customsd service does not hit server for GetSessionId call - sonos

This is essentially a duplicate of Can not add account for custom Sonos service, but there's no accepted answer and I am not able to add a comment to ask if they ever resolved their issue.
I've inherited a project and am trying to add the development service. I've configured it via /customsd.htm, set the header policy to Session ID, have both secure and insecure endpoints working.
When I go to add the channel, I see the request for strings.xml. However, I never see any requests come in for getSessionId. Meanwhile the SONOS reports "Account Not Found. ***** server did not recognize your login information." I am able to make the request with SoapUI, and I get a valid response.
If it's worth mentioning, I am in SONOS' beta program and am on version 6.2, build 31926010 (Mac desktop app).
While I'm not sure there's anything useful here, looking at logs at [deviceIP]:1400/support/aggregate, I see the following. Note that the redacted URL and IP do resolve. IP is for a loadbalancer, URL is behind it.
Feb 28 11:07:42 Sonos[84168] <![CDATA[<]]>Error<![CDATA[>]]>: (SCLib) dns(1): [redacted URL] -<![CDATA[>]]> [redacted IP]
Feb 28 11:07:42 Sonos[84168] <![CDATA[<]]>Error<![CDATA[>]]>: (SCLib) control_client(1): getSessionId failed, res = 1000, tvStart = 1456679262 s 250163 us, m_tvConnectDone = 1456679282 s 250162 us, m_tvDone = 1456679302 s 250162 us, tvNow = 1456679262 s 509982 us
Feb 28 11:07:42 Sonos[84168] <![CDATA[<]]>Error<![CDATA[>]]>: (SCLib) soap(1): - param username = [redacted username]
I inspected the packets via Wireshark, and behavior of the production service and development one seem the same except that for the production service, the controller / my computer kicks off a POST request to the Sonos before the server hangs up. That process, outlined in red in the attached image, does not occur for the customsd service.
I also experimented with using the production service endpoints in the customsd configuration, but that request failed in the same manner. FWIW, all ssl_validation tests pass just fine, as do various content tests.

For want of a trailing slash...
I finally sorted this, and it was incredibly minor. In the customsd configuration, my endpoint urls did not have a trailing slash. Adding them made it all work.
I finally realized this when I decrypted the calls the controller made to the server for both the production service and my customsd service registered to the production endpoints. The call made by the customsd service was getting back the load balancer's 400 error. The only difference between the calls were the headers, specifically:
Production service: POST / HTTP/1.1
Dev service : POST HTTP/1.1
LB properly said the call was invalid. Adding the trailing slash made it all work.
For what it's worth, I'm pretty sure the URLs without trailing slashes worked both via curl and, I believe, via SoapUI. The Sonos controller requires them, however.


Docusign app getting error this page isn't working right now, local host can't currently handle this request, http error 500

I'm developing an app based on the Docusign C# Quickstart.
Its working fine on my development PC (Win 11) in Visual Studio 2019 using IIS Express.
However, when I publish it to IIS (v10) on my development PC it runs and I can authenticate with Docusign just fine (once I got the proper redirect URI registered: https://localhost/ds/callback) but the step that actually sends the envelope is returning the following error in the browser:
This page isn't working right now.
Local host can't handle this request
http error 500
Any help is appreciated. I logged a support ticket with Docusign, but still waiting for a response.
Quickstart is just an app to show you how to use DocuSign APIs.
The redirect after signing is back to localhost, and your app, once ready to be deployed to server, has to be set with a proper URL, at which point you'll need to update the redirect URI to the one based on your server.
The 500 error is coming from your app, not from DocuSign. You need to figure out why your app cannot handle the URL that is set for redirect after signing by DocuSign.
The base API address is used to reach the development/ test platform. The address is one of DocuSign's (many) production platforms.
Remember that, once you have passed the Go-Live process, you have two Client IDs (integration keys) one for the test platform, one for all of the production platforms. Each has its own settings.
The error
This page isn't working right now.
Local host can't handle this request http error 500
Is from IIS. Use IIS logging to see the URL request that is coming in that can't be handled.
To see if it is the redirect from the initial OAuth Authorization Code grant URL, examine the initial URL redirect to (prod URL).
The redirect contained as a query parameter in the initial OAuth redirect must:
Be correct for your instance of IIS.
Be allowed by your setting for the client ID (integration key) in DocuSign
1, Be properly handled by your IIS and its app.

Multiple HTTP POST request when user only clicked once

We have a curious situation with http referrer and response.
Our application is a J2EE with a WEB and EJB project. Working fine for years.
Recently, from one specific location, when user click to submit, our EJB sysout picked up trace that there was more than one submit (POST request) resulting in a null pointer. Our button have been designed to be disabled after it has been clicked. We are not sure how a subsequent request can possibly happen. In this simulation of the problem, we click once and there is only one user in the system.
Since this only occur when we connect from a particular ISP. We do not experience multiple request from other ISP locations. So we are suspecting that the ISP may have in advertently trigger a resubmit. But we are not sure. What else can we do to trace the root cause of this problem.
Thanks for your help.
Update on 12-Apr
We have installed wireshark to trace the signal from the browser side. We notice that the browser concern makes a "retry" after every 11 or 12 minutes. Would this be a normal browser behaviour?
I think we have found the cause of the problem. It is explained by by this
It is something in the HTTP spec
"If an HTTP/1.1 client sends a request which includes a request body, but which does not include an Expect request-header field with the "100-continue" expectation, and if the client is not directly connected to an HTTP/1.1 origin server, and if the client sees the connection close before receiving any status from the server, the client SHOULD retry the request. W3 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1

identity server multiple issues after deployment

My current setup is like this. The entire project was built using the official docs here -
API Server
Auth Server with local login, google login and github login
Console based c# client
JS based client
MVC based client.
(all of it, as described in the official docs)
Locally, all of them work beautifully. Able to login, access api endpoints, logout, redirect, the whole thing works smooth.
I have deployed all 5 of them to five different azure web apps. They all have the standard domains ready to use. Now, I have run into some problems.
the console C# client is able to talk to the deployed auth server, collect token using a local account on the auth server and make calls to the deployed API server. Based on this, I assume that both the api server and the auth server working hand in hand, as they should.
Problem #1 - the JS client keeps saying
'The login is blocked because of CORS Missing Allow Origin '
Problem #2 - the MVC client loads the auth server, and then the auth server gives me this error.
Sorry, there was an error : unauthorized_client
Request Id: 80005c0f-0000-eb00-b63f-84710c7967bb
Note : I have set the CORS policy on the auth server, both these clients, under client definition as follows. I am not too concerned about keeping the auth server open, so dont mind if any and every domain can call the auth server.
AllowedCorsOrigins = { "*.*" },
Also Note : I have set the URLS in the code before deployment. all loclahost:port number lines have been replaced correctly with the corresponding now published URLs.
So, what am I missing out here?
Update 1
I was able to solve the CORS issue. Have posted a answer here on another question.
Not able to enable CORS for identity server 4 in core
Update 2
So, now, both the JS client and the MVC client, are giving identical errors.
Sorry, there was an error : unauthorized_client
Request Id: 80005c0f-0000-eb00-b63f-84710c7967bb
Update 3
I have opened an issue which has log details.
I am not sure if this counts as an answer, but posting for my own question, as it might might help others. Also, this is only a guess at this point.
I found out that the redirects were permanently stored in the database I used with EF migrations. That mean, local in memory redirects were being overwritten anyway by the database stored migrations. I believe this is the issue.
I also realized that the console app is working fine for it does not depend on redirect URLs where as the JS and MVC based clients dont work because they do depend on redirect URLs.
At this point, the best thing to do and for you (if you used EF migrations to store your auth server configuration) on database would be start over and switch to in memory only. Alternatively, you can try and update the database to suit your deployment requirements.
Ultimately, I believe, unless it is absolutely necessary, keep the auth server config (like redirects and CORS settings) in memory as they dont take up much value and are rarely changed.

Possible proxy issue with WSO2 API Manager

Whenever I try to add the following endpoint, "", during the Managed API setup process and press the Test button I get an error on the server. ERROR - APIProviderHostObject Error occurred while connecting to backend : "stackOverflow preventing me from showing this link", reason: Connect to timed out
When I try this exact same process on a machine outside of our proxy it works fine. I have gone into the axis2.xml file and added proxy information and even went as far as installing cntlm and setting the proxy to localhost - same error.
I can browse to the above link just fine on this machine.
My environment is Windows 10.
I assume you talk about clicking the Test button when providing Backend Endpoint in API publisher.
The way that Test button works at the moment (as far as I understand) is that it invokes HTTP HEAD method on the endpoint provided (because according to RFC 2616, "This method is often used for testing hypertext links for validity, accessibility, and recent modification.")
Then it checks response. If response is valid or 405 (method not allowed), then the URL is marked as Valid.
Thus sometimes, if backend is not properly following RFC, you might get otherwise working URLs declared as Invalid during the test because of that improper HEAD response evaluation. Obviously, this is just a check for your convenience and you can ignore the check if you know the endpoint works for the methods and resources you need it to work.
So my advice would be to try ignoring the Test and just finishing setting up and publishing the API.
P.S. I am checking it on WSO2 API Cloud but behavior is identical to downloadable API Manager.

Magento REST API not working in PHP

Whenever I try to call Magento's rest resources via PHP, I get an HTTP 500 Internal Server Error. My link is, in accordance to Magento's REST API,
Everything is set up properly and whenever I try to access it via the browser, the response is a page with the XML data I want. Same thing goes for the RESTClient plugin for Firefox.
I also get the internal server error whenever I try to do an authorised request as a customer.
Does anyone know why this is happening? I ran out of ideas an hour ago or so.
If you just got that problem (only) then,
500 errors in the HTTP cycle
Any client (e.g. your Web browser or our CheckUpDown robot) goes through the following cycle when it communicates with the Web server:
Obtain an IP address from the IP name of the site (the site URL
without the leading 'http://'). This lookup (conversion of IP name to
IP address) is provided by domain name servers (DNSs).
Open an IP socket connection to that IP address.
Write an HTTP data stream through that socket.
Receive an HTTP data stream back from the Web server in response.
This data stream contains status codes whose values are determined by
the HTTP protocol. Parse this data stream for status codes and other
useful information.
This error occurs in the final step above when the client receives an HTTP status code that it recognises as '500'. (Last updated: March 2012).
Fixing 500 errors - general
This error can only be resolved by fixes to the Web server software. It is not a client-side problem. It is up to the operators of the Web server site to locate and analyse the logs which should give further information about the error.