I have the following table with following data as
FutureMISBoundaryVersion CurrentMISBoundaryVersion FutureHAMBoundaryVersion CurrentHAMBoundaryVersion
2:21,5:50,4:55,7:80,9:33 2:12,5:40,4:35,7:60,9:87 2:52,5:90,4:75,7:30,9:57 2:42,5:60,4:95,7:70,9:37
This key value pair has to be split into and the value of each key has to be inserted into another table in the following fashion
FutureMIS-OAKVersion |FutureMIS-HAMVersion |FutureMIS-DURVersion | FutureMIS-BURVersion| FutureMIS-YRTVersion |DeviceMIS-OAKVersion|DeviceMIS-HAMVersion |DeviceMIS-DURVersion| DeviceMIS-BURVersion| DeviceMIS-YRTVersion
33 | 80 | 21 | 55 | 50 | 87 | 60 |12 |35 | 40
i,e: when it finds column 'FutureMISBoundaryVersion' in tab1 then its value
'2:21,5:50,4:55,7:80,9:33' will be split and its value is inserted in such a way that the corresponding value of key 2 i,e:21 will be inserted into FutureMIS-DURVersion column.
Similarly key 5's value 50 will be inserted into FutureMIS-BURVersion column and so on for other keys
when it finds column 'CurrentMISBoundaryVersion' then
'2:12,5:40,4:35,7:60,9:87' will be split and its value is inserted in such a way that the corresponding value of key 2 i,e:12 will be inserted into CurrentMIS-DURVersion column similarly key 5's 40 value will be inserted into DeviceMIS-YRTVersion column and so on for other columns of the source table.
The table structure may extend as I have shown only 4 source table column but logic for all the columns remain same
Very funky requirements to be honest.
Please note solution below will work only in SQL Server 2016+ as I'm using JSON to parse the data. However you can write your own parser, in this case code will work in almost all versions of SQL Server.
Parse function:
RETURNS #Parsed TABLE (Code NVARCHAR(255),Value NVARCHAR(255))
INSERT INTO #Parsed(Code,Value)
SELECT #Type + '-' + m.Code + 'Version' AS [Code],p.[1] AS [Value]
SELECT j.[key] AS [ID],i.[key],i.value
FROM OPENJSON('["' + REPLACE(#Value,',','","') + '"]') j
CROSS APPLY OPENJSON('[' + REPLACE(j.[value],':',',') + ']') i
) a
PIVOT(MAX(a.value) FOR a.[key] IN ([0],[1])) p
) m(ID, Code) ON m.ID = p.[0]
Initial data:
DECLARE #Table TABLE (FutureMISBoundaryVersion NVARCHAR(MAX), CurrentMISBoundaryVersion NVARCHAR(MAX),FutureHAMBoundaryVersion NVARCHAR(MAX),CurrentHAMBoundaryVersion NVARCHAR(MAX));
INSERT INTO #Table(FutureMISBoundaryVersion,CurrentMISBoundaryVersion,FutureHAMBoundaryVersion,CurrentHAMBoundaryVersion)VALUES
The code:
SELECT COALESCE(p.[FutureMIS-OAKVersion],'') AS [FutureMIS-OAKVersion]
,COALESCE(p.[FutureMIS-HAMVersion],'') AS [FutureMIS-HAMVersion]
,COALESCE(p.[FutureMIS-DURVersion],'') AS [FutureMIS-DURVersion]
,COALESCE(p.[FutureMIS-BURVersion],'') AS [FutureMIS-BURVersion]
,COALESCE(p.[FutureMIS-YRTVersion],'') AS [FutureMIS-YRTVersion]
,COALESCE(p.[DeviceMIS-OAKVersion],'') AS [DeviceMIS-OAKVersion]
,COALESCE(p.[DeviceMIS-HAMVersion],'') AS [DeviceMIS-HAMVersion]
,COALESCE(p.[DeviceMIS-DURVersion],'') AS [DeviceMIS-DURVersion]
,COALESCE(p.[DeviceMIS-BURVersion],'') AS [DeviceMIS-BURVersion]
,COALESCE(p.[DeviceMIS-YRTVersion],'') AS [DeviceMIS-YRTVersion]
SELECT f.Code,f.Value FROM #Table t CROSS APPLY dbo.ParseIt('FutureMIS',t.FutureMISBoundaryVersion) f
SELECT f.Code,f.Value FROM #Table t CROSS APPLY dbo.ParseIt('DeviceMIS',t.CurrentMISBoundaryVersion) f
) a
PIVOT(MAX(a.Value) FOR a.Code IN ([DeviceMIS-BURVersion],[DeviceMIS-DURVersion],[DeviceMIS-HAMVersion],[DeviceMIS-OAKVersion]
,[FutureMIS-YRTVersion])) p
The following query will parse the comma separated string 2:21,5:50,4:55,7:80,9:33 into individual component 2:21, 5:30 etc. From there you can use similar method to extract bb from aa:bb.
Since the key-value pair is in format aa:bb, you can use datepart(hour, 'aa:bb') and datepart(minute, 'aa:bb') to extract aa and bb
; with
Tab1 as
select val = '2:21,5:50,4:55,7:80,9:33'
select t.*, k1.k, k2.k, k3.k, k4.k, k5.k
from Tab1 t
cross apply
select i = charindex(',', t.val),
k = substring(t.val, 1, charindex(',', t.val + ',', 1) - 1)
) k1
cross apply
select i = charindex(',', t.val, k1.i + 1),
k = substring(t.val, k1.i + 1, charindex(',', t.val + ',', k1.i + 1) - k1.i - 1)
) k2
cross apply
select i = charindex(',', t.val, k2.i + 1),
k = substring(t.val, k2.i + 1, charindex(',', t.val + ',', k2.i + 1) - k2.i - 1)
) k3
cross apply
select i = charindex(',', t.val, k3.i + 1),
k = substring(t.val, k3.i + 1, charindex(',', t.val + ',', k3.i + 1) - k3.i - 1)
) k4
cross apply
select i = charindex(',', t.val, k4.i + 1),
k = substring(t.val, k4.i + 1, charindex(',', t.val + ',', k4.i + 1) - k4.i - 1)
) k5
This is a pain in SQL Server. You can do this with recursive CTEs:
with cte as (
select convert(varchar(max), left(FutureMISBoundaryVersion, charindex(',', FutureMISBoundaryVersion) - 1)) as FutureMISBoundaryVersion,
convert(varchar(max), left(CurrentMISBoundaryVersion, charindex(',', CurrentMISBoundaryVersion) - 1)) as CurrentMISBoundaryVersion,
convert(varchar(max), left(FutureHAMBoundaryVersion, charindex(',', FutureHAMBoundaryVersion) - 1)) as FutureHAMBoundaryVersion,
convert(varchar(max), left(CurrentHAMBoundaryVersion, charindex(',', FutureMISBoundaryVersion) - 1)) as CurrentHAMBoundaryVersion,
stuff(FutureMISBoundaryVersion, 1, charindex(',', FutureMISBoundaryVersion), '') + ',' as FutureMISBoundaryVersion_rest,
stuff(CurrentMISBoundaryVersion, 1, charindex(',', CurrentMISBoundaryVersion), '') + ',' as CurrentMISBoundaryVersion_rest,
stuff(FutureHAMBoundaryVersion, 1, charindex(',', FutureHAMBoundaryVersion), '') + ',' as FutureHAMBoundaryVersion_rest,
stuff(CurrentHAMBoundaryVersion, 1, charindex(',', CurrentHAMBoundaryVersion), '') + ',' as CurrentHAMBoundaryVersion_rest,
1 as lev
from t
union all
select convert(varchar(max), left(FutureMISBoundaryVersion_rest, charindex(',', FutureMISBoundaryVersion_rest) - 1)) as FutureMISBoundaryVersion,
convert(varchar(max), left(CurrentMISBoundaryVersion_rest, charindex(',', CurrentMISBoundaryVersion_rest) - 1)) as CurrentMISBoundaryVersion,
convert(varchar(max), left(FutureHAMBoundaryVersion_rest, charindex(',', FutureHAMBoundaryVersion_rest) - 1)) as FutureHAMBoundaryVersion,
convert(varchar(max), left(CurrentHAMBoundaryVersion_rest, charindex(',', CurrentHAMBoundaryVersion_rest) - 1)) as CurrentHAMBoundaryVersion,
stuff(FutureMISBoundaryVersion_rest, 1, charindex(',', FutureMISBoundaryVersion_rest), '') as FutureMISBoundaryVersion_rest,
stuff(CurrentMISBoundaryVersion_rest, 1, charindex(',', CurrentMISBoundaryVersion_rest), '') as CurrentMISBoundaryVersion_rest,
stuff(FutureHAMBoundaryVersion_rest, 1, charindex(',', FutureHAMBoundaryVersion_rest), '') as FutureHAMBoundaryVersion_rest,
stuff(CurrentHAMBoundaryVersion_rest, 1, charindex(',', CurrentHAMBoundaryVersion_rest), '') as CurrentHAMBoundaryVersion_rest,
lev + 1
from cte
where FutureMISBoundaryVersion_rest like '%,%'
select FutureMISBoundaryVersion, CurrentMISBoundaryVersion, FutureHAMBoundaryVersion, CurrentHAMBoundaryVersion, lev
from cte;
Here is a db<>fiddle.
I have 2 columns of pipe delimited data that I need to break out into rows but the columns must stay together. Here's what my data looks like:
I need to end up with 4 rows that look like this:
I know how to separate each column individually using the STUFF function but how do I keep the first value from column 1 with the first value from column 2, etc? Don't know where to start. Appreciate any help!
p.s. - I am not on SQL Server 2016 so can't use STRING_SPLIT
One method is a recursive CTE:
with t as (
select *
from (values ('ABC|DEF|GHI|JKL', 'HMO|POS|HMO|PPO')) v(plannames, plantypes)
cte as (
select convert(varchar(max), left(plannames, charindex('|', plannames + '|') - 1)) as planname,
convert(varchar(max), left(plantypes, charindex('|', plantypes + '|') - 1)) as plantype,
convert(varchar(max), stuff(plannames, 1, charindex('|', plannames + '|'), '')) as planname_rest,
convert(varchar(max), stuff(plantypes, 1, charindex('|', plantypes + '|'), '')) as plantype_rest,
1 as lev
from t
union all
select convert(varchar(max), left(planname_rest, charindex('|', planname_rest + '|') - 1)) as planname,
convert(varchar(max), left(plantype_rest, charindex('|', plantype_rest + '|') - 1)) as plantype,
convert(varchar(max), stuff(planname_rest, 1, charindex('|', planname_rest + '|'), '')) as planname_rest,
convert(varchar(max), stuff(plantype_rest, 1, charindex('|', plantype_rest + '|'), '')) as plantype_rest,
lev + 1
from cte
where planname_rest <> ''
select *
from cte;
Here is a db<>fiddle.
Using delimitedsplit8k_lead you could do:
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(3), itemnumber) + ' - ' + PN.item + ' ' + PT.item
FROM YourTable YT
CROSS APPLY dbo.delimitedsplit8k_lead(YT.PlanName,'|') PN
CROSS APPLY dbo.delimitedsplit8k_lead(YT.PlanType,'|') PT
WHERE PN.ItemNumber = PT.ItemNumber;
This assumes PlanName and PlanType have the same number of elements.
I have a string that looks like this:
I need a column that looks like this:
This is what I have so far and it does not work:
CHARINDEX('\', [Group]) + 1,
LEN([Group]) - CHARINDEX('\', [Group]) - CHARINDEX('\', REVERSE([Group]))
) from datamap.finaltest
The strings will not always have a finite amount of slashes. For example you could have:
The data will always have:
drive letter + '\' + '1st level folder' + '\' + 'Second level folder'
It may have more than two levels though.
I have searched the forum but can't find anything specific.
A blatant approach by converting your input into XML and taking the values by node and re-concatenating the nodes you want in output
;WITH MyTempData
SELECT Convert(xml,'<n>'+Replace('Y:\Data\Apples','\','</n><n>')+'</n>') XMLString
SELECT COALESCE(XMLString.value('(/n[3])', 'varchar(20)'),'') + '\' +
COALESCE(XMLString.value('(/n[4])', 'varchar(20)'),'') MyFinalOutput
FROM MyTempData
Probably not the best way, but this will get you there.
DECLARE #string varchar(255) = 'Y:\data\apples\oranges\Scott\notes'
SELECT LEFT(RIGHT(#string,LEN(#string)-CHARINDEX('\', #string, CHARINDEX('\', #string,1) + 1)),CHARINDEX('\', RIGHT(#string,LEN(#string)-CHARINDEX('\', #string, CHARINDEX('\', #string,1) + 1)), CHARINDEX('\',RIGHT(#string,LEN(#string)-CHARINDEX('\', #string, CHARINDEX('\', #string,1) + 1)),1)+1)-1)
Here is a way using recursive CHARINDEX
declare #var varchar(4000) = 'Y:\Data\apples\oranges\Scott\notes'
declare #firstSlash int = (select CHARINDEX('\',#var,CHARINDEX('\',#var) + 1))
declare #fourthSlash int = (select CHARINDEX('\',#var,CHARINDEX('\',#var,CHARINDEX('\',#var,CHARINDEX('\',#var) + 1)+1)+1))
select SUBSTRING(#var,#firstSlash + 1,#fourthSlash - #firstSlash - 1)
Or, for your data table...
select SUBSTRING([Group],CHARINDEX('\',[Group],CHARINDEX('\',[Group]) + 1) + 1,CHARINDEX('\',[Group],CHARINDEX('\',[Group],CHARINDEX('\',[Group],CHARINDEX('\',[Group]) + 1)+1)+1) - CHARINDEX('\',[Group],CHARINDEX('\',[Group]) + 1) - 1)
If this is something you need to do often, or is prone to changing, it may be beneficial to implement a function which will make your code more readable/maintainable:
SELECT SUBSTRING(#t, dbo.CHARINDEX2('\', #t, 2) + 1, dbo.CHARINDEX2('\', #t, 3));
Using this 'find nth occurence' function:
I have a field that holds an account code. I've managed to extract the first 2 parts OK but I'm struggling with the last 2.
The field data is as follows:
I need to get the string between the second "/" and the "-" and after the "-" .Both fields have variable lengths, so I would be looking to output 0 and 0 on the first record, BDG001 and 0 on the second record and 0 and X001 on the third record.
Any help much appreciated, thanks.
CREATE TABLE #tab(col VARCHAR(1000));
INSERT INTO #tab VALUES ('812330/50110/0-0'),('812330/50110/BDG001-0'),
r = RIGHT(col, CHARINDEX('/', REVERSE(col))-1)
FROM #tab
sub1 = LEFT(r, CHARINDEX('-', r)-1),
sub2 = RIGHT(r, LEN(r) - CHARINDEX('-', r))
FROM cte;
or even simpler:
,sub1 = SUBSTRING(col,
LEN(col) - CHARINDEX('/', REVERSE(col)) + 2,
,sub2 = RIGHT(col, CHARINDEX('-', REVERSE(col))-1)
FROM #tab;
Using PARSENAME SQL SERVER 2012+ (if your data does not contain .):
sub1 = PARSENAME(REPLACE(REPLACE(col, '/', '.'), '-', '.'), 2),
sub2 = PARSENAME(REPLACE(REPLACE(col, '/', '.'), '-', '.'), 1)
FROM #tab;
...Or you can do this, so you only go from left side to right, so you don't need to count from the end in case you have more '/' or '-' signs:
SUBSTRING(columnName, CHARINDEX('/' , columnName, CHARINDEX('/' , columnName) + 1) + 1,
CHARINDEX('-', columnName) - CHARINDEX('/' , columnName, CHARINDEX('/' , columnName) + 1) - 1) AS FirstPart,
SUBSTRING(columnName, CHARINDEX('-' , columnName) + 1, LEN(columnName)) AS LastPart
FROM table_name
One method way is to download a split() function off the web and use it. However, the values end up in separate rows, not separate columns. An alternative is a series of nested subqueries, CTEs, or outer applies:
select t.*, p1.part1, p12.part2, p12.part3
from table t outer apply
(select t.*,
left(t.field, charindex('/', t.field)) as part1,
substring(t.field, charindex('/', t.field) + 1) as rest1
) p1 outer apply
(select left(p1.rest1, charindex('/', p1.rest1) as part2,
substring(p1.rest1, charindex('/', p1.rest1) + 1, len(p1.rest1)) as part3
) p12
where t.field like '%/%/%';
The where clause guarantees that the field value is in the right format. Otherwise, you need to start sprinkling the code with case statements to handle misformated data.
Here is the string :'(a+b)+(x/y)*1000'
from that string i want to get '(x/y)' meaning i want the part that contains the division to check later if denominator <> 0 to avoid division by zero.
The string formula can vary but divisions are always between parenthesis.
How can i achieve that in sql ?
Bits that it appears you already have (based on a comment you made)...
Pos of the '/' = CHARINDEX('/', yourString)
Pos of the ')' = CHARINDEX(')', yourString, CHARINDEX('/', yourString) + 1)
The position of the ( is a little different, as you need to search backwards. So you need to reverse the string. And so you also need to change the starting position.
CHARINDEX('(', REVERSE(yourString), LEN(yourString) - CHARINDEX('/', yourString) + 2)
Which give the position from the right hand side. LEN(yourString) - position + 1 give the position from the left hand side.
Add that all together and you get a very long formula...
- CHARINDEX('(', REVERSE(yourString), LEN(yourString) - CHARINDEX('/', yourString) + 2)
+ 1,
CHARINDEX(')', yourString, CHARINDEX('/', yourString) + 1)
- LEN(yourString)
+ CHARINDEX('(', REVERSE(yourString), LEN(yourString) - CHARINDEX('/', yourString) + 2)
- 1
Remove everything up to the second ( using stuff and get the characters to the next ) using left.
declare #S varchar(20)
set #S = '(1+2)+(3/4)*1000'
select left(S2.S, charindex(')', S2.S)-1)
from (select stuff(#S, 1, charindex('(', #S), '')) as S1(S)
cross apply (select stuff(S1.S, 1, charindex('(', S1.S), '')) as S2(S)