Elastic Search NEST Self referencing loop detected for property - nest

Using version 2.0.2 I just cannot find where to set the serializer settings for the Nest.JsonNetSerializer to avoid Self referencing loop detected exception.
And i guess that the documentation is not updated for version 2.

There is one PR in the NEST repo explaining how you can handle this situation in version 2.x.x.
var connectionPool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
var settings = new ConnectionSettings(connectionPool, connectionSettings => new MyJsonNetSerializer(connectionSettings))
public class MyJsonNetSerializer : JsonNetSerializer
public MyJsonNetSerializer(IConnectionSettingsValues settings) : base(settings)
protected override void ModifyJsonSerializerSettings(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings settings)
settings.ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore;
Hope it helps.

Once again there are some significant changes to how this is handled in v.5.
I found this example in the tests and it worked for me...
/**=== Overriding Json.NET settings
* Overriding the default Json.NET behaviour in NEST is an expert behavior but if you need to get to the nitty gritty, this can be really useful.
* The easiest way is to create an instance of `SerializerFactory` that allows you to register a modification callback
* in the constructor
public void EasyWay()
var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
var connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(
new HttpConnection(),
new SerializerFactory((jsonSettings, nestSettings) => jsonSettings.PreserveReferencesHandling = PreserveReferencesHandling.All));
var client = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings);


Register Hibernate 5 Event Listeners

I am working on a legacy non-Spring application, and it is being migrated from Hibernate 3 to Hibernate 5.6.0.Final (latest at this time). I have generally never used Hibernate Event Listeners in my work, so this is quite new to me, and I am studying these in Hibernate 5.
Currently in some test class we have defined the code this way for Hibernate 3:
protected static Configuration createSecuredDatabaseConfig() {
Configuration config = createUnrestrictedDatabaseConfig();
config.setListener("pre-insert", "com.app.server.services.db.eventlisteners.MySecurityHibernateEventListener");
config.setListener("pre-update", "com.app.server.services.db.eventlisteners.MySecurityHibernateEventListener");
config.setListener("pre-delete", "com.app.server.services.db.eventlisteners.MySecurityHibernateEventListener");
config.setListener("pre-load", "com.app.server.services.db.eventlisteners.EkoSecurityHibernateEventListener");
return config;
This is obviously no longer valid, and I believe I need to create a Hibernate Integrator, which I have done.
public class MyEventListenerIntegrator implements Integrator {
public void integrate(Metadata metadata, SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory,
SessionFactoryServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) {
EventListenerRegistry eventListenerRegistry = serviceRegistry.getService(EventListenerRegistry.class);
eventListenerRegistry.getEventListenerGroup(EventType.PRE_INSERT).appendListener(new MySecurityHibernateEventListener());
eventListenerRegistry.getEventListenerGroup(EventType.PRE_UPDATE).appendListener(new MySecurityHibernateEventListener());
eventListenerRegistry.getEventListenerGroup(EventType.PRE_DELETE).appendListener(new MySecurityHibernateEventListener());
eventListenerRegistry.getEventListenerGroup(EventType.PRE_LOAD).appendListener(new MySecurityHibernateEventListener());
So, now I believe the next step is to add this to the session via the registry builder. I am using this website to help me:
Because we were using older Hibernate 3, we had code to create our session factory as follows:
protected static SessionFactory buildSessionFactory(Database db)
if (db == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Database specifier cannot be null");
try {
Configuration config = createSessionFactoryConfiguration(db);
String url = config.getProperty("connection.url");
String user = config.getProperty("connection.username");
String password = config.getProperty("connection.password");
try {
String dbDriver = config.getProperty("hibernate.connection.driver_class");
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);
catch (SQLException error) {
logger.info("Didn't find driver, on QA or production, so it's okay to assume we have DB connection");
SessionFactory sessionFactory = config.buildSessionFactory();
sessionFactoryConfigs.put(sessionFactory, config); // Cannot recover config from factory instance, must be stored.
return sessionFactory;
catch (Throwable ex) {
// Make sure you log the exception, as it might be swallowed
logger.error("Initial SessionFactory creation failed.", ex);
throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(ex);
The link that I referred to above has a much different way of creating the sessionfactory. So, I'll be testing that out to see if it works in our app.
Without Spring handling our sessions and transactions, in this app it is coded by hand the way it was done before Spring, and I haven't seen that kind of code in years.
I solved this issue with the help from the link I provided above. However, I didn't copy exactly what they did, but some of it helped. My solution is as follows:
protected static SessionFactory createSecuredDatabaseConfig() {
Configuration config = createUnrestrictedDatabaseConfig();
BootstrapServiceRegistry bootstrapRegistry =
new BootstrapServiceRegistryBuilder()
.applyIntegrator(new EkoEventListenerIntegrator())
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry = new StandardServiceRegistryBuilder(bootstrapRegistry).applySettings(config.getProperties()).build();
SessionFactory sessionFactory = config.buildSessionFactory(serviceRegistry);
return sessionFactory;
This was it. I tried multiple different ways to register the events without the BootstrapServiceRegistry, but none of those worked. I did have to create the integrator. What I did NOT include was the following:
MetadataSources sources = new MetadataSources(serviceRegistry )
Metadata metadata = sources.getMetadataBuilder().build();
// did not create the sessionFactory this way
sessionFactory = metadata.getSessionFactoryBuilder().build();
If I had gone further and use this method to create the sessionFactory, then all of my queries would have been complaining about not being able to find the parameterName, which is something else.
The Hibernate Integrator and this method to create the sessionFactory is all for the unit tests. Without registering these events, one unit test would fail, and now it doesn't. So, this solves my problem for now.

How to implement custom SiteMapNodeProvider

I am trying to adapt the MvcSiteMapProvider to create the breadcrumb based on some Information stored in a database.
The answer in this post sounded promising so i implemented my own SiteMapNodeProvider. But then i didnt know how to wire things up so the newly implemented SiteMapNodeProvider is used instead of the static xml file ("Mvc.sitemap").
As i am using SimpleInjector in my project, i called the setup method in my already existent Injection-initialization code.
public static void Initialize()
Injection.Global = new Container();
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new SimpleInjectorDependencyResolver(Injection.Global));
private static void InitializeContainer(Container container)
// Setup configuration of DI
//... register some other stuff for my project here ...
The MvcSiteMapProviderContainerInitializer class got created by the package: 'Mvcsitemapprovider.mvc4.di.simpleinjector/4.4.5'
Does anybody know what to do to make my project use the newly created SiteMapNodeProvider?
I couldnt find any documentation about this in the official docu...
edit: i tried what you suggested (even removed the old DI stuff and only used the one from the nuget-package) but still i am getting errors...
here is what i have in my MvcSiteMapProviderContainerInitializer
public static void SetUp(Container container)
bool securityTrimmingEnabled = false;
bool enableLocalization = true;
string absoluteFileName = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/Mvc.sitemap");
TimeSpan absoluteCacheExpiration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
string[] includeAssembliesForScan = new string[] { "testsitemap" };
// Extension to allow resolution of arrays by GetAllInstances (natively based on IEnumerable).
// source from: https://simpleinjector.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=CollectionRegistrationExtensions
var currentAssembly = typeof(MvcSiteMapProviderContainerInitializer).Assembly;
var siteMapProviderAssembly = typeof(SiteMaps).Assembly;
var allAssemblies = new Assembly[] { currentAssembly, siteMapProviderAssembly };
var excludeTypes = new Type[]
typeof (SiteMapNodeVisibilityProviderStrategy),
typeof (SiteMapXmlReservedAttributeNameProvider),
typeof (SiteMapBuilderSetStrategy),
typeof (ControllerTypeResolverFactory),
// Added 2013-06-28 by eric-b to avoid default singleton registration:
// Added 2013-06-28 by eric-b for SimpleInjector.Verify method:
var multipleImplementationTypes = new Type[]
typeof (ISiteMapNodeUrlResolver),
typeof (ISiteMapNodeVisibilityProvider),
typeof (IDynamicNodeProvider)
// Single implementations of interface with matching name (minus the "I").
(interfaceType, implementationType) => container.RegisterSingle(interfaceType, implementationType),
new Assembly[] { siteMapProviderAssembly },
// Multiple implementations of strategy based extension points
(interfaceType, implementationTypes) => container.RegisterAll(interfaceType, implementationTypes),
new Type[0],
// Visibility Providers
container.RegisterSingle<ISiteMapNodeVisibilityProviderStrategy>(() =>
new SiteMapNodeVisibilityProviderStrategy(
ToArray(), string.Empty));
// Pass in the global controllerBuilder reference
container.RegisterSingle<ControllerBuilder>(() => ControllerBuilder.Current);
container.RegisterSingle<IControllerBuilder, ControllerBuilderAdaptor>();
container.RegisterSingle<IBuildManager, BuildManagerAdaptor>();
container.RegisterSingle<IControllerTypeResolverFactory>(() =>
new ControllerTypeResolverFactory(new string[0],
// Configure Security
container.RegisterAll<IAclModule>(typeof(AuthorizeAttributeAclModule), typeof(XmlRolesAclModule));
container.RegisterSingle<IAclModule>(() => new CompositeAclModule(container.GetAllInstances<IAclModule>().ToArray()));
// Setup cache
container.RegisterSingle<System.Runtime.Caching.ObjectCache>(() => System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache.Default);
container.RegisterSingleOpenGeneric(typeof(ICacheProvider<>), typeof(RuntimeCacheProvider<>));
container.RegisterSingle<ICacheDependency>(() => new RuntimeFileCacheDependency(absoluteFileName));
container.RegisterSingle<ICacheDetails>(() => new CacheDetails(absoluteCacheExpiration, TimeSpan.MinValue, container.GetInstance<ICacheDependency>()));
// Configure the visitors
container.RegisterSingle<ISiteMapNodeVisitor, UrlResolvingSiteMapNodeVisitor>();
// Prepare for the sitemap node providers
() => new SiteMapXmlReservedAttributeNameProvider(new string[0]));
container.RegisterSingle<IXmlSource>(() => new FileXmlSource(absoluteFileName));
// Register the sitemap node providers
container.RegisterSingle<XmlSiteMapNodeProvider>(() => container.GetInstance<XmlSiteMapNodeProviderFactory>()
container.RegisterSingle<ReflectionSiteMapNodeProvider>(() => container.GetInstance<ReflectionSiteMapNodeProviderFactory>()
// Register your custom sitemap node provider
container.RegisterSingle<ISiteMapNodeProvider, CustomSiteMapNodeProvider>();
// Register the collection of sitemap node providers (including the custom one)
container.RegisterSingle<ISiteMapBuilder>(() => container.GetInstance<SiteMapBuilderFactory>()
.Create(new CompositeSiteMapNodeProvider(
container.RegisterAll<ISiteMapBuilderSet>(ResolveISiteMapBuilderSets(container, securityTrimmingEnabled, enableLocalization));
container.RegisterSingle<ISiteMapBuilderSetStrategy>(() => new SiteMapBuilderSetStrategy(container.GetAllInstances<ISiteMapBuilderSet>().ToArray()));
private static IEnumerable<ISiteMapBuilderSet> ResolveISiteMapBuilderSets(Container container, bool securityTrimmingEnabled, bool enableLocalization)
yield return new SiteMapBuilderSet(
private static void AllowToResolveArraysAndLists(Container container)
container.ResolveUnregisteredType += (sender, e) =>
var serviceType = e.UnregisteredServiceType;
if (serviceType.IsArray)
RegisterArrayResolver(e, container,
else if (serviceType.IsGenericType &&
serviceType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IList<>))
RegisterArrayResolver(e, container,
private static void RegisterArrayResolver(UnregisteredTypeEventArgs e, Container container, Type elementType)
var producer = container.GetRegistration(typeof(IEnumerable<>)
var enumerableExpression = producer.BuildExpression();
var arrayMethod = typeof(Enumerable).GetMethod("ToArray")
var arrayExpression = Expression.Call(arrayMethod, enumerableExpression);
but still i get the following exception:
No registration for type DynamicSiteMapNodeBuilder could be found and
an implicit registration could not be made. The constructor of the
type DynamicSiteMapNodeBuilder contains the parameter of type
ISiteMapNodeCreator with name 'siteMapNodeCreator' that is not
registered. Please ensure ISiteMapNodeCreator is registered in the
container, or change the constructor of DynamicSiteMapNodeBuilder.
First of all, to integrate with an existing DI setup, you should install MvcSiteMapProvider.MVC4.DI.SimpleInjector.Modules instead of MvcSiteMapProvider.MVC4.DI.SimpleInjector. You can downgrade by running this command from package manager console:
PM> Uninstall-Package -Id MvcSiteMapProvider.MVC4.DI.SimpleInjector
Be sure NOT to uninstall any dependencies. This will ensure that you don't have 2 sets of DI initialization code in your project - there should only be 1 for the entire application.
Next, you need to wire up for DI as well as some other initialization code required by MvcSiteMapProvider. The readme file contains instructions how to do this. Here is how you would do it with your existing configuration.
public static void Initialize()
Injection.Global = new Container();
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new SimpleInjectorDependencyResolver(Injection.Global));
private static void InitializeContainer(Container container)
// Setup configuration of DI (required)
// Setup global sitemap loader (required)
MvcSiteMapProvider.SiteMaps.Loader = container.GetInstance<ISiteMapLoader>();
// Check all configured .sitemap files to ensure they follow the XSD for MvcSiteMapProvider (optional)
var validator = container.GetInstance<ISiteMapXmlValidator>();
// Register the Sitemaps routes for search engines (optional)
XmlSiteMapController.RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); // NOTE: You can put this in your RouteConfig.cs file if desired.
//... register some other stuff for your project here ...
If the /sitemap.xml endpoint doesn't work, you may also need to add this line to register the XmlSiteMapController:
To implement ISiteMapNodeProvider, there is an example here: MvcSiteMapProvider ISiteMapBuilder in conjunction with IDynamicNodeProvider.
To register your custom ISiteMapNodeProvider, you just need to ensure it gets added to the constructor of SiteMapBuilder. You can also exclude the existing SiteMapNodeProviders from the code below depending on your needs.
// Register the sitemap node providers
container.RegisterSingle<XmlSiteMapNodeProvider>(() => container.GetInstance<XmlSiteMapNodeProviderFactory>()
container.RegisterSingle<ReflectionSiteMapNodeProvider>(() => container.GetInstance<ReflectionSiteMapNodeProviderFactory>()
// Register your custom sitemap node provider
container.RegisterSingle<ISiteMapNodeProvider, CustomSiteMapNodeProvider>();
// Register the collection of sitemap node providers (including the custom one)
container.RegisterSingle<ISiteMapBuilder>(() => container.GetInstance<SiteMapBuilderFactory>()
.Create(new CompositeSiteMapNodeProvider(
Do note that IDynamicNodeProvider (which is documented) does almost exactly the same thing as ISiteMapNodeProvider, so you could use that option instead. There are 3 main differences:
With IDynamicNodeProvider, you must create a "template" node that defines the dynamicNodeProvider attribute, and the template node itself won't be included in the SiteMap, so it must be used in conjunction with a ISiteMapNodeProvider implementation that processes the dynamic nodes (the built-in ISiteMapNodeProviders do this automatically).
IDynamicNodeProvider doesn't need to be part of the DI setup because it is already processed by both XmlSiteMapNodeProvider and ReflectionSiteMapNodeProvider.
With ISiteMapNodeProvider, you are working directly with the ISiteMapNode object, with IDynamicNodeProvider you are working with an abstraction (DynamicNodeProvider) and there is a conversion that happens automatically.
About SimpleInjector.Verify
If you want Verify() to work, you need to add the following to the excludeTypes array in the MvcSiteMapProviderContainerInitializer.
I have added them to the module and will be in the next version of the Nuget package, but these modules do not update so you have to do it manually.
Note that the Verify() method tries to create an instance of everything that is registered with the container - including objects that never get created by the container in the real world. Therefore, if you use the Verify() method you have to be more diligent that something is not accidentally registered. This makes convention-based registration more difficult to do.

RavenDB IsOperationAllowedOnDocument not supported in Embedded Mode

RavenDB throws InvalidOperationException when IsOperationAllowedOnDocument is called using embedded mode.
I can see in the IsOperationAllowedOnDocument implementation a clause checking for calls in embedded mode.
namespace Raven.Client.Authorization
public static class AuthorizationClientExtensions
public static OperationAllowedResult[] IsOperationAllowedOnDocument(this ISyncAdvancedSessionOperation session, string userId, string operation, params string[] documentIds)
var serverClient = session.DatabaseCommands as ServerClient;
if (serverClient == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot get whatever operation is allowed on document in embedded mode.");
Is there a workaround for this other than not using embedded mode?
Thanks for your time.
I encountered the same situation while writing some unit tests. The solution James provided worked; however, it resulted in having one code path for the unit test and another path for the production code, which defeated the purpose of the unit test. We were able to create a second document store and connect it to the first document store which allowed us to then access the authorization extension methods successfully. While this solution would probably not be good for production code (because creating Document Stores is expensive) it works nicely for unit tests. Here is a code sample:
using (var documentStore = new EmbeddableDocumentStore
{ RunInMemory = true,
UseEmbeddedHttpServer = true,
Configuration = {Port = EmbeddedModePort} })
var url = documentStore.Configuration.ServerUrl;
using (var docStoreHttp = new DocumentStore {Url = url})
using (var session = docStoreHttp.OpenSession())
// now you can run code like:
// session.GetAuthorizationFor(),
// session.SetAuthorizationFor(),
// session.Advanced.IsOperationAllowedOnDocument(),
// etc...
There are couple of other items that should be mentioned:
The first document store needs to be run with the UseEmbeddedHttpServer set to true so that the second one can access it.
I created a constant for the Port so it would be used consistently and ensure use of a non reserved port.
I encountered this as well. Looking at the source, there's no way to do that operation as written. Not sure if there's some intrinsic reason why since I could easily replicate the functionality in my app by making a http request directly for the same info:
HttpClient http = new HttpClient();
http.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:8080");
var url = new StringBuilder("/authorization/IsAllowed/")
http.GetStringAsync(url.ToString()).ContinueWith((response) =>
var results = _session.Advanced.DocumentStore.Conventions.CreateSerializer()
new RavenJTokenReader(RavenJToken.Parse(response.Result)));

Providing workflow extensions to a workflow service - WF 4.0

Greetings one and all!
I'm new to WF 4.0 and WWF in general so forgive me if this seems like a newbie type of question, but believe me I've scoured the depths of the Internet for a solution to this problem, but to no avail.
I have created a sample WF application with a custom CodeActivity that requires an extension be provided, as per below:
public sealed class PreparePizza : CodeActivity
public InArgument<Order> Order { get; set; }
protected override void CacheMetadata(CodeActivityMetadata metadata)
if (this.Order == null)
metadata.AddValidationError("You must supply an Order.");
// If your activity returns a value, derive from CodeActivity<TResult>
// and return the value from the Execute method.
protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
// Obtain the runtime value of the Text input argument
Order order = context.GetValue(this.Order);
var extension = context.GetExtension<IPreparePizzaExtension>();
public interface IPreparePizzaExtension
void Prepare(Order order);
I then slot this activity into a workflow service and attempt to consume via my web app by adding a service reference. However, when I add the reference I get:
System.Activities.ValidationException: An extension of type 'PizzaMan.ActivityLibrary.IPreparePizzaExtension' must be configured in order to run this workflow.
Fair enough - of course my activity requires that I pass it an implementation of IPreparePizzaExtension - after all, I've told it to!
So my question is, how on earth do I pass this to the service? I can manage this easily enough in a console app scenario, using the WorkflowInvoker, but I cannot see any obvious way to do this via the service approach. I would assume that obviously a programmatic approach to adding the reference is what's needed, but again I'm at a loss as to precisely how to go about this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards
The WorkflowServiceHost has a WorkflowExtensions property where you can add the workflow extenstion. There are several ways you can do that. If you are self hosting this is easy as you create the WorkflowServiceHost. If you are usign IIS you need to create a ServiceHostFactory to configure you WorkflowServiceHost. Finally there is an option to add the workflow extension in the CacheMetadata of your activity using the metadata.AddDefaultExtensionProvider() function.
Solved it as follows, self-hosting style:
static void Main(string[] args)
Workflow1 workflow = new Workflow1();
// Provide some default values; note: these will be overriden once method on the service is called.
workflow.productID = -1;
Uri address = new Uri("http://localhost:1234/WorkflowService1");
WorkflowServiceHost host = new WorkflowServiceHost(workflow, address);
// Behaviours
host.Description.Behaviors.Add(new ServiceMetadataBehavior { HttpGetEnabled = true });
host.Description.Behaviors.Add(new ServiceDebugBehavior { IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults = true });
// Persistence
var connStr = #"";
var behavior = new SqlWorkflowInstanceStoreBehavior(connStr);
behavior.InstanceCompletionAction = InstanceCompletionAction.DeleteNothing;
behavior.InstanceLockedExceptionAction = InstanceLockedExceptionAction.AggressiveRetry;
behavior.InstanceEncodingOption = InstanceEncodingOption.None;
// Add extension implementations
host.WorkflowExtensions.Add(new MyExtension());
host.WorkflowExtensions.Add(new MyExtensionTest());
host.Faulted += new EventHandler(host_Faulted);
foreach (System.ServiceModel.Description.ServiceEndpoint endpoint in host.Description.Endpoints)
My toolkit has configuration support for this. See http://neovolve.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Neovolve.Toolkit.Workflow.dll%20-%201.1
There is also this method of doing things:

Serialize an Activity to xaml

I have Googled a bit, and cannot seem to find any examples of Xaml-fying Activities - good, bad, or otherwise!
public static string ToXaml (this Activity activity)
// i would use ActivityXamlServices to go from Xaml
// to activity, but how to go other way? documentation
// is slim, and cannot infer proper usage of
// ActivityXamlServices from Xml remarks :S
string xaml = string.Empty;
return xaml;
Hints, tips, pointers would be welcome :)
NOTE: so found this. Will work through and update once working. Anyone wanna beat me to the punch, by all means. Better yet, if you can find a way to be rid of WorkflowDesigner, seems odd it is required.
Alright, so worked through this forum posting.
You may Xaml-fy [ie transform an instance to declarative Xaml] a well-known Activity via
public static string ToXaml (this Activity activity)
StringBuilder xaml = new StringBuilder ();
using (XmlWriter xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create (
new XmlWriterSettings { Indent = true, OmitXmlDeclaration = true, }))
using (XamlWriter xamlWriter = new XamlXmlWriter (
new XamlSchemaContext ()))
using (XamlWriter xamlServicesWriter =
ActivityXamlServices.CreateBuilderWriter (xamlWriter))
ActivityBuilder activityBuilder = new ActivityBuilder
Implementation = activity
XamlServices.Save (xamlServicesWriter, activityBuilder);
return xaml.ToString ();
Your Xaml may contain certain artifacts, such as references to System.Activities.Presentation namespace appearing as xmlns:sap="...". If this presents an issue in your solution, read the source link above - there is a means to inject directives to ignore unrecognized namespaces.
Will leave this open for a while. If anyone can find a better solution, or improve upon this, please by all means :)
How about XamlServices.Save(filename, activity)?
Based on the other solution (for VS2010B2) and some Reflectoring, I found a solution for VS2010RC. Since XamlWriter is abstract in the RC, the new way to serialize an activity tree is this:
public static string ToXaml (this Activity activity)
var xamlBuilder = new StringBuilder();
var xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(xamlBuilder,
new XmlWriterSettings { Indent = true, OmitXmlDeclaration = true });
using (xmlWriter)
var xamlXmlWriter =
new XamlXmlWriter(xmlWriter, new XamlSchemaContext());
using (xamlXmlWriter)
XamlWriter xamlWriter =
using (xamlWriter)
var activityBuilder =
new ActivityBuilder { Implementation = sequence };
XamlServices.Save(xamlWriter, activityBuilder);
return xamlBuilder.ToString();