SvcTraceViewer Tool - wcf

Where can I get the SvcTraceViewer Tool please?
I tried downloading and installing many SDKs.
I've looked in the bins of the Program Files.
I need it to trace whats going wrong with my WCF call.

You can get it by downloading the Windows SDK. The latest one can be found at, but if the link doesn't work, searching for "Download Windows SDK" should take you to the correct link.
When you install it, it may be added to the path variable. If not, you can search under the 'Microsoft SDKs' folder under 'Program Files (x86)'. For example, in my machine, it is found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.8 Tools.

I'm on Windows 10 and this works for me:
Use a search engine on "Win 7 SDK ISO", to get a Microsoft site result, such as this one:
You may need to click into the site's 'Archives' section.
Then download the ISO, such as:
Right click the ISO file to Mount it to a local drive (such as your I drive), then double click this file to open it:
Scroll down to find this file in the cab:
And right click to Extract it somewhere like your Documents folder.
Rename the file to SvcTraceViewer.exe and launch it.


How to install PDCurses with MinGW on Windows?

I have looked all over the internet for installation instructions but could not find one that actually worked. I have downloaded the MinGW-Get application as stated in many websites, but have no idea how to use it. I did find a website with the following instructions:
Install an ide on your windows machine, I’ll use the simple Dev-Cpp.
Download this zip containing the files you’ll need.
Create a folder called pdcurses and another one called include, inside
of it.
Extract panel.h and curses.h in the include fold.
Extract the .dll file in the pdcurses one.
Now open your ide and set the 32-bit version compiler as the default
Create a new project, set it up.
On the lefty Treeview, right click on the project icon -> project
Go to -> Parameters tab-> Linker -> insert in its box the path to the
.dll file you extracted before
Go to -> Files/folders tab
Here you’ll see three inner tabs named: Libraries/Includes/resources
folders; inside each of them you have to insert the path to the
include folder you created before.
However, I could not find the .dll or a library file in the PDCurses folder I extracted from the .zip file I downloaded from (as stated in the fifth step). I just got started with C++ and libraries and would appreciate it if anyone could provide me some guidance or any useful links.

Autoit Recorder not available

From here I downloaded:
But AutoIt Recorder is not in the tools menu. Also tried downloading AutoIt Recorder, though I could not. How to get AutoIt Recorder?
As of AutoIt v3.3.14.1 AU3Recorder is not included anymore. The only way is:
Download AutoIt v3.3.14.0.
Copy\install\Extras\Au3Record to {AutoIt-Install-Dir}\Extras\Au3Record.
Start AU3Recorder:
Run {AutoIt-Install-Dir}\Extras\Au3Record\Au3Record.exe.
Or open SciTE and click Tools > AU3Recorder (Alt + F6):
Version has AU3Recorder.
Version does not.
Changelog / history does not mention it.
Explained here and here.
It has been removed from the main installer from v3.3.14.1 as it triggers many AV false positives. You can find an old version here:
A little explanation of the rather strange link above:
If we give you a direct link to the file (or the zip file which includes it) the site gets flagged as hosting malware (yes really!) - so what you have is a link to the AutoIt archive page and the name of the zip file you need to download from it.
It is then located in the zip file at:
It sounds like you might be looking for the AU3Recorder. You'll find this in one of the following paths (depending on your build), so long as you went with a full installation.
C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Extras\Au3Record
C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Extras\Au3Record
Install AutoIt v3 (This is the latest version as for now)
After installation:
2.1 Click Windows Start icon -> Click "AutoIt v3" -> Click "Browse Extras"
2.2 Extras folder of AutoIt will open in Windows Explorer. Click on "Au3Record" folder -> Double click on "Au3Record.exe"
AU3Record will open
Another way using AutoIt Script Editor(SciTE4AutoIt3.exe):
Download AutoIt Script Editor from
Install it
After installation:
3.1 Open AutoIt Script Editor
3.2. Click Tools menu -> click AU3Recorder from context menu

Wix Bootstrapper - DownloadUrl - Can it be a local network path?

I want to have my exePackage saved on a network path and for the bootrapper to "download" it from this place if needed.
I cannot get the bootstapper to work with the path. My log says failed to connect to ....
I have tried may different things with the / or \ and with "file" at the beginning. But I cannot seem to get it right. Firefox, Internet Explorer and file explorer all have no problem with this format, however wix will change it in the log. The log show "file://servname..."
What should it be?
EDIT: One work around would be to use the Source attribute and have it pointing to the network path. But my development pc with Visual Studio (M$ version) does not have access to this network share so I cannot use the Name or Source of the exePackage to refer to this file.
Burn supports downloading from BITS, FTP, HTTP, and HTTPS. It doesn't support SMB shares.

ERROR: Failed to load PhotonLicensing.dll

The logfile states that my Photon license has expired or the PhotonLicensing.dll can't be loaded.
Since Photon 3 you don't need a .license file if you are using Photon for free. Just delete any old .license files you still might find in your folders from upgrading etc.:
If you acquired a license, just copy the .license file into the above mentioned folders (depending on the environment you use).
However there is one edge case: When you unpack your SDK with the Windows Explorer built-in unpack tool your files might get blocked as they are marked as "internet download".
There are to ways to solve the problem:
you unpack with another tool like 7zip or winrar.
or you unblock the zip-file before you unpack with the Explorer built-in zip functionality - right click the “not trusted” zip-file choose “Property” and click unblock.

How to resolve Notepad++ "Writing error summary to C:\Program Files(x86)\ ...\HTMLTIDY.ERR" on Vista?

How to resolve Notepad++ "Writing error summary to C:\Program Files(x86)\ ...\HTMLTIDY.ERR" on Vista pc?
I have the latest version of notepad++ (just updated it two days ago).
When I try to run TextFX htmltidy, I get the above error reported by windows vista.
I've set permissions on the file htmltidy.err to allow everyone to modify/read/write/etc.
I do not understand file permissions in Win Visa.
2nd issue: I also have to click 'Allow' whenever I click to launch notepad++ even though I granted the program exe admin rights. UAC says it is an unidentified program.
Do I need to reboot to make these changes effective? What am I missing?
This is not an error, simply a message:
Any errors found in the HTML codes are being written to this file.
For example:
line 1 column 1 - Warning: missing declaration
This is a Windows 7 restriction. Programs should not write into Program Files folder. Instead it should use a temporary folder like %TEMP% or/and %APPDATA%.
Another possible solution is to install Notepad++ outside Program Files folder, in that way you can hanle file and folder permissions by yourself.