how PCRF and PCEF share the static rules information - 3g

when PCRF needs to provision a static rule for a session, how PCRF determines a static rule which is predefined in PCEF ? Do they share common database ?

"To activate/deactivate a rule, PCRF has to give the rule name to PCEF, how PCRF knows the rule name in the first place, that is my question"
so the pre-define name should exist in overall solution document, based on solution, these names was known by PCRF~~

The provisioning or removal of PCC rules from PCRF to PCEF is over Gx reference point. The static or predefined PCC rules shall be preconfigured in the PCEF which can be activated or deactivated by the PCRF at any time.
The PCRF PCC rule decisions may be based on information obtained from Application Function (AF) via Rx interface, information obtained from SPR via the Sp interface, information obtained from BBERF via the Gxx interface,
information obtained from PCEF via Gx interface and own PCRF pre-configured information.


DDD - can I use value objects as models helpers

I have an aggregate root called User.
Here's an example of how it's modelised:
User: {
id: string
username: string,
email: string,
auth: LocalAuth {
password: string
In my application, I have an API route -
POST /users/id/password - that allow users to change their password.
In order to change their password, we must ensure that users enters their old password. The request model should look like this:
oldPassword: string
newPassword: string
newPasswordRepeating: string // in case of user errors
The controller that handle this request should do the following:
Check if the oldPassword is equal to the current one
Check if the newPassword is valid
Update the user data
Return the updated user data
In order to handle such business logic, I could create a VO model named PasswordUpdate (idk..). This VO could encapsulate the validation logic in its own model.
Does this kind of implementation faithfully follows the DDD rules?
Because in my case, this VO is never contained in an Aggregate Root and is not stored. The purpose is only to modelise a password update with a domain model.
Does this kind of implementation faithfully follows the DDD rules?
Very short answer: go right ahead.
Short answer: the DDD police are not going to come after you anyway, so don't over think it.
Broad answer: I find that the description of Value Objects by Evans is something of a muddle, polluted by the fact that he was drawing from experience in Java.
But if you look really carefully, what's going on is that Evans is proposing the creation of a domain specific language that you can use to describe the behaviors of the model. Value objects are doing a few things: they are giving you domain specific types (so that the type system can assist, as it it able, in restricting the frequency of certain kinds of errors), they are giving you domain specific semantics (rather than insisting that all domain behaviors are described via operations on domain agnostic primitives), and they are providing an isolation layer between the domain behavior and the in memory representations of domain state.
The value of this is not restricted to the "domain model"; you should feel free to apply this abstraction everywhere it makes sense to do so.
BUT... there is a particular trap in the case that you describe that you should be aware of.
The domain model is something that you are supposed to able to change aggressively to meet the needs of the business, which of course can include changing the implementation of the value objects.
Messages, however, should be changed conservatively. Messages are part of the API. If we want to be able to release compatible clients and servers using a different cadence for each, then we need the interface between them to be stable. The message shouldn't be carrying domain rules with it (those belong in the model), it's just a representation of state.
"Validation" usually happens when we take the message (part of the api) and translate it into values understood by the model.

How to update shared information between 2 representations of the same entity in different contexts?

This question is related, but more specific than this question.
I'm going to use a simple example here. Say we have a User entity in one context and a Customer entity in another context. These are 2 different representations of the same entity.
Let's say the User and Customer both have an email address, but the email address is always changed via the bounded context that the User belongs to. So the user context is the source of truth for the email address. So ideally I would like the email address in the Customer context to be immutable from the point of view of the customer context.
So when the email address is changed in the user context, an EmailAddressChanged event is emitted. This is fine; I subscribe to the event in the Customer context. However, I now need to handle this event by mutating the Customer email address. So I need some sort of command method to make this change.
How can I ensure that the command method is not used, other than when handling the event from the User context?
If I allow mutation in both contexts then they both become sources of truth and I need double the number of events and handlers to ensure that the information remains consistent in both contexts
Maybe there is a hidden customer/supplier relationship between these bounded contexts? If User bc is the source of truth for Customer bc, then User bc might expose an API to be accessed by downstream contexts (Customer, maybe something more?). In your question you said only the email address should be "immutable" and dependent on User context - however, I think it might a hint that entire Customer context is a consumer/customer of User context and should use its public API (which should not expose internal user domain model directly - some facade classes are required to hide the details).
If that's not the case, and there is no such relationship between the contexts - you can use a specialized component in your Customer bc to make changes to the database, without directly invoking domain methods. Then, the repository can be used to query customers and recreate them with updated email address. My point is - if you want customer bc to apply EmailAddressChanged events, you obviously need something to alter the database, but you don't need to do that via domain methods. The component applying EmailAddressChanged events would be part of the infrastructure layer of Customer context. If you use this solution, then there is no risk of modifying customers via business case scenarios.
Btw, isn't your Customer in fact a specialized read model of User context?

When using ABAC security, how do you look up rules?

When implementing ABAC/XACML, the spec indicates you should intercept requests for sensitive data with PEPs, which route the request to PDPs (the PEPs include attributes about the subject, environment, resource and action when calling the PDP).
The PDP then determines what rules need to be evaluated for an access decision.
From Wikipedia:
XACML provides a target,[5] which is basically a set of simpliļ¬ed conditions for the subject, resource, and action that must be met for a policy set, policy, or rule to apply to a given request. Once a policy or policy set is found to apply to a given request, its rules are evaluated to determine the access decision and response.
Policy set, policy and rule can all contain target elements.
It's my understanding that how the PDP decides what rules in the PIP are applicable is implementation specific, but this seems like a very important part of the process-- if you miss a rule, for instance, you would not evaluate the request properly. What ways have folks implemented this? What's worked and what hasn't? (I'm reluctantly leaning towards lookups against an EAV-ish table.)
You always configure a PDP with a set of policies. You can give the PDP any number of policies and policy sets (groups of policies) but you must specify the entry point, i.e. there must be a root policy. That root policy may then contain and / or link to other policies (or policy sets).
The PDP alone decides which policies to invoke and evaluate based on the incoming request from the PEP. The PEP does not know how many policies there are. You would not miss a rule like you state in your question. It is the PDP's responsibility not to. You would not typically implement your own PDP. You would use an off-the-shelf one. There are several open-source engines e.g. SunXACML and commercial alternatives e.g. Axiomatics.
The PIP is used for attribute value retrieval, not for policy retrieval.

Fetch all regions from Gemfire with Spring-data-gemfire

I am developing a very simple dashboard to clear Gemfire regions for testing purposes. I am mainly doing this to get testers a tool for doing this by themselves.
I would like to dynamically fetch the current available Regions names to clear.
I am searching spring-data-gemfire documentation but I couldn't find a way to get all region names.
The best hint I have so far is <gfe:auto-region-lookup/>, but I guess I would still need to have a cache.xml with all region names and also I am not sure how to dynamically displaying their names and how to remove all data from those regions.
<gfe:auto-region-lookup> is meant to automatically create beans in the Spring ApplicationContext for all GemFire Regions that have been explicitly created outside the Spring context (i.e. cache.xml or using GemFire's relatively new Cluster-based Configuration Service). However, a developer must use and/or enable those mechanisms to employ the auto-region-lookup functionality.
To get a list of all Region names in the GemFire "cluster", you need something equivalent to Gfsh's 'list region' command, which employs a Function to gather up all the Regions defined in the GemFire (Cache) cluster.
Note that members can define different Regions, i.e. all members participating in the cluster do not necessarily have to define the same Regions. In most cases they do since it is beneficial for replication and HA purposes. Still some members may define local Regions only that member will use.
To go on to clear the Regions from the list, you would again need to employ a GemFire Function to "clear" the other Regions in the cluster that the inquiring, acting member does not currently define.
Of course, this problem is real simple if you only want to clear Regions defined on the member itself...
private Cache gemfireCache;
public void clearRegions() {
for (Region rootRegion : gemfireCache.rootRegions()) {
for (Region subRegion : rootRegion.subregions(true)) {
See rootRegions() and subregions(recursive:boolean) for more details.
Note, GemFire's Cache interface implements the RegionService interface.
Hope this helps.

XACML - Does a policy actually require a rule?

If I define a XACML policy and provide some attributes in the policy target, do I actually need to provide an additional rule?
Yup, you need a Rule to actually say whether you want to Permit or Deny access.
From a schema validation perspective, you could have a policy with no rules, but as Craig points it out, the rule is what carries the decision. So a rule-less policy is pointless.
You need to think about the flow of logic for the policy. By defining target attributes, you are telling it what to affect, but not how. Even if you define actions in the policy target using ActionMatch, what you really did was target the Rule at Actions with a specific ActionID.
In other words, actions defined in the target of a policy identify action-related entities by matching attribute values. This still misses the mandatory Rule, which will contain action logic.