How to set up membrane reverse proxy for 2 hosts with common authenication? - reverse-proxy

I have the following requirement. Please advise on how to set up the proxies.xml properly.
localhost/... user authentication is required from root level down (basically user needs to be authenticated once to access the whole website, which includes the 2 subsystems below)
localhost/subsys1/... all requests under this url should go to host1:8081
localhost/subsys2/... all requests under this url should go to host2:8082
I tried to set up the proxies.xml this way, but it doesn't seem to work.
<serviceProxy port="80">
<user name="guest" password="guest"/>
<serviceProxy port="80">
<target host="host1" port="8081"/>
<serviceProxy port="80">
<target host="host2" port="8082"/>

I think the basic auth should be placed on the two proxied service as it will do the auth part.If u are trying to do it globally i havent tried it that way and i am not sure that it can be configured as such. .What i also found usefull is that membrane service proxy is built on spring :-)


How to disable ActiveMQ web site http://localhost:8161/

I am a simple admin who is trying to stop users from logging into ActiveMQ as part of a security audit. We don't use this webpage at all so I want to disable this page all together. Which configs should I change in order to achieve this?
This is the page that I get after I get to sign in with username and password. I just need to disable this page completely.
To disable the embedded Web console, you simply need to comment out, or remove, the import element that imports the Jetty configuration into your broker's configuration file activemq.xml:
<beans ... >
<broker ... >
<!-- <import resource="jetty.xml"/> -->

unable to set security domain via jboss-web.xml

We have an app that is being deployed as an ear. Within this ear, there is a war that needs to use a specific security domain.
To achieve this, we have configured the standalone-full-ha.xml with the following security section
<security-domain name="ourDomain" cache-type="default">
<login-module code="blah.blah.OurDomain" flag="required" />
ear/war/WEB-INF/jboss-web.xml is configured as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
With this configuration, the app tries to authenticate against the "other" domain which is there in JBoss by default.
log entries as follows:
TRACE [] (http-/ PBOX000224: End getAppConfigurationEntry(other), AuthInfo: AppConfigurationEntry[]:
LoginModule Class:
ControlFlag: LoginModuleControlFlag: optional
name=password-stacking, value=useFirstPass
LoginModule Class:
ControlFlag: LoginModuleControlFlag: required
name=password-stacking, value=useFirstPass
When trying to define this as part of the ear in ear/META-INF/jboss-app.xml, that made the whole thing blow up pretty spectacularly - so figured that was less likely to be the way to resolve this.
If the default security domain is changed to ourDomain however, it all works as expected.
This doesn't seem to be a big deal - however, it feels better to be able to leave as much of the configuration in the app as possible.
Any pointers to resolve this appreciated.
Your security domain name specified in jboss-web.xml needs to match the name of some security domain in your JBoss config, in your case the web descriptor specifies Quark while the security subsystem defined domain named ourDomain.
Whenever JBoss can not find the security domain you request in your jboss-web.xml, it will fallback to the default security domain, which in case of 7.x is named other.

Twitter + Camel Using HTTPS / SSL

I use twitter4j+ camel plugin to read the tweets
<route id="twitter-timeline-incoming">
uri="twitter://timeline/user?type=polling&delay=180&consumerKey=xxxx&consumerSecret=xxxx&accessToken=xxxx8&accessTokenSecret=xxxxg&user=user_account" />
<process ref="setTwitterTimestampProcessor" />
<method ref="twitterFeedFilter" />
<to uri="direct:twitterProcessFeed" />
Twitter has made it mandatory to use SSL from today,
I would like to know how to enable SSL for these requests , which is not given in here
On Jan 14 2014 Twitter updated it's API to require all endpoints be https. The default API endpoints in Twitter4J are http, rather than https. You can change them manually for now, until they update the defaults in Twitter4J:
ConfigurationBuilder confBuilder=new ConfigurationBuilder();
Twitter twitter=new TwitterFactory(conf).getInstance();
you can pass parameter to JVM to turn on SSL:
At least this solved my issue.
Setting JVM is not an option for me,
Ticket has been raised in camel + twitter plugin and seems a patch is available in fix versions 2.11.4, 2.12.3, 2.13.0

How to run svcutil.exe from behind authenticating proxy

I want to run the svcutil.exe tool to access a web service on the internet. Unfortunately, whenever I try, I get a bunch of errors that include the following message:
The request failed with HTTP status 407: Proxy Authentication Required ( The ISA Server requires authorization to fulfill the request. Access to the Web Proxy filter is denied.
As I have learned from this related post (with more details here), the problem is that I am sitting behind an authenticating proxy. That post explains that I need to edit the app.config file, but I can't figure out how to do that. I think I will use the /svcutilConfig:alternate_app.config switch, but I don't know how to construct a valid .config file to pass to that switch. What is the default app.config file that svcutil.exe uses?
Well, I think I have figured out the answer to my question:
It turns out that the default .config file used by svcutil.exe is called svcutil.exe.config, and (at least for me) it lives in this folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\bin
I decided to just edit that file directly (rather than fumble around with the /svcutilConfig switch). I needed Admin privileges to do so.
The final contents of that file looked like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false" />
<defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true" />
(with the secret sauce buried in the <> element.)
In order for this all to work, I had to start the Command Prompt as Administrator, navigate to the folder listed above, and run the svcutil.exe command from there.
Hope this helps some other poor soul who gets stuck in this mess! Thanks to #AndrewWebb for the clues that got me going!

Getting request and creating HTTP response using Tomcat

I am currently trying to use embeded Tomcat for my application and am trying to set it up to get the URL of the http request.
Some Background:
I am using the same code as in the first answer for the post here : Howto embed Tomcat 6?
The only change I have made is :
private String catalinaHome = "/home/xyz/tomcat"; // This dir is created and has full access permissions
Also , I am looking at:
There are no server.xml and tomcat-users.xml that I could find, so I created a tomcat-users.xml since I was getting an exception :Memory database file /home/xyz/tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml cannot be read .
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<role rolename="tomcat"/>
<role rolename="role1"/>
<user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat"/>
<user username="both" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1"/>
<user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1"/>
The code uses container.setRealm(new MemoryRealm());
It appears from here : that I should have a server.xml file and there should already be one created by default.
1] Do I need to create a server.xml, what should be the default in it ?
I have put a file with default from here : , but just want to know what is the right thing to do ?
2]When I access http://localhost:8089/mywebapp/index.html, all i get is The requested resource () is not available, though I have an index.html page at the "webappDir" in the code
3] My only need from the embedded tomcat is to intercept so as to get the URL passed to tomcat in my code. I can then parse the URL [do my stuff] and then create a http payload and send an http response back.
I would appreciate any pointers, especially for 3] ?
Ok, for your first question, yo do not need server.xml. If you check the code of your initial post they are setting the parameters there. So that is what server.xml would encapsulate. In reality what happens is that Tomcat will parse server.xml for the properties you are defining on your java file where you instanciate the catalina call to start. But since it is embedded you are setting all those parameters on you class instead.
For your second question, check your logs directory and see what is being parsed. Something is happening after your service starts because it should already redirect you once you call the port. either way, just try http://localhost:8089 and see what you get back in return from tomcat. It should give you some kind of response back from the server itself.
if you do it like this "http://localhost:8089/mywebapp/index.html" you are trying to access a created context, and that might not be configured correctly, but that is just a guess right now.
Try this first and tell me what you get back. we can troubleshoot from this point and see if I can help more in that sense.
Quick question, is this windows or linux you are installing on?
If it is linux the configurations filea are located usually on /etc/tomcat6. (at least on ubuntu they are). Reply back with the version you have installed. I might be able to help you out.
I guess I should also elaborate here a little more. Tomcat is a service in linux as well, so in ubuntu you have to start tomcat in order to access it.
$: sudo service tomcat6 start
then it starts tomcat on port 8080 (usually if not changed) of your localhost. hence you type localhost:8080 to access the website for configuration of tomcat that gives you a It works prompt for you.
Let me know if you have more questions, I will try to respond to the best of my knowledge