sql limit join with a scope - sql

I have following sql. This one works fine but takes a lot of time due to the fact that the files ar and py both contain a huge number of records. Is there a way to limit the join to the documents from the in part of the sql ? So only join the articlenumber (ararnr) 1002032 , 1904140 etc...
SELECT ararnr,ararir,pyarnr,pypykd,pyarpy
FROM ar left join
on ar.ararnr = py.pyarnr and pypykd ='C' and
ararnr in '1002032','1904140', etc..
ORDER BY case when ararnr='1002032' then 1 ararnr ='1904140' then 2 etc... end";
By the way I'm using DB2 for I series sql

Your query doesn't make sense, because you have a left join with conditions on the first table in the on clause. I assume you intend:
SELECT ararnr, ararir, pyarnr, pypykd, pyarpy
FROM ar left join
on ar.ararnr = py.pyarnr and py.pypykd ='C'
WHERE ar.ararnr in ('1002032', '1904140', . . .)
ORDER BY case when ararnr='1002032' then 1 ararnr ='1904140' then 2 etc... end";
For this query, you want indexes on ar(ararnr) and py(ararnr, pypkd). That might improve performance.


What are the possible ways to optimize the below postgreSQL code?

I have written this SQL query to fetch the data from greenplum datalake. The primary table has hardy 800,000ish rows which I am joining with other table. The below query is taking insane amount of time to give result. What might be the possible reason for the longer query time? How to resolve it?
a.pad as "turbine_name",
t.system_number as "turbine_id",
c.vendor_mfg as "component_manufacturer",
a.description as "case_description",
a.rmd_diagnosis as "case_rmd_diagnostic_description",
a.priority as "case_priority",
a.status as "case_status",
a.actual_rootcause as "case_actual_rootcause",
a.site_trends_feedback as "case_site_feedback",
a.added as "date_case_added",
a.start as "date_case_started",
a.last_flagged as "date_case_flagged_by_algorithm_latest",
a.communicated as "date_case_communicated_to_field",
a.field_visible_date as "date_case_field_visbile_date",
a.fixed as "date_anamoly_fixed",
a.expected_clse as "date_expected_closure",
a.request_closure_date as "date_case_request_closure",
a.validation_date as "date_case_closure",
a.estimated_value as "estimated_cost_avoidance",
a.additional_information as "case_additional_information",
a.sent_to_field as "case_sent_to_field"
from app_pul.anomaly_stage a
left join ge_cfg.turbine_detail t on a.scada_number = t.system_number and a.added > '2017-12-31'
left join tbwgr_v.pmt_wmf_tur_component_master_t c on a.component = c.component_name
Your query is basically:
select . . .
from app_pul.anomaly_stage a left join
ge_cfg.turbine_detail t
on a.scada_number = t.system_number and
a.added > '2017-12-31' left join
tbwgr_v.pmt_wmf_tur_component_master_t c
on a.component = c.component_name
First, the condition on a is ignored, because it is the first table in the left join and is the on clause. So, I assume you actually intend for it to filter, so write the query as:
select . . .
from app_pul.anomaly_stage a left join
ge_cfg.turbine_detail t
on a.scada_number = t.system_number left join
tbwgr_v.pmt_wmf_tur_component_master_t c
on a.component = c.component_name
where a.added > '2017-12-31'
That might help with performance. Then in Postgres, you would want indexes on turbine_detail(system_number) and pmt_wmf_tur_component_master_t(component_name). It is doubtful that an index would help on the first table, because you are already selecting a large amount of data.
I'm not sure if indexes would be appropriate in Greenplum.
Verify if the joins are using respective primary and foreign keys.
Try to execute the query removing one left join after the other, so you see the focus the problem.
Try using the plan execution.

COUNT is outputting more than one row

I am having a problem with my SQL query using the count function.
When I don't have an inner join, it counts 55 rows. When I add the inner join into my query, it adds a lot to it. It suddenly became 102 rows.
Here is my SQL Query:
SELECT COUNT([fmsStage].[dbo].[File].[FILENUMBER])
FROM [fmsStage].[dbo].[File]
INNER JOIN [fmsStage].[dbo].[Container]
ON [fmsStage].[dbo].[File].[FILENUMBER] = [fmsStage].[dbo].[Container].[FILENUMBER]
WHERE [fmsStage].[dbo].[File].[RELATIONCODE] = 'SHIP02'
AND [fmsStage].[dbo].[Container].DELIVERYDATE BETWEEN '2016-10-06' AND '2016-10-08'
GROUP BY [fmsStage].[dbo].[File].[FILENUMBER]
Also, I have to do TOP 1 at the SELECT statement because it returns 51 rows with random numbers inside of them. (They are probably not random, but I can't figure out what they are.)
What do I have to do to make it just count the rows from [fmsStage].[dbo].[file].[FILENUMBER]?
First, your query would be much clearer like this:
FROM [fmsStage].[dbo].[File] f INNER JOIN
[fmsStage].[dbo].[Container] c
c.DELIVERYDATE BETWEEN '2016-10-06' AND '2016-10-08';
No GROUP BY is necessary. Otherwise you'll just one row per file number, which doesn't seem as useful as the overall count.
Note: You might want COUNT(DISTINCT f.[FILENUMBER]). Your question doesn't provide enough information to make a judgement.
Just remove GROUP BY Clause
SELECT COUNT([fmsStage].[dbo].[File].[FILENUMBER])
FROM [fmsStage].[dbo].[File]
INNER JOIN [fmsStage].[dbo].[Container]
ON [fmsStage].[dbo].[File].[FILENUMBER] = [fmsStage].[dbo].[Container].[FILENUMBER]
WHERE [fmsStage].[dbo].[File].[RELATIONCODE] = 'SHIP02'
AND [fmsStage].[dbo].[Container].DELIVERYDATE BETWEEN '2016-10-06' AND '2016-10-08'

Optimize SQL query with many left join

I have a SQL query with many left joins
LEFT JOIN T_PLAN_TYPE tp ON tp.plan_type_id = po.Plan_Type_Fk
LEFT JOIN T_PRODUCT_TYPE pt ON pt.PRODUCT_TYPE_ID = po.cust_product_type_fk
LEFT JOIN T_PROPOSAL_TYPE prt ON prt.PROPTYPE_ID = po.proposal_type_fk
LEFT JOIN T_USER ur ON ur.Id = po.user_id_fk
LEFT JOIN T_ROLES ro ON ur.roleid_fk = ro.Role_Id
LEFT JOIN T_UNDERWRITING_DECISION und ON und.O_Id = po.decision_id_fk
LEFT JOIN T_STATUS st ON st.STATUS_ID = po.piv_uw_status_fk
LEFT OUTER JOIN T_MEMBER_INFO mi ON mi.proposal_info_fk = po.O_ID
WHERE 1 = 1
AND po.CUST_APP_NO LIKE '%100010233976%'
AND 1 = 1
AND po.IS_STP <> 1
The performance seems to be not good and I would like to optimize the query.
Any suggestions please?
Try this one -
WHERE PO.CUST_APP_NO LIKE '%100010233976%'
First, check your indexes. Are they old? Did they get fragmented? Do they need rebuilding?
Then, check your "execution plan" (varies depending on the SQL Engine): are all joins properly understood? Are some of them 'out of order'? Do some of them transfer too many data?
Then, check your plan and indexes: are all important columns covered? Are there any outstandingly lengthy table scans or joins? Are the columns in indexes IN ORDER with the query?
Then, revise your query:
- can you extract some parts that normally would quickly generate small rowset?
- can you add new columns to indexes so join/filter expressions will get covered?
- or reorder them so they match the query better?
And, supporting the solution from #Devart:
Can you eliminate some tables on the way? does the where touch the other tables at all? does the data in the other tables modify the count significantly? If neither SELECT nor WHERE never touches the other joined columns, and if the COUNT exact value is not that important (i.e. does that T_PROPOSAL_INFO exist?) then you might remove all the joins completely, as Devart suggested. LEFTJOINs never reduce the number of rows. They only copy/expand/multiply the rows.

Timeout running SQL query

I'm trying to using the aggregation features of the django ORM to run a query on a MSSQL 2008R2 database, but I keep getting a timeout error. The query (generated by django) which fails is below. I've tried running it directs the SQL management studio and it works, but takes 3.5 min
It does look it's aggregating over a bunch of fields which it doesn't need to, but I wouldn't have though that should really cause it to take that long. The database isn't that big either, auth_user has 9 records, ticket_ticket has 1210, and ticket_watchers has 1876. Is there something I'm missing?
COUNT([tickets_ticket].[id]) AS [tickets_captured__count],
COUNT(T3.[id]) AS [assigned_tickets__count],
COUNT([tickets_ticket_watchers].[ticket_id]) AS [tickets_watched__count]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [tickets_ticket] ON ([auth_user].[id] = [tickets_ticket].[capturer_id])
LEFT OUTER JOIN [tickets_ticket] T3 ON ([auth_user].[id] = T3.[responsible_id])
LEFT OUTER JOIN [tickets_ticket_watchers] ON ([auth_user].[id] = [tickets_ticket_watchers].[user_id])
(COUNT([tickets_ticket].[id]) > 0 OR COUNT(T3.[id]) > 0 )
Here are the relevant indexes (excluding those not used in the query):
auth_user.id (PK)
auth_user.username (Unique)
tickets_ticket.id (PK)
tickets_ticket_watchers.id (PK)
After a bit of experimentation, I've found that the following query is the smallest that results in the slow execution:
COUNT([tickets_ticket].[id]) AS [tickets_captured__count],
COUNT(T3.[id]) AS [assigned_tickets__count],
COUNT([tickets_ticket_watchers].[ticket_id]) AS [tickets_watched__count]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [tickets_ticket] ON ([auth_user].[id] = [tickets_ticket].[capturer_id])
LEFT OUTER JOIN [tickets_ticket] T3 ON ([auth_user].[id] = T3.[responsible_id])
LEFT OUTER JOIN [tickets_ticket_watchers] ON ([auth_user].[id] = [tickets_ticket_watchers].[user_id])
The weird thing is that if I comment out any two lines in the above, it runs in less that 1s, but it doesn't seem to matter which lines I remove (although obviously I can't remove a join without also removing the relevant SELECT line).
The python code which generated this is:
A look at the execution plan shows that SQL Server is first doing a cross-join on all the table, resulting in about 280 million rows, and 6Gb of data. I assume that this is where the problem lies, but why is it happening?
SQL Server is doing exactly what it was asked to do. Unfortunately, Django is not generating the right query for what you want. It looks like you need to count distinct, instead of just count: Django annotate() multiple times causes wrong answers
As for why the query works that way: The query says to join the four tables together. So say an author has 2 captured tickets, 3 assigned tickets, and 4 watched tickets, the join will return 2*3*4 tickets, one for each combination of tickets. The distinct part will remove all the duplicates.
what about this?
SELECT auth_user.*,
( SELECT capturer_id, COUNT(*) AS tickets_captured__count
FROM tickets_ticket GROUP BY capturer_id ) AS C1 ON auth_user.id = C1.capturer_id
( SELECT responsible_id, COUNT(*) AS assigned_tickets__count
FROM tickets_ticket GROUP BY responsible_id ) AS C2 ON auth_user.id = C2.responsible_id
( SELECT user_id, COUNT(*) AS tickets_watched__count
FROM tickets_ticket_watchers GROUP BY user_id ) AS C3 ON auth_user.id = C3.user_id
WHERE C1.tickets_captured__count > 0 OR C2.assigned_tickets__count > 0
--WHERE C1.tickets_captured__count is not null OR C2.assigned_tickets__count is not null -- also works (I think with beter performance)

Having difficulty combining JET SQL queries

Warning: Here be beginner SQL! Be gentle...
I have two queries that independently give me what I want from the relevant tables in a reasonably timely fashion, but when I try to combine the two in a (fugly) union, things quickly fall to bits and the query either gives me duplicate records, takes an inordinately long time to run, or refuses to run at all quoting various syntax errors at me.
Note: I had to create a 'dummy' table (tblAllDates) with a single field containing dates from 1 Jan 2008 as I need the query to return a single record from each day, and there are days in both tables that have no data. This is the only way I could figure to do this, no doubt there is a smarter way...
Here are the queries:
SELECT tblAllDates.date, SUM(tblvolumedata.STT)
FROM tblvolumedata RIGHT JOIN tblAllDates ON tblvolumedata.date=tblAllDates.date
GROUP BY tblAllDates.date;
SELECT tblAllDates.date, SUM(NZ(tblTimesheetData.batching)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.categorisation)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.CDT)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.CSI)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.destruction)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.extraction)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.indexing)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.mail)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.newlodgement)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.recordedDeliveries)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.retrieval)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.scanning)) AS VA
FROM tblTimesheetData RIGHT JOIN tblAllDates ON tblTimesheetData.date=tblAllDates.date
GROUP BY tblAllDates.date;
The best result I have managed is the following:
SELECT tblAllDates.date, 0 AS STT, SUM(NZ(tblTimesheetData.batching)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.categorisation)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.CDT)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.CSI)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.destruction)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.extraction)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.indexing)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.mail)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.newlodgement)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.recordedDeliveries)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.retrieval)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.scanning)) AS VA
FROM tblTimesheetData RIGHT JOIN tblAllDates ON tblTimesheetData.date=tblAllDates.date
GROUP BY tblAllDates.date
UNION SELECT tblAllDates.date, SUM(tblvolumedata.STT) AS STT, 0 AS VA
FROM tblvolumedata RIGHT JOIN tblAllDates ON tblvolumedata.date=tblAllDates.date
GROUP BY tblAllDates.date;
This gives me the VA and STT data I want, but in two records where I have data from both in a single day, like this:
date STT VA
28/07/2008 0 54020
28/07/2008 33812 0
29/07/2008 0 53890
29/07/2008 33289 0
30/07/2008 0 51780
30/07/2008 30456 0
31/07/2008 0 52790
31/07/2008 31305 0
What I'm after is the STT and VA data in single row per day. How might this be achieved, and how far am I away from a query that could be considered optimal? (don't laugh, I only seek to learn!)
You could put all of that into one query like so
SUM(volume.STT) AS STT,
SUM(NZ(timesheet.batching)+NZ(timesheet.categorisation)+NZ(timesheet.CDT)+NZ(timesheet.CSI)+NZ(timesheet.destruction)+NZ(timesheet.extraction)+NZ(timesheet.indexing)+NZ(timesheet.mail)+NZ(timesheet.newlodgement)+NZ(timesheet.recordedDeliveries)+NZ(timesheet.retrieval)+NZ(timesheet.scanning)) AS VA
tblAllDates dates
LEFT JOIN tblvolumedata volume
ON dates.date = volume.date
LEFT JOIN tblTimesheetData timesheet
dates.date timesheet.date
GROUP BY dates.date;
I've put the dates table first in the FROM clause and then LEFT JOINed the two other tables.
The jet database can be funny with more than one join in a query, so you may need to wrap one of the joins in parentheses (I believe this is referred to as Bill's SQL!) - I would recommend LEFT JOINing the tables in the query builder and then taking the SQL code view and modifying that to add in the SUMs, GROUP BY, etc.
Ensure that the date field in each table is indexed as you're joining each table on this field.
How about this -
SELECT date,
(SELECT dates.date, 0 AS STT, SUM(NZ(tblTimesheetData.batching)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.categorisation)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.CDT)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.CSI)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.destruction)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.extraction)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.indexing)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.mail)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.newlodgement)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.recordedDeliveries)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.retrieval)+NZ(tblTimesheetData.scanning)) AS VA
FROM tblTimesheetData RIGHT JOIN dates ON tblTimesheetData.date=dates.date
GROUP BY dates.date
UNION SELECT dates.date, SUM(tblvolumedata.STT) AS STT, 0 AS VA
FROM tblvolumedata RIGHT JOIN dates ON tblvolumedata.date=dates.date
GROUP BY dates.date
GROUP BY date;
Interestingly, When I ran my first statement against some test data, the figures for STT and VA had all been multiplied by 4, compared to the second statement. Very strange behaviour and certainly not what I expected.
The table of dates is the best way.
Combine the joins in there FROM clause. Something like this....
SELECT d.date,
FROM tableOfDates d
RIGHT JOIN firstTable a
ON d.date = a.date
RIGHT JOIN secondTable b
ON d.date = b.date
Turn the SQL into views and join them on the dates.