Unable to login to artifactory docker repository - authentication

I am using an nginx reverse proxy behind the artifactory server as decribed in this document https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/RTF/Docker+Repositories
When I try and login to the repository I get the following error
Error response from daemon: no successful auth challenge for https://mynginxloadbalancer:2222/v2/ -
Note that I am using a certified CA certifacte (digicert) and can access the repository in the browser. I am on docker version 1.10 and artifactory version pro 4.2.2


Unable to access upsource from browser: ssl-no-cypher-overlap error

I have downloaded latest Hub (2018.4) and Upsource (2018.2) from jetbrains website.
I have successfully configured both a gentoo machine with https access and Upsource accessing the external Hub.
I have followed the same steps to replicate the installation on Ubuntu 16.04 (with all updates) and have both software start without issues. I am able to access Hub on the configure port (8443) but when i try to access Upsource i get a connection error from browsers (ffox 65, chrome 72, safari) stating SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP
I have analyzed the connection with wireshark and both TLS Client Hello offer the cypher: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (0xc030) but in the case of Upsource there's no Server Hello but a simple Handshake Failure.
In both cases (gentoo and ubuntu) the certificates used are the same for Hub and Upsource and generated as per jetbrains instructions
The only difference i can think of is the distribution but then, why i am able to access Hub but not Upsource?

Cannot select Kubernetes version in portal UI or via CLI

I'm trying to create a new Kubernetes cluster using the Azure portal. In both the portal and CLI I am unable to retrieve any Kubernetes versions. In the portal UI, the dropdown for versions is empty. Via cli I receive a 404:
az aks get-versions -l centralus
Operation failed with status: 'Not Found'. Details: Subscription {REDACTED-GUID} could not be found.
Microsoft support provided me an answer to this question. My account did not have the Microsoft Container Service enabled. It can be enabled via the command:
az provider register -n Microsoft.ContainerService

How to setup mobile-first-cli to deploy on bluemix behind a corporate proxy

I'm using Mobile Foundation on IBM Bluemix and I'm facing problems in setup IBM MobileFirst-CLI to deploy adapters and apps throw my corporate proxy.
In time, I'm on a macOS with the CLI version below:
mfpdev -v
At this time, every time I have to interact with the server in have to connect to it using my phone tethering. Please help, I'm running out of all my data plan.
The actual error:
$ mfpdev adapter deploy
Error: Cannot connect to server 'mfp-bluemix-dev' at 'https://xxxx-server.mybluemix.net:443'.
Reason: Missing runtime configuration details.: connect ECONNREFUSED 158.99.999.99:443
ps: address and ip of server obfuscated.
Best regards,
Bernardo Baumblatt.
At the moment, MFP Dev CLI does not have the feature to configure a proxy. However, if all communications in your enterprise are routed through the corporate proxy, and the proxy can connect to IBM Bluemix, there should not be a problem.
You can submit a Request for Enhancement to add proxy feature to MFP Dev CLI.
What Pat said in his comment is correct. I suspect that you have two issues to address:
Your corporate proxy must allow access to your server's HTTP and HTTPS endpoints (9080 and 9443). I've also heard of cases where the personal firewall on the individual's workstation has interfered.
You are running a VERY old version of the CLI. Assuming your instance of Foundation Server on Bluemix isn't that old, you'll need to upgrade to interact with it properly. I strongly suggest that you upgrade to the latest version via npm -g install mfpdev-cli.

can not deploy web service via endpoint.publish() in apache reverse proxy env

we have a weblogic server in the internal network without SSL. To access the application, apache server is installed as a reverse proxy and also have configure SSL. it is ok to deploy web service via endpoint.publish(address) that address is get from httpservletrequest.getRequestURL() if the access url is internal. But failed and throw the below exception if the access url is proxy url. Any idea to publish it via proxy url?
weblogic.wsee.server.ServerURLNotFoundException: Cannot resolve URL for protocol http/https
at weblogic.wsee.server.ServerUtil.getHTTPServerURL(ServerUtil.java:211)
at weblogic.wsee.server.ServerUtil.getServerURL(ServerUtil.java:150)
at weblogic.wsee.server.ServerUtil.getServerURL(ServerUtil.java:137)
at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.spi.WLSEndpoint.calculatePublicAddressFromEndpointAddress(WLSEndpoint.java:335)
at weblogic.wsee.jaxws.spi.WLSEndpoint.publish(WLSEndpoint.java:207)
As per Oracle KM: Secure WebService call throwing CANNOT RESOLVE URL FOR PROTOCOL HTTP/HTTPS through web server(APACHE) plug-in. (Doc ID 1598617.1)
This is a Product Bug 8358398. For wls 10.3.0 to 10.3.2 you need to apply patch for this BUG and set -Dweblogic.wsee.useRequestHost=true
For 10.3.3 and above version you need not to apply the patch. You can only set the above flag to true.

Use Gradle to access Maven Repo behind Apache Authentication

I'm using gradle scripts with dependency management.
I have a Sonatype Nexus repository sitting on a server that requires me to authenticate via apache before I can view the page.
I think this is stopping me from running my gradle script. My error is peer not authenticated.
It is on an SSL server.
Can someone help me with which step I may be missing?
Try creating a certificate and importing it into the Java keystore with keytool. See here for how.