How to pass bundle id of extension as environment variable - xcodebuild

I need to build an Xcode project within a Today Extension by 'xcodebuild'. The bundle is of the main target is com.myapp, while the bundle id of the extension is com.myapp.todayextension.
I'd like to pass both the bundle id's as parameters of xcodebuild: I tried to replace the bundle id's in the xcode project by custom environment variables (e.g. ${MAIN_TARGET_BUNDLEID} and ${EXTENSION_BUNDLEID}) but the xcodebuild fails. Could you please help me with the correct syntax of xcodebuild command ? Thanks.

That's called PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER, as per the documentation.

Better too late than never; We can't directly use an environment variable in General tab, you will need to go into Build Settings tab, then set Product Bundle Identifier to your environment-variable, for example $(PRODUCT_NAME).
See below for another approach.
How to load prefix set by parent project?
Create an .xcconfig file (with content like example).
Set up the .xcconfig file in project settings's Info tab (not target's Info tab).
In target's Build Settings tab, ensure PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER is not bold (click it and press delete).
But Podfile users should see also: How to make Xcode use multiple xcconfig files?
My extension.xcconfig file (which is in MyApp/MyLib/MyExtension directory), looks something like:
// Below loads `MyApp/config/mylib.xcconfig` file.
#include "../../config/mylib.xcconfig"
Note that:
You want to use some environment as prefix, but above I use PRODUCT_NAME as suffix (simply edit as you wish).
The mylib.xcconfig file sets MYLIB_BUNDLE_PREFIX, and is outside of my MyLib.xcodeproj file's directory (so is in parent project's config directory, I describe in MyLib's that users should create it there).
So, beside showing my #include approache, I try to introduce use of environment-variable.


Force IntelliJ to use another Home Directory?

I have read this... it does not answer the question.
I would like to have IntelliJ use another location for all of my project files. Currently, it goes to c:\users\ as a default project location.
I want to change that to c:\git.
I tried to change the "Start in" link properties, to no avail.
I don't want to force all of the configuration (ie: the .IdeaIC15 folder) to be relocated, I just want it to go to c:\git when I click "Open project".
To change the directory where project files are located to C:\git:
Select Help->Edit Custom VM Options...
Add the following line to the end of the file that comes up in the editor (*):
Restart IntelliJ.
(*) The file that comes up in the editor will either be idea64.exe.vmoptions or idea.exe.vmoptions.
This will update/create a .vmoptions file in your config directory. It does not modify the vmoptions file in your install directory.
The above steps do not change the default directory that is used
when cloning git repositories. This is the directory that is used in
the File->New->Project from Version Control->Git window. You
still need to set that directory to C:\git and clone one remote repo
into C:\git. Once you have done that IntelliJ remembers the directory and
uses it for subsequent clones.
Locations can be changed by editing the following file:
Follow the comments in file to change the defaults, make sure to un-comment the lines defining these properties:

Something strange with Project Paths in IntelliJ 14.1.4

So, something has started to act weird in my intelliJ project. I even tried removing the iml and .idea data, to no avail.
I go to Project Structure. There, I have a content root. Withing, I have three folders - one for my jar (and jni lib), one for Samples and one for Tools (just tools written to use the jar). The jar, Samples and Tools are marked blue (sources).
In the jar folder, I have my source tree (com\company\projectname\XXX), a lib folder, a folder for my JNI lib and a folder I created call 'junit', which is the focus of this question. It is marked in Project Structure in green (Tests).
Within, I have a folder structure eerily similar to my code: com\company\projectname\junit.
When I open a file in junit\com\company\xxx\junit, I have a big red underline under my package; line which tells me: "Package name '' does not correspond to the file path ''.
I was under the impression that marking a folder as 'Tests' would instruct the IDE to use that as a "parent" folder, if you will, eliminating the need to prepend another folder name.
How can I separate the code from unit tests and in fact, create two junit test suites (one is for internal use, the other is a 'skeleton' for distribution), park them under one "umbrella" folder and NOT have to prepend the package names with that folder name?
Update: Project structure:
Based on your screen shot, the issue is that the junit directory is a subdirectory of another source directory, namely MyProvider. A source directory (whether a "production" source or a unit test source directory) cannot be a subdirectory of another source directory.
You need to either:
move the junit directory out of MyProvider so it is a sibling directory, or
unmark MyProvider as a source directory, create a main (or some such directory) in MyProvider, mark it as a source directory, and then move the com directory/package into main.
Option 2 would be the preferred way to deal with this as it follows a very common directory structure standard.
UPDATE (Following comment from OP)
Here's a couple of screenshot showing the configuration you desire:
I removed the .IdeaIC15 folder and started over. Working for now. Something must have gotten confused in the config, either as part of the update, or in the course of operation. I have taken a backup copy as it is now, so if this happens again, I will have something to check.

How to add non-source folders to IntelliJ IDEA project

Recently set up a multi module project in IntelliJ with the following structure:
/a few more folders
I set up module1+2 and web-module as modules in IntelliJ so those show up, but how do you make the sql and lib folder show up in the project panel? They should be included in VCS as well, but IntelliJ ignores them. How do you add folders outside modules to a project?
Screenshot of project and explorer view:
This is not a strict answer to the question, but it worked for me so I'm posting, perhaps someone will find this useful.
If you want to add an arbitrary folder to your project (even from some different location than your projects), just add it as a module. You needn't worry about the type so much e.g. I needed to add a folder with some SQL scripts, I added it as a Java module and it's nicely visible in IntelliJ even though it has no maven structure or Java sources.
This is how to do it:
File > Project Structure > Modules
Add > New Module > ... (e.g. Java Module)
In the new module settings mark the subfolders that you want to see as 'Sources'
Voilà! :)
This is something that I typically see when creating a project from existing modules. All the modules will show in the project but not the other project related directories. These directories might be, configuration files, environment scripts or bundles of SQL scripts that don't fit neatly into an Intellij module type.
To show the rest of the project source files and directories, I create a parent module from the project root.
File->Project Structure->Modules
Create a new module using the + sign. The new module could be any type (I use java).
On the Next screen set the Content root and Module file location to the Project's root folder.
Select Finish
All of your other modules should now be submodules of the root, and your other project files should now show up.
Add and remove content roots
To add a new content root:
Go to File | Project Structure, or press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S.
Select Modules under the Project Settings section.
Select the necessary module, and then open the Sources tab in the right-hand part of the dialog.
Click Add Content Root.
Specify the folder that you want to add as a new content root, and click OK.
I used File -> New -> Module from Existing Sources...
Then I simply select the folder and add it.
In Project view mode all directories (except the ignored ones from the settings) should show up. Of course the base folder for your multi-project has to be the folder above module1.
Your project should look like this (project view tree):
MY_PROJECT_ROOT (~/the/folder/to/your/project)
|- /module1
|- /module2
|- /web-module
And in this case, you should definitely see the other folders. I got a sample project set up where this is working.
From your screenshot, I assume you are missing the root directory (the project root is not as you expected). I added another screenshot. There should be a single root folder for your 3 modules. This one is missing at your screenshot. You have 3 separate folders with no common root folder. On MacOs, the project root is displayed in the window title. In my case it points to ~/devel/sandbox.
I guess you should try to create a new project in for that trunk folder. From the scratch. Then add the existing modules and you should be fine?!

How to set a bundle installation location to its parent bundle directory?

I have a main project App that contains subproject intended to be installed in AppBundleDirectory/Contents/PlugIns.
The default installation directory for plugin.xcodeproj is /Library/Bundles, I'd like to change it to AppBundleDirectory/Contents/PlugIns. I don't think plugin is aware of its parent build directory, so I couldn't find any environment variable to put into the Installation Directory setting.
To sum it up:
Project structure
Wanted generated structure
How should I proceed ?
If your app target depends on your plugin targets, then it's fairly straightforward:
Add a Copy Files phase to your app
Make the Destination "PlugIns" (this is in the drop-down list)
Use the "+" button to choose the plugins.
If the plugins depend on the app, then it's only slightly more complicated. You have to hard-code the name of the app:
Make sure that everyone has the same DSTROOT (using a single Scheme is the easiest way to get this)
Make the plugins INSTALL_PATH be "/" (note the leading /)
Note that it's "PlugIns" not "Plugins". 99.99% of the time it doesn't matter. But every so often you run into that one guy who chooses a case-sensitive file system at install and your plugins don't load. I chased that bug for four months once. Picking it from the Copy Files list is a nice way to be sure to be right.

What should I do if I can't find the GPUImage.h header for the GPUImage framework?

I have created a sample application to perform bump distortion, using the GPUImage framework. I added this framework to my application, but I'm seeing the following error
Lexical or preprocessor issue 'GPUImage.h' file not found.
I have added the -ObjC flag to the Other Linker Flags, but I'm still seeing this error. How can I solve this problem and get my application to compile?
Adding GPUImage framework to XCode project could be tricky. So I haved added detailed step-by-step instructions w/ images on how to do it.
Static Compilation Method (detailed solution so we don't mess up)
This is Static compilation method. In this basically we will compile the framework using ./ file. And simply add it to our XCode project, then configure XCode to properly use it.
Download GPUImage from Github and extract it (or just clone it).
Go to the GPUImagefolder in terminal
Run ./
Note: This will compile and create ready-to-use binary for all the sdks on your mac. creates a folder called build and generates compiled binaries and dumps them to folders like: Release-iPhone, Release-iPhoneOS, Release-iphonesimulator etc folders.
For iPhone use Release-iphone (This also works for simulator).
Copy (not drag-drop) Release-iphone to your XCode project's root directory so that we have a local copy of framework.
Now iPhone drag-and-drop Release-iphone onto your XCode project. Make sure to check "Copy to .." option.
This Release-iphone folder contains two sub-folders: include and lib
include folder contains all the header .h files
lib folder contains compiled binary version file called libGPUImage.a
We now need to simply configure XCode to use .h and .a files.**
Select your project in the project explorer > Project name under Targets > select Build Phases > Expand Link Binary With Libraries
Add the libGPUImage.a to Link Binary With Libraries section. You may want to Right-click on libGPUImage.a then Open in Finder and finally drag-drop it.
While we are at it, also add the following GPUImage's dependent frameworks/ libraries
CoreMedia, CoreVideo, OpenGLES, AVFoundation, QuartzCore to Link Binary With Libraries section
Now, lets configure .h headers.
Select your project in the project explorer > Project name under Targets > select Build Settings > and type search paths to see search paths section.
Open Headers Search Paths by clicking on the value field.
Drag-and-drop the lib folder to that popup. Note: If it shows absolute path, change it to looks $(SRCROOT)/path/to/lib/. (You should have the framework relative to your xcode project see step 6).
Repeat 11 & 12 for Library Search Paths as well.
Additional tips: You can add .h files to Library Search Paths or Headers Search Paths, you can make them Recursive. I have a main root-folder called Dependencies folder where I keep all the dependencies like MySDK-framework including Release-iPhone. And I just have one search-path at the Dependencies (root folder) and made it recursive.
Did you follow all of the instructions from the Readme on the project page? From the installation instructions:
You'll also need to find the framework headers, so within your
project's build settings set the Header Search Paths to the relative
path from your application to the framework/ subdirectory within the
GPUImage source directory. Make this header search path recursive.
If you're seeing the above error, it means that you did not point the Header Search Paths at the right directory where you've installed GPUImage relative to your project, and / or did not click the checkbox to the left to make those search paths recursive.
I show some screenshots of where you need to go to set this in this answer, which explains something similar for the Core Plot framework. The same principles apply, only you need to find where you installed the GPUImage framework at.
I add relative path to "Header Search Paths", but there is still a error that is "not found".
Then, I add path to "User Header Search Paths", and it works.
May help you.
finally, I realized the KEY WORD is relative!
I put GPUImage source files in my project root dir:
before I solved the problem, I add Header Search Paths is:
and make them Recursive, but error is still there, So I changed Paths to:
GPUImage/framework and make it Recursive, then it works.
Hope it helps.