IntelliJ IDEA: Exclude packages while running code coverage - intellij-idea

Is there anyway we can exclude specific packages while running code coverage using IntelliJ IDEA as coverage runner?
There is an option under Run/Debug Configurations > Coverage, that allows us to include classes/packages, but it would be very tedious to include about a few hundred packages to exclude just a few.

There is probably no a way to match the packages that you want to include with a few wildcards? If you want to exclude one package from five packages (a, b, c, d, and e), this is the only option that I have found so far (in the "Run/Debug Configurations" dialog):
This is rather clumsy indeed.
When I run with code coverage (with a different configuration), the following output is shown:
D:\Programs\Java\jdk1.8.0_72\bin\java [...]
---- IntelliJ IDEA coverage runner ----
sampling ...
include patterns:
exclude patterns:
Process finished with exit code 0
The "exclude patterns:" line gives the impression that it should be possible to exclude packages and/or classes, but I see no way to do this (in the "Run/Debug Configurations" dialog).


CMake: Remove header dependency

Is there any way to make CMake "forget" about a file in the dependency tree? My original problem (to avoid the XY situation) is the following: I want to timestamp the build of a set of tools which have complicated dependencies among them and to other tools. Right now, I want to use a pure timestamp, but later I might want add some info from the repository (SVN). Whatever system I end up implementing needs to have the following characteristics (my "X"):
No unnecessary rebuilding: the executables should not be rebuilt on every make if the only change would be the timestamp.
Update on any change: if any tool is going to be rebuilt or relinked, either by changes to its code or to one of its dependencies, the timestamp needs to be updated.
My current solution goes along the lines of creating a custom command+target that invokes CMake at make time (so the command calls CMake itself with -P script.cmake) to generate a timestamp.h file. The main files of my tools would include that file, and the projects would depend on the target so that it gets rebuilt first.
However, this has its drawbacks: if I do update the timestamp file on every call to make, then CMake's dependency scanner would know about that file even if I do not list it as an explicit dependency of my tools. Thus, every make would trigger at least a recompilation of the respective "main" files and the corresponding relink. With tens of tools, this means slowing down the build when I may be working on just two or three of them at once.
So, I was thinking that my solution would be to somehow make CMake forget about that file when building its dependency tree for the "main" file of each tool. I would keep the dependency on the custom target that does depend on the file, so that it would be regenerated first on each call to make. However, the build tool would not consider that file as relevant to determine whether it is necessary to actually rebuild each individual tool. Thus, tools only with other changes would be rebuilt (satisfying my first criterion), and any change that causes a rebuild of a tool would obviously use the version just generated (fulfilling the second criterion).
To my chagrin, I have not found a way to make the dependency scanner forget about this file, so my solution cannot be put to use. How would I go about doing such a thing? Is it even possible, or is it completely the wrong way to go about this? I am using CMake 3.4, and my code is currently C++, but I would like a solution that did not rely on C/C++ specifics, since I have a different project (written in Fortran) in which I would also like to have build timestamping.
I've had almost the same problem than you are. Simply solved by pushing the timestamp header file into standalone target containing only this header generator command. After that you have several choices:
1.. Exclude that project from the build by the IDE you are using. For example, for the Visual Studio you can do it by several ways:
1.1. Project->Project Dependencies...->uncheck project with that header (not always works: Error while removing project dependency in VS2010)
1.2. Build->Configuration Manager...->uncheck project with that header
2.. Create an environment variable and use the condition with that variable around the add_dependencies command in the CMakeLists.txt file.
3.. Generate 2 standalone solutions through the cmake generator with included and with excluded add_dependencies in the CMakeLists.txt file.
I've used particulary [1.2]. When i need build and debug, then i uncheck the dependecy. By default, dependecy always checked, so there is no problem to miss timestamp build for a build server.
The timestamp header will be included in all projects you want to include that header (for example, through the add_library and add_executable) and you still can observe it in the IDE under a project item menu even if a project depends on the timestamp project indirectly. This is useful if you don't want to search for the timestamp project with the header to open it from there and want to open it from any project which has included that header.
So, in case of removing the timestamp header from the add_library or add_executable you won't have that opportunity.

Number of classes in project/workspace

Is there any way to get the number of classes in a project or the complete workspace in Xcode?
A simple way to get a rough idea for a project is by checking the Compile Sources section of the project's Build Phases. The compile sources will list all source files (.m, .swift) and doesn't include any headers.
Assuming roughly one class per source file, this will give you a ballpark idea of how many classes there are in your project at a glance. Note that this doesn't include any embedded projects or frameworks.
You could use cloc which can also be installed via Homebrew: brew install cloc.
Cloc is an open source command line tool for counting lines of code, but it also provides the count of files grouped by file type. The simplest form is cloc <path-to-your-project-dir> but the output can be configured by parameters.
A more complex solution (IMHO too complex) is, using Sonarqube with an Objective C plugin. Sonarqube has a nice interface and many functions, but just for counting classes, it's way to much.

TeamCity MSTest and TestList?

In order to automate unit tests on TeamCity I had to create a test list in my vsmdi configuration file indicating that every test is part of a list I called CompleteCoverage. I dislike this a lot because in order to auto-run new tests I'll have to remember to include them on this list.
Is there some way to run every test in the solution using TeamCity and MSBuild (other than explicitly referencing the path to the output test assembly)?
Should I just drop MSTest and go for NUnit?
I'm using NUnit instead of MSTest, but this should work for you, too:
I've named all my test assemblies to include .NUnit in their name, e.g. Basic.NUnit.dll. In the build step performing the tests, I've declared **/*.NUnit.dll as the assemblies to run. To make sure that they are run in the right location, I've added **/obj/**/*.NUnit.dll to the exclude list. Together with test categories to in- or exclude, I've got perfect control over which tests to run on a purely declarative level without to name the individual tests.

Jenkins and MSBuild and Copy Artifacts Plugin and proper usage for multiple projects

My problem boils down to this base case: our solution has two projects, A and B, which project C then includes into its build process.
When someone pushes to project A or B, Jenkins builds the project using MSBuild, archives the artifact, and then kicks off a build of C.
When C begins, it has four "Copy Artifacts" tasks that need to run: first, it copies the artifacts from A into .\A\obj\Release\, then it copies the same artifacts into .\A\bin\Release. Then it repeats for project B. Then it builds itself.
That's right: for each project C relies on, Copy Artifacts has to be run twice, or else MSBuild detects that something is out of date and the whole thing is built from scratch.
Is there an easier way to do this? Can I pass a parameter to MSBuild (or configure the .csproj) that says "only build this project, assume the other project binaries are up-to-date, regardless of the timestamp"? Is there a better plugin that will take care of this for me?
This is really annoying (and confusing) in our real-world case where we've got almost 20 different projects, with layered dependencies between them.
You can pass BuildProjectReferences=false into MSBuild to tell it to skip auto-building references and just build the project indicated.

Tell pydev to exclude an entire package from analysis?

Today I'm on a mission to remove little red X's from my django project in pydev. Mostly, this involves fixing import problems with pydev.
I'm using South for database migrations. South (if you don't know) generates python modules, and pydev doesn't like them. I don't want to edit the south code since it's generated.
Is there a way to instruct pydev to exclude certain packages from analysis? Something like ##UndefinedVariable, except for the entire module? Ideally I'd like to ignore packages named "migrations".
In South, I have added a "##PydevCodeAnalysisIgnore" to the templates in south/management/ and south/management/ It doesn't let me ignore entire packages, but serves my purposes well enough.
I have lots of generated code. To avoid PyDev complaints, I postprocess those modules as follows (bash script):
for file in `find gen -name '*.py'`; do
mv $file $file.bak
echo '##PydevCodeAnalysisIgnore' > $file
cat $file.bak >> $file
rm $file.bak
Yes, you can put ##PydevCodeAnalysisIgnore at the beginning of each file that you want to ignore, but that means that you're coding to your IDE, which isn't best practice. I prefer instead to change my project settings so that
some troublesome patterns are ignored by Eclipse (by adding to Preferences -> PyDev -> Editor -> Code Analysis -> Undefined)
some troublesome files are ignored by Eclipse (by adding an exclude filter to Project Properties -> Resource -> Resource Filters -> Add Filter...)
In your particular case, I had the exact same problem and decided to exclude South migrations from the Eclipse project. On the few occasions that I needed to edit these auto-generated files, I didn't use Eclipse.
One other option is to right click on your project and select PyDev -> Remove error markers -- but don't do this if there are any errors that you don't want hidden!
Although not directly related to this question in terms of disabling individual migration files from analysis, PyDev's built in code analysis was causing me real headaches here on Windows, when the same project and settings has no problem on Mac OS. This lead me to this question, on how disable analysis for certain resources. There is a large folder part of the project and excluding this resource using Eclipse -> (the folder) -> Properties -> Resources -> Filter (exclude) didn't even help.
Having the exclusion along with using PyLint fixed the insanely slow build times. YMMV.