I have to cancel my pro plan of quickblox.By mistake i have put application id instead of account id.Can anyone suggest me how to cancel my quickblox plan. I am new to quickblox.
Thanks in Advance.
I need to cancel an Apple API subscription from backend (when a user deletes their account for example).
There is an API call to verify receipts, but I cannot find one to cancel. I looked at apple developer doc but could not find it.
Is there such an API? If not, what is the correct way to do this?
Unfortunately, there is no API to cancel a subscription. User have to do it themselves in the manage subscription screen.
For their convenience, you could provide a link to that screen in your app or via an email.
I had made an account on Odesk but when upwork came I made another account there and in the meant time I opened my old odesk account on upwork.
Now I have a project on my old upwork account and today I saw a notification about the video calling verification from the upwork, I quickly disabled my new upwork account and since then I am worried that if I do video call with them, how many chances are there that they won't disable my account for duplication reason?
Any help or suggestion would be appreciated!
Just continue with one account only and disable another account. You are safe!
I have a requirement that mail should be triggered when content is either checked in, checked out or updated. Currently the workflow is not enabled. Can someone please suggest how this can this be done?
I tried using workflow criteria, but the mail is getting triggered only for new check-ins. One further confusion is that the mail is getting triggered before the workflow is being approved, but this should not happen.
Thanks in advance,
How about using a Subscription?
A subscription is a function that notifies users by email when a
particular content item has been revised.
I received a notification from Facebook "Negative Feedback Warning"
"Our systems have flagged your app # for receiving a high amount of negative user feedback. Accordingly, we might be forced to place a temporary restriction on your app in order to protect the user experience on Platform. We ask you to promptly address this issue within 48 hours of the sending of this notice, after which our automated systems will evaluate your app once again. Please note we reserve the right to take action against your app even before the end of this 48 hour period.
Specifically, users are responding negatively to Stream stories from their friends using your app."
I was not able to view the negative user feedback on either the app page or in Insights. How can I view the user feedback to understand the problem and address it.
The message explains the problem: Your app is making posts that users dislike. As it says, "users are responding negatively to Stream stories from their friends using your app".
I'm looking for docs in order to understand if I can subscribe to a status update or profile update event and then ask the user for their password in an in-facebook app?
This is to stop other people from picking up your phone, logged in browser and playing a joke by updating these :-)
Is there a trigger to subscribe too?
No, currently Facebook does not offer a way to moderate feed posts this. As you probably found out they do allow you to subscribe your application to a user's events. However, the action is not really stopped for moderation.