Get **last month or last year** google news using api - api

I have been trying get google news for the past month and the past year.
I have tried the following url but I cannot figure out what is the date parameter and what should be passed to it.

According to the source:
as_qdr=m past month
as_qdr=y past year
Notice that due to Google News API is deprecated, maybe some parameters are no longer functional.
Check also this answer on Stack Overflow and its comments for get even more info about Google News API.


How to get liveBroadcast Schedule time using channel ID

I am working with youtube data api and trying to get Live Broadcast schedule time not publish time.
Apr 10, 2022
ScheduledFor more details image attached here
Please answer the relative answer if you know your answer will be highly appreciated.
I don't think it's possible with the YouTube Data API.
You could use the "search" endpoint for retrieve the "upcoming" videos from a given channel - see example - and then use another tool for extract (i.e. web scraping) the videos obtained from the previous search request for get the values "scheduledStartTime" and "startTimestamp" in the embed javascript code - both contains the scheduled time in UNIX and Date Time value respectively.
Also, check in Issue Tracker if there is an official response.

Change in number of geotagged Instagram posts

I have written an app which uses the Instagram API to retrieve geotagged posts containing "#sunset" and related tags. On March 22 - 23 2016, the number of posts being collected dropped dramatically. Has anyone else observed this behavior, or do you have any suggestions for what I should look for? Is it possible there has been a change to Instagram's privacy policy that leads to fewer geotagged posts? I do not think it is due to a change in my code (I have not changed the code, and I am actually collecting the posts using two different methods, both of which display this pattern). Nor do I think it is due to my API key suddenly becoming invalid (the key seems to work).
UPDATE: I discovered other people have been having similar problems. See here:
Instagram API /tags/{tag-name}/media/recent changed behaviour
Instagram /v1/tags/{tag-name}/media/recent endpoint doesn't return min_tag_id in pagination block
UPDATE 2: it appears that both the Python + Ruby Instagram clients were deprecated on the same day, March 22, right before everyone started having this problem:,

Getting tweets from a certain period where user was mentioned

I'm using the twitter API and would like to get all tweets from a given time period where a given user was mentioned.
I tried the search API with the until parameter where I could get the tweets for the previous 7 days from the date which is not the best, but fine. However, in this case the API only returns the number of tweets without the details.
Any ideas how to do it or what I'm doing wrong?
Strange, says it should return tweet objects. Are you sure you implemented it correctly? Which library are you using? Maybe there is a fault in its implementation. Another library could therefore be the solution.
Don't know whether this satisfies your needs, but you could also try to use the GET statuses/mentions_timeline API . This API returns up to 800 tweets in which the user was mentioned.
EDIT, based on the comments on this post:
You are doing 2 things wrong, namely:
As stated in the documentation the until parameter has a 7 day limit. So you can only retrieve up to 7 days of tweets.
Furthermore, you are making incorrect use of the since parameter. The since parameter specifies since this tweet (so the id of the tweet), not since this date.
Please read the documentation carefully. It is written very precisely and contains all the answers you probably need.

Soundcloud API: Find track like date via API

I've tried searching through Stack overflow as well as the soundcloud API reference but couldn't find any answer. I'm trying to retrieve the date a user liked a song on Soundcloud. I tried two parts of the API:
- /users/{id}/favorites: This will return all tracks liked by the user, but no date when it was liked.
- /me/activities: This returns track reposts, comments and seemingly tracks that show up on the stream. Sadly there doesn't seem to be a type track-like, but maybe I'm doing something wrong here or need to pass additional parameters.
I'm having the user log into Soundcloud before utilizing the API.
Any chance someone knows if retrieving the track like date via the API is possible?
With the public API available right now, this is not possible.
You have to build it on your own and track the changes in a different, your own database.
Example call from the website when you lookup your likes, i dont know what you will see with a pro account:
Here is and older, related answer about playback stats:
How to fetch playback statistics

Get A Users Over All Retweet and Mention Counts using Twitter API

We are working on some analytics using the amount a user is retweeted or mentioned... I can't seem to find a way to get these numbers using the apis does anyone have any ideas?{screen_name}&count={count}
it's important to include the line include_entities=true to the request. This will give you an expanded response including re-tweet and mention counts.
Get Status / User Timeline
Twitter API Console
to get tweets from the last 90 days, there is a Node.js library you can use called Snapbird
.. and here is another resource covering the same topic.