How to build Aroon Indicator with AnyChart? - stock

I’m trying to migrate from AnyChart Stock Flash to HTML5 version, but there is no Aroon indicator at the moment.
I see there is a custom indicator option in docs, but I have no idea how to build Aroon on it. Can anyone provide me some help?

You need to create computer object using .createComputer() method, like
var aroonCalculator = dataTable.createComputer(mapping);
and calculate Aroon indicator values.
The complete example is available here:
The sample is using AnyChart Stock 7 and all data is prepared for AnyChart Stock HTML5 version. All information about how to create custom indicators you can find here:
All other technical questions, just let us know via and we will be happy to help.


Can I use Vue-analytics with a Measurement ID?

I've been looking for a way to easily integrate Google Analytics and Tag manager to a VueJS project I'm working on. I came across the solution of using a library called vue-analytics for this, but the tutorials I've seen always talk about setting it up with a Tracking ID, that looks like: UA-XXXXXX-X, which I don't have, I have a Measurement ID, that looks like: G-XXXXXXX.
So I was wondering if there's any difference with using either with Vue-analytics, and if there is, is it better that I get a Tracking ID or is there a way to set it up with a Measurement ID?
Thanks so much for any help!

Branch.IO Unpopulated or Null Installs

Im a student and just learning the ropes in particular using Branch. Does anyone know what Null or Unpopulated installs could mean, and why they started off with a count of 0 and suddenly increased?
Screenshot of dashboard:
You'll see Unpopulated data on the Dashboard if the corresponding field is not being attributed. Let's say you have a link(Quick Link or Ad Link) and have not mentioned analytical tags, then though the Installs/Events will get attributed to the link but the channel/campaign if you haven't mentioned will be Unpopulated.
On Branch's end you can utilise Dashboard's LiveView Feature to see the real-time data-flow to Branch Servers via SDK to verify the recording of particular Test App Install/Open. If you require more debugging with this please reach out to ""

Request for Existing Source Code on Defect Trend App

I started modifying/developing Rally apps about a week ago using the existing Rally apps provided on the Github repository so far. However, for one of my final tasks I've been asked to recreate a tailored Defect Trend Report App and unfortunately, the source code is not available for the App. I tried to start from scratch but I've ran into numerous errors and am a bit overwhelmed.
I was wondering if anyone had the src code for the app or knew of a way to extract the src code from the existing app. Of course if there is custom code that an individual has worked on that could also help me progress in this process and wouldn't mind sharing it, that'd also help a ton.
I saw that there were a few snippets that could be used from the Hackathon repo, but they're not quite on the mark of what I want to do with the app. I'm just trying to have the existing app filtered by delivery versions (currently filtered by iteration/release).
All help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks fellas!
There is an example of a 'bare metal' chart app in the App SDK 2.0 docs. It should give you the basics on how to do a chart.To get to it, go to the help pages (click on avatar in top right corner) and search for "Rally App SDK"
After that, you need to work out how to select defects from the various releases and do a count of each. There are two ways to do this:
Get all defects in the project you are in (don't forget whether you need to scope down to child projects too) and then do something like _.uniq() on the release field to find the list of releases (or do another request to get all the releases into a different store and use that for names and a count).
Get the releases and then for each release request the related defects.
If you do ask for child projects, you will need to handle all the scenarios of different releases for different projects - can get complicated!
#1 is effectively one big fetch, #2 may be many smaller ones.
You may want to decide whether to count all defects, sum the estimates, ignore those not finished, etc., etc.

How can I see features added or removed to/from a release of Rally?

I'm wondering how I would architect something with the Rally SDK. I currently have a grid that filters by Release and Portfolioitem/Feature.
I'm wondering how I could show what features have been removed from a release and what features have been added. Something like:
+ FE123
+ FE223
- FE101
My immediate issue seems to be knowing where to pull the revision info from. Where would I get information to show revision history on either a feature having a parent release or a release revision history having features that have been removed and/or added?
Please let me know if I can make my question clearer, it's a bit of a tough read even reading it back myself.
Rally LookbackAPI will give you historic data. You may build your grid using shapshot store intended to retrieve data from the Lookback API.

What`s the best practice for Magento to update stock from code

I have to integrate my webshop with an external system. This system provides several functionalities, described in their API. This is what I want to do:
Import/sync products (this is available as CSV via request)
Update stock of products (also available as webrequest)
So I have to hook into the Magento stock check and I want some script which updates the products like everyday.
Where should I implement my changes? What is the best way to do this? I can imagine Magento already have some API stock functionalities, but can`t seem to find the right documentation.
Thanks in advance!
Firstly you could use the Magento web service via either SOAP and XML-RPC:
There's an API for updating stock levels:
However, this is usually quite slow and can take some time to update large collections of products, in which case you are better going for a solution which uses the Magento object model directly, or something custom.
Depending upon your level of development expertise there's a few options available. One library to checkout is Magmi:
this is useful for updating lots of product data / stock levels quite quickly.
If you do no require an automated solution, you could always use the standard Magento import/export profiles to import stock levels from a CSV file, a quick search for 'Magento Import Export Profiles' should give you a good starting place:
I am fully functionally using Magmi now. I have written a plugin to automatically create configurable products, so if anyone is ever interested let me know.
There is already a plugin to process configurable products, my plugin is dependent on that plugin.
Basically, you will only be able to create configurable products if you especially have added this to your CSV, with a column named 'type'. In the column type you can set simple or configurable. With my module that won`t be nessecary. By some logic I automatically recognize the simple products and create a new configurable containing those products.
A little explanation on why I need this:
The stock system of our client updates a list of product (CSV) every few hours, containing entries of products. They sell clothing, and every size, and every color is a new entry. So one product can have 10 entries, entry 1: t-shirt green, size 12; entry 2: t-shirt green, size 13, etc.
I explain this, just in case anybody would ever need something like this, my plugin will probably help you. It will although need a few modification for your situation, since this is very specific to how your list of products is composed.
Anyway, thanks for your help!