How can I extract from Measurements like
the attributes with Java Client?
Example for c8y_MotionMeasurement content:
You can take a look at device-capability-model project.
It already includes a lot of commonly used fragments. If the fragments you need exist you can do something like this in java:
Measurement m = ... // get measurement from c8y
SignalStrength s = m.get(c8y.SignalStrength.class);
If the fragment does not exist in device-capability-model I would recommend creating a class for that fragment in your project. Of course you can always handle everything as a map and just get the fragment (as Object) by the key.
Here I try to make call from database and combine into new mono from different mono and flux.
public Mono<ListMovieWithKomenDTO> fetchMovieAndKomen(Integer movieId){
Mono<Movie> movie = findById(movieId).subscribeOn(Schedulers.elastic());
Flux<MovieKomen> movieKomen = getKomenByMovieId(movieId).subscribeOn(Schedulers.elastic());
return, movieKomen.collectList(), movieMovieKomenDTOBiFunction);
private BiFunction<Movie, List<MovieKomen>, ListMovieWithKomenDTO> movieMovieKomenDTOBiFunction = (x1, x2) -> ListMovieWithKomenDTO.builder()
// .age(x1.getAge())
In here I make db call twice for header ( like movie ) and detail ( like movie comment ) to separate them. After I make retrieve two different data, I want to join into new mono data based on flux data and mono. to make them into one data, I make DTO to put together from movie table and comment table but it failed. I assume that errors from to get data into one new mono.
Here the error from debug console
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot encode parameter of type org.springframework.r2dbc.core.Parameter
at io.r2dbc.postgresql.ExtendedQueryPostgresqlStatement.bind( ~[r2dbc-postgresql-0.8.10.RELEASE.jar:0.8.10.RELEASE]
Thank you
Problem is in my repository I used
public interface MovieKomenRepository extends ReactiveCrudRepository<MovieKomen,Integer> {
#Query("select * from m_movie_komen where m_movie_id = $1")
Flux<MovieKomen> findByMovieId(int movie_id);
in above example, I used $1 for the param in query. But when I change my code like bottom. It works like a charm.
public interface MovieKomenRepository extends ReactiveCrudRepository<MovieKomen,Integer> {
#Query("select * from m_movie_komen where m_movie_id = :movie")
Flux<MovieKomen> findByMovieId(#Param("movie") int movie_id);
so if someone want to use my service code is fine but careful in repository. we should not used '$1' instead ':movie'. so the problem not in service or mono/flux. but in my repository
Thank you.
I created a completionitemprovider for my extension, but now the suggestions based on words in the document aren't shown. Do I have to provide each word in the document?
export class ScriptViewProvider implements vscode.CompletionItemProvider
async provideCompletionItems(document : vscode.TextDocument, position : vscode.Position) : Promise<vscode.CompletionItem[]> {
let completions : vscode.CompletionItem[] = [];
let completion = new vscode.CompletionItem("bla", vscode.CompletionItemKind.Field);
return completions;
It brings up "bla" when I type "b", but none of the other words in the document appear.
See this comment of an open VS Code issue.
When your CompletionProvider was registered using a DocumentSelector that is more significant than that of other providers and returns at least one completion item, the other providers are skipped.
The word-based suggestions provider is less significant and so it does not contribute any suggestions.
Depending on the nature of your extension you could try to define a less specific DocumentSelector when registering your CompletionProvider.
If this is not possible I think there is no other option than to providing all completion items yourself (including word-based suggestions).
Before you start reading: I have looked at the GraphQL documentation, but my usecase is so specific and I only need the data once, and therefore I allow myself to ask the community for help on this one to save some time and frustration (not planning to learn GraphQL in the future)
I am a CS student developing an app for Flutter on the side, where I need information about the name and location of every bus stop in a specific county in Norway. Luckily, there's an open GraphQL API for this (API URL: The thing is, I don't know how to query a GraphQL API, and I do not want to spend time learning it as I am only going to fetch the data once and be done with it.
Here's the IDE for the API:
And this is the exact query I want to perform as I want to fetch bus stops located in the county of Trondheim:
stopPlace(stopPlaceType: onstreetBus, countyReference: "Trondheim") {
name {
... on StopPlace {
quays {
geometry {
The problem with this query though, is that I don't get any data when passing "Trondheim" to the countyReference (without countyReference I get the data, but not for Trondheim). I've tried using the official municipal number for the county as well without any luck, and the documentation of the API is rather poor... Maybe this is something I'll have to contact the people responsible for the API to figure out, which shouldn't be a problem.
But now back to the real problem - how can I make this query using the GraphQL package for Dart? Here's the package I'm planning to use: (
I want to create a bus stop object for each bus stop, and I want to put them all in a list. Here is my bus stop model:
class BusStop with ChangeNotifier {
final String id;
final String name;
final LatLng location;
When it comes to authentication, here's what the documentation says:
This API is open under NLOD licence, however, it is required that all consumers identify themselves by using the header ET-Client-Name. Entur will deploy strict rate-limiting policies on API-consumers who do not identify with a header and reserves the right to block unidentified consumers. The structure of ET-Client-Name should be: "company - application"
Header examples: "brakar - journeyplanner" "fosen_utvikling - departureboard" "norway_bussekspress - nwy-app"
Link to API documentation:
Would be great to know how I should go about this as well! I'm grateful for every answers to this, I know I am being lazy here as of learning GraphQL, but for my usecase I thought it would take less time and frustration by asking here!
Getting the query right
First of all you seem to have GraphQL quite figured out. There isn't really much more to it than what you are doing. What queries an API supports depends on the API. The problem you seem to have is more related to the specific API that you are using. I might have figured the right query out for you and if not I will quickly explain what I did and maybe you can improve the query yourself:
stopPlace(stopPlaceType: onstreetBus, municipalityReference: "KVE:TopographicPlace:5001") {
name {
... on StopPlace {
quays {
geometry {
So to get to this I started finding out more about "Trondheim" bei using the topographicPlace query.
topographicPlace(query: "Trondheim") {
name {
parentTopographicPlace {
name {
If you do that you will see that "Trondheim" is not a county according to the API: "topographicPlaceType": "municipality". I have no idea what municipality is but the is a different filter for this type on the query that you provided. Then putting "Trondheim" there didn't yield any results so I tried the ID of Trondheim. This now gives me a bunch of results.
About the GraphQL client that you are using:
This seems to be an "Apollo Client" clone in Dart. Apollo Client is a heavy piece of software that comes with a lot of awesome features when used in a frontend application. You probably just want to make a single GraphQL request from a backend. I would recommend using a simple HTTP client to send a POST request to the GraphQL API and a JSON body (don't forget content type header) with the following properties: query containing the query string from above and variables a JSON object mapping variable names to values (only needed if you decide to add variables to your query.
I have an input xml and it has only one Telephone child element,
<Telephone type="fax">
But my output XML has multiple Telephone child element,
<Telephone type="fax">
<Telephone type="fax">
I want to map from input element Number to output Number and also Extension element.
I can't change the schema because it is globally used.
I don't see any options to map using Element Mapping.
And I tried using adding Rule to the ContactMethod element, but no luck.
Above I is just example I asked. I need one to many mapping idea in datamapper.
See attached image, that is my actual requirement. Look at the Disclosure/CandidateDisclosure elements in source and destination
My source is XML and target is JSON, but the actual logic I need is similar for all the structures ..
I am maintaining a project which use DataMapper and faced the same issue. To solve it I add Java Transformer (you can use Groovy or other scripting languages) after DataMapper to group the one-to-many relationship.
Following is the pseudo code:
provide empty telpMap
foreach telpXml which is extracted from src/payload {
key = telpXml.get("#type");
if (telpMap.containsKey(key)) {
List number = telpMap.get(key).get("Number");
List extension = telpMap.get(key).get("Extension");
} else {
telpMap.put(key, telpXml);
return telpMap.values();
I'm trying to code a class handling serialization of documents by reading their metadata. I got inspired by this implementation for entities with Doctrine ORM and modified it to match how Doctrine ODM handles documents. Unfortunatly something is not working correctly as one document is never serialized more than once even if it is refered a 2nd time thus resulting on incomplete serialization.
For example, it outputs this (in json) for a user1 (see User document) that belongs to some place1 (see Place document). Then it outputs the place and the users belonging to it where we should see the user1 again but we don't :
id: "505cac0d6803fa1e15000004",
login: "user1",
places: [
id: "505cac0d6803fa1e15000005",
code: "place1",
users: [
id: "505c862c6803fa6812000000",
login: "user2"
I guess it could be related to something preventing circular references but is there a way around it ?
Also, i'm using this in a ZF2 application, would there be a better way to implement this using the ZF2 Serializer ?
Thanks for your help.
I have a serializer already written for DoctrineODM. You can find it in - look in lib/Sds/DoctrineExtensions/Serializer.
If you are are using zf2, then you might also like, which configures DoctrineExtensions for use in zf2.
To use the Module, install it with composer, as you would any other module. Then add the following to your zf2 config:
'sds' => [
'doctrineExtensions' => [
'extensionConfigs' => [
'Sds\DoctrineExtensions\Serializer' => null,
To get the serializer use:
$serializer = $serivceLocator->get('Sds\DoctrineExtensions\Serializer');
To use the serializer:
$array = $serializer->toArray($document)
$json = $serializer->toJson($document)
$document = $serializer->fromArray($array)
$document = $serializer->fromJson($json)
There are also some extra annotations available to control serialization, if you want to use them:
#Sds\Setter - specify a non standard setter for a property
#Sds\Getter - specify a non standard getter fora property
#Sds\Serializer(#Sds\Ignore) - ignore a property when serializing
It's all still a work in progress, so any comments/improvements would be much appreciated. As you come across issues with these libs, just log them on github and they will get addressed promptly.
Finally a note on serializing embedded documents and referenced documents - embedded documents should be serialized with their parent, while referenced documents should not. This reflects the way data is saved in the db. It also means circular references are not a problem.
I've pushed updates to Sds/DoctrineExtensions/Serializer so that it can now handle references properly. The following three (five) methods have been updated:
The first two are self explainitory - the last is to allow serialization rules to be applied without having to hydrate db results into documents.
By default references will be serialized to an array like this:
[$ref: 'CollectionName/DocumentId']
The $ref style of referencing is what Mongo uses internally, so it seemed appropriate. The format of the reference is given with the expectation it could be used as a URL to a REST API.
The default behaviour can be overridden by defineing an alternative ReferenceSerializer like this:
* #ODM\ReferenceMany(targetDocument="MyTargetDocument")
* #Sds\Serializer(#Sds\ReferenceSerializer('MyAlternativeSerializer'))
protected $myDocumentProperty;
One alternate ReferenceSerializer is already included with the lib. It is the eager serializer - it will serialize references as if they were embedded documents. It can be used like this:
* #ODM\ReferenceMany(targetDocument="MyTargetDocument")
* #Sds\Serializer(#Sds\ReferenceSerializer('Sds\DoctrineExtensions\Serializer\Reference\Eager'))
protected $myDocumentProperty;
Or an alternate shorthand annotation is provided:
* #ODM\ReferenceMany(targetDocument="MyTargetDocument")
* #Sds\Serializer(#Sds\Eager))
protected $myDocumentProperty;
Alternate ReferenceSerializers must implement Sds\DoctrineExtensions\Serializer\Reference\ReferenceSerializerInterface
Also, I cleaned up the ignore annotation, so the following annotations can be added to properties to give more fine grained control of serialization:
For example, put #Sds\Serializer(#Sds\Ignore('ignore_when_serializing')) on an email property - it means that the email can be sent upto the server for update, but can never be serialized down to the client for security.
And lastly, if you hadn't noticed, sds annotations support inheritance and overriding, so they play nice with complex document structures.
Another very simple, framework independent way to transforming Doctrine ODM Document to Array or JSON -
This solution gives you a Trait that provides toArray() and toJSON() functions for your ODM Documents. After useing the trait in your Document, you can do -
// Assuming in a Symfony2 Controller
// If you're not, then make your DocmentManager as you want
$dm = $this->get('doctrine_mongodb')->getManager();
$report = $dm->getRepository('YourCoreBundle:Report')->find($id);
// Will return simple PHP array
$docArray = $report->toArray();
// Will return JSON string
$docJSON = $report->toJSON();
BTW, it will work only on PHP 5.4 and above.