Set font to whole Page in Odoo Qweb Reports - odoo

How can I set the Font in Odoo Qweb Reports?
Currently, when I develop a report in ubuntu 12.04, PDF copy of report looks good.
But, same thing if I try in ubuntu 14.04, font looks very small.
How to over come it?

Try like this,
<div class="page" style="font-size: 18pt;font-family:Helvetica,Verdana,Arial,sans,Lucida Grande,Calibri;">
Any one of these fonts if there, it will use that Font and the font size.


TrueType font not rendering correctly to pdf from SSRS

I have True Type Font Verlag installed on my Developer machine & SSRS Server. The Font embeddability value = "Preview/Print"
When I render to pdf from inside Visual Studio it renders correctly.
When I deploy the report to the SSRS Server and render to Excel it's correct, but when I render to pdf, the font reverts to default font.
I have read many similar questions but found no solution. It looks as if it should correctly embed the font into the pdf (thus making it unnecessary for the client to have it installed on their machine.) But it's not even displaying it on the
I had a similar problem even though I had installed the font. In the end, it was because I had not installed the font for all users.

UWP app custom font not working

I've used both TTF and OTF custom fonts many times in UWP apps without issue, but in this case, I have an OTF font that will not work in my app.
I have a test app that has one page with only the text on it, like this:
<TextBlock Text="Testing" FontFamily="ms-appx:///Assets/Fonts/customfont.otf#font name" FontSize="30"/>
The font file is located at that location in my project and the #fontname is the same one that shows in Windows Font Viewer.
I've tried converting the OTF to TTF, but it didn't change anything.
I've installed the OTF font on my Windows System and I can use the font in MS Word and other programs and it looks correct.
This is a professional font provided by a company that sells high quality fonts.
I've run out of trouble shooting tactics on this. Anything else I should try?
What font are you using? Sometimes the #Font Name does not equal what is seen in the Windows Font Viewer. I have a database of the values that I use with my app Font Lounge. I'll try looking up the value.
Just saw that you figured it out - font weight is not part of the #Font Name as the #Font Name refers to the family only.

Font missing with Crystal Reports generated PDF

I have a Crystal Report 8.5 file, that I need to export to PDF.
That report contains a field that I need to represent as Bar Code. To achieve that I use a TrueType font.
If I open the generated PDF file on that machine I see the bar code.
But if I open it from another machine that doesn't have the font installed, I see only numbers.
How can I assure that the codebar is visible on the PDF even if the computer doesn't have the font installed?
If you do not want to include a font, you can generate an image and call it via HTTP.
The barcode below is generated using an online barcode generator courtesy of WASP:
Steps for Report:
Create blank JPG using MS Paint. Resize without aspect ratio checked on.
Insert image placer holder such as 50x323 PNG into Crystal Report
Right-click on graphic and select Format Graphic...
Click on Picture tab, click on Formula, Enter Formula
Create a formula where like the URL above. You want to retrieve the barcode data from the database and concatenate the prefix and barcode field together:
"" + {table.barcode_field}
Take care to use your own online barcode generator. WASP service may not work if people starting abusing the service and generate too many barcodes for reports.
You can also generate Code 3 of 9 barcodes using HTML only, but I haven't tried in Crystal Report formula yet.
You have to embed the barcode font into the PDF!
Very likely the following has happened:
The PDF is generated on a machine that (obviously) has the mentioned TrueType barcode font installed locally, but the barcode font isn't embedded into the PDF.
Hence the same machine can still display that barcode correctly (because the font is available from the machine's local installation).
The same barcode font is NOT installed on your $other machine.
Hence $other machine cannot display that barcode correctly because it has to use a substitute font.
To rectify that situation, you have two options:
Install that barcode font onto every single machine which will ever have to process, display or print that PDF. This is the worse alternative.
Make your PDF generating software embed the barcode font into the PDF. Then you do not need to care about any machine that ever opens, displays, processes or prints the PDF. This is the better alternative!
If you use a barcode image library, such as this barcode 3 of 9 image creating library for Crystal Reports, you will need not install font to each computers.
You must have the Bar Code font installed on the machine that is rendering the report if you are exporting to PDF because Crystal Reports does not embed fonts due to licensing issues.
However, you can print to a PDF printer, and select the option to embed the fonts into the file.
There are issues embedding fonts with 8.5 and SAP is not going to be very helpful as it is such an old version.
I had done this, so whenever you want the custom font style in crystal report, you have to install that font in server machine where your application host.
So if font is available, then report will map the font style and display as normal font.
There is one rule when you want other than standard font : as you installed font in your local machine to check pdf, the same process you will done on to the application server where your application are host or simply say the location (means server) / computer of your crystal report's physical files.
To show bar-code value in your crystal report, you just need to choose font in the format text of controls. Reports automatically display that, if it find the font, other wise gives error of font missing or not show properly bar-code section.

PDF – A font displays correctly even it is not installed in PC?

Is PDF store the font in binary, or which logic working behind that?
Because, I create PDF from jasper report and used font is installed in my PC only.
When i have checked generated PDF in other machine then it show the correct PDF font
even font not installed in other PC.
Let me know if anything is missing test or verify?
Fonts can be embedded in PDF files. If one font is missing, the text is displayed anyway using another classic font. You can have a great explanation here :

Add PDF font to JasperReport export

I am using iReport to create a series of reports. In iReport my default font is set to "SansSerif"; on my machine (Ubuntu Linux) this is actually DejaVu Sans. Ultimately the reports need to be rendered as PDF files. When a PDF is generated the text font is actually Helvetica and is causing formatting issues. Ideally the font in iReport would be the same as the PDF font. That is where my issue resides.
I have tried changing the setting to 'DejaVu Sans' but that throws an error about the font not being found. From what I understand it is actually iText creating the PDF. Is that correct? In the iText jar Helvetica is embedded in the jar. Does the same thing need to be done to the other fonts? How does one go about that?
I have researched this and tried all kinds of things. Any ideas would be appreciated.
To install missing fonts in iReport, Access the following sub-items from the menu bar
Tools > Options >Fonts > Install Font
Add fonts files e.g garamond.otf,
Add font family details
Select locale of your country
Manage font mapping to avoid the missing font property in OS
After adding all required fonts click on Export as extension to save the jar extension
Add this Jasperreport-font.x.x.x.jar on your project library or classpath