Porting gsprint call to Linux - mono

I have Windows-only code that uses gsprint to print pdf to windows code
What is the best bay to migrate this code to Linux platform?


Are libraries built using the Linux subsystem in Windows 10 accessible to a Windows development environment?

I'm currently trying to connect MongoDB to a Windows QT C++ application and am following the tutorial here. While there Windows installation instructions are presented, to avoid having to install Visual Studio or other tools, I'm wondering if I can follow the package-manager or Linux instructions on the inbuilt Linux/ Ubuntu subsystem of Windows 10 and build the libraries in my Linux environment, later somehow accessing them from my Windows development environment.
I don't fully understand how compilation/ byte-code works in the Linux subsystem on Windows, so I haven't been able to piece together an answer for this myself based on my understanding of the various systems involved. Any explanation or assistance would be appreciated.
You can run a Windows executable from a WSL console window or a Linux executable from Windows command line / power shell. And capture the output, pipe between applications etc. But the application must run entirely on one platform; you cannot mix a Windows executable with Linux libraries or vice-versa.
I don't know how you will connect to MongoDB but, if it has a socket interface like MySql, you could create a bash script on WSL which runs your QT application to access the database, wherever it is.
But if you're using QT as a GUI you're going to struggle. People have been able to get a Linux desktop running on WSL by installing an X server on the Windows host but you might find that more trouble than it's worth.

QTP 11.0 is not generating systemutil.run command on recording an application

I am using qtp 11.0 32 bit trial version on windows 8.1 pro 64 bit OS. Problem is qtp is not generating the systemutil.run command on recording an application. what the problem would be ? I already tried setting the windows application utility to generate system.util command in tools--> options but still the problem persists
According to QTP11's Product Availability Matrix (which you can only see if you have an HP passport and I suppose you don't have considering that you're using a trial version). Windows 8 and 8.1 are not supported with QTP11. This isn't surprising since QTP 11 was released almost two years before Windows 8.
I know for a fact that QTP11 doesn't support IE11 which is the earliest version of IE supported on windows 8.1.
Since you're using a trial version in any case why not download the latest version (UFT 12)?
QTP was united with Service Test and is now called Unified Functional Testing (UFT) and version 12 does support Windows 8.1.

printing to usb QW BASIC/ QUICK BASIC

I am looking to convert GW BASIC/ QUICK BASIC programs to an auto executable files (exe) so I can run these programs on windows 7 pro 64bit/ windows 8 pro. But these programs prints from LPT1 port. I would like it to revert to USB as non of new computers come with LPT port.
considering a simple hello world progrm in Quick Basic.
print "Hello world"
lprint "hello world"
I have googled a lot but not able to find a solution.
As GWBASIC and QuickBASIC are DOS programs (16 bit), you won't be able to run them on any 64 bit Windows operating system, neither Windows 7 x64 nor Windows 8 x64. Moreover, as QuickBASIC only outputs 16 bit DOS executables, you also can't run your EXE files created with that.
You will have to use a third-party DOS emulator like DOSBOX: http://www.dosbox.com/
As an alternative, you could also set up a virtual machine running a Windows version, which is capable of executing 16 bit DOS EXE files, e.g. Windows 9x.
You could use VMWare Player, Oracle VirtualBox, Windows VirtualPC, ... for that. But on the other hand, that might cause additional problems if you want to access your computer's (=host) hardware.
So my suggestion is to switch to FreeBASIC, which is open source software and available for Windows, Linux and DOS. You can easily port your old QBasic programs to FreeBASIC, often without much effort. Executables created by FreeBASIC can be run on 64 bit Windows versions. Using FreeBASIC's OPEN LPT command (see Wiki page of that command) you can access the printers configured in Windows, even those that are only virtual printers like, for example, PDF writers.

Should I use CodeTyphon in Win or Lin for cross-platform development?

Lazarus CodeTyphon Edition looks promising to me as a Delphi developer. I tried installing it on my Windows 7 64-bit machine, and I can compile for Win32 (it seems), but not for anything else. It appears that "ppcrossx64.exe was not built" - oh well.
My question is, would it be better to develop my apps on a Linux box, if I wish to cross-compile? I read on the FPC wiki that it would be better, but not sure if that applies to CodeTyphon as well.

Objective-C in Linux [duplicate]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Game programming on Objective-C and linux
I know that developing iPhone apps (painlessly, at least) pretty much requires a Mac. However, is it possible to develop normal desktop applications using Objective-C in Linux? For example, could I make a game using a development library for Objective-C, and release it for Linux, rather than iOS?
There are a lot of normal desktop applications which use GNUstep (free version of Cocoa API) on Linux.
For games you can try sdlobjc — SDL binding for Objective-C.
There is even a Linux distribution called Étoilé which uses GNUstep based user environment and all own GUI applications writen in Objective-C.
If you want to learn how to program in Objective-C using GNUstep on Linux (or cygwin) there are some possible problems:
You must use cygwin in windows to build the application. Which means that it:
a) some applications can be slowed down because of cygwin's translations of POSIX API calls to Win32 API calls. For example fork() call will be translated in Win32's CreateProcess call and some others and will be less efficient than in UNIX.
b) your application must be distributed with cygwin's dll
c) your application can't be 64bit (at least for now)
d) you application will see all your windows disk drives as a part of unix filesystem hierarchy (c: and d: will be /cygdrive/c and /cygdrive/d) and you will have /bin /tmp /usr /etc avialable under / as well.
There's not up-to-date books about GNUstep or about programming Objective-C not using Mac OS. Thre is Stephen Kochan's book "Programming in Objective-C 2.0 (2nd Edition)" where he unfortunately ommits explaination of how to build even basic examples under Linux or Windows. I hope it is fixed in 3rd edition.
GNUstep has own themes so apps may be themed differently than GTK Linux applications in Linux or usual themed application in Windows.