Find the date after a gap in date range in sql - sql

I have these date ranges that represent start and end dates of subscription. There are no overlaps in date ranges.
Start Date End Date
1/5/2015 - 1/14/2015
1/15/2015 - 1/20/2015
1/24/2015 - 1/28/2015
1/29/2015 - 2/3/2015
I want to identify delays of more than 1 day between any subscription ending and a new one starting. e.g. for the data above, i want the output: 1/24/2015 - 1/28/2015.
How can I do this using a sql query?
Edit : Also there can be multiple gaps in the subscription date ranges but I want the date range after the latest one.

You do this using a left join or not exists:
select t.*
from t
where not exists (select 1
from t t2
where t2.enddate = dateadd(day, -1, t.startdate)
Note that this will also give you the first record in the sequence . . . which, strictly speaking, matches the conditions. Here is one solution to that problem:
select t.*
from t cross join
(select min(startdate) as minsd from t) as x
where not exists (select 1
from t t2
where t2.enddate = dateadd(day, -1, t.startdate)
) and
t.startdate <> minsd;
You can also approach this with window functions:
select t.*
from (select t.*,
lag(enddate) over (order by startdate) as prev_enddate,
min(startdate) over () as min_startdate
from t
) t
where minstartdate <> startdate and
enddate <> dateadd(day, -1, startdate);
Also note that this logic assumes that the time periods do not overlap. If they do, a clearer problem statement is needed to understand what you are really looking for.

You can achieve this using window function LAG() that would get value from previous row in ordered set for later comparison in WHERE clause. Then, in WHERE you just apply your "gapping definition" and discard the first row.
SQL FIDDLE - Test it!
Sample data:
create table dates(start_date date, end_date date);
insert into dates values
('2015-01-24','2015-01-28'), -- gap
('2015-02-09','2015-02-11'); -- gap
LAG(end_date, 1) OVER (ORDER BY start_date) AS prev_end_date
FROM dates
) foo
start_date IS DISTINCT FROM ( prev_end_date + 1 ) -- compare current row start_date with previous row end_date + 1 day
AND prev_end_date IS NOT NULL -- discard first row, which has null value in LAG() calculation
I assume that there are no overlaps in your data and that there are unique values for each pair. If that's not the case, you need to clarify this.


postgres sql query to identify rows with same foreign key, but non consecutive dates

I have a table with a foreign_key_id column and a date column.
For each row that has the same foreign key, there is a different date, and if I order by foreign_key_id, date , 90% of the time all the dates are consecutive.
There are some edge cases though, where there are multiple entries with the same foreign_key that don't have consecutive dates.
Trying to come up with an easy way to identify all the foreign_key_id 's that don't have consecutive dates. Any ideas?
I was thinking of left joining on to a generated series, somehow partitioning by track id, but keep hitting a mental wall. My sql query editor keeps crashing, so that is adding some more unrelated frustration
I ended up doing an order by foreign_key_id, date , copying and pasting the result in excel, and then finding what I needed by doing this type of logic formula:
=IF( (B91 = B90), (F91 =(F90 + 1)) , 1 ) , where b is the foreign key column and F is the date column
but wondering if something similar could be done in sql. here's what I had when I gave up and went to excel:
select to_char(date_range.days, 'yyyy-mm-dd') as x
, data.*
from (
select generate_series('2019-04-30'::date,'2019-11-05'::date, '1 day')::date as days
) as date_range
left join(
select foreign_key_id, date
from table_a
order by foreign_key_id, date
) data on = date_range.days
where foreign_key_id is null
You could do that, sure. No joins needed either. Use LAG(datecol) OVER(PARTITION BY foreignkeycol ORDER BY datecol) to get the date of the previous row for the same fk, diff it to the current date to show how many intervals (days? Minutes?) have passed since that date and then wrap it all in something that does WHERE thedifference <> 1 (Or however you define consecutive - if consecutive to you is "every 2 days" then it would be anything that doesn't have a difference of 2)
If you want both rows either side of the gap, use LEAD (same format as LAG) to get the next date and calc two diffs, then do WHERE difftoprev <> 1 or difftonext <>1 etc
It would look something like this (untested)
WITH cte AS (
SELECT foreignkeycol, datecol,
LAG(datecol) OVER(PARTITION BY foreignkeycol ORDER BY datecol) as prevdate,
LEAD(datecol) OVER(PARTITION BY foreignkeycol ORDER BY datecol) as nextdate
FROM table
FROM cte
DATE_PART('day', datecol - prevdate) <> 1 OR
DATE_PART('day', nextdate - datecol) <> 1
I would use lead():
select t.*
from (select t.*,
lead(date) over (partition by foreign_key_id order by date) as next_date
from t
) t
where next_date <> date + interval '1 day';
This will provide each row where the next row does not have the expected date.

generate_series() equivalent in snowflake

I'm trying to find the snowflake equivalent of generate_series() (the PostgreSQL syntax).
SELECT generate_series(timestamp '2017-11-01', CURRENT_DATE, '1 day')
Just wanted to expand on Marcin Zukowski's comment to say that these gaps started to show up almost immediately after using a date range generated this way in a JOIN.
We ultimately ended up doing this instead!
'-' || row_number() over (order by null),
dateadd(day, '+1', current_date())
) as date
from table (generator(rowcount => 90))
I had a similar problem and found an approach, which avoids the issue of a generator requiring a constant value by using a session variable in addition to the already great answers here. This is closest to the requirement of the OP to my mind.
-- set parameter to be used as generator "constant" including the start day
set num_days = (Select datediff(day, TO_DATE('2017-11-01','YYYY-MM-DD'), current_date()+1));
-- use parameter in bcrowell's answer now
'-' || row_number() over (order by null),
dateadd(day, '+1', current_date())
) as date
from table (generator(rowcount => ($num_days)));
-- clean up previously set variable
unset num_days;
-- start date
SELECT '2017-11-01'::DATE as dt
SELECT DATEADD('day',1,dt) as dt
FROM rec_cte
-- end date (inclusive)
WHERE dt < current_date()
SELECT * FROM rec_cte
Adding this answer for completitude, in case you have an initial and last date:
select -1 + row_number() over(order by 0) i, start_date + i generated_date
from (select '2020-01-01'::date start_date, '2020-01-15'::date end_date)
join table(generator(rowcount => 10000 )) x
qualify i < 1 + end_date - start_date
I found the generator function in Snowflake quite limiting for all but the simplest use cases. For example, it was not clear how to take a single row specification, explode it into a table of dates and join it back to the original spec table.
Here is an alternative that uses recursive CTEs.
-- A 2 row table that contains "specs" for a date range
create local temp table date_spec as
select 1 as id, '2022-04-01'::date as start_date, current_date() as end_date
union all
select 2, '2022-03-01', '2032-03-30'
with explode_date(id, date, next_date, end_date) as (
, start_date as date -- start_date is the first date
, date + 1 as next_date -- next_date is the date of for the subsequent row in the recursive cte
, end_date
from date_spec
union all
, ed.next_date -- the current_date is the value of next_date from above
, ed.next_date + 1
, ds.end_date
from date_spec ds
join explode_date ed
on =
where <= ed.end_date -- keep running until you hit the end_date
select * from explode_date
order by id, date desc
This is how I was able to generate a series of dates in Snowflake. I set row count to 1095 to get 3 years worth of dates, you can of course change that to whatever suits your use case
dateadd(day, '-' || seq4(), current_date()) as dte
(generator(rowcount => 1095))
Originally found here
EDIT: This solution is not correct. seq4 does not guarantee a sequence without gaps. Please follow other answers, not this one. Thanks #Marcin Zukowski for pointing that out.

SQL how to write a query that return missing date ranges?

I am trying to figure out how to write a query that looks at certain records and finds missing date ranges between today and 9999-12-31.
My data looks like below:
ID |start_dt |end_dt |prc_or_disc_1
10412 |2018-07-17 00:00:00.000 |2018-07-20 00:00:00.000 |1050.000000
10413 |2018-07-23 00:00:00.000 |2018-07-26 00:00:00.000 |1040.000000
So for this data I would want my query to return:
2018-07-10 | 2018-07-16
2018-07-21 | 2018-07-22
2018-07-27 | 9999-12-31
I'm not really sure where to start. Is this possible?
You can do that using the lag() function in MS SQL (but that is available starting with 2012?).
with myData as
select *,
lag(end_dt,1) over (order by start_dt) as lagEnd
from myTable),
myMax as
select Max(end_dt) as maxDate from myTable
select dateadd(d,1,lagEnd) as StartDate, dateadd(d, -1, start_dt) as EndDate
from myData
where lagEnd is not null and dateadd(d,1,lagEnd) < start_dt
union all
select dateAdd(d,1,maxDate) as StartDate, cast('99991231' as Datetime) as EndDate
from myMax
where maxDate < '99991231';
If lag() is not available in MS SQL 2008, then you can mimic it with row_number() and joining.
CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day, end_dt, ISNULL(LEAD(start_dt) over (order by ID), '99991231')) > 1 then end_dt +1 END as F1,
CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day, end_dt, ISNULL(LEAD(start_dt) over (order by ID), '99991231')) > 1 then ISNULL(LEAD(start_dt) over (order by ID) - 1, '99991231') END as F2
from t
Working SQLFiddle example is -> Here
X.end_dt + 1 as F1,
ISNULL(Y.start_dt-1, '99991231') as F2
WHERE DATEDIFF(day, X.end_dt, ISNULL(Y.start_dt, '99991231')) > 1
Working SQLFiddle example is -> Here
This should work in 2008, it assumes that ranges in your table do not overlap. It will also eliminate rows where the end_date of the current row is a day before the start date of the next row.
with dtRanges as (
select start_dt, end_dt, row_number() over (order by start_dt) as rownum
from table1
select t2.end_dt + 1, coalesce(start_dt_next -1,'99991231')
( select dr1.start_dt, dr1.end_dt,dr2.start_dt as start_dt_next
from dtRanges dr1
left join dtRanges dr2 on dr2.rownum = dr1.rownum + 1
) t2
t2.end_dt + 1 <> coalesce(start_dt_next,'99991231')!18/65238/1
end_dt+1 AS start_dt,
LEAD(start_dt-1, 1, '9999-12-31')
OVER (ORDER BY start_dt)
AS end_dt
gaps.end_dt >= gaps.start_dt
I would, however, strongly urge you to use end dates that are "exclusive". That is, the range is everything up to but excluding the end_dt.
That way, a range of one day becomes '2018-07-09', '2018-07-10'.
It's really clear that my range is one day long, if you subtract one from the other you get a day.
Also, if you ever change to needing hour granularity or minute granularity you don't need to change your data. It just works. Always. Reliably. Intuitively.
If you search the web you'll find plenty of documentation on why inclusive-start and exclusive-end is a very good idea from a software perspective. (Then, in the query above, you can remove the wonky +1 and -1.)
This solves your case, but provide some sample data if there will ever be overlaps, fringe cases, etc.
Take one day after your end date and 1 day before the next line's start date.
DECLARE # TABLE (ID int, start_dt DATETIME, end_dt DATETIME, prc VARCHAR(100))
INSERT INTO # (id, start_dt, end_dt, prc)
(10410, '2018-07-09 00:00:00.00','2018-07-12 00:00:00.000','1025.000000'),
(10412, '2018-07-17 00:00:00.00','2018-07-20 00:00:00.000','1050.000000'),
(10413, '2018-07-23 00:00:00.00','2018-07-26 00:00:00.000','1040.000000')
, DATEADD(DAY, -1, LEAD(start_dt, 1, '9999-12-31') OVER(ORDER BY id) )
You may want to take a look at this:!18/3a224/1
You just have to edit the begin range to today and the end range to 9999-12-31.

Oracle - Split a record into multiple records

I have a schedule table for each month schedule. And this table also has days off within that month. I need a result set that will tell working days and off days for that month.
CREATE TABLE SCHEDULE(sch_yyyymm varchar2(6), sch varchar2(20), sch_start_date date, sch_end_date date);
INSERT INTO SCHEDULE VALUES('201703','Working Days', to_date('03/01/2017','mm/dd/yyyy'), to_date('03/31/2017','mm/dd/yyyy'));
INSERT INTO SCHEDULE VALUES('201703','Off Day', to_date('03/05/2017','mm/dd/yyyy'), to_date('03/07/2017','mm/dd/yyyy'));
INSERT INTO SCHEDULE VALUES('201703','off Days', to_date('03/08/2017','mm/dd/yyyy'), to_date('03/10/2017','mm/dd/yyyy'));
INSERT INTO SCHEDULE VALUES('201703','off Days', to_date('03/15/2017','mm/dd/yyyy'), to_date('03/15/2017','mm/dd/yyyy'));
Using SQL or PL/SQL I need to split the record with Working Days and Off Days.
From above records I need result set as:
201703 Working Days 03/01/2017 - 03/04/2017
201703 Off Days 03/05/2017 - 03/10/2017
201703 Working Days 03/11/2017 - 03/14/2017
201703 Off Days 03/15/2017 - 03/15/2017
201703 Working Days 03/16/2017 - 03/31/2017
Thank You for your help.
Edit: I've had a bit more of a think, and this approach works fine for your insert records above - however, it misses records where there are not continuous "off day" periods. I need to have a bit more of a think and will then make some changes
I've put together a test using the lead and lag functions and a self join.
The upshot is you self-join the "Off Days" onto the existing tables to find the overlaps. Then calculate the start/end dates on either side of each record. A bit of logic then lets us work out which date to use as the final start/end dates.
SQL fiddle here - I used Postgres as the Oracle function wasn't working but it should translate ok.
select sch,
/* Work out which date to use as this record's Start date */
case when prev_end_date is null then sch_start_date
else off_end_date + 1
end as final_start_date,
/* Work out which date to use as this record's end date */
case when next_start_date is null then sch_end_date
when next_start_date is not null and prev_end_date is not null then next_start_date - 1
else off_start_date - 1
end as final_end_date
from (
select a.*,
/* Get the start/end dates for the records on either side of each working day record */
lead( b.off_start_date ) over( partition by a.sch_start_date order by b.off_start_date ) as next_start_date,
lag( b.off_end_date ) over( partition by a.sch_start_date order by b.off_start_date ) as prev_end_date
from (
/* Get all schedule records */
select sch,
from schedule
) as a
left join
/* Get all non-working day schedule records */
select sch as off_sch,
sch_start_date as off_start_date,
sch_end_date as off_end_date
from schedule
where sch <> 'Working Days'
) as b
/* Join on "Off Days" that overlap "Working Days" */
on a.sch_start_date <= b.off_end_date
and a.sch_end_date >= b.off_start_date
and a.sch <> b.off_sch
) as c
order by final_start_date
If you had a dates table this would have been easier.
You can construct a dates table using a recursive cte and join on to it. Then use the difference of row number approach to classify rows with same schedules on consecutive dates into one group and then get the min and max of each group which would be the start and end dates for a given sch. I assume there are only 2 sch values Working Days and Off Day.
with dates(dt) as (select date '2017-03-01' from dual
union all
select dt+1 from dates where dt < date '2017-03-31')
,groups as (select sch_yyyymm,dt,sch,
row_number() over(partition by sch_yyyymm order by dt)
- row_number() over(partition by sch_yyyymm,sch order by dt) as grp
from (select s.sch_yyyymm,d.dt,
/*This condition is to avoid a given date with 2 sch values, as 03-01-2017 - 03-31-2017 are working days
on one row and there is an Off Day status for some of these days.
In such cases Off Day would be picked up as sch*/
case when count(*) over(partition by d.dt) > 1 then min(s.sch) over(partition by d.dt) else s.sch end as sch
from dates d
join schedule s on d.dt >= s.sch_start_date and d.dt <= s.sch_end_date
) t
select sch_yyyymm,sch,min(dt) as start_date,max(dt) as end_date
from groups
group by sch_yyyymm,sch,grp
I couldn't get the recursive cte running in Oracle. Here is a demo using SQL Server.
Sample Demo in SQL Server

SQL Get the gaps in dateranges when a list of ranges is provided

I'm currently looking for a SQL solution for the following problem:
SQLFiddle as guidance:
I have a list of not-nullable startdates and nullable enddates. Based on this list I need the total gap time between a given start and enddate.
Based on the SQLFiddle
If I would only have situation 1 in my database the result should be 2 days.
If I would have situation 2 and 3 in my database the result should be 1 day.
I have been pondering this for a couple of days now... any help would be much appreciated!
Notes: I'm running SQL 2012 ( should any special new features be required )
The best solution will be to create 'Dates' table and start from there, otherwise solution will be unmaintainable. For each date in specified range you can check whether it is covered by ranges in 'dateranges' table and get a count of dates that are not.
Something like this:
Dates d
d.Date BETWEEN #start AND #end
FROM dateranges r
WHERE BETWEEN r.startdate and ISNULL(r.enddate,
INSERT INTO Dates VALUES('20081204');
INSERT INTO Dates VALUES('20081205');
INSERT INTO Dates VALUES('20090608');
INSERT INTO Dates VALUES('20090609');
-- missing ranges
SELECT DATEADD(DAY, 1, prev) AS start_gap,
DATEADD(DAY, -1, next) AS end_gap,
DATEADD(DAY, -1, next)) AS month_diff
SELECT dt AS prev,
WHERE B.dt > A.dt) AS next
WHERE DATEDIFF(DAY, prev, next) > 1;
-- existing ranges
SELECT MIN(dt) AS start_range,
MAX(dt) AS end_range
FROM Dates) AS D