavior is preserved:
Because the role composer accounts for the long name of the multi method - that is, accounting for the signature. Since they are the very same, then the one in the class wins. Were it to retain both, we'd end up with the initial call resulting in an ambiguous dispatch error!
Deferral with nextsame, callsame, nextwith, and callwith all iterate through the possible things we could have dispatched to.
In the case of a non-multi method, that is achieved by walking the MRO; since the method from the role was not composed, then it doesn't appear in any class in the MRO (nothing that only classes appear in the MRO, since roles are flattened away at composition time).
In the case of a multi method, we instead walk the set of candidates that would have accepted the arguments of the initial dispatch. Again, since the identically long-named method in the class was chosen in favor of the role one at composition time, the one from the role simply isn't in consideration for the dispatch in the first place: it isn't in the candidate list of the proto, and so won't be deferred to.

What does the second colon in "List:D:" mean in Perl 6?

In the doc.perl6.org, i've seen many methods like this:
method sum(List:D: --> Numeric:D)
I konw List:D is a type of List that is defined, but what does the colon after the D mean (i.e. the second one in List:D:)?
I found some explain in S12-objects:
=head2 Invocants
Declaration of the invocant is optional. You may always access the
current invocant using the keyword self.
To mark an explicit invocant, just put a colon after it:
method doit ($x: $a, $b, $c) { ... }
but I don't understand, it's somewhat strange at first glance.
By default methods have an invocant of self
So both of these would be equivalent:
method foo ( $a ){…}
method foo ( \self: $a ){…} # generates warning
So expanding the first example out to what it is sort-of short for
method sum( List:D \self: --> Numeric:D ){…} # generates warning
Basically you write it that way if you want to specify the type of the invocant (first argument) to a method, but just want to use self rather than specify a new variable.
The reason it uses the : to split up the invocant from the rest of the parameters is to simplify the common case where you don't specify the invocant, or type of the invocant.
When you define a sub with a basic type constraint like this:
sub testB (Str $b) { say $b; }
then you can call it with an actual instance of the type in question as well as with the type object itself:
> testB("woo")
> testB(Str)
The :D is an additional type constraint, so you can only pass a "defined" instance:
sub testC (Str:D $c) { say $c; }
> testB(Str)
> testC("hoo")
> testC(Str)
Parameter '$c' of routine 'testC' must be an object instance of type 'Str', not a type object of type 'Str'. Did you forget a '.new'?
in sub testC at <unknown file> line 1
in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1
More details can be found here

Object Hash Lookup with `eqv`

Is there a way to use eqv to lookup a hash value without looping over the key-value pairs when using object keys?
It is possible to use object keys in a hash by specifying the key's type at declaration:
class Foo { has $.bar };
my Foo $a .= new(:bar(1));
my %h{Foo} = $a => 'A', Foo.new(:bar(2)) => 'B';
However, key lookup uses the identity operator === which will return the value only if it is the same object and not an equivalent one:
my Foo $a-prime .= new(:bar(1));
say $a eqv $a-prime; # True
say $a === $a-prime; # False
say %h{$a}; # A
say %h{$a-prime}; # (Any)
Looking at the documentation for "===", the last line reveals that the operator is based on .WHICH and that "... all value types must override method WHICH." This is why if you create two separate items with the same string value, "===" returns True.
my $a = "Hello World";
my $b = join " ", "Hello", "World";
say $a === $b; # True even though different items - because same value
say $a.WHICH ; # "Str|Hello World"
say $b.WHICH ; # (same as above) which is why "===" returns True
So, instead of creating your own container type or using some of the hooks for subscripts, you could instead copy the way "value types" do it - i.e. butcher (some what) the idea of identity. The .WHICH method for strings shown above simply returns the type name and contents joined with a '|'. Why not do the same thing;
class Foo {
has $.bar;
multi method WHICH(Foo:D:) { "Foo|" ~ $!bar.Str }
my Foo $a .= new(:bar(1));
my %h{Foo} = $a => 'A', Foo.new(:bar(2)) => 'B';
my Foo $a-prime .= new(:bar(1));
say $a eqv $a-prime; # True
say $a === $a-prime; # True
say %h{$a}; # A
say %h{$a-prime}; # A
There is a small cost, of course - the concept of identity for the instances of this class is, well - let's say interesting. What are the repercussions? The only thing that comes immediately to mind, is if you plan to use some sort of object persistence framework, its going to squish different instances that now look the same into one (perhaps).
Different objects with the same attribute data are going to be indistinguishable - which is why I hesitated before posting this answer. OTOH, its your class, its your app so, depending on the size/importance etc, it may be a fine way to do it.
If you don't like the buildin postcircumfix, provide your own.
class Foo { has $.bar };
my Foo $a .= new(:bar(1));
my %h{Foo} = $a => 'A', Foo.new(:bar(2)) => 'B';
multi sub postcircumfix:<{ }>(\SELF, WhateverCode $c) is raw {
gather for SELF.keys -> $k {
take $k if $c($k)
dd %h;
dd %h{* eqv $a};
Hash[Any,Foo] %h = (my Any %{Foo} = (Foo.new(bar => 1)) => "A", (Foo.new(bar => 2)) => "B")
(Foo.new(bar => 1),).Seq