Has anybody ever stored an mp3 in a redis cache? - redis

I'm new to redis, and I think I have a good use case for redis. What I'm trying to do is to cache an mp3 file for a short time. These MP3s are >2M in side, but I'm also only talking maybe 5-10 stored any any moment in time. The TTL on them would be fairly short too, minutes, not hours, etc.
(disk persistence isn't an option).
So, what I'm wondering, do I need to get fancy and Base64 out the mp3 to store it? Or can I simply set keyvalue=bytearray[]?
This redis hit will be from a web service, which in turn, gets it's data from a downstream service with disk hits. So what I'm trying to do is to cache the mp3 file a short time on my middleware if you will. I won't need to do it for every file, just the ones >2M so I don't have to keep going bak to the downstream servers and request the file from the disk again.

You can certainly store them, and 2MB is nothing for redis to store.
Redis is binary safe and you don't need to base64 your data, just store via byte array in your favorite client.
One thing I'd consider doing (it might not be worth it with 2Mb of data, but if I were to store video files for example) is to store the file a sequence of chunks, and not load everything at once. If your app won't hold many files in memory at once, and the files are not that big, it might not be worth it. But if you're expecting high concurrency, do consider this as it will save application memory, not redis memory.
You can do this in a number of ways:
You can store each block as an element of a sorted set with the sequence number as score, and read them one by one, so you won't have to load everything to memory at once.
You can store the file a complete string, but read chunks with GETRANGE.
GETRANGE myfile.mp3 0 10000
GETRANGE myfile.mp3 100000 200000
... #until you read nothing of course


Maintaining logs in redis cache using java

Requirement - That our application processes files containing records and we have to maintain the log for the records in every file. The log file could easily be 100 MB at times in size.
Solution - Since database operation would be very heavy, so we wanted to go for in-memory cache. Write the logs for a particular file into a redis key (key might be the unique file name itself). Later when the user wants to see the log file, application should be able to read the contents from the cache using the unique key file name and write its content into a file which the user can see/download.
Question - Is this a good idea that, we keep appending the logs for a particular file to the same key and later when we have to write to the file, we read from the key and write the contents to the file? Basically the value of the redis key would always be string and its size might run into 100 MBs in size. Will there be any problems because of this?
You can achieve with redis easily, but don't forget that redis is in-memory store (make sure you don't run out of RAM). Ask yourself why you want to go for in-memory store over normal disk operations while dealing with files. If you feel like more frequent read operations happens and accessing time is crucial go ahead with redis.
Regarding size - 100MB is not a problem, in redis string can hold upto 512MB & List, Set, Hashes can hold >4billion records
I prefer MongoDB(which is a disk-based document store) for this kind of operations over redis.
Consider looking at this link to know when redis is awesome.

archiving some redis data to disk

I have been using redis a lot lately, and really am loving it. I am mostly familiar with persistence (rdb and aof). I do have one concern. I would like to be able to selectively "archive" some of my data to disk (or cheaper storage) once it is no longer important. I don't really want to delete it because it might be valuable at some point.
All of my keys are named id_<id>_<someattribute>. So when I am done with id 4, I want to "archive" all all keys that match id_4_*. I can view them quite easily in with the command line, but I can't do anything with them, persay. I have quite a bit of data (very large bitmaps) associated with this data set, and frankly I can't afford the space once the id is no longer relevant or important.
If this were mysql, I would have my different tables and would very easily just dump it to a .sql file and then drop the table. The actual .sql file isn't directly useful to me, but I could reimport the data if/when I need it. Or maybe I have to mysql database and I want to move one table to another database. Are there redis corollaries to these processes? Is there someway to make an rdb or aof file that is a subset of the data?
Any help or input on this matter would be appreciated! Thanks!
#Hoseong Hwang recently asked what I did, so I'm posting what I ended up doing.
It was really quite simple, actually. I was benefited by the fact that my key space is segmented out by different users. All of my keys were of the structure user_<USERID>_<OTHERVALUES>. My archival needs were on a user basis, some user's data was no longer needed to be kept in redis.
So, I started up another instance of redis-server, on another port locally (6380?) or another machine, it makes no difference. Then, I wrote a short script that basically just called KEYS user_<USERID>_* (I understand the blocking nature of KEYS, my key space is so small it didn't matter, you can use SCAN if that is an issue for you.) Then, for each key, I MIGRATED them to that new redis-server instance. After they were all done. I did a SAVE to ensure that the rdb file for that instance was up to date. And now I have that rdb, which is just the content that I wanted to archive. I then terminated that temporary redis-server and the memory was reclaimed.
Now, keep that rdb file somewhere for cheap, safe keeping. And if you ever needed it again, doing the reverse of my process above to get those keys back into your main redis-server would be fairly straightforward.
Instead of trying to extract data from a live Redis instance for archiving purpose, my suggestion would be to extract the data from a dump file.
Run a bgsave command to generate a dump, and then use redis-rdb-tools to extract the keys you are interested in - you can easily get the result as a json file.
See https://github.com/sripathikrishnan/redis-rdb-tools
You can keep the json data in flat files, or try to store them into a relational database or a document store if you need them to be indexed for retrieval purpose.
A few suggestions for you...
I would like to be able to selectively "archive" some of my data to
disk (or cheaper storage) once it is no longer important. I don't
really want to delete it because it might be valuable at some point.
If such data is that valuable, use a traditional database for storage. Despite redis supporting snap-shotting to disk and AOF logs, you should view it as mostly volatile storage. The primary use case for redis is reducing latency, not persistence of valuable data.
So when I am done with id 4, I want to "archive" all all keys that
match id_4_*
What constitutes done? You need to ask yourself this question; does it mean after 1 day the data can fall out of redis? If so, just use TTL and expiration to let redis remove the object from memory. If you need it again, fall back to the database and pull the object back into redis. That first client will take the hit of pulling from the db, but subsequent requests will be cached. If done means something not associated with a specific duration, then you'll have to remove items from redis manually to conserve memory space.
If this were mysql, I would have my different tables and would very
easily just dump it to a .sql file and then drop the table. The actual
.sql file isn't directly useful to me, but I could reimport the data
if/when I need it.
We do the same at my firm. Important data is imported into redis from rdbms executed as on-demand job. We don't drop tables, we just selectively import data from the database into redis; nothing wrong with that.
Is there someway to make an rdb or aof file that is a subset of the
I don't believe there is a way to do selective archiving; it's either all or none.
IMO, spend more time playing with redis. I highly recommend leveraging out-of-box features instead of reinventing and/or over-engineering solutions to suit your needs.
Hope that helps!...

How to share the APC user cache between CLI and Web Server instances?

I am using PHP's APC to store a large amount of information (with apc_fetch(), etc.). This information occasionally needs analyzed and dumped elsewhere.
The story goes, I'm getting several hundred hits/sec. These hits increase various counters (with apc_inc(), and friends). Every hour, I would like to iterate over all the values I've accumulated, and do some other processing with them, and then save them on disk.
I could do this as a random or time-based switch in each request, but it's a potentially long operation (may require 20-30 sec, if not several minutes) and I do not want to hang a request for that long.
I thought a simple PHP cronjob would do the task. However, I can't even get it to read back cahe information.
Yeilds a seemingly different APC memory segment, with:
[num_entries] => 1
(The single entry seems to be a opcode cache of itself)
While my webserver, powered by nginx/php5-fpm, yields:
[num_entries] => 3175
So, they are obviously not sharing the same chunk of memory. How can I either access the same chunk of memory in the CLI script (preferred), or if that is simply not possible, what would be the absolute safest way to execute a long running sequence on say, a random HTTP request every hour?
For the latter, would using register_shutdown_function() and immediately set_time_limit(0) and ignore_user_abort(true) do the trick to ensure execution completes and doesn't "hang" anyone's browser?
And yes, I am aware of redis, memcache, etc that would not have this problem, but I am stuck to APC for now as neither could demonstrate the same speed as APC.
This is really a design issue and a matter of selecting preferred costs vs. payoffs.
You are thrilled by the speed of APC since you do not spend time to persist the data. You also want to persist the data but now the performance hit is too big. You have to balance these out somehow.
If persistence is important, take the hit and persist (file, DB, etc.) on every request. If speed is all you care about, change nothing - this whole question becomes moot. There are cache systems with persistent storage that can optimize your disk writes by aggregating what gets written to disk and when but you will generally always have a payoff between the two with varying tipping points. You just have to choose which of those suits your objectives.
There will probably never exist an enduring, wholesome technological solution to the wolf being sated and the lamb being whole.
If you really must do it your way, you could have a cron that CURLs a special request to your application which would trigger persisting your cache to disk. That way you control the request, its timeout, etc., and don't have to worry about everything users might do to kill their requests.
Potential risks in this case, however, are data integrity (as you will be writing the cache to disk while it is being updated by other requests in the meantime) as well as requests being served while you are persisting the cache paying the performance hit of your server being busy.
Essentially, we introduced a bundle of hay to the wolf/lamb dilemma ;)

Is Redis a memory only store like memcached or does it write the data to the disk

Is Redis memory only store like memcached or does it write the data to the disk? If it does write to the disk, how often is the disk written to?
Redis persistence is described in detail here:
By default, redis performs snapshotting:
By default Redis saves snapshots of the dataset on disk, in a binary file called dump.rdb. You can configure Redis to have it save the dataset every N seconds if there are at least M changes in the dataset, or you can manually call the SAVE or BGSAVE commands.
For example, this configuration will make Redis automatically dump the dataset to disk every 60 seconds if at least 1000 keys changed: save 60 1000
Another good reference is this link to the author's blog where he tries to explain how redis persistance works:
Redis holds all data in memory. If the size of an application's data is too large for that, then Redis is not an appropriate solution.
However, Redis also offers two ways to make the data persistent:
1) Snapshots at predefined intervals, which may also depend on the number of changes. Any changes between these intervals will be lost at a power failure or crash.
2) Writing a kind of change log at every data change. You can fine-tune how often this is physically written to the disk, but if you chose to always write immediately (which will cost you some performance), then there will be no data loss caused by the in-memory nature of Redis.

Moving 1 million image files to Amazon S3

I run an image sharing website that has over 1 million images (~150GB). I'm currently storing these on a hard drive in my dedicated server, but I'm quickly running out of space, so I'd like to move them to Amazon S3.
I've tried doing an RSYNC and it took RSYNC over a day just to scan and create the list of image files. After another day of transferring, it was only 7% complete and had slowed my server down to a crawl, so I had to cancel.
Is there a better way to do this, such as GZIP them to another local hard drive and then transfer / unzip that single file?
I'm also wondering whether it makes sense to store these files in multiple subdirectories or is it fine to have all million+ files in the same directory?
One option might be to perform the migration in a lazy fashion.
All new images go to Amazon S3.
Any requests for images not yet on Amazon trigger a migration of that one image to Amazon S3. (queue it up)
This should fairly quickly get all recent or commonly fetched images moved over to Amazon and will thus reduce the load on your server. You can then add another task that migrates the others over slowly whenever the server is least busy.
Given that the files do not exist (yet) on S3, sending them as an archive file should be quicker than using a synchronization protocol.
However, compressing the archive won't help much (if at all) for image files, assuming that the image files are already stored in a compressed format such as JPEG.
Transmitting ~150 Gbytes of data is going to consume a lot of network bandwidth for a long time. This will be the same if you try to use HTTP or FTP instead of RSYNC to do the transfer. An offline transfer would be better if possible; e.g. sending a hard disc, or a set of tapes or DVDs.
Putting a million files into one flat directory is a bad idea from a performance perspective. while some file systems would cope with this fairly well with O(logN) filename lookup times, others do not with O(N) filename lookup. Multiply that by N to access all files in a directory. An additional problem is that utilities that need to access files in order of file names may slow down significantly if they need to sort a million file names. (This may partly explain why rsync took 1 day to do the indexing.)
Putting all of your image files in one directory is a bad idea from a management perspective; e.g. for doing backups, archiving stuff, moving stuff around, expanding to multiple discs or file systems, etc.
One option you could use instead of transferring the files over the network is to put them on a harddrive and ship it to amazon's import/export service. You don't have to worry about saturating your server's network connection etc.