How can I peek at the stack and registers - jdi

I would like to step through an executing Java method and view the local program stack and registers. For example if a PUSH instruction is executed, I want to see the value on the top of the stack, the stack depth, the values under that one, etc. Is there any way to capture that in Java?

Suspend a thread, access its stack-frame and query current state using StackFrame object.


How does the JVM know how many values to pop into a new frame when invoking a method via invokevirtual?

When a method is called via invokevirtual, the calling method pops off the values to pass to the called method along with the objectref and places them in the new stack frame.
How does it know which stack entry is the objectref? My guess is that it does so by looking at the type of the called method and parses this to determine how many values to pop off, but this seems extremely inefficient. Is there some other mechanism that I'm overlooking?
When you use the class file format as starting point, the method descriptor is the only way to determine, which values from the operand stack have to become the first local variables of the new stack frame.
As an exception to the rule, the invokeinterface instruction has an embedded count which can be used to determine the number of (type 1) elements to consume. As the documentation states:
The count operand of the invokeinterface instruction records a measure of the number of argument values, where an argument value of type long or type double contributes two units to the count value and an argument of any other type contributes one unit. This information can also be derived from the descriptor of the selected method. The redundancy is historical.
This historical redundancy doesn’t change the fact that the JVM has to cope with method descriptors as the source of this information, e.g. for invokevirtual, invokestatic, invokespecial, or invokedynamic. Further, a conforming JVM is required to verify this information, to throw an error if the invokeinterface’s count differs from the count derived from the method descriptor.
Generally, the verifier is responsible for detecting when method invocations are inconsistent to the stack frame’s state and therefore, has to process the method descriptors and model their effect on the operand stack. This implies that, unless you’re using a JVM that verifies each instruction right before its actual execution, it has to handle these descriptors even without executing an actual invocation. The obvious solution is to convert the method descriptors into an easier-to-process internal representation in a first step.
In short, these method descriptors are inefficient but with a reasonable JVM implementation you’re paying the costs only once, not for every invocation.
There's no one "right" way to do this, but the simplest strategy is to leave the values on the stack, and the called method refers to them via negative offsets. For example, if the called method has 3 params, they're referenced from the base stack offset minus 3, 2, and 1. Each is copied to a local variable and then referenced in the usual manner. The stack offset can be updated to reflect that the params have been consumed. Of course, each local param can also be initially assigned by a bunch of pops, one for each param.
Other tricks can be performed to speed things up. There's no reason that local variables need to be stored differently than the stack. They can be stored on the stack itself. The passed in params occupy their original locations on the stack, and then additional space is allocated for the remaining local variables by just updating the stack offset. A base stack offset is remembered, and all local variables are referenced via the base offset.
Essentially, a local variable is just like a stack slot, except it can be accessed at any time, regardless of what's currently been pushed on top.

Where is JVM PC stored during a call?

I am currently reading the last specification of the JVM. It is clear that each thread has its own call stack and its own program counter that keeps track of the (next) instruction to execute.
My question is maybe dump, but from the description, I cannot find an answer.
Where is the current program counter stored when a new or a method is invoked?
In other terms, how does the thread now where to continue after the invokation of a method?
The answer is implementation-dependent as different hardware architectures and even different JVMs may implement this behavior in different ways. In the standard Oracle JVM, most of your bytecode will be compiled to native code by JIT (Just in Time compiler) and method calls will be executed as for native code (give or take some extra code which may be added to handle checkpointing etc.). On a PC this means that current register values, including the instruction pointer / program counter will be saved on the stack before a method call. When returning from the call, the processor pops these values from the stack, among them the return address.

what is the stack of a task and what is it used for ? - uC/OS-II

So I am reading from MicroC/OS-II book, but in the section for task stacks I couldn't find exactly what the stack is and most importantly - what is it used for. I know it is not something long and difficult, but I kinda' have to understand it. The book only says how to set the stack size and some other things like this.
So, can somebody explain me in short and simple words what is the task stack and what is it used for, in uC/OS-II ?
In general in the context of a procedural programming language, the stack is where a function/procedure/sub-routine's local variables and return address are stored (in a "stack frame") - the greater the call depth, the more stack frames are stored - one for each function that has not yet returned. That part is true regardless of whether you are using an RTOS such as MicroC/OS-II or not.
In a single threaded environment, only one stack is required, and this is normally provided for you as part of the C runtime environment set-up for example. In a multi-threaded environment, you need a stack for each separate thread of execution, and it is typically up to you to allocate stack space for each thread, or at least to specify its length.
I don't know MicroC/OS-II, but the stack of a task is nearly always the same:
During the execution of a task, it stores data that are required in the current context. This means when a subroutine (method, etc.) is called, a "stack frame" is stored on top of the stack. This stack frame stores local variables of the called subroutine, the return address used when the subroutine is finished, and some other info. When the subroutine returns, the stack frame is deleted. If the subroutine calls another one (or itself recursively), another stack frame is stored on top of the current one.
In contrast to a stack where stored data are deleted in reverse order as the have been stored, a heap stores data a long as their memory is not freed, which can be done in an arbitrary order.
Many processors have a stack pointer, and most of those have instructions that specifically use that stack pointer. The stack pointer is a register that holds an address, not unlike the program counter. The stack is simply memory pointed to by the stack pointer, at a higher level you or the operating system or someone divides the available memory space up for different uses, a little for data a little for program a little for heap (mallocs and frees) and some for the stack. The stack pointer and associated instructions allow code to temporarily allocate some memory. A global variable for example is at least for the life of your program stuck at one memory location. A local variable though only needs a memory location while the function is being executed, when the function returns you dont need that local variable memory (statically defined locals are allocated like globals but only available during that function, so not temporary). You could do a malloc and free in the function to allocate this local memory, or you could simply use the stack. And many/most compilers simply use the stack. In addition to local variables you might need to store the return address, if function a() calls function b() to get from b back to where you were in a you need to return to the next instruction after the call to b(). if B calls c then within the context of b() you need to save the return to a() and now within c() you need to know how to return to b(). And so on. This is architecture and calling convention dependent, some architectures always use the stack for returns, some lean toward using a specific register. When nesting calls though all architectures are going to need to eventually use the stack for the return address, so the stack is used here as well. If function a() calls itself 10 times and has one local integer and the return address lets say it needs 8 bytes of stack per call, so first call moves the stack pointer 8 bytes allocating 8 bytes, the second call another 8 and so on. when you start to hit returns, the the stack pointer moves back 8 bytes, another return another 8 bytes back on the stack pointer.
Now translate that from a single application to multiple applications with the illusion if executing simultaneously (an operating system) for each application/task/procedure/thread/whatever you probably want each of them to have their own stack. This is often quite easy as you just need to save the stack pointer from the prior task and set the stack pointer to the last value from the next task when it was switched out. You can of course get much more complicated and have protection mechanisms so each application can only live within its memory space including stack and heap. and mmus can make it even more complicated by having physical memory chopped up into many pieces and the mmu makes it look like separate pieces are linear within the applications virtual address space. etc.
as nurd_droid pointed out some processors have different stack pointers depending on the mode of the processor. you might have one for user/application mode, then when a system call happens a system/superuser stack pointer, and an interrupt happens an interrupt stack pointer. Some architectures simply have one stack pointer...Some architectures the stack is not in the main memory space the stack and stack pointer are buried in the logic and you dont really see it (often in this case the stack size is quite limited and can roll around on itself or other bad things if you dont manage your stack usage).
Stack is a data structure of type last in first out (LIFO) which is used by procedural languages to do push/pop local variable, CPU registers, return addresses before making a function call or when an interrupt occurs or for preparation of context switches.
Variables, registers are popped out in exactly reverse order when compared to order they are pushed on stack.
Stack can grow upwards or downwards in memory. This is something that will depend upon the micro-controller.
Also, many micro-controllers have multiple stacks.
1) User stack
2) Exception stack or Interrupt stack
If RTOS is used then each process/thread/task will have its own stack. In this case user SP micro-controller register will be reassigned by context switch routine to point to stack for currently active process/thread/task.
Exception stack or Interrupt stack is shared across the system.

Objective-C ParseKit return value

In flex/lex/bison/yacc (all of which I just started reading about), you can set "$$" to be equal to some value ($1,$2,$3) and that's the value that gets returned. At least I think that's how it works.
In ParseKit, you are given a stack so I imagine that the ($1,$2,$3) would be the first three values on the stack for example. But then I think what you would want to do is pop those values off the stack and put your return value on the stack. I see that the stack comes with a push method. Do you have to pop the incoming values first before pushing something on?
Developer of ParseKit here. I would say: it depends. A few thoughts:
Yes, it is often useful/desirable to store objects/values on the assembly's stack by calling -[PKAssembly push:] on the assembly sent to your parser delegate callbacks. Later callbacks will find these values on the assembly's stack and may want to take action when they are found.
Another option: if your callback methods are building some result object, you usually want to store it as the -[PKAssembly target] property of the assembly passed into your callback method. So you have two places where you can store values: the assembly's target or the assembly's stack. The target is the 'correct' place for this, but often the stack is also convenient. Either is fine, but i would say: store temp values on the stack, but store the ultimate object you are building as the target. But again, you can do either.
Yes, your callbacks should often want to pop values off the stack first, but that is not required. Think of if this way: Your delegate callback method receives a PKAssembly object as a parameter. And usually your callback method will inspect the assembly's stack and take action depending on what it finds there. Usually, in your callback, you'll want to pop the values you find there, if you are taking action on them. Basically: your callback should pop the values it is interested in/taking action on, because in some sense your callback was the intended recipient of those items/information.

In a singleton class (in my case C++), if one method is called more than once, will the locals be on the stack?

i have singleton class , when calling one of the singleton methods more then once in the same time , and this method has local variables . does each method call of the singleton gets its own private stack , do i need to worry about sharing/mixing local variable data between calls ?
Using local variables in a class method (not important whether it is a singleton) is no different from using local variables in a regular function. The local variables will not get mixed up.
No, you do not need to worry about that. To correct your terminology: "does each method call of the singleton gets its own private stack" -- not its own stack but each method call gets its own stack frame so you are alright.
A singleton method is just the same as an ordinary function (in C++). Think of local variables in the same way.
Note that this does not apply to static local variables, which are specifically shared between method calls.
Each method will gets its own private stack. The only possibility to take care about sharing are static variables inside the class.... but as ur class is singleton that applies to the instance variables of ur class too. Local variables of the method would always be freash in the stack no need to take care about them.
I'm not sure if you're talking about recursion or multiple thread calls, so I'll assume you mean recursion.
Each time you call the method any local variables that are not declared static are allocated on the stack. The way this works is that each call has it's own stack "frame" When the call is finished, the stack frame is released (and all local variables are destroyed).
So when function foo() is called it's local variables are in a frame on the stack, let's call it frame A. If foo calls itself, another frame is added, let's call it B. During the life of this second call, both frames A and B exist, but A is essentially dormant (usually, the data in A can be modified indirectly, e.g. via pointers). When the second call exits the B frame is released and the A frame becomes active again. Finally, when the top call is finished, the A frame goes away.
Since there is a limited amount of stack space, you have to be careful not to create more frames than the stack can hold. If you do, the stack is said to "overflow".