How can I get my API KEY on the food2fork site after signup? - api-key

I have searched all over on the web site but I can't find my API KEY. Please help.

I had the same issue. I wasn't given a key when I signed up through facebook. Then I created a new login ID, signing up with my email address, and -- bingo!

Login in your account and you should see your API Key in:


Failed to generate API key for Dglobal ID via web admin panel

I am trying to generate an api key in Dglobal ID to be able to connect to my account to allow my users to register with Dglobal ID. A page should appear where you can request the api key in order to make the POST request.
Generate an api token to authenticate my users with Dglobal ID making a post request. The page appears blank with an error code that says the request could not be processed.
To generate an api key with Dglobal you have to visit login with your account or create a new one and visit your developer page there you have to go to "Developer options" and generate your api key.
I hope that solved your question.

Google My Business API: Getting 404 Error

I recently signed up for Google My Business and I'm trying to use OAUTH playground in order to make API requests.
Here's my info:
Project name
Project ID
Project number
I'm running into issues with the google my business API. I am trying to follow instructions listed here: in order to make some request to the My Business API.
My client ID is and I am still unable to make any successful requests with the oauth playground, i get a 404 not found when i try to list all accounts. Is there any configuration that is incorrect or that I'm missing?
Please help! I'm unsure what's wrong.
First of all, open the playground [], from the top right side, follow the pic below and copy paste your clientId, make sure you have selected "client-side".
Then, on the left side, eneter and press the button "Authorise Apis"
Next, you are asked to sign in with your client username and password, so after signing in, you are given about an hour or so to work in playground:
Did you include the "OAuth Client ID" in the OAuth 2.0 Configuration tab? with
OAuth flow:Client side
Use your own OAuth credentials: (mark with a tick)
OAuth Client ID: (enter your oauth client id)
In step 1:
In step 2:

Adobe Sign access token invalid_request

I'm having trouble with Adobe Sign's OAuth authentication -- every time I try to get my access token with my Client ID and redirect URI, I get this message:
Unable to authorize access because the client configuration is invalid: invalid_request
This is the request that I have been making (with the proper substitution for REDIRECT and CLIENTID): redirect_uri=REDIRECT& response_type=code& client_id=CLIENTID& scope=user_login:self+agreement_send:account
I am fairly new to OAuth and don't understand what I'm doing wrong. Could someone please explain the issues that could result in this error message?
I was having the same problem. I solved it by including the correct shard in the URL after "secure." and before ".echosign". You identify your shard by looking at the URL where you created your application.
I found this information here.
Hope this helps.
Is OK to have spaces in that https request?
If you still have a problems with this.
I think your URL is not correct.
I using this one
for adobe widget.
Adobe require same url for OAuth
Check your domain, and try. You can create widget just to see your domain
This comment might get helpful for others who are facing issue in Adobe Sign access token invalid_request.
Developer Guide on Sign API:
For the Outh process and the link to be used in user's browser:
If any one using sandbox,
Please ensure the correct environment identifier and shard.
After pasting URL in browser and allowing the access to your API and getting code. Please use endpoint URL to get access token as below:
for developer account:
for sandbox account:

WeChat Social Login

I'm trying to integrate WeChat login with current system.
I own a WeChat offical account and already have AppID and AppSecret.
Server Settings enabled as well.
When I was tring to hit the QRcode scan url with my appid and my own server redirect url as parameter(example as below)
The browser threw me this error page
What I expect is something like this
1. Is it because of I didn't go through the wechat verification thus unable to obtain the user basic information?
2. How to get the wechat verification?
Is it because of I didn't go through the wechat verification thus unable to obtain the user basic information?
Yes. To integrate wechat login, your wechat official account must be verified service account (subscribe account is not supported, even it is verified). Please refer to official document for more information.
How to get the wechat verification?
To get the wechat official account verified, you can follow the steps in the customer support document.
For anyone who stumbles upon this issue, this a redirect uri issue and weixin dashboard doesn't address it properly. First of all get a your application registered and approved from weixin (very painful and long process). Then in Admin center / application details of the registered application Authorization callback domain field should be just domain name. For example is authorized domain then authorization callback domain should also be without any URI, but when you are making the API call use your own encoded URI so redirect_uri =
Your Official Account must be a Service Account
In the Basic Configuration,you can add your sever's IP to the IP White List,so that you can get the access_token by your AppID and AppSecret.

How users pass API key with their username and password?

I'm following this tutorial and it works like a charm. But many things are harcoded so I need to change them. I have to check in DB if the username and password are correct and so on... But I don't understand how API keys (or service keys) works.
On the tutorial code, the service key is passing through HTTP header, and then the login method checks if it is matching with username and password provided. But if each user has a unique service key, how users can pass it through HTTP header? Users put their usernames and password into form fields and then press the login button
The tutorial says that the service key is provided to the user by email or other methods. But how the user enters it in the HTTP header of the login form? Where this service key is coming from?
The service key is to give access to the API, not individual users. So take twitter for example: twitter users log in with username and password and don't need a service key. But if you wanted to build your own twitter platform where users can log in to your page and see their tweets in your app (like tweetdeck), you'd need to get a service key to use the twitter API, and you'd send this key along with your http requests from your server to twitter every-time a user logs into your page. Service keys are a way of identifying clients (ie applications) using the API, not specific users using the application.