WCF nettcp traffic optimization - wcf

How to optimize traffic on nettcp binding ?
One data object takes 300-1000 bytes in memory. I need transfer near 1 000 000 objects. So i can create more than 1 Gb traffic. Can length of field name influent on serialized object size ( i.e. xml serializer use names in xml elements ) ?
And i expect that binary serializer used by default ?
Can gzip compression enabled be effective on 1Gb size , total time pack + network transfer + unpack ?
May be in this case more effective way create custom serializer ?

By default net.tcp binding will use Microsoft binary XML encoding, which is dependent on the length of XML tags you use, but list them only once. So if you pass all 1000000 objects in one WCF message, then all tags will appear only once.
But what is more important WCF uses buffered mode by default. Which means that you will have all your objects in memory (1 Gb), then WCF will serialize them into something - let's assume this is another 1 Gb. If you use reliable sessions then one more copy of message will reside in memory until confirmation from receiving side is received.
So, not only traffic is important, but also local memory footprint will be significant.


azure storage queue (json vs binary)

What's the best way to store custom messages into the queue? I mean if I have a queue that can store different types of messages should I store them in binary format or json?
What do you think?
Windows Azure Storage Client Library provides overloads for binary and string that handle encoding for you. As such you can make use of any serialization mechanism you like, given that the serialized form is less than 64 KB.
Hence, the answer to your question actually depends on your specific scenario. Handling JSON data would be much easier, but if you have a specific need to send the data in another format, please consider such alternatives. For larger scenarios some users augment queue messages to simply point to blob or table storage as a more flexible and verbose option while using the queue messages to provide for reliable message delivery.

What are the limits of messages, queues and exchanges?

What are the allowed types of messages (strings, bytes, integers, etc.)?
What is the maximum size of a message?
What is the maximum number of queues and exchanges?
Theoretically anything can be stored/sent as a message. You actually don't want to store anything on the queues. The system works most efficiently if the queues are empty most of the time. You can send anything you want to the queue with two preconditions:
The thing you are sending can be converted to and from a bytestring
The consumer knows exactly what it is getting and how to convert it to the original object
Strings are pretty easy, they have a built in method for converting to and from bytes. If you know it is a string then you know how to convert it back. The best option is to use a markup string like XML, JSON, or YML. This way you can convert objects to Strings and back again to the original objects; they work across programming languages so your consumer can be written in a different language to your producer as long as it knows how to understand the object.
I work in Java. I want to send complex messages with sub objects in the fields. I use my own message object. The message object has two additional methods toBytes and fromBytes that convert to and from the bytestream. I use routing keys that leave no doubt as to what type of message the consumer is receiving. The message is Serializable. This works fine, but is limiting as I can only use it with other Java programs.
The size of the message is limited by the memory on the server, and if it is persistent then also the free HDD space too. You probably do not want to send messages that are too big; it might be better to send a reference to a file or DB.
You might also want to read up on their performance measures:
Queues are pretty light weight, you will most likely be limited by the number of connections you have. It will depend on the server most likely. Here is some info on a similiar question:
What is the maximum size of a message?
It used to be 2 GiB before version 3.8.0:
%% Trying to send a term across a cluster larger than 2^31 bytes will
%% cause the VM to exit with "Absurdly large distribution output data
%% buffer". So we limit the max message size to 2^31 - 10^6 bytes (1MB
%% to allow plenty of leeway for the #basic_message{} and #content{}
%% wrapping the message body).
-define(MAX_MSG_SIZE, 2147383648).
Reference: https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-common/blob/v3.7.21/include/rabbit.hrl#L279
It has been 512 MiB since version 3.8.0:
%% Max message size is hard limited to 512 MiB.
%% If user configures a greater rabbit.max_message_size,
%% this value is used instead.
-define(MAX_MSG_SIZE, 536870912).
Reference: https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-common/blob/v3.8.0/include/rabbit.hrl#L238
See robthewolf's answer.
The max message size is 2GB, however, performance tuning for messages of this size is not effective. Max Message Size
There is no hard limit imposed by RabbitMQ Server Software on the number of queues, however, the hardware the server is running on may very well impact this limit.
3a. There is no queue length limit imposed by the server by default. You can, however, limit this through server-side policy (configuration) or client side policy. Max Queue Length
There is more information and links on a related post.

Maximum binary contents length over WCF/Http

We have a WCF service that has a threshold of 30MB to send files over an http message, anything above that value gets transferred by file copy and the path sent back to the caller. Now we were requested to eliminate that file copy because customers complained it was too slow. So the decision was to remove any size limitation when sending binary content over WCF/HTTP.
My question is - how reliable is that? What type of issues will we encounter by pushing, say, a 2GB file over the wire in a single WCF message, if that is even possible?
If you set the MaxReceivedMessageSize in WCF to a high enough value on your WCF service, you can push a fairly large file through that service. The maximum is int64.MaxValue = 9,223,372,036,854,775,807, so you should be able to set a value to cover a 2GB message.
You might want to control the MaxBufferSize to ensure you're not trying to store too much into memory, and maybe consider switching to the more binary-efficient MTOM message encoding if you can. Note that the MaxReceivedMessageSize governs the size of the message after the binary file has been encoded, which means the original binary file size which can be sent over the service will be smaller than 2GB.
MSDN has a very nice article covering sending large amounts of data over WCF and what to look out for: Large Data and Streaming.
Edit: Turns out the max value allowed is actually Int64.MaxValue)

Looking for the optimal WCF quota settings

I know, my question is kinda wishy washy, but what would you say are "optimal" settings for WCF quotas, e.g. MaxReceivedMessageSize etc.?
My service mostly returns small values, but sometimes the return values exceed the default quotas. There are even larger return values, which I return as streams at a second endpoint.
Now the default value for MaxReceivedMessageSize (no question, the streamed endpoint uses higher values; my question concerns buffered communication) of 65536 bytes is quite low, I think. There are tons of "tutorials" which just set this value to Int32.MaxValue, which isn't a good idea at all ;)
Well what do you think? Which values are viable but are also safe enough not to make your service vulnerable for DoS and other stuff?
Vialbe value really depends on the size of data you are expecting. If you know that sometimes you can get up to 256KB then set the value to 256KB. In case of internal service the limit can be probably set to Int32.MaxValue but I think it is much more about lazyness of making the assumtion about transferred data. For a public web service you will hardly set the value to Int32.MaxValue because anybody will be able to blow up your server.
Btw. if we are talking about data returned from the service then this decission is on the client - both quotas and MaxReceiveMessageSize target receiving message not sending message so if your service returns data in response to client's requests the limit will be set on the client side. For example in case of public web service you don't have all clients under your control so you must also consider how much data do you want to return.
A separate endpoint is separate configuration on both client and server sides.

Is this possible in wcf?

I have a wcf service which returns a list of many objects e.g. 100,000
I get an error when calling this function because the maximum size i am allowed to pass back from wcf has been exceeded.
Is there a built in way i could return this in smaller chunks e.g. 20,000 at a time
I can increase the size allowed back from the wcf but was wondering what the alternatives were.
Without knowing your requirements, I'd take a look at two other possible options:
Paging: If your 100,000 objects are coming from a database, then use paging to reduce the amount of data and invoke the service in batches with a page number. If the objects are not coming from a database, then you'd need to look at how that data will be stored server-side during invocations.
Streaming: Return the data to the caller as a stream instead.
With the streaming option, you'd have to do some more work in terms of managing the serialization of the objects, but it would allow the client to 'pull' the objects from the service at its own pace. Streaming is supported in most, if not all, the standard bindings (including HTTP).